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HAVE YOU SEEN BISLEY H. MUNT'S NEW ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST? If not be sure and get one (if unable to CALL and SEE his FINE NEW STOCK), before buying WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATE, JEWELLERY, RINGS OR WEDDING PRESENTS. Finest Stock for Quality, Quantity, or value in Pembrokeshire. CATALOGUE POST FREE ON APPLICATION. ADDRESSES— HAVERFORDWEST, MILFORD, AND BUCKINGHAM. September, 1899. 1375 Grocery and Provision Establishment, DEW STREET (NEAR THE FISHMARKET), HAVERFORDWEST. M. J. PHILPIN, Grocer, Tea Dealer & Provision Merchant. All Goods of the Best Quality at Lowest Possible Prices. 3ST O "W O IE5 E IT C. S. D A -V'l E S'S EXCELLENT Watch, Clock, and Jewellery Establishment IN BRIDGE STREET near the CASTLE SQUARE, HAVERFORDWEST. AN INSPECTION WILL GREATLY OBLIGE. IT 0 W OPEU 1376 A. C O Yv T A N' S PIANOFORTE & MUSIC WAREHOUSE, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. PIANOFORTES for Sale (on our improved Hire Purchase System), by First-class Makers. Prom 12 6 per month. AMERICAN ORGANS, ditto. From 16 per mouth. First Month's Payment accepted as Deposit. Large Discount for Cash. HIGH-CLASS TUNING AND REPAIRS A SPECIALITY. WRITE OR CALL FOR A. COWTAN'S NEW PlllCE LIST. 1243 TASKER'S High School for Girls, HAVERFORDWEST. Headmistress :MISS WADDY, B.A. (Assisted by Highly Qualified Mistresses) Fees—Pupils under 12, £1 Os Od per Term. Pupils over 12, il 6s 8d per Term. Country Pupils are only allowed to reside in Registered Lodgings, of which a list can be obtained (with any other information desired relative to School arrange- ments), either from the Headmistress, or from MR J. W. PHILLIPS, Solicitor, Tower Hill, Clerk to the Governors, The School re-opened on Tuesday, Sept. 12. COATE'S Nursery Biscuits Are invaluable alike to the Nursery and the Invalid. Many a sickly child has grown strong and robust by being- fed with Coate's Nursery Biscuits. 3d. per Bag. COATE'S Baking Powder Is Absolutely Pure, therdore Best. In Id. Packets, and 3d. & 8d. Drums. COATE'S Self=raising Flour Is guaranteed Pure and free from Maize Meal. It is indispensable and unsurpassed. by anything on the Market for making: Bread, Cake, Pastry Suet Puddings. Pies,' &c., &c. Ask your Grocer for it, and see that you get it. Per lb., 2d. COATE'S, MILFORD HAVEN. E. | OTICE to Quit Forms.—T.*n nit t» L-tnd!"rd and "Landlord to Tenant.—" Telegraph Office, Ilay- • eriordwest. I 1!)\). Haverfordwest & District Fanciers' I Society. Fifth ANNUAL EXHIBITION | jyjARKET "J^JALL, J J AVERFORDWEST Thursday, November 16th, 1899. -:0:- Prescient: John Worthington, Esq. Pot,-onuses Lady Scourfield, Mrs Howell Walters Mrs Charles Powis. Patron: Sir Owen Scourfield, Bart., Sir C E G Phillips, Bart.. The Right Honourable Lor, Kensington, Lieutenant Geiieral,J NV Laurie, M.P Clement J Williams, Esq. Lloyd Davies, Esq J. P Merlin's Castle, II E G Phillips, Esq, J C Yorke, E^q,? J Clement James, Esq, R Greenish, Esq, R j P L Penn, Esq, T Rule Owen, Esq, W. Howell Wt ers, Esq, E Eaton Evans, Col. R W Esq monde White, S B Sketch, Esq, J H Coram, Esq, 0 H S Williams, EiJq, H Rule Owen, Esq, damson, Esq, A W J Stokes, Esq. GRAND choice of Novelties now showing in every Department. Unequalled SELECTION throughout. High Class Millinery with a specially largo variety OF Ladies trimmed Felt Tlats. Our own exclu- sive styles. Choice Furs including the NEW Diana Collarette also Necklets in Sable, &c., at all prices. We have also a charming j variety in Autumn Dress GOODS Embroidered Robes, Nlaittes, Jackets, Costumes and Skirts. Ladies' Under- clothing, &c. AT "—— G 1 n 1 Greenish *y Da-whins, HAVERFORDWEST. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, Six Volumes, entitled: "COUNTY r SEATS OF THH NOBLKMMX In' UUEAT BRITAIX AXD IHELAX! with L'escnpUve a.,? HI.st..ncn.t]'herpr<:??. A)c')!iybc:)itt{hi!)ygot:-u?work. Condition us new. ?fn-f'cot'tt?c-ufHccofthis paper. TEMPERNESS, PARISH OF HAMLET OF ST. THOMAS. MESSRS. LLOYD, THOMAS & FISHER HAVE received instructions from Mr WILLIAM H JAMES, who is leaving the Farm, to SELL BY PUB- LIE AUCTION at TEMPERNESS, Parish of Hamlet of St. Thomas, on THURSDAY, the 26th day of OCTOBER, 1899, the following VALUABLE STOCK, &c., compring HORSES.—Bay] Horse, aged, quiet in all work Bay Mare, 5 years old, in foal, also quiet in all work. CATTLE.—G Cows, all young, and to calve early 7 Yearling Steers, 3 Yearling Heifers, and 8 Calves. SHEEP.—45 good Ewes and Lambs. PIGS AXD POULTRY.—16 Porkers, and 2 Bacon Pigs 30 Geese and a large number of Fowls. HAY AND CORN.—3 Ricks of well-saved Hay 1 Rick of well li, Rick of well harvested Tartarian Oats. IMPLEMENTS.—1 Plough, 1 Harrow, Chisel Tooth Harrow, Horse Hoe and Grubber combined, Cast Roller, Horse Rake, Cart, Trap, Threshing and Winnowing Machines, Chaffcutter, Turnip Cutter, together with the DAIRY UTENSILS, and a portion of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Luncheon at 12. Sale to commence a 1 p.m. Credit on conditions. Castle Square, Haverfordwest, October 3rd, 1899. 1401 Perfection of Blended Whisky. -Lancet. EXCELSIOR SCOTCH WHISKY. We have examined analytically this blend of Scotch Whisky, and find it to be unusually pure, of excellent flavour, and well matured. Recommended with confi- dence as a safe and palatable stimulant for the sick and oonvaleseent.Pi-actitione,i-, Edited by T. LAUDB BRUNTON, M D., LL.D., &c. Awarded Diploma-Highest Award- Cardiff Exhibition. Awarded Gold Medal International Exhibition, Bordeaux, 1896. SOLE PROPRIETORS- MARGRAYE BROS., LLANELLY. P ltICE LISTS FREE ON APPLICATION. Recommended with confidence as a Stimulant for ick and Convalescent."—London Practitioner. 195 SPECIAL NOTICE. ARTHUR J. GWILLIAM CASH TAILOR, 9, Robert Street, Milford Haven, Is at present making a speciality of Ladies' Costumes, Jackets, &c. in up-to-date Styles at prices which cannot be beaten. COSTUMES COMPLETE FROM 32s' UPWARDS. A splendid range of Patterns submitted on receipt of request, or call and see for yourselves. ALSO SPECIAL VALUE IN Suitings from = 34s. Trouserings from = = 10s. MACKINTOSHES SUPPLIED from 20a All Garments (except Makintoshes) are made upon the premises, cut and. fitted personally, and the style, fit, and general workmanship are guaranteed second to none in the trade. Is a wonderful waterproof for jgajah Eg A BOOTS and HARNESS.  Softens and preserves the j????jj?f??? leather. Pleasant odour, al- Oale.s l?,ws polishing with Blacking. GOLD MEDAL 0, .= d — H H ■ Exhibit.i.on Hirgh. est t A war s. ,Dubb8ln ?s, -d-> 6d., la. & 2s. 6d. of E)ubifi I Bootmakers, Saddlers, Iron- mongers, &c., Manufactory Dulwich, London. h- GRICA T WESTERN ltAIL IVA Y EXCURSIONS will run as under:- ?? EDNESDAY MORN I NO, XOVEMBER 1- U DAY TRIP to CARMARTHEN, SWAN- SEA, ELY (RACES), and CARDIFF from NEW and OLD MILFURD, Haverfordwest, Pembroke Dock, Tenby, \:c. For times, bookings from other stations, WEEK- END-EXCI RSIONS, &c., see bills and pamphlets. J. L. WILKINSON, 1120 General Manager. ¥ CIIA b.UALLDON, do H7;RKHY GIVE X, PUBLIC NOTICE that I will NOT BE RESPON- SIBLE FOR ANY DEBT OR DEBTS my Wife, ALICE SMALLDON, may contract after this date. (Signed), CHARLES SMALLDON. Milford Haven, Oct. 20th, 1899. LOST, between Milford and Haverfordwest, a GOLD L HARP BROOCH, set with Blue Stones. The finder will be suitably rewarded at Office of this Paper. 1422 LOST from a Field at CLARBESTON ROAD, on or about t_ the 10th inst., SIX EWES. -inforinitioii to be given to Mr W. EVASS, New House, Clarbeston Road. o 1423 STRAYED to THORXTOX, a YOUNG COLLEY. If s not claimed within 4 days will be sold to defray expenses.—Apply, CARE, Thornton. STOLEN or STRAYED from a Field near ST. S ISHMAELS, on the 2.)th AUGUST, 1899, a DARK BROWN MARE DONKEY, with Grey mark on one of the front legs.—Property of GEORGE ROCH, St. Ishmaels. TO LET FULLY LICENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE, known as the F PENRY ARMS, Portfield Gate. For particulars apply to W. H. GEORGE & Co., 18, Market Street, Haverfordwest. 1369 TO LET T III" FULLY LICENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE, NEW ■ INN, Portfield Gato. Immediate possession.— Apply GEOIWE PALMER, & SON, Haverfordwest. 1387 ROOMS TO LET, Unfurnished, at No. 22, HIGH Ft STREET, Haverfordwest.—For particulars enquire at A. COWTAN'S, Music Warehouse. APARTMENTS, consisting of Two Bedrooms and Two Sitting Rooms, to LET in a pleasant and central part of town.—Apply office of this paper. SUPERIORLY FURNISHED BEDROOM AND ? SITTING ROOM to Let in central part of Haver- fordwest. Use of Piano if required.—Apply Office of this Paper. BUSINESS PREMISES in BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, late in the occupation of MR JOHN REES, baker, as tenant, to be let on lease. -Eii(iiiire of MESSRS PRICE A* Sos, Solicitors, Dew Street. Haver- fordwest. 14 1:2 rO BE LET, with immediate possession, the Dwelling House known as MILLBANK COTTAGE with the Gard^ en and 41 acres of Meadow Land adjoining, situate i in the parish of Prendergast in the County of Pembroke. For further particulars npplv to MESSRS. EATON EVANS & WILLIAMS, Solicitors, Haverfordwest. APPRENTICE WANTED to the General Iron- niongery.—pHILLIpg ? WiLKiNS, Ironmongers, .iiavertor?west. ?'?? \}\/ ANTED experienced GENERAL SERVANT for V small falm]. in Haverfordwest. Good buine.- Apply X., office of this paper. pEQT IRED FEMALE COOK.—Apply for particulars to the MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT at the Asylum, Carmarthen. mo GOOD .C >Oi\ w; luted fn,?c Lady at Cheltenham. \J< Mnst be capable, obliging, go,.d manager and active. small house, good Parlour- maid kept. — Write L. iV., Office of Haverfordwest Telegraph." AT THE VERY TOP OF STRENGTHENING TONICS STANDS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Reliable at every change of health, suitable for every climate, safe and sure alike for men, women, and children. The Grand Secret of Dame Nature for the alleviation of INDIGESTION. NERVOUSNESS. WEAKNESS. SLEEPLESSNESS. LOW SPIRITS. DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINTS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Is advocated as a first aid toward quickening commercial instincts, for the counting-house or the market- place. It is a tonic that is sure to be wanted. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS The hard-working toilers gener- ally of the United Kingdom should remember the old saying Preven- tion is better than cure," and that just as it is necessary to call in a medical man when brain and body are overtaxed so it is desirable to do all that is possible to keep the sys- tem thoroughly up to the mark, for every rush of competition and extra labour. You have a regular doctor, have you a regular preservative of health to save you from the doctor and the doctor's bills ? If not, try GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS A purely vegetable tonic, which contains the strengthening qualities of Sarsaparilla, Saffron, Burdock, Gentian, Lavender, and Dandelion, as well as Quinine. The exact remedy you want for Palpitation, Sleeplessness, Biliousness, or Rheu- matism. It not only gives you freedom from pain but strength and zest for your work that makes it a pleasure. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. SOLD EVERYWHERE In bottles, 2s 9d and Is Gd each, or in cases containing three 4s 6d at 12s per case. The Proprietors will forward, carriage free, for the above prices, should any difficulty be experi- enced in procuring it. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. See the name Gwilym Evans" on Label, Stamp, and Bottle. SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES, WANTED TWO respectable Youths as APPRENTICES to the Churn-making and general trade of Coopers. Liberal wages. Journeymen have averaged £2 weekly at a lower rate of wages than we now pay.—Apply G. LLEWELLIN & SONS, Prize Churn Works, Haverford- west. 1278 HUBBERSTON NATIONAL SCHOOL. WANTED for the above TWO PROBATIONERS W PUPIL TEACHERS, MONITORS or MONI- TRESSES. Liberal salary given.—Apply to W, LLEWELLYN, Lydaston Farm, Milford Haven. 1418 NEW HONEY. HONEY IN SECTIONS FOR SALE; a few on n hand-the best procurable.—Apply B. THOMAS, Station-master, Johnston. FOR SALE SOME very Desirable FREEHOLD BUILDING PLOTS at Milford Haven.—Apply—COATES, Le Bon Marche, Milford Haven. 67 N OTEP APER and Envelopes in great variety. See tM large Advertisement.—" Telegraph Office, Hav- erfordwest. COMMERCIAL Envelopes 2s. lid. and 3s. 6d. per 1,000—special vtluc. Telegrtph Office, Hav- erfordwest. PENCE Envelopes for Churches and Chapels, splendid r quality, 2s. 3d. per 1,000.—"Telegraph" Office, Haverfordwest. ALL Books and Forms used by Overseers and Poor /A Rate Collectors. Telegraph" Office, Haverford- west. MXVNIFOLD Order Books (8 in. by -H in.), 9d. each Telegraph" Office, Haverfordwest. WEDDING Cake Boxes Is. Gd. per dozen.— W Telegraph Office, Haverfordwest. WEDDING Card-Largest and Choicest Selection W in the County. Specimens sent free on applica- tion.—" Telegraph Office, Haverfordwest. HIRING Agreement Forms. Telegraph" Office Ha verford west. PREPAID ADVERTISEMl£NTS SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED One Insertion. Three Insertion s. d. s. d. 15 Worclsorless 0 9 13 20 do. 1 0 19 25 do.13 2 3 30 do.16 2 9 Particular attention is called to the fact that the above scale only applies to Situations Vacant and Wanted.


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