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NARBERTH RURAL DLSTRtCT COUNCIL. Abstract of Receipts and Expenditure for the hatf-year ended 31st March, )898' RECEIPTS. JE s. d. JB a.d.! Balance brought forward from last half-year. 4411 8 from Overseers for General Expenses. 9610 7 From Overseers for Special Expenses 115 0 ———— 98 o 7! &rant from County Council in respect of Salaries of Medical Omcera of Health and Inspector of Nuisances. 48 0 0 Fees ior Licences. 1 5 0 Crajit under Agricultural Rates Act, 1896 20 6 3 ;S212 8 6J I EXPENDITURE. X s. d. jEs.d. Water works. 61711 Expenses under Infectious Disease (Xotincation)Act,1889. 115 0 Cleaning Public Urinal, &c. 0 15 2 Salaries. 48 0 0 Establishment Charges 7 9 9 ———— 64 17 10 Balance in Treasurer's hands 147 10 8 JE212 8 6 LOAN ACCOUNT. i s. d. Balance due to Treasurer at end of present half-yeaj. 98 6 7 .E98 6 7 zC s. d. Balance due to Treasurer at end of last haLf- yea.r 8910 9 Amount expended in Water Worka during preaent half-year. 81510 JEOS 6 7 JOHN THOMAS, Cierk. HUGH R. WILLIAMS, AroiTOR. toth August, 1898. [772 LOCAL TIME TABLE. July, Aug., & Sept. UP-WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS a.m. a. m a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m' NewMilIorddep 5 mo 5 U:'51 6 30 8 U:O'tÔOI.mO .m5 3 10? '51 6 3010 30 6 30 OldMiUord.? ? ? 8 510 1210 45 1 0 230J440 6 25 Old Milford A B c 8 2210 3211 12 1 18 3 22i?4 58 6 4310 41 6 43 H..WEST 5 2 o?8 33 10 42-11 23i 1 29 3 311 5 10 6 54 10 51 6 54 Clarbeston Road 8 461055 —: 1 41 3 44 5 24 11 3 — dynderwen. 1\ 8 58 11 811 42 1 53 3 55? 5 36 7 1611 15 7 16 Whitland. ) 912112512 0-2 34 55457251124725 St. Clears. 9 31 11 36 2 2114 21 6 4? 7 44 11 38 7 44 Sarnau. 9381144 230 430 614 1145 Car. Junction. 6 5i 9 4912 012 33 2 41 4 40 6 24 8 011 55 8 0 Llanelly 6 37i I 10 3112 41 1 4 3 29 5 22; 7 10 8 3312 36 8 33 p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. Paddington arr.12 3012 30(1 05 301 6 40. 6 4011 40 3 30 3 30 3 30 9 30: 3 30 A. Mondays only. B. Mondays excepted. C. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. ? DOWN-WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS 1 p.m. p.m. night a.m. t a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. Paddington dep 6 10 9 15 — 12 0 — 5 42!10 4510 37 4 30 11 45 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m Llanelly 12 12 4 27, 8 46 10 10 12 32, 2 7; 4 15' 555 Car. Junction.. 12 39 529 21 11 15 1 20 2 49 4 50 6 44 — 5 29 8 Sarnau 93011 27 1 33 3 1 — 6 58 — 9 20 St. Clears 5 20 9 3911 36 1 42. 3 11; 5 7 7 8 C 5 20 9 27 Whitland 5 36 9 5411 50 1 58: 3 26 5 22: 7 23 5 36 9 38 Clynderwen 5 5010 612 2 2 1°: 3 38 5 33i 7 35 5 50 9 50 ClarbestonRoad ,10 1812 13 2 22 3 49 B. 7 48 D ;10 2 H.-WEST 1 25 6 101028?12 24 2 31 4 0 5 53 7 5810 40 6 1010 11 Johnston.1 — 6 27104212 36 2 43 4 13 6 5 8 10 — 6 2710 23 Old Milord arr.! j 6 5311 512 50 3 0? 4 30 6 20 8 30 — — — NewMilford ..t 1 45, 6 38105512 50 2 55 4 25 6 20 8 2511 0 6 40'.10 35 A A. Via Bristol, not on Sunday nights. B. Calls at Clarbeston R')Rd when required to set down London passengers, notice to be given to the Guard at Wbitland. C. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only. D. 9.15 p.m., ex Padd. on Saturday. Trains departing from Old Milford:—6.15, 8.5, 10.12, 10.45 a.m.; 12.20, 1.0, 2.30, 3.55 4.40,,7.55. Trains arriving at Old Milford:—6.52,8.40, 11.5a.m.; 12.55, 1.35, 3.0, 4.30, 5.15 6.20,7.0,8.30. MANY A LEARNED DR. has written on the importance of avoiding Winter chills. The best preventative is suitable underwear and certainly Dr. THOMALLA'S celebrated goods appear to be perfect for the purpose. They are double Texture, and the inner one being non-absorbent, they fulnl every possible HYGIENIC requirement, for the perspiration passes through to the outer texture which never comes in contact with the skin; entirely obviating the defects of usual UNDER= wear, whether Wool, Silk or Cotton. Every one should inspect them. Made in all classes of Gentlemen's garments, and also Ladies and Child rens under- CLOTHING of all kinds. For Cycling, Touring, &c., unequalled. F'lll descriptive price lists sent on application to the Local Agents GREENISH & DAWKINS, Haverfordwest. —— ? ?? ?a- ???' ? ? The finest exercises in the opinion of many is rowing, but you cannot always appear in a Boating Suit, consequently it behoves every man to provide himself with a change of Clothing, and there is no more appropriate time for no doing than at the change of Seasons. T. G. BIRCH is now Showing all the latest novelties for Shooting, Autumn Tour- ing, &c., a very large and varied Selection in all departments. Autumn deliveries just received and are now ready for inspection. An early call will oblige. LONDON HOUSE, High Street, Haverford west. Established 1829. Opposite Shire Hall. BOROUGH OF THE TOWN & (JOUNTY OF HAVERFORUWEST. FAIRS FOR 1898. rr?HE FAIRS for 1898 will he heM as foHows JL unless unforeseen circumstances fh?U make an alteration nece.-s.uy :— JANUARY Tuesday llth. FEBLnJAKY 15th. MARCH 15th. APK1L 12th. MAY 10th. JUNE fo: Woul and Stou! 14th. JULY 13th. AUGUST 9th. SEPTEMBER 6th. 20th. OCTOBER (H'fiHg) Wedne8day 5th. TU;;8day 18th.! NOVEMBER 15th. DECEMBER 13th. THH PIC FAIRS wi1: be hel,1 on the day after the Cattle F'llir. Deafer. and others attending the Haverfordwt-.st Fairs are I)t;ebv cautioned against the practice of Lacerate with a Knifc or intru- ment for the purpose of Yarkin'! any An'mat and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under btatnte 12 &nd 1. Victoria, cap, 92, all Perscn-i found Lacera- tin", any Animal wiU be liable to a Penalty of IRIVE EO-UNDS. CIIARLES E. G. PIIILIPPS, BART.* M_ AYOR November 9th, 1897. ?QRSE & FOUR-WHEELED ??OC CART ON H!RE. r l;¡: DAVID EVANS, Corkcutter. Freemantte & Sons, I. WHOLESALE & RETAIL POULTRY FARMERS DEPOT.— 120, ROBERT ST., MILFORD HAVEN. DAILY SUPPLY OF NEW LAID EGGS. DAILY '??UPPLY OF ?,,ENV LAID EGGS. SMART POXY AND TRAP FOR HIRE DAN LESTER, WHOLESALE 1\1 Fish and Ice Merchant, MILFORD HAVEN. All Orders (large or smalV p;-o))tplly executed. TELEGRAMS:—LESTEK, MILFORD HAVEN. 718 BOOMING AHEAD. Thousands Drink it Daily. 0???? THE BEST VALUE MONEY CAN BUY. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Wholesale Agents- J. & J. P. REYNOLDS, 689 Haverfordwest. MR. J. V. S. BENNETT TTAS mnc!) pleasure !n announcing that he has jn- opened OHices at the undermentioned ddreas as Land Agent, Auctioneer, & Valuer, ) And in intimating to prospective clients, that all business entrusted to his charge shall receive his direct and personal attention. MR BENNETT'S professional experience has been gained in one of the most important and best known provincial omces in the hingdom while his practical knowledge of Agriculture ha-) been perfected by continuous residence on the well ordered farm of a nrst rate agrictllttirist and prize taker. MR BENNETT is prepared to undertake the general management of large or small Landed Estates, the collection of Rents and Tithes, the auc. tion of real or personal property, the survey of lands and buildingf, and any simitar work ordinarily fa)I- ing within the province of sn agent in varied practice Terms may be had on application. Omces, UPPER TOWER HILL, Haverfordwest. AGENT TO THE EMPRESS ASSURANCE C'OKPORA'fJON LIMITED—Fire, Burglary, and Plate Glass MONUMENTS, TOMBS, CROSSES, HEADSTONES, ARTIFICIAL WREATHS, &c W. J. COljE, MONUMENTAUST, &c., Holds an uucqualled stock of all kiuds of Memoria m Marble, Gr'uiitc, and Forest !Stouo. (ruarauteed Migher CInss Work, at, lower Pricea, than supplied anywhere in the (Jouuty. Just arrived, Grand New Stock of Sto(;k of ARTIFICIAL WREATHS. Prices very low. SPLENDID LOT OF WREATHS TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE. (Write for Par- ticulars.) ALL MEMORIALS SENT CARUIAGE PAID. Enquiries invited to W. J. COLE, 18, Commercial Row, Pembroke Dock tj OUSE TO LET at Merlm's Terrace, in this town, n Immedia.te Possession may be had. Apply: G. J. TBEW, High Street, Haverfordwest. 388 COMFOHTAllLE LODGINGS to Let In central part ? of the Town, suitable for cue or two Young Men.— Apply A., OHice of this Paper. LIST OF SALES BY J. LLEWELLYN DAVIES. On TcEsuAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, at LAND, near Scoveston Fort, Crops of Corn and Hay, the pro- perty of Mr Thomas Rees. On MoxDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, at HEARSON, Clear-out-Sale of Live Stock, Agricultural Implements, Crops of Corn and Hay, Dairy Utensils, Furniture, &c., the property of Mr James Thomas. On MoxDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, at CLEGGARS, in the Parish of Lamphey, about 400 head of Cattle, and Shropshire Down Sheep, &c., the property of Charles Mathias, Esq. On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, at WALWYN'S CASTLE FARM, Dairy Cows, Young Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Dairy Utensils and Agricultural Implements, the property of Mr Watts. On WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, at WALTON WEST FARM, Dairy Cows, Young Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Hay, Implements, Furniture, &c., the property of Mr John George. On MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, at DALE, Household Furniture, &c., the property of Mr Mathias. CLEGGAR'S FARM. LAMPHEY, PEMBROKESHIRE. Important Unreserved Three Months' Credit Sale of 400 Head of Horned Cattle, Sheep & Lambs. J. LLEWELLYN DAVIES AS been favoured with instructions from r Charles Mathias, Esq., of Lamphey Court, to SELL BY PuBLic AucTioN at CLEGGAR'S FARM, Lamphey, on MODAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1898, 400 HEAD OF HORNED CATTLE, SHEEP, LAMBS, &c., Consisting of 14 Two-year-old BULLOCKS, pure bred Caatle- martin. 2 BULLS do. do. do. 15 Choice DAIRY COWS, in Milk. do. 16 YEARLING HEIFERS, do. do. 26 do. STEERS, do. do. 16 BARREN HEIFERS, do. do. 4 In-calf JERSEY COWS. 150 Pure-bred SHROPSHIRE EWES. 100 do. do. LAMBS. 48 do. do. YEARLING RAMS. The Auctioneer has much pleasure in inviting the attention of the farmers, cattle dealers, and butchers, to this genuine sale of Horned Cattle and Sheep. The fact of their being bred by the Vendor is in itself a guarantee of their quality and excel- lence, and we prefer inviting you to judge for your- self when the animals are offered for Sale, rather than place a long pedigree before you in print. Sale to commence at 2 p.m., prompt. Luncheon, by ticket, at 12 o'clock. WALTON WEST FARM, PARISH OF WALTON WEST. Unreserved Three Months' Credit Clear-out Sale of Choice Milch Cows, Young Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Crops of Hay, Agricultural Implements, Dairy Utensils, Household Furniture, &c. J. LLEWELLYN DAVIES TJA8 been favoured with instructions from MR. JLJL JoHN GEORGE, who is leaving the Farm, to SELL BY PUMJC ArcTlOX On WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH, 1898, at WALTON WEST FARM, the whole of the LIVE STOCK, CROPS OF HAY, IMPLE- MENTS, DAIRY UTENSILS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of :— HopNEu CATTLE.—10 choice Milch Cows, 2 with Calves at their feet, 2 to calve in a month, and the othera in full pront, 1:3 young two-year old Steers and Heifers of prime quality, several of which are fit for the Butcher. HousEs.—1 two-year old Colt and 1 Yearling Filly. Pies.— 4 good Sows and Litters. IlAY.—3 Ricks of excellent well-saved Meadow Hay. Ar.RtcrLTt'RAL IMPLEMENTS.—1 Howard's Swing Plough, 1 Harrow, Thrashing Machine (good as new), 1 Dog-cart suitable for a Cob, Spring Cart with Roger's Patent Axle, suitable for a Farmer or Butcher, 1 Cart suitable for Pony or Donkey. D.\iRY UTExsiLs.—l Llewellin's Patent Churns, Milk Pans, Cream Pots, &c., &c. HorsEHOLu FunNin'RE.—Half-tester and other Iron and Wooden Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, Chests of Drawers, Chairs, Dressing Tables, Wash- stands, Toilet Glasses, Sets of Bedroom Ware, Towel Horses, Carpets, Hearthrug- &c., Mahogany and other Tables, Couch covered in Hair Cloth, CheSioneer, Easy and other Chairs, Dresser, Skew, &c. Sale to commence at Two p.m. prompt. Three Months' Credit subject to Conditions. The Auctioneer respectfully invites the attention of the Farmers, Dniry Keepers and Butchers of the district to this genuine cicar-out Sale, the Cows have been carefully selected for their milking qualities, and those with Calves at their feet and the early Calvers should enlist your special attention. The Young Cattle are a prime lot, many of them being now fit for the Butcher. The Implements, Dairy Utensils and Household Furniture are nearly new and 'are well worth the attention of those requiring to be supplied. The Auctioneer would respectfully urge ¿m ef)r!y attendance so that the whole of the Lots may be got over before dark. [779 SWANSWELL, PARISH OF WALTON. Unreserved Three Months' Credit Sale of Milch Cows, Young Cattle, Sow in Farrow, Horee. Crops of Corn and Hay, Implements, Portion of Household Furniture, &c. J. LLEWELLYN DAVIES TTAS been instructed by MR. R];ED, who is leaving -M the Farm, to SELL i;Y P?jiLic Arcnox at SWANSWELL, ox THURSDAY, SEPTEMHER 29TH, 180-s, the following LIVE STOCK, CROPS OF CORN AND HAY, IMPLEMENTS OF HUSBAN- DRY, DAIRY UTENSILS, Portion of HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, &c., consisting of: LivE STOCK.—Three Choice Milch Cows, Yearling Hull, Yearling Heifer, three Calves, two Sows in farrow, one Horse Bellman," four years old, warranted quiet, free from vice and true in harness, and two Sows in farrow. Cpops.—40 Mows of Black Tartarian Oats. four Mows of Wheat, two Ricks of well-saved Meadow Hay. IMPLEMENTS AND DAmY UTEXsiLS.—One Tumbril Cart and Rails, one Donkey Cart, Churn, Milk Pans, Butter Tub, &c. Also a portion of the Household Furniture, &c. Sale to Commence at Two p.m. Sharp. The Auctioneer respectfully urges a prompt atten- dance so that the whole of the Lots may be disposed of during the Afternoon. 773 WALWYN'S CASTLE FARM, PARISH OF WALWYN'S CASTLE. Unreserved Three Months' Credit Sale of Dfdry Cows, Young Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Lambs, Agricultural Implements, Dairy Utensils, and portion of Household Furniture. J. LLEWELLYN DAVIES JfLJt L AS received instructions from Mp. WATTS, who .r is retiring from farming, to SELL BY Pcnuc ArcTicx, at WALWYN'S CASTLE FARM, ox TtK.SDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH, HW' t')C LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, DAIRY UTENSILS, HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, &c consisting of: HoRXED CATTLE.—TenChoicc MilchCows, 2 In- calf Heifers, 1 two-year-old Steer, I Store Heifer, and G Calves. HoRSES.—T Chcsnut Marc, aged, and I Filly Colt by Confidence." Sjn:Ep.—Nine Store Ewes, 11 Lambs, and 1 year- ling Ram. Pics.—One Sow and litter, and <j very forward slips. lMpLEM]:\Ts OF Hrs)!AXDRY.—Onc Tumbril Cart and Tripples (quite new), 1 Pony Spring Cart, I Set Shaft Harness. 1 Se!< Leading Harness, Wheel- barrows, Pig Troughs, Ladders, Picks, Rakes, &c. DAIRY UrnxsiL.s.—Onc Barrel Churn, 4 double Sets of Milk Pans and Stands, Buckets, Beaters, Creampots, &c., &e. Also a portion of Household Furniture. Sale to Commence at Two p.m. Luncheon on the Table at 12 o'clock. The Auctioneer respectively invites an early atten- dance so that he may commence at Two p.m. prompt, in order to get through the whole of the Lots in one day. 777 SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. W. REES CARVER in'AS been instructed to offer for SAn: nv PrjtLic JLJL ArcTicx at the GROVM HOTEL, Sr. DAYm's, about the end of September, the desirable FARM of UPPER HARGLODD, situate in the Parish of St. David's, and now in the occupation of Mr J. M. Owen as yearly tenant. Further particulars wiU appear in detailed advcr- ti.-cments, and in the meantime information may be obtained of Mr R. L. FLu-opx, Solicitor, 36, Theo- 1),tld,i Road, Gray's Inn, London; Mr jAs. Ttfo.MAs, Estate Agent, < Victoria Place, Haverfordwest; and of the Auctioneer. MISS ELLEN JOHN, ? QUAY STHEET, HAVERFORDWEST, IS PREPARED TO GIVE LESSONS ON THE PIANOFORTE. TKRMS OX APPLICATIOX. Next term commences September Hth. 71S SALES BY WILLIAM JONES, AUCTIONEER. MICHAELMAS, 1898. On Monday, August 29th, at ST. ISHMAEL'S CASTLE, in the Parish of St. Ishmael's, the residence of Mr Jacob James, Live Stock, Crops of Corn and Hay, Implements, &c. On Monday, September 12th, at Main Street, Pembroke the residence of Mr David Arlow, Butcher, House- hold Furniture, Saddlery Requisites, and other enects. On September 14th, at LITTLE HAVEN, the residence t of Mr John Russan, Household Furniture, and other Enects. On September 21st, at PRENDERGAST PAPER MULLS, Haverfordwest, Paper-making Machinery, Plant, and other Enects. On Wednesday, September 21st, ou the premises the Leasehold Dwelling House called MILL BANK COTTAGE, the Prendergast Paper Milla, and the Bleaching Field. On September 22nd, at MEAD LODGE, Houghton, Live Stock, Crops of Corn and Hay, &c. On September 24th, at the ANGEL INN, Church Street, Haverfordwest, Household Furniture, and other Effects. On the 27th September, at UPPER SWANSWELL, Broad Haven, Dairy Cows, Young Cattle, Pigs, Pony and Trap, Hay, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c.. the Property of Mrs Rosser. I On the 28th September, at DERBY, near Haverford- west, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Hay and Corn, &c., the property of Owen H. S. Williams, Esq. On Thursday, September 29th, at PARK HOUSE, near Prendergast, Dairy Cows, Young Cattle, Pigs, Hay, &c., the property of Mr Thomas John. On Friday, September 30th, at the LIVERPOOL ARMS, Dark Street, Haverfordwest, HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, Publicans Trade Utensils, &c., the property of Mrs Bartlett. On Monday, Oct. 3rd, at Haverfordwest, TWO FREE- On Monday, HOUSES in Barn Street, let to David Rees HOLD and Mary Rees respectively, and ONE HOUSE on ) Prendergast West Side let to Henry Griffiths. Early in October, at SUTLAND COTTAGE, Little Haven, household furniture, and other ejects. About the same date, a Leasehold Dwelling-house and Large Garden at CLARBESTON ROAD, held for the unexpired term of 47 years, from Michaelmas, 1898, let to Mrs Scourneld. 40, High Street, Haverfordwest, August 31st, 1898. PARISH OF BURTON. Unreserved Sale of Horses, Pigs, Corn, Hay, Implements, Dairy Utensila, &c. MR. WILLIAM JONES TTAS been instructed to SEH. BY Aucnox at UL MEAD LODGE, HOUGHTON, on TnURs- DAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1898, the whole of the LIVE STOCK, CROPS OF CORN AND HAY, IMPLE- MENTS, DAIRY UTENSILS, and other Effects, comprising :— LIVESTOCK,—1 Cart Mare in foal by "Urchal Fame," 1 excellent Cart Mare, 2 years, by the said Urcbal Fame," 1 Sow in litter and 2 Pigs. CRors.—1 Rick of Meadow Hay, 2 Ricks of Clover Hay, 1 Butt of Straw, 2 Ricks of Oats, about H5 Mows of do., 75 Mows of Barley, 1 Stack of Wheat and about 70 Drills of Swedes. IMPLEMENTS, &c. Hay Mowing Machine by Wood, Hornsby's Wheel Plough, Howard's Digger, Chiseltooth Harrow, Zigzag do., Iron Roller, Turnip Drul, tdorse Pane, 2 Horse iioes, ?ouoie-iom, Winnowing Machhe, ChaScntter, Turnip Slicer, Tumbril Cart and Tripples, Set of Shaft Harness, 2 Sets of Plough Harness, Set of Nickel Gig Harness, lot of odd Harness, pair New Wheels, &c., &c. Also the Dairy Utensils and other Effects. Sale to commence at one o'clock. Three months credit, subject to conditions. 40, High Street, Haverfordwest, September 13tb, 1898. 7C8 PARISH OF WALTON WEST. Important Sale of Dairy Cows, Young Cattle, Pony and Dogcart, Pigs, Dairy and Brewing Utensils, Household Furniture, &c. MB. WILLIAM JONES B TAS been instructed by MRS. LonsA RossER -Ll (who is relinquishing Farming), to SELL BY Arc'rlox AT UPPER SWANSWELL, YEAR BROAu HAYEx, ox TUESDAY, SHi'TEM]!ER 27, 1.S98, the whole of the LIVE STOCK. CROP OF HAY, DAIUY AND BREWING UTENSILS, &c., comprising: Four choice young Dairy Cows, all expected to calve early, three reared Calves, Sow and litter of 12 young Pigs, very superior Pony, aged seven years, Rick of Meadow Hny, two-wheeled Dogcart, Spring Cart, Set of Nickel Harness, Spring Cart Hnrnes, together with the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other En'ecta, which include :—Mahogany Loo, Pembroke, and other Tables, half-dozen Mahogany Chairs covered in hair, do. Couch in leather, do. Chest of Drawers, CheSionier Bedstead, Iron and Wooden do., Feather Beds, Mattresses, Washstand and Ware, Kitchen Dresser and Ware, Corner Cup- board, Book Shelves and Books, Garden Tools, Iron and Stone Riga' Troughs, Picks, Rakes, Ladders, and numerous other articles not mentioned. Sale to commence at One o'clock punctually. Four Months' Credit, subj ect to Conditions. 40, High Street, HaveHordwcst, September 5th, 1898. DERBY FARM, ABOUT ONE MILE FROM HAVERFORDWEST Highly Important Unreserved Sale of Horses, Dairy Cows, Young Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Corn and Hay, Implements of Husbandry, &c. MR. AWLLIAM JONES TTAS been favoured with instructions from OwEN ±1 H. S. WiLM-?Ms, Esq., of Fern Hill (who in giving up the Farm), to SELL ]tY Auci'iox. at the above place, on \VE»XEsnAY, SEl'TEMHlm 28TH, 1898, the whole of the valuable LIVE STOCK, CROPS OF CORN AND HAY, IMPLEMENTS OF HUS- BANDRY, &c., comprising:— CATTLE. Twelve choice Dairy Cows, some in full pront, others to calve early, one well bred Yearling Short- Horn Bull, 1:3 excellent Cross-bred two-year-old Steers and in-calf heifers, M very promising Yearling Steers and Heifers, and 13 strong Calves. HORSES. Brood Mare "Gtadys," aged. by "Zanzibar," dam by "The Brigand,"in foaltc "Aylesbury," sucking Colt by Utility," dam Gladys," Yearling nlly by."Utility," da'n "Gladys," two-ycar-otd nlly by Stonenekl," dam Gladys," two-year-old Colt by Utility," dam by York," three-year-old Gelding by "Stonefield," dam by "York," calcu- lated to make a fine weight carrying hunter, two- year-old Colt by Emiyn Fashion," out of a grand Trotting Cob, Yearling Colt by Trotting Britain," out of the same dam as last named, Sucking Colt by "Comet Bach," 1 Cart Marc "Dandy," aged seven, and 1 Cart Horse "Spanker," also aged seven, both good workers. SHEEP. Fifty-two grand two-ycar-old and aged Ewes, 25 YearJing Ewes, 72 excellent Ewe and Wether Lambs, 7 Ram Lambs. The whole of the Sheep are of Shropshire and Oxford-crosa breed. PIGS. 5 very useful Porkers. CROPS OF CORN AND HAY. 212 Mows of smaU Black Scotch Oats, well har- vested, 2 Ricka of Old Hay, 3 Ricks of this year's Meadow Hay, all well saved. IMPLEMENTS OF HUSBANDRY, &c. Albion Reaper, Colcman's Cultivator, Iron Roller, Corn DriH, Pole Pitcher, Hornsby Digger, Howards' Spring Plough, Chisel Tooth Harrow. Horse Hoe, Sheep Rack, Turnip DriH, Shaft and Lcadiug Har- ness, Plough do., and other cirects too numerous to mention. Luncheon on the Table at 11 o'clock. Sale to commence at 11.30. Three Months' Credit subject to Conditions of SuJe. The Auctioneer begs to draw attention of intend- ing purchasers to this Important Sale, the quality of Mr Williams' Stock being well known in the County, and asks for a punctual attendance, in order to dis- po-e of the whole in one day. 40, High Street, Havcrfordwest, Sept. 5th, 1808. PARISH OF PRENDERGAST, NEAR HAVERFORDWEST. Unreserved Sale of Dairy Cows, Pigs, Dairy and j! Brewing Utensils, &c. MR. WILLIAM JONHS FJ AS been instructed by Mr TuoM.\s Jonx (who is j?L relinquishing Farming), to SEf.L xy Pt )!Hc AUCTlox at PARK HOUSE, in the parish of Pren- dúrgast, on THUHSlI.\ Y, S);rrj:)iHEj: rtf).' 2')t!j, !898, the whole or the LIVE STOCK, CROPS OF HAY, DAIRY AND BREWING UTENSILS, &c., corn- prising:—8 excellent Dairy Cows, I recently calved, another expected to calve before the day of Sale, and the remainder very soon, I Cart More, 9 nrst rate Porkt-rs, 2 Ricks of Lay Hay, about 21 Tons, the Dairy and Brewing Utensils, Tumbril Cart and Tripplea, Spring Cart, Shaft Harness, Trap Harness, Chain Harrow, several Pigs' Troughs, 3 Ladders, a quantity of Manure and Timber and other effects not particularized. Sale to commence at One o'clock. Three Months' Credit subject to conditions of Sale. 40, High Street, Haverfordwcst, September i'th, l.Si'8. 7GC HAVERFORDWEST. Unreserved Sale of Antique and Modern Household Furniture, Glass, Ware, Licensed Victuallers' Trade Utensils, &c. MR. WILLIAM JONES TTAS been instructed by Mrs. BARTLETT (who is JL1 relinquishing business) to SELL BY AUCTION at the LIVERPOOL ARMS, DARK STREET, on FRIDAY. SEpTEMjtER 30th, 1898, the whole of the FHROIUDASYE, HOLD FURNITURE, TRADE UTENSILS AND OTHER EFFECTS, comprising:—Mahogany Chemoneer, do. Bookcase with Glass Front, Mahogany Couch covered in Cretonne, 2 Mahogany Easy Chairs covered in horse-hair and leather respectively, 1 Arm and half-dozen Parlour Chairs, 2 Basket Chairs, Grandfather's Clock, Timepiece, Mahogany Pembroke, Dining, Fancy and other Tables, Pier Glass, Pictures, Ornaments, Iron Bed- steads, Palliasses, Feather Bed, Bolsters and Piltows, Double and other Washstands and Ware, Antique Oak Chest of Drawers with brass handles, Toilet Glass, Hip Bath, Commode, Cane-seated Chairs, Beer Engine, Filter by Lipscombe, Bar Table, Bar Seats and Forms, Spirit Kegs, Pewter Be3r and Spirit Measures, 6 dozen Glasses, together with all the KITCHEN FURNITURE AND UTENSILS, which include Dresser and Ware, Tables, 1 Arm and half-dozen Teak and Mahogany Chairs, Lamps, and sundry other articles. Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock. Purchase Money to be paid at the time of Sale. 40, High Street, Haverfordwest, 19th September, 1898. HAVERFORDWEST. Sale of Desirable Freehold Dwellinghouses in Prendergast and Barn Street. MR. WILLIAM JONES TJAS been instructed to Offer for SALE i!Y Prune U. AL-cnoN AT THE TEMPERANCE HALL, Haverfordwest, ON MoxDAY, THE 3RD DAY of OCTOBER, 1898, at seven o'clock in the evening the following FREEHOLD PROPERTY:— LoT 1. A Commodious Dwellinghouse, Shop (with shop uttings) and Bakery, with stable and pig- atye attached, situate in Prendergast (West side) and occupied by Mr Henry Grimtha, as half yearly tenant at the yearly rent of zC13. These premises contain a frontage to the street of 29 feet, and offer a most desirable investment. LOT 2.-A Dwellinghouse and Garden situate in Barn Street, and occupied by Mr David Reea as quarterly tenant at the low yearly rent of .€5 lis. LoT 3.—A Dwellinghouse and Garden situate ad- joining the last lot, and occupied by Mrs Mary Evans as quarterly tenant at the low yearly rent of JE-5 14s. All the lots are in good condition and are let to respectable tenants. Further information may be obtained of the Auctioneer, High Street, Haverfordwest; or of Missus. EATON EVANS & WILLIAMS, Haverfordwest, The Vendor's Solicitors. Haverfordwest, I3thSeptember,1898. 76<) PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. THE RECTORY, SAINT BRIDES. Important Sale of valuable Household Furniture, China, GJass, Dinner and Dessert Services, Pictures, Ornaments, Organ, Hooks, Carriage Mare, Pha-ton, Bicycle, Tumbril Cart, Car- riage and Cart Harness, Gentleman's Saddle and Bridle, Poultry, Lawn Mower and Roller, Potatoes in Drills, &c., &c. GEORGE JONES T_J AS been favoured with instructions from the fL Executrix of the late Rev G. D. Davies, to SHLL ny Aucnox, at the above Rectory, on THURSDAY. 29th SHPT)-;Mi!HK, 1898, all the Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS above referred to. Full particulars will appear in Posters. Sa!e to conunence at 10.30 for 11.30 sharp. Three Months' Credit subject to conditions of sale. Old Bridge, Haverfordwest, 8th Sept., 1898. TOWN OF HAVERFORDWEST. FREEHOLD COTTAGES FOR SALE. MR. WM. GEORGE JAMES TJAS received instructions to offer for SALE BY ijL Pn!Lic A?'GTiox on SATURDAY, the 24th day of SEi'TEMRER, 1898, at half-past two o'clock in the afternoon, at the SWAN HOTEL, Haverfordwest, the following valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY. LoT 1.—A11 that MESSUAGE or DWELLING. HOUSE and GARDEN, situate in Preudergast, in the Town and County of Haverfordwest (and being opposite the Branch Baptist Chapel), now in the occupation of Joseph Morgans, as tenant thereof, at the aonual rent of ,£5 Os. Od. LoT 2.—All those FIVE MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES with the GARDENS there- unto belonging (which said Gardens arc situate in front of the said Messuages or Dwelling-houses) situate in Fountain Row, in the Parish of St. Mary, Haverfordwest, in the occupation of the following Tenants, John Gannon, William Thomas, John Edgar, John Morris, and Mrs Marychurch. This Lot is let to tenants at a weekly rental of Is. lOd. each per week, and produces a gross annual rental of f23 K;s. 8d. If not sold in one Lot the houses in Lot 2 will be offered in several Lots. Particulars and Conditions of Sale are being pre- pared, and any further information may be obtained on application to the Auctioneer, Mr W. G. JAMEs, at Llys-yr-onen, Fishguard or Mp. WM. DAVIES GEORGE, Solicitor for Vendors, Hill Lane, Haverfordwest. PEMBROKESHIRE. TOWN OF HA VERFORD"WEST. MEssR.s. T. RULE OWEN & SON tjAVE been favoured with instructions to OrrER JLJL rep SALE jtY PotLn' AccTicx at the CASTLE HOTEL, Haverfordwest, on WEDNESDAY, the 5th day of Oc'TOUER, 1898, at Three o'clock p.m., all that FREEBOLD RESIDENCE AND CUT-PREMISES, KNOWN AS CLOGHAN" MTOT-TSM, situate in High Street, Haverfordwest, with STABLES and GARDEN in HiLL LANE, all in the occupation of Dr. E. P. Phillips as yearly tenant, at the rent of £.10. The House comprises Underground Kitchen, Pantries, Area and Entrance; on Ground Floor, Surgery, Hall, Pantry, and Dining Room on First Floor, Drawing Room, Smoke Room, Bedroom, W.C. on Second Floor. 3 Bedrooms, W. C. with good Attics over. There is a Back-yard with Coal and Wond Houses, also a large Room, formerly used as a Surgery with Loft over Steps lead up to Garden and to Stables, which comprise large Loose Box and one Stall. Saddle Room, Yard, Privy, and Hay and Corn Lofts with entrance to Hill Lane. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, Haverfordwest; to MAJOR WvxxK, Estate OIBces, Pembroke or to MR. MORGAN RICHARDSON, Cardigan. 763 Solicitor to the Vendor. 763 Solicitor to the Vendor. PEMBROKESHIRE. Highly Important Ctear-out Sale cf over 50 head of Life Stock, about 50 Tons of Hay, valuable Crops of Corn, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy and Brewing Utensils, &c. JOSE P'HW A T T S TS instructed to SELL ]!Y ArcnoN at -L TREFFGARNE FARM, in the parish of St. Dogwella, on MoxDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1898, the following EFFECTS :— CATTLE.—10 Milch Cows of the Black and Cross Breed, 1 two-year old Black Bull, 4 Yearling Heifers, 1 Yearling Bull, 10 Calves. HoRsEs.—G excellent Cart Mares—three, six and eight yenrs old respectively, perfect in atl harness and likely to be in foal, aged Horse, 2 aged Marcs, both stinted to a good horse, 2 Yearling Colts by "Arch Duke." I'[us.—3 Sows in farrow, 7 Bacon Pigs, 10 Slips. CKoi-s.-4 Ricks of Hay, Rick old Hay, all in nrst-clas;! condition, 130 Mows of Barley, 100 Mows of Oats, quantity of Farm-yard Manure. iMi'LEMHYfs.—3 Swing Ploughs. 2 Iron Harrows, 1 Chiscltooth Harrow, Cast Iron Roller, Horse Hoe, Turnip Drill, Turnip Slicer, Threshing Machine. Winnowing Machine, Chaircutter by BeutaII, suitable for water or horse gear, 2 Tumbril Carta and Tripples, Wheelbarrow, Pigs' Troughs, Ladders, Winchester Measure, quantity of Sacks, Grindstone, several Flags, seasoned Timber, double-barrel Gun, muzzle loader lUBe, 2 Ser.9 of Shaft and Forecart Hurness, 2 Sbts of Plough Harness, Saddle and Bridle, numerous Farming Tools and other lots. D.\iRY UTi'.xsiLS.—Drukc Churn, Checsepress, Milk Pans. Cream Pots. Butter Tubs and Buckets, Vats, Brewing Xivc, Casks, Brass Pan, &c. Luncheon at 11. Sale to commence at 12. Credit on Conditions. Lctterston. Sept. 12th, 1898. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. nUY IRISH TWEEDS (pure wool), 7 Ya.rds for D IG?Gd; Suits, ?GsM: Welsh Fla.imel Shirts, two for 11 a. Patterns and self measurement forms on application.—MATUIAS & Co., N.n'bcrth. 874. GREAT SALE OF MOUNTAIN AND CROSS-BRED SHEEP. MESSRS. WM. THOMAS & SON WILL SELL BY AccTiON at CLYNSEITHMAN, TY Monacblogddu Parish (about 2 miles from Maenclochog and Rosebush Railway Stations), on FpinAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 1898, 800 SHEEP AND LAMBS of the above breeds together with the whole of LIVE STOCK, CROPS, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, property of the Trustees of the late Mn. Joux DAYiEs. Sale to commence at 10.30 a.m. 775 PENYBEDD, BURRY PORT, CARMARTHEN. Distant 2 miles from'Burry Port and Kidwelly Stations on the Main Line of the Great Western Railway. Great Clear-out Sale of Pedigree and other Short- horn Cattle, and Nag Horses, Cross Bred Sheep, Pigs, Implements, Dairy Utensils and House- hold Furniture. MESSRS. LLOYD AND THOMAS RE favoured with instructions from Mrs. W. ",1 S. MARSH, to SELL BY ArcTioN, without reserve, at the above place on MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 4th and 5th, 1898 — 185 Head of Cattle, including 32 Milch Cows, 10 aged, yearling and bull Calves, 26 full Pedigree Shorthorn Cows and Heifers, 13 Fat Cattle, 19 two-year-old Heifers, 28 Yearling Heifers, 30 Yearling Steers, and 19 Steer and Heifer Calves 55 Horses, including 9 cart Geldings and Mares, 3 three-year-old cart geldings, 5 two-year-old, and 4 Yearling cart Colts, and Fillies, 3 Cobs, 14 Hackney Brood Marea, 3 thiee-year-old, two-year- old and Yearling Hackneys, by Lord Dacre." 550 Sheep, comprising 270 Cross Bred Ewes, and 280 long-tailed Lambs. 57 Pigs, including 3 Sows with litters, 1 Boar, 3 Sows in furrow, and 20 store Pigs. Also the whole of the Modern Collection of Implements, and Dairy Utensils. Luncheon (by ticket), at U o'clock. The sale to positively commence at 12.30 o'clock each day. Credit on Conditions. Catalogues may be obtained of the Auctioneers, 5, Quay Srcet, Carmarthen. ARMY CONTRACTS. rJpL ENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF FORAGE for the period of Six MOTHS from 1st NOVEMBER, 1898, at the various Stations in the WESTERN DISTRICT, will be received at the uudermentioned omcc, until 12 o'clock noon, on WEDNESDAY, the 28th SEPTEMBER, 1898. Forma of Tender, with list of Stations can be obtained on application to the AssiaTAXT ADJUTANT GENERAL. District Head Quarter Omce, Devonport, 14th September, 1898. 773 COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. IN THE MATTER OF THE LICENSING ACTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN r HA the COUNTY LICENSING COMMITTEE appointed by Quarter Sessions for the County of Pembroke will meet at the SHIRE HALL, HAYERi'ORDWE.s'r, on THURSDAY, the 29th Day of SEPTEMBER inst., at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to hear applications for Confirmation of Licenses. Dated this 7th day of September, 1898. WM. DAVIES GEORGE, Clerk of the Peace. Shire Hall,Haverfordwest. THE I Sign of t the Cross WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE BEN GREET COMPANY, AT THE MASONIC HALL, HAVERFORDWE5T On Saturday & Monday, Sept. 24 & 26th, FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY. PRICES:— I Reserved Seats, 3s.; Unreserved Seats, 2a. and Is. Early Doors open at Seven, Gd. extra.. Ordinary Doors, 7.30; Commence, 8; Carriages, 10.30. All Ticket Holders admitted Early Doors without extra charge. Plan and Seats can now be Booked at Mr LL. BBiQSTOCKE's Library, Market Street. VISITORS TO LONDON WIIJ. 1'IXU A HOME FROM HOME, AT 2, EASTBOURNE TERRACE, OPPOSITE PADDINGTON STATION. Bed & Breakfast from 3/6 per day. :Juses for all parts pass the door, and Station of Metropolitan Railway within 100 yards of House. -TO LET, Commodious DWELLING HOUSE, known t as Priory Villa," Milford Haven.—Apply Miss JOHNS, Hamilton Terrace. -T-0 LET on the 29th inst., No. 6, ALBION TERRACE, t now in the occupation of Mrs Vanghan James.— Apply to ISAAC YouNu, Merchant, Haverfordwest. 752 -p0 LET, SEPTEMBER 29th, DEER PARK LODGE, ) portneld Gate, Good House and Garden.—Apply to Mr J. H. WILLIAMS, Springneld House, Haverfordwest. [H2 ? ? ? -r0 LET—CONVENIENT HOUSE,—9 Rooms, ) Stable, Coach House, and Garden, close to Clarbeston Road Station. Rent XII.-Apply, MB W. TnoMAs, Ironmonger, Haverfordwest. -r- O BE LET at Michaelmas to a Blacksmith, a SHOP, t HOUSE AND LAND, called DiBTY GATE, in the Parish of Roch.—Apply to MRS. STOKES, Cuffern, Roch. 739 nnO BE LET, with immediate possession, HOUSE ?- and GARDEN at PRENDERGAST HILL.— Apply Mrs E. R. LEwif, The New Bridge, Haver- fordwest. HOUSE TO LET. -T'O LET at Miehaolmas, No. 11, Hill Street, recently t put in thorough repair.—Apply W H REYNOLDS, Cabinet maker. 729 TO BE LET fit Michaelmas next, a SmaU DAIRY t FARM (consisting of about 22 Acres) together with HOUSE AND GARDEN, situate at the OBSERVATORY, Hakin, and now in the occupation of Mr James Owen.— For further particulars apply to Mr J. T. Ll. PniMp DAVIES, Observatory Hall, Milford Haven. 720 ? rro LET. NEAR FISHGUARD, PEMBROKE- SHIRE. r_pL HAT very desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE called "CA RN E situnte about I} miles from Goodwick, and two miles from Fishc'uard, with a magui- ncient view of Goodwiek Hay and the surrounding country. The house which has recently been rebuilt is in excellent repair, and faces south- east. There are first rate Stables, Saddle Room, Coach House, Kennels, aud large walled Garden attached to the house. There are 6S ACRES of PASTURE and ROUGH LAND—which are to let with the house. This house seems particularly adapted to any gentleman who may wh:h to reside in this rapidly improving neighbourhood. The Goodwick Station of the North Pembrokeshire Railway will be within 1'. miles. Excellent shooting may be obtained in the district and the house is witbm reach of "The Tivyside and "Pembrokeshire Foxhounds." For further particulars apply to ??? W. '1'. S. TO:\1Ht;, Solicitor, 71C Fish guard. BOOMING AIIEAD. Thousands Drink it Daily. TRE BEST VALUE MONEY CAN BUY. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Wholesale Agents— j. & J. P. REYNOLDS, (j8!J Haverfordwest. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVATTS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. is THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, LOSS OF APPETITE, IMPURE BLOOD, CHEST AFFECTIONS, LOW SPIRITS, INFLUENZA. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK. Strengthens that part wf th' system which is weakest of has been weakened by disea$e, and therefore more liable to Colds and their attendant &3" ments. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. I GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. I THE VEGETABLE TONIC. HEALTH TO THE SICK. Purifies the Blood and Stimulate' the Circulation, Assiata and Pro* I motes Digestion, and Improve the Appetite. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS &WILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. ENJOYMENT IN LIFE TO ALL Braces the Nerves and FortiSc the Muscles, Rouses the Sluggioll Liver, and thus Enlivens tM Spirits Removes all Impuritie6 a.nd Obstructions from the Human Body, a.nd gives tone to th* whole System. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS, ANALYSTS, AND CHEMISTS. Purely Vegetable, and suitable te all ages, from the infant to the adult, and confidently recom* mended to those who have to devote themsetves to study and brain work, and all who wort long hours m close rooms. GWILYN EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. HIGHLY PRAISED BYPEOPLE INALL STATIONS OF LIFE. Confidently recommended to thoos who breathe impure air and all who have to stand exposure of the weather. If given a fair trial of its enlcacy and merit, unanimousl y declared to be the Best Remedy o< the Age. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS &WILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. MM EVERYWHERE. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. In bottles, 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. each. or in cases containing three 4e. 6d' Bottles at 12s. 6d. per case. The Proprietors will forward, carriage free, for the above prices. should any difnculty be expenenced in procuring it. I See the name Grwilym Evans on Label, Stamp, and Bottle. SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. ——— JACKET LOST. ) OST on the HAVEN ROAD, about a fortnight ago, a L. CHILDS CLOTH JACKET. Finder will be rewarded.—Apply Omce of this Paper. T OST, ou the BROAD HAVEN ROAD, a JU SABLE AND WHITE COLLIE DOG, with Leather Collar round neck; answers to the name of "Nosk." The finder will be rewarded on returning same to 12, St. Thomas Green, Haverford- west. RANTED—APPRENTICES and IMPROVERS to W the DRESSMAKING.-AppIyDAViE3 & High Street. l741 m/ANTED. COOK-GENERAL, trustworthy, about WV 30 Wages, X15, two in family.—Misa CoOKZ, Neylaud. ?A/ANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT; Housemaid V W kept.—Apply: MRS. CORDEY, The Granee, Stow Park,Nowport,Mou. GOOD DAIRY MAID WANTED for North Pern' ?Jt brokeshire. One who would take entire manage- ment of Farm House, good wages given to a competent servant.—Apply: Tdc.r¡raph Omce. < ADIES requiring Cooks, Housemaids, Parlour- L? maids, Kitchenmaids, or General Servants can be supplied immediately at TuE EMPLOYMENT AoBNCY, DEW STRKET. \A/ANTED SITUATION AS COOK or COOK- W GENERAL. AppIy-THE EMrMYMENT AGENCY, DEW STREET. LJ OUSE TO LET—a Dwelling House in Quay Street H suitable for Lodgings and Low Rent. App!y H," Omce of this Paper, g? r'OR SALE.-THREE BULL CALVES by Pediifree r Shorthorn Bull. Price Moderate.—DAWKIN* 3 Hay- left, Haverfordwest. FERRETS FOR SALE. A Choice Lot of FERRETS, warranted good workers. ? -Apply: T. DEVEREUx, Swan Square, Haver- fordweit. ?HILD'S SADDLE FOR SALE ?— ?BOY'S PAD, ? recently done up as new, easily converted for girl, will be sold cheap. Apply WARREN & Co., Saddf;;1, Tower Hill. FOR SALE QOME very Desirable FREEHOLD BUILDING 0 PLOTS at Milford Ha-ven.—Apply—CoATEa Le Bon Marche, Milford Haven, 675 NEW HONEY. ttONEY in sections for sale a few on hand.—App!y' Ft B. THOMAS, Station Master, Johnaton. Re MISS ALICE JANE EVANS, OF HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, DECEASED. A LL PERSONS having any CLAIM against the ESTATE of the DECEASED are requested to send particulars of the same forthwith to Mr jAMEa G. EvAxs, of High Street, Tenby or to Mr. WAf. DAVIES GEORGE, Solicitor, 7-14 Hill Lane, Haverfordwest. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED One Insertion. Three Insertion s. d. s. d. 15 Words or less.. 09 13 20 do.10 19 25 do.13 23 30 do.16 29 Pztrtioular attention is called to the fact that the above scale only applies to Situations Vacant and Wanted.

