The Haverfordwest and Milford Haven Telegraph Is now on SALE, directly after Publication at Messrs. W. H. SMITH & SONS. New Milford tad Pembroke Dock, and at E. J. W RIGHTS', 2, Dimond- theet, Pembroke-dock. JOHN T.L. DAYIFS, AUCUOJS EEB. A PP PAIS Ell ACCOUNTANT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. OFFICES: HIGH STREET HAVERFORDWEST HAKIN MILFORD HAVEN Valuations made on Moderate Terms. SALES GUARANTEE]) IF REQUIRED. Clients Promptly Settled with. ITEATING'S POWDEB. Kins new. Bona. Moths. Beetles. TOIATING'S POWDER. Kills Flo". Bngn, Moth*. Beetlse. KEATING'S POWDER. Kills Flew. Bup. Moths. Bsatlsa. KA -AT INGS POWDER. Killa Fleas, Bugs, Xeths. Bootil. KIRATINGIS POWDER. —— Kflli FIMI, Buss. Notba, Bwtlw. Ut. Powder so celebrated,1* perfectly unrivalled in dMtroySg t?&a, FLBAS, HOTHS. B?TlSt. Md all Intectt (wMUtpe? teOy [,BAB, to all Min?t M). AN woollens and fUnI abould be sprinkled with the der before placing away. Itininvalua ttj?e to the 99"ida. =avoid di=Wpointment insist upon having a Powder." No other Powder is eq?wtual. Sold onlp in ?ML Od? 1*„ Md a*. 6& Be?Me of hntt?ttdn. Don't b8 d_iYed. WORMS IN CHILDREN, WORMS IN CHILDREN, Am easily. •Rrely, and with perfect Mfetyjpt rid of by MiMXBA? LO61*Ir,76;71A?nd wi,! J?rty all eMMren tuNer from Worms. ■ suspected, do not wait, u G" with e&Ae eure the child (has ao -='=:¿'r::r..uo:rtl1l Iempt=Wema). ill  RTUIY VEGETABLE, PerfecU7 Hannlssa. LOA AjSDk Will reduce from two to Ave und, per week: acts on tbo JFFISK Io(? in the stomach, prevent. LTfifl x f inx ite conversion into rat. lvATHLk s-aNEyeag w ZfcSfc. Bold t? °°??tt. Send M? ))   <?jM?S?? =pr P-PhIeL J§|^ OSsL ????? Botanic Medicine Co. fiL^cr^pP -? ???L? 3 New Oxford-street, ???' ? v ???? London, W.C. Middlesbrough Corporation Loan.  nnn Stock at 3? per cent. interest per ilo 0 ooo annum, redeemable at par 1st t??W W January,1911. Prospectuses, &c., supplied by the Borough Accountant, Middlesbrough. Also Loans received for 5 years and upwards. Also Loans received subject to 6 months' notice. STAMMERING CURED. — STAMMERING ? By CORRESPONDENCE. Practical Guide 1/7. with 600 cases Man. guarRuteed.-N. H. Mason, 18, Stavordl? Highbury, London. SCOTCH FINGERING WORSTEDS at MILL PRICES. GREENOCK MERINO MILL YARN STORES. Branches In all the Principal Towns in Scotland. The Spinners of these celebrated Yarns are opening Stores in all the Principal Towns in England. They are also prepared to appoint one Agent in each of the smaller Towns in England.— APPIV A fP)lf.' FI,EMINC., UEID & Co., Greenc?ck, N. B *bee ing Yarn, lid. per oz.; Scotch Fingering, lid. per oz.; .Berlin Fingering, ?d.per o)t.; Wetsh Woo!. Sd. per os.; .1 Ilreg and Fancy Colourg, id. per oz. extra. .Ca8 Orders hy post must be accompanied bv remttance. I?AYrsON, & HEWITT'S RED DRENCH. TVAY, SON, & HEWITTS RED DRENCH. Iror CLBAWSIWO COWS and KWlt te eAiiTiiro and LAMBING, and for BAD CHILLS and FEVERS. )S/- per dozen box. DAY, SON, AND HEW1TT. X??SoM?t Street London. W. Tj^MTLOYMENT for LAI)IES.-loi- to 1[;J: J-J weekly can be earned by the Patent Automatic Knitting Machfne.-Send addressed envelope for easy terras and work supplied to K. A. Company, 417, Oxford Street, London, W. BILJ.IARI) & BAGATELLE TABLES, Requisites for do., A all BU- DliJord Work done promptly by Hennig Bros.,ll,Hig)i-wt. W.C ,Lnan SUHTC mixed Mady for use, b ,tltlslit 3d. per lb. or 248. per mm I 0 cwt. Carriage paid on 1 cwt. Send for Lift ot Colours. KORlln <r SoN.CohmrMerchauta. Blat-kfriar? Kd? Lot?.m. 48, 6d. ■ C! END for PATTERNS and SELF MEA- r&pvI&> Al>iUiseJv!iKn a ce O 8URKMENT Form po?tfref. 2 gi amps, TROUSERS E. & C.ADKINS. Wholesale TrousersManu- IOB TIn: factnren; 110, NF.WIGlO N BUTTS, I,I'NDON. MILMON. Agents 'Wanted in eicry town and village -Now tClVlv, fi-'põit,-fi'e,iI2- OUR TRAD? DEPR?S?ION EXPLAINED 0Showing how far it is affected by our LAND LAWS. London: WATTS & C 17, Johnson's Court, B.C. CHANGE. A N3EW DEPARTTJB.E. For £ 1—Six pounds excellent Tea, and Six pounds choice Coffee. „ j £ 2 Twelve pounds choice Tea, & Twelve pounds fine Coffee. u £ 3—Twenty pound Caddy superb Tea, and 121b. Coffee. The Importers Agency, 12, Fenchurch Street, London. •FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE? WORLD-FAMED ? ?-?L???J  -L?.????A?J.t THE grEAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER LARGEST SALE OF ANY MEDXOINE IN THE WOULD. OvElt*4:F,L5i[N(I TE,,TTI',ONY 'l' AOCOMI'AIJIES EVBKY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS T? BE THB GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impuritiefc It cftnnot be too hirtily recommended. ForScrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases* •n« Sores of all kinds. > ji never-failing and pu. Haunt cure. It Cures Old Sores. Curas Ulcerated Sores on ,.e Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Log's. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Pace, Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter. from whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted frte from anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to tfire it a trial to tout its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold ill Bottles 2s. 9d. each, and in cases containing six "mea the quantity. Us. e?ch—Bnaictent to effect a per- jianent cure m the ?rca.t umjonty of longstanding c?sea AiF 1,9 1 and. PATENT ME?I?? ,?NDOP.8 throughout the world, or sent for 33 or 132 _rnpa by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN "D MIDLAND mtlx.s D?tue COIlPNY. Lincoln. ( (Trftde Mark—"Blood Mixture.") LlkN II onal raaii Steamers* to UNITED STATES & CANADA. FKOM iitVKRPOOL. CARTHAOTNIAN, for It ilifox A-ig 31 SARDINIAN, for Quebec September 2 SIKOASSTAN for Quebec Sept. 10 NOVA SCOTT AN, for Halifax & Biltimure Aug. 17 P()LYNF.Sl AN, tor Quebec Sept. 16. FHOM LONDON TO QUEBEC. NESTOmAN. Scptf,mliei- 2 GUECLAN, Septrniber 16 OCEAN RATES. Saloon, 10 to 18 Guinens TntorrnerliHlP. £ (i 6s STEERAGE AT LOWEST RATES. Through tickets at special rates to Montreal, Toronto Chicago, and to all parts of Canada and the Western States- Tourists, Sportsmen, and others visiting the Cana- dian North-West, can avail themselves of a I special low retvm rate to the wonderful scenery in the Rocky Mountains and the sporting districts I NOTE.-The best, quickest, and cheapest route for Manitoba and the Great North West is by the Mail teamers of this Line. Asaisted Passages to CAnada Passengers landing at Halifax or Portland and going inland are accompanied on the Railway by the Company's special conductor*. P^MPHr.KPs on ''airi'U, Manitoba, and the \Veslern States free on application. Full particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., James Street, Liverpool, to KELWAY & SONS, Milford Haven; JAMBS •IKMTH, Postmaster, High-street, Newport, Pem. J. W. FAtfqjxi 206 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN FROM THE -LJ COUNTRY can be sure of seeing their County Papers in the News Room of the LONDON AND COUNTY CLUB, Victoria House, Catherine Street, Strand, W.C. 496 KING'S ARMS HOTEL, DEW STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. JOHN THOMAS BEGS to thank the inhabitants of Haverfordwest JD and the public generally, for the very liberal support he has received in his POSTING ESTABLISHMENT, since he commenced business at the above Hotel, and to inform them that he has commenced running a BREAK on THURSDAY and SUNDAY afternoons to the Haven. Fare to and fro Is. 6d. Guo" II < irsoH add every kind of Vehicle kept, and Let on Hire on the most reasonable terms. V3 Py '■"AROP.Ij po?T. WF73 19 gt S ki 8 St? •:$r-i 'V" o.' ren-lly ,-oo- to .x i". v '• y •' r'r"K "o-w-oi, h t a « f- &A a ESJS ??i?' ?'' :o ?ry ?,. o'' £ sPsi th.U.?-?r.?-n.-M('ipto<i(; 12 C;. ,.5 S:?';V??C;0'?' -K r 7 r- .o? Q J /? ;.oK<yr?. piilLLIVy AND 0 0 fri IN" ? ?. Ki\ :\fJ:7': :¡.rr W ?TR?\ E P P S S ?? ?? ??   P- ¡ d V .:r. nRA I EFUl.-COMF-Ok'TINK COCOA i:J j' .r, .$f fi >• i m i: i. jii,- hy i.i-w L i 1. vN S' hi> In ? ? ?S ? ?    ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?. ? ? ? ? w i'»'! Orujianoj M-.i» kevt ir. Stoclt by E D W A R D T T A N ¥ 0 li D,  ? SOLE AGENT for ENGLAND Ma t WALES, G,-v, Map l»evot. 5-\ ''HA?Y? T'KUSS.?LO?'O?. S.W. .—?_??__ ?'?I'?!t_??n]IJ?p)-??ca???? iN AION-UM-ENTS, fS,in c.anl iii>criptiuii8 accurate and be.iu- ?uL PIttus .tnd V W. Le?e. Abei-teen. The C<>ui\ t; enclude.d an icle on our Txvetds bv "?Y; nf lItcm We have nothing but praise." WOOL-GROWERS CAN HAVE THEIR WOOL liiaiin^actu. "(1 into Tw-eris &e.. for own use by c¡;,bn¡:" it to liOJiERT HOUSTON & ONS, 2S. WHST BLACKii >li. ST., aiul IIOCKBANK MII.LS, GltKF.XOCK. EACH CUSTOMER'S LOT IS MANUFACTUBED SEPAHATrLY. un: us he iu^tiuctp otherwise. Ca, I,a, ■>' Wool i ei Goods Conveyanc* payable by R. II. & S. FOR SAI.E. Scot ei Cheviot Twi uils. etc. Wiiteior Patterns, and state Mfm mallufacture or f". purchase. DAIMTC n>ixe<i 1 early lor nse, bes'tqmtlity, 3d. per lb. or 24s. per r nili I O cwt. Carriage tiaid on 1 cwt. Send for List of Colours. MoitiiAN Si Sox. Colour Merchants, Hlackl'riars Rd., London. "_L-JEAT MOSS LITTER, PEAT SOILS, Ac., AND THEIH USES."—Post free on application IIRESSED MEAT. Ferti1is;n in Hat.:h. Wonderful Effect for Eg)., Producing, Fertilis'ns in Hatch- in Fattening Fowls or Ducks, Capi al Food for DORS. Will keep fref-h in l a y climate if lielit dry. he <'heap st food known with such won erful results. Large stock always on band. Price Id. per lb., in 60!1>. o:ikes. W. COLE, Dunsfnnl Works, Morton ltd., Wandsworth, Surrey. .XN(iLo- A.U -;TRALASIANSTEAM NAVI- -L- GATION COY. 'Ijint.d.V—The magnificent full-powered passenger steamer it ASKOW iW. Mac k enzie, comiiiazider) will be.iespatehed for ADELAIDE (Semaphore), Melbourne, ft Syd- n y, on SEPT. 4. from GRAVESEND, embarkiiip passengers at Plymouth, Sept. 6. This well known favourite steamer in the Australian trade hap splendid accommodation for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd class pasengers. Last outward passage 41? days. Expenenced nureeon & stewardess carried.—For further particulars apply to William Milburn ,?. Co., 2, Billiter Avenue. London, E. C. r?AY?' SO, & HKWI 8 D Q.ASEOUS FLUID. AY, SON, & HEWITT'S QJlSEOUS FLUID. For Bad SCOUR or FLUX in CALVES and LAMBS; for violent COLIC or GRIPES and DEBILITY in HORSES, CATTLE, and SHEEP. 20/- per dozen box. Note well Address 22, Dorset Street, London, W. JAMES'S "IMPREGNABLE" CEMENT. AMES'S "ELBOW GREASE" (furniture paste). AWr S S CORN and WART ERADICATOR. HASELHOR ST'S RUST PREVENTIVE. Patented in Great Britain and abroad. Of most Tradesmen, or JAMES & CO., 19. Overstone Road. Hammeramith. London, w, — ..nui, IWIUESS AND UNFAILINQ FOOD PRESERVATIVE, FRIGI'LIIME l or. t c-oai! hut t,er,e^«s. fish, jfarne,poultry,meat,sausages, Fo; k {,¡:P{.:7lK,J'I:;lS:'U::ce8, S Id by Store" and Chemists :md Croeers n 1/6 Packets, in i a-.o 14111. ooxe. IIm1 éGlu, and 112lb. kegs. at 1/9 per lb., or direct frotH the olc idanuiaetur- rs, THE FOOD ANTISEPTIC COMPANY, 7 & 8, MA^CHESXMR AVENUE, ALDERSGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. ff-,oCcho?? 6-e -dnaexquisitely fia? CH'? Pl? P.110 il?i E- CiLo voredapples. Pr:c,,c?,,rmge id to L .i?,?i,Iiijgcask) per bar/el 01 50 galls., 44/ -rrel of 25 ;i S 6, ;~«eii, direc to anv address in Kn^'limdonr' ceipt ,5/ O. i;. 2; ,l}; )r);d'ert'wii.rl;:i:ëTEï CHA?IP-DU-GJSNI'T. nar Avranches Manche?. FRANCE, C I-T A Y,. li G I ii,- or care of J H iiiiri', I; .New Oxford Street, London. ?'0 BA?ec?AND'?ciG'A?R TRADE.— T Th'iso who are n ".out to commence business shouldœl1 and inspc»e$tu tARREST HT.OK IN THB TKAD8 at the OLDEST K?CREAPEST wt?L?Lt- IIOT'SK l? THE Kt'.GDON.—LESSER FBIEDLAHDXBy 3, Ho-.ndsoite: [,.mrlnll. F.RtHhlis¡¡ed f¡() years. A.,k Your Grocer for ??OOK'S BAKING POWDER.—A new ??' Baking Pow 'er, made bv a Confœtiuner. Superior in every way to any ye introduced. Sole Manufacturer, every a) HY. COOK, 15, Wood Street, Swindon. rjlRE PH?E:.OLOCICAL MAGAZINE. Au trust. Con ten; s: Jos.Arch. E q. (with Portrait).True Man- line- H, The Pr(,P, -t'h,e?(?logical Soci,?ti,, Pli enolog-y in En?a land, Char eter Build.nit, r h i-«'io l gyfo?('hildr,n, etc. Price n7N: L. FowjLKRj?p? iailLuidii; ?a. ?'?dcate Circus,' Londou.B.C. f A.Y'S, LONDON.—Best and Cheapest Huuso In the World for Ladies' tliaek iVLaterialB. PURE WHEATEN FLOUR, the STAFF of LIFE. p Manufactured from choic" British, Colonial, and Foreign Wheats by the BEsT HUNGARIAN MEiHODS. HEOLEY'S-'?HEROSE" @ss/SSSS HEDLEY'S "BRITISH 33/- rr "CANNOT BE SURPASSED." D.lill..d ctur'a? aid at the nearest Railway StaUon on reoeipt of cheque or Post-office Order. .r ? FCD L Y& Õ:Oc:lerliers. Ro,,t ?p Iler Mi City Flour MiUs, Newlt&n.Tyne. Agswwp, Bil- JlMal; ZwiM, I (hid, N-W w4k C?-em ML IL&RGE J^SICAL-BOXES, piuving from to 800 TMM vith .dhou' SjuKssslm, Mandotin*. Dram. BeUt. Voix e?MtM, OswUnets, Harps, Ac. '?M?LL ?USICAL-BOXES, ) tay of from 2 to 18 Tun-I the Work-boXand" SWIM CWata. Photo?mph?lbnma. Inkstandi^Gkrre-boxes, Lottor-wei?htt, Flower-Potg6 w iBottles, Beer-glosee, Chairs, tm.i *11 ntttd l?th musle., everything of the newwt ud b?t qa?Uty. .ecta Uy adapted for FreMmta. i J. EL EKLLES, lizzxx &WITDBLAlO). ) !<?rt. tn ounequelm of ? COUMmable redueUM in tha pi ice "f raw material diMOant of M pw 08Ù i8 icow-a ¡ tT f,,r,.?er Prioe-hate. even for thg mmailmi ardem GMutne- n tf can only be eMcred bj deamn dired with the Mana- j nctutf-r Illustrated Prlo-Msts gr?th and Pont-ftv& PO'SAUSAGE, JAM, PRE SERVE MA NUF ACTURE_LA.BD REFINERS, _4 otbw ?.M of SAUSAGE BKINS.-BLADDBR8 of aU MntLn I best  lowest m-ice.-L?t onapplicaMop to best quality, jCIr MoAHley S^eet. Belfag^ Ireland^, C h (*RfcORkVfl V^ LW ZEALAND FBEEEOLDS-lnten?Dg f?VEBTuRS or EMIGRANTS are adYtøed that a "liKEHOJ.D pRoppnTy f 4,000 Ames of -rY ft- land li,? ly tie OFFERKD PRTTATELYto CapttaMtttin larM ?,<. n <fU! be cut np mto 50 to 100 Aore Mocke, to Mtit  ample Ther and lake frontage.—For ul u? npntv Major B., care of MESSRS. BOWLINGSi HP ISBN. 36. Effaen Street, London, AX3TI ERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. A gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised remedy. has dtMoveredT novel and highly successful yet simple means t< MM-cnre. He wiU be happy to forward the particulars :e:; tuSerer on reoeipt of a stamped and directed envelope. Addrese-J.T. SEW ELL. B M- Chl' lwl'ckid??.e.. uV D N ERS, j—-  be re8d by aU young men.  "'BOOK BOO NbUttated no-u- sderers and th=..t T-BOOK MUVi\.mMry. Free in Envelope for 4 sumps. Publisher'. Medical Hall, Fit. Sq., Sh?ffi.1d. EstabUshed 1830, VO W AKNESS &'DEBI ITY.-A N Gentleman who cured himaeH of DeMUty, Melancholy, 81eel:l h.I.- wqg r=bMU.?I=t Drems, vrul'info? suffwen RES how HK was CtfBgD. A«Mr««, H.Mllner.K«Q..28.Mar8hal-«t.^berd«qi. OURNEMOUT T>OURNE HALL.- B FortOMideVisitoM -D ex pe?"on Conducted 6,.dTILD. 70 bedrooms. BtUroomtennM.billi&rds. electric SS.? In?T. tenM. noextrM. Proe tus Seoretar T? tA?C!A<? UFA.O'rURING COTS PURE SHRUNK CALICOES. Any le L utvfat and sent by Ptro?Fo-t. AU Goods warranted ehnmk.tMe from addteration. *nd ynade ftom Pure Cotton by o?br.= medmn mMhinery and motbod& Bad 708 addnu by postcard &*< Pattern Book and 3? coa to THE LANCASHIRE MANUFACTURINB CO., HADFIELD KANOHEB'rER. SEVAN'S MIXTURE is the Most SUCCESSFUL MEDICINE ever introduced for INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, BILE, WIND, ACIDITY. ?Jtii, Ós¡crÍN:at.IT aJl disorders of the Liver. Bovsle, Stomach and Kidneys. Its action is prompt and certain, but without violence. Super- sedes pills, purges, saline draughts, ho. Gives relief where other medicines faiL Contains no mercury, aloes, or deleterious druff. -Of all chemMta; if not in stock. TAKE NO OTHER, but send Postal Order for 8/6 to BEVAN & Co., 18, Belmont Road, Weat GTCWiAts WITH EA? BOTTLE. HEALTH SECURED by MOEISOK'S VEGETABLE IU UNIVERSAL MEDICINES. To be had of all Chemists throughout Great Britain. 4s. 6d.-TROUSERS for the MILLION.—4s. 6d, "EWKRY Workint? Man should have a pair of Army Cloth or Serfte F,T" Dair: o6lflonew'Jrweed'.4iiotnio/ tsentmettree. ./A? NGLO-AUSTBALASIANSTEAMNA? &ATION COY. (Lmtd.)—The magnificent f.1lowered  steamer HANKOW CW MackeMte.commanaer) will ???Mn?StEcbPeTd   (Semaphore), Melbourne, & gy nev ooSEPT. 15, from GRAVESEN D, embartangpassengers at rdeoen SEPT. 15. from GIULVIE TEeNmDap, hore), P?mouth. Sept. 17. This well known favourite steamer in the Australian trade has splendid accommodation for 1st, find, & 3rd e? passengers. Last outwardpassaKe? days, Experienced MMWn& s?wardess camed.-T?furthorparttoulMs apply to William Milbnm & C 2. illlter Avenue. IT-iiculars apply to FRANCIS' ASTHMA POWDER. AN IMMEDIATE REMEDY FOR BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH, AND OTHER DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. THIS COMPOUND has an advantage over many others offered to the Public. It may be used by those of a delicate constitution, it contains nothing injurious to health, and has never been known to fail in removing the agonising feelings attendant on the diseases which it is offered to alleviate. The Proprietor of this Powder was for some time a patient under the care of the leading physicians in England, while suffering from Bronchial Asthma, and not having received a permanent cure, he was induced to test the effects of fumes from various herbs on the air passages, by bringing their properties, through inhala- tion, in direct contact with the parts affected. The re- sult bus been to produce a specific which gives instant relief. SEE TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Boxes at 2s !M., 48 6d., and 11s., by all Chemists, or from the Proprietor, J. W. FRAN CI S, 435 Goat Street, Haverford west A nMY SERVICE. YOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN HER MAJESTY'S ARMY can obtain all information as to the Conditions of Service and advantages of the Army, ojiti)l,licat,i,)ii at ,.ny Post Office. Great prospects of promotion are offered to eligible Young Men. Applications can be made, either personally or by letter, to the Officer commanding the Regimental Dis- trict at CARDIFF, or to the nearest Volunteer Sergeant Instructor or other Recruiter. 581 W ALL WHM USE SINCLAIR'S vYffR SOAP Should see that they get the real artic/e-as some unfair Shopkeepers, for the sake of extra gain, have been detected in palming off Counterfeits, trading on Sinclair's reputation. Always ask for Sinclair's Soap, which has won favour with the public for itsillagic Cleansing Properties thorough sterling value. A boon to rich and poor alike. Everybody buys & everybody sells Sinclair's Soap 8/6 TBOUSERS^o OrSei-. SEND One Stamp for PATTERNS of all the NAVEST MATERIALS up to 16 0 par pair. You will receive FasMon riate. and ?)r<p. 1: for f-Xeamrment (oMy M A B 0. Perfect tit tmtnmteed. Our PrtoM will be foundtt leMt & iwrc?nt. under other hous AUparceIaonria?epaid. Addrena— TARLING BROTHERS, Wholesale Clothiers, 42, GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON, E.C. A WSWEI Established 1840. SB. BOBEBT8* (5HST TMESTTCiI>LE D POOR MAN'S FRIEND, AND ALTERATIVE PILLS, WILL CURE WOUNDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BURNS, SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS, AND ALL SKIN DISEASES. Of all Chemists, or of BEACH & BABJTXOOTT, Prim U. W;1 sm. od Bridport. Dorset. Price 18. IM? 88.9d. 11s. and M. esek PogtWo Mtr*. RA S,RE D, STRING, DR AFTF]? JLFCONCERTINA & MELODEON BANDS. alooNIOOBE TKOUl'ESj PIANOS, ORGANS & HARMONIUMS ?t wid?-b f?eM. J. MOORE k PICA o? 09"OltA H.ddor?ikeld. Priem & drawtu of all Instruments poatf?ee. Mn*tcforB<md*. Bandsmen's CaM. P?tronitedbyAnny.K ?Ty, « Rifle Corps. Second-hand Instruments oonght or taken In exciutnge ???' ?S?i?SA?O? VIOLINS 2/6 EACH P?i..iTh e0 a IMt Instruments In the wmld. Write G,!Z! ards iA,tit.? ? lz*.qnzq BILLIARD ft BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE STOCK of NEW and SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. WRITE FOR PRICE LISTS. G. EDWARDS, KTWOSXAITP BOAD, LONDON. TITLEY & Co., .t-.litlX opinnefs, iijujtijjis, Late TITLEY. TATHAM & WALKER. Betd. 1806. LINEN THREADS AND SHOE THREADS. Flax Line, Tow and Hemp Yarns. ————————— EMIGRANTS' PASSAGES. FOR LOWEST FARES and information apply to SEWELL ahd CROWTH 18. Cockopur St. London. ansSde6 fs United States 't3l6s. ?kustr alis, 211 15s. Brisbane, 214, New ?ealand, 213 13s; South Afria?, 21515s. PEAT MOSS LITTER—British v. German. Jt- PROFITABLE WORK FOR ALL. Full particulars of BRACHER'S PAT. NT.WINCANT Somerset. W m w fm Everybody should Purchase the celebrated Ml TT I'll' "SHIPPERIES MUSIC PARCEL'' (which tM I I ? t t C!M?n(ee? to ntal'ti:: XlX ? U music pttHMA? for 1/ or post free (,8. Each &reel has the following: "Grand Exhibition March, "4/ the "Nhipperies Polka, 3/ "Hilarity Galop, 4 se?!!t ;g: 'iliJGil;aJrn t;,4¿i ;l"ct'i; (Reverie), 3/ and Beethoven's Three Popular Waltzes, 3/ 4?=)CiK Church Street, Liverpool  P-NOII, 5RG eIS &c., under half price. VV Price Lists post free on application. JLt???_TO MAKE MONE   "upwards judiciously invested in STOCKS 2,. & SHARES is frequently doubled in a few t10,. hours Full particulars ofSEWELL, CECHj c CO Stock & Share Brok .1117C._non St.. Lndon,E .0. J^IAUTlON.—CHLORODYNE. The extra- ?- ? ordinary medical reports on the effic"y of this well-known remedy for DIARRHŒA, &c., ?euders it of vital importance the public should see each bottle bears on the C? Stamp the name of the inventor, DR. J. OOLLIS BROWNE." XCth"t 1/H. 8/9. and 4/6. THE HIGHT TIiI;\G IN TIlE RIGIH PLACE. BEE C BfA M "S PILLS- Ay ?\  [^/PATENT | PILLS. \? '?? ^Sr Are adm'ttprl by thwisanf's In be worth sl ovr a Guinea a Pox for bilious and nervous dis- orders. IMICII as wind and vain in the stmn < h, sick headaohes, ,i(i.iin s., fi,ine.-s and swellin,, after rivals, dizziness and drow- .«ii>ess, cold chills, flushings f heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy. blotches on the skin, disturbed sleel,. frightful dreamp, and ar. nervous and trembling sensa- tions, &c., &c. The first dose will trive relief in 20 minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. The proprietor of these Pills having obtained (at great expense) a patent for them, he rhallenfres the vi hole world to produce a medicine equal to them for removing tin above complaints, and restoring the patients to sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills and iliev will be ;irknow |< d<red to be WOTlTH A (,'UIICEA A BOX, For females of all atrrs tlu-j-e Tills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off ail gro^-s humours, open all obstructions, and bring about ali thai i- required. No female should be withou them. There is 1111 IIKDIR r.e to be found to equal Beecham't Pills for removing all ol,si ruction or irregularity of the system. If taken accordins to the directions given with each box they will soon restore fel1!]¡ of all ages to sound and robust BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH FILLS. As e remedy for Coughs in genera). Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, Shortness in Breath, lightness and Oppression in the Cheat, Wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled and anyone labouring under anj of the above complaints need only try one Box to prove that they are the best ever offered to the public for Asthmatic at d Consumptive Coughs Hoarseness and Oppression of the Ches They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of bteathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfortcto those afflicted with the abuve distressing and, » hen neglected, dangeious complaints. Let any person troubled with any of e above complaint !dye BeecJ¡am'. Cottyh l'ills a tiial. The most violent Cough will in a short time be removed Cautinn—xhe public are requested to notice that the words 46 Beechain's Pills, St. Helen's." are on the Government slams; affixed to eacn box of pills if not on they aie a forgery. pre aved only and sold wholesale and retail bv the propi ietor T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, in boxes at Is ld and 2s 9? each. Sent p<?t tree for 15 or 36 strmps. Sold by eHry  gist United Kjpwdow Full c directions given wi? 1751 SUCCESS COMMANDS SUCCESS SPECULATION & INVESTMENT FRITH limited and defined risk. Stock Exchange operation* tnadeea* The minimum of risk and the maximum of gain. MIDDTJETON ? CO form their COMBINATIONS of SPECULATORS for STOCK EXCHANGE dealings as fast as reiuif- tancos M'ich them. Operation^ extend from t'vo to thirty days or thereabouts. IlIl!l1e, .tt, operations, lnsuiixliate settlements. Profits divided tuo rata NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. "IVriPBLETON & CO. Lave invariably made .l'- kl.rgp a.llfl spe\¡:y l"rofits, rantriTxr from '?? '?:? 'r to ?'?? '(0 and they havo always cloRed their ?OMPI???O?S?TtT'VERiriIAN? ?? SOM PROFITS in them for each & every Contri- butor interestad. Shares e5 'Rch, Any number OtWl. Explanatory Pamnhlet'fcli edit.), entitled, °''?-TO?'E'7 TPULALTFD, LqASSED, a'n? IiIvT'LTII'LIBO." Pose free, aud all particular' O"{;r;{"Í\;ll\T,tll'F.(mr,ATIVE ACCOUNTS ¡ oi'"U:; 1 on "ui'ln.. and very favourable te~nis. ?'T,lN03 AT TIS OLOf5T3ST WAEKBT V TO!?. ».h u.i f'tvther he.vond the CO— a i. ne- .»os to d I J),:?'.?'' ?TIO??-f'' ACCOUNT? ?:.e?ed and I ad vised upon and oo'idaoted with earo and kilL i ".?I??LET?NKT?Sw??to???? i ,i! U u:d. j. c,o., worn ,0Cj{ {x, ¡:,û:,re ■•' 2- OF P- and DEALT-RS. H l-.AB 1^t^IvJ liS—i*1!,)Ort,-lil ■ St. i Lr Ur\v.N nJOnw H.B"p.C. i Branch Offices—7, Trump 8t., [ | ? Tekphon8Xo?]'))Mnndf!t'? Telegraphic Address, Combination," London, A SOUND HOME INVESTMENT. THE PUBLIC WORKS & CONTRACT COMPANY (Xji X 3VC ITBD), Zm-rii* Sebeertptions for the remainder of their unissued Shares #A VM CJLPITAIa &200.000, of which JB50.000 has been subscribed. RESERVE PUND, £ 4,800. DIVIDENDS HAVE BEEN PAID AS FOLLOWS:- December, 1883 TEN PER CENT. June, 1884 TEN PER CENT. December, 1884 TEN PER CENT. June, 1885 .TEN PER CENT. December, 1885.TEN PER CENT. June, 1886 TEN PER CENT. The objects for which the Company was formed embrace the business of Contractors for -Wofln Ora General Character, and the promotion of Companies formed for the purpose of originating or taking over as going concerns all kinds of Commercial and Industrial Undertakings. For Prospectuses and Forms of Application Apply to THE SECRETARY, 2, Victoria Mansions, Westminster, London, S.W. 2, ROCK TERRACE, ST. THOMAS GREEN, HA VERFORDWEST. JANUARY 18TH, 1886. A L F RED BIRC-H, (Late Cutter, Traveller, &c., to Mr JAMES REES, Castle Square), NAVAL AND MILITARY TAILOR. HABIT, BREECHES MAKER,$c., BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the Public for the kind support they have given him since he has re-commenced business, and to assure them that nothing shall be wanting on his part to maintain the reputation he has always bcrne for perfect fit, best workmanship, and materials, at the lowest remunerative prices. WOOLLENS of all makes and qualities direct from the best firms, all London shrunk. READY J-IADE CLOTHES of every description at Prices that will stand comparison. Mackintoshes of all sorts made to measure. Carriage Rugs, Blankets, and Hosiery of all sorts to order. Clerical, Livery, Equestrian, Bicycling, Cricketing, Boating, orders to usual style. Own Materials 1 rnnmed and made at reasonablepricft. Repairs of all description neatly done. WEDDING AND FUNERAL ORDERS AT SHORTEST NOTICE. N.B.-Farmers and others are invited to try A. B.'s BREECHES and LEGGINGS, his ACME LEGGING is giving universal satisfaction. A CONTINUANCE OF PAST FAVOURS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 39 STONE AND MARBLE WORKS, Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. [ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS.] W. R. MORGAN, Surviving Partner in the firm of T- HVCOIRG-^Isr (Sri SOUsT TJEGS to thank the Nobility, Gentry, aud Tradespeople of the Town and County for the very liberal support so long received by his late Father and himself, and also to state that the BUSINESS will still be carried on by him under the style of T. MORGAN & SON, when he hopes to have a continuance of their past favours. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, CROSSES, MURAL TABLETS, TABLE TOPS, CHIMNEY PIECES, &c., in Granite, Marble, Forest, Portland, and other Stones. FOREST OF DEAN HEJDSTOflES FROM £ 1 10s. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES REPAIRED AND CLEANED IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. AGENTS FOR THK BEST ABERDEEN GRANITE. A very large number of the newest and most elegnnt Designs, which will be forwarded with prices on application. NOTE THE ADDRESS .— NOTE THJ: ADDRESS;- T. MORGAN & SON, 1 271 MARINERS' SQUARE, HAVE H FORD WEST. PROTECTION FROM FIRE. BRYANT & MAY'S PATENT gAFETT^a £ MATCHES 11 PRIZE MEDALS. ENTIRELY FREE FROM PHOSPHORUS. ARE NOT POISONOUS. HARMLESS TO ALL EMPLOYED IN THEIR MANUFACTURE. PROTECTION TO HEALTH. gPRING JiSHIONS, 1 8 8 6. Q-REENISH AND DAWKINS ARE NOW MAKING A FURTHER (jRAITD SHOW OF THE SEASON'S NOVELTIES Including the Latest PRODUCTION in every DEPARTMENT. DRESS MATERIALS, MANTLES, MILLINERY, LAOES, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, QLOVES AND OTHER FANCY GOODS MILLINERY, FLOWERS, AND FEATHERS. DRESS and MANTLE MAKING; accurate fit and best work at most Moderate Charge*. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING. THE CELEBRATED HIBERNIA HAND MADE AND STERLING LOCK STITCH UNDERCLOTHING. 24, 25 & 26, Market Street, Haverfordwest. THIS ESTABLISHMENT CLOSES ON THURSDAYS AT TWO O'CLOCK. ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY. WILLIAM JOHN 7 (LATE GREEN & JOHN), WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, H:A.. v E Eo FOR D "VV EST. JAMES VAUGHAN HAKIN, MILFORD-HAVEN, Auctioneer, Valuer, and General Commit- sion Agent. The prompt settlement of all claims, and the most punctual attention to the interMt of those who may favour J. V. with their support may beimpHcttyreEed on. Second-hand Furniture, &c., bougnt and sold. A large quantity of Furniture always on hand. Strictest privacy guarranteed. Gentlemen's Wardrobes purchased in strict confidence. World Known—World Tried!! For strengthening a debilitated constitution, these Pills are more efficacious than any other medicine. Persons of a nervous habit of body. and all who arc suffering from weak digestive organs, or whose health has become deranged from whatever caute should lose no time in giving these Pills a fair trial; their action is immediate, beneficial, and lasting, restoring order, health, and vigor in every case. For Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels. These purifying PillI are confidently recommended as the most simple and certain remedy for Indigestion, Flatulency, Acidity, Constipation, aad all Disorders resulting from disordered Stomach or Bowels. They act as purifiers, alteratives, and strengthened ef the stomach. Though powerfully tonic and satisfactorily aperient, they are mild in their operation and beneficial to tho whole system. Weakness and Debility-Nervous Irrita- bility and Low Spirits. The wholesome effect exercised by these admirable Pilk over the Blood and Fluids generally, is like a < harm in tlispelling-low spirits and restoring cheerfu lness. Their general aperient qualities well fit them for a domestic medicme, particularly for females of all liges and periods of life. They quickly eject all impurities from the system, and regulate every function of the body, giving wonderful tone and energy to weak and debilitated constitutions. Complaints of Women and Children. Any mother, nusse, or young person guided by the directions which accompany each box of Holloway's Pills, has at once available means for checking disease, purifying the blood, aDd expelling from the system all gross humours. Sold at THOMAS HOLlOWAY'" Establishment. 78. New Oxford ft., (late 53. Oxford St..) London also by nearly every reFrectnhle Vtndor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box. nnd can be had In any language. X.R.-Advice Grptis, at the above address, daily. between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. HA VERFORIWST CKNTBAL POSTING ESTABLISHMENT CF,.NLTRIT HAVERFORIWFST GREYHOUND LIVERY STABLES. i OWKX DAVIlS j (For many TOUTS iu t1d' A m ploy )f Mr SAMUEL THOMAS, Drapet HavorfoiJweB.) BEGS to inform the Public that lie has REMOVED his i STABLING to t!m GREYHOUND YARD, where he carries on the PORTING BUSINESS, niicl where he trusts, by keeping good useful Animal s and strict economy in charges, to merit a I s hare of Public Patronage. I SADDLE HOUSES AND VEHICLES ^OF ALL KINDS. Mr. EDWAED RIBBON, PROFESSOR of MUSIC, and PIANO. FORTH T-UNEh, MERLIN HILL, HAVERFORDWEST Leeeons given on the VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO, and PlANOFOKTE. E P P S S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA NO MORE RANCID BUTTER. TOMLINSON & Co's BUTTER POWDER Brin Butter quickly, removing atironra of C?e.G?rMe. Sour Grass. *e., increases quantity, improve. qualUy. By Ita use i. ensured eood, li?.d w,t "? 'd ?Tcr' wh'-re. tn Boxea. & tt.. m. M.. and 7s. Gd„ the tbzlar ge sizes free by Patce? po. trom the 3tanufactureM OR .ipt .1 .1.. Do. onrec'tpt?????? ? HAYWARD T.?roT?. LACE.-4yds. Black Sia Spanish Laoev -tJ 6vda. Cream Cotton Low- lgy(U White E- td. gjilendi'd designs. Sent carriage paid on Mceipt of 34 gtampa.— WOODWARD A JOH.XG ?Um<? Boad. Nottingham, T^DUCATION.—Middle Schools, MAIDSTONE. JDJ Boys" and Yonn? Ladi.' Schools (tepcf?e), 8oundedu tion. Healthy !ocwUtr. Nice waJka. UnMmited food. Home Lion. Lohw y f=t7write for Prolœctua. Mr. or Mrm& Bo<eM, THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED "BELL ORCANS" AND TJIB "FAOLTLESS HARDMAN PIANOS" OF NEW YORK MAT BE SEEN AT W. BELL II CO/s HIGH-CLASS AMERICAN PIANO AND ORBAN WAREROOMS, 58, Holborn Viaduct, LONDON, E.C. THESE INSTRUMENTS ABE UNRIVALLED. TMPORTANT to A'VERS, GILDERS, J- FRAME MAKERS, DECOBATOB? & CABINET MAKERS. "iIV-'TL ESSRS. B^CKMANN Bros., of 26 & 27, Cow 0r0I8 Street, London"beg to announce t their new ILLUSTRATED CATALvGUE ofO-UtLD?r:s FR&X lg"- W ready ?rdehvery, Kivin,! aU df-i Md ?SenSje ?connection with t isa IPec1al branch of buain8IL Wm PIT rMwardmJr »nuau». nw. 1 CAUTION.-Genuibe ? CHLORODYNE. This well-known remedy for Diarrhœa,Dysentery. Fever.&e. bears on the stamp the name of linventor, Dr. J. Collis Browne. Tra, DAVIES, JOINER AND CABINET-MAKER BEOS to state tbnt having erected a WORK- 8110at t'nu bnrk of his residence in P F, It lIL 0 T T'S TERRACE, He is now prepared to undertake any kind of work on moderate terms. PRintiug, Glazinpr, and Paper-Hanging executed witb peatnew and Dispatch. =Funerals Furnisbed. 891 BRISTOL STEAM NAVIOATION elM PANY (tUtttM) SEPT., 1 886. (IM rrHE ronnvmtr e? other M?tMta <M<?4? ? 8teøm Te?f!* nnlm pr"ftted b" ?M? J   .ttrik? want of M, or nj ■■fun—— ?'. '? '?? ocenrreEce, "P intended to "il u MAI W-ti-ed. frm Ccmb?lM? Baai? vM or ??Mtt PHot". aM ?ith IH?-rty to tow <wt? ibe Month of • UMBBOFF-pfKIC, Mil FORD, AND JIA VFPFORD"WFST. ritow Pltlolrot. f Pritw. 3, Frid8Y, Sf aft* 10, Friday. 17, Friday, 11.ft8 24, Frid1ty, 2 altar CARGO ONLY. FARES-rol it,. Sf,. gd. Fore Perk. «•. Tenby or rentyrke ppvv to V,t x ford- I's reip- Cift Mb T F N IR Y Pritm. nov MIMOl 3. Friday P4 aftw 10. Friday. 4 after 17, Friday 71 after 24, Friday 2 after CARGO ONLY. PARKS — Cnbir, s. ]Peck, S*. Cbildres sedw Twrlye rf npr. PaJf-priw. e- CPFICJ .—32 FIRIF-CE FTRFET. Th r aboTP are fitted up foi the conveyesee PfiFsergerp nrdCord^. Ffn-jllf Stowarifor Board. Ceirriagef: A Horre' Lkl-rili le plerri-idf Two Boursboo fore Sikilirg,.qm,, a, e laraco and emntiyk,-d »t tbrriskaai eipenpe of t) rir Cwr-erf. AGFKTP-Mr. F.J. FflliH, B»Terfrrdwe«t, MiVwi and A>vl«nd: AIr Ah1 retpfrip, rrffbreke-ooek; M W. Wall, 36, Victf ria Street, Tenhy. COMMrNICATION rr-rvl,r.7c LIVEBTOOL. MILFOBD SWANSEA BRISTOL For the Month 01 Sept, 1886 THE LiTerpool and Bristol Chsnnel IkeM Favirst-or C-omp^nr's Steaw ship* BRUNSWICK, E. L rubrKvoim. TUDOR, CArr. A. WrtKiwaoir. WTTBCiRTTfu, Cut. P. CAMMKHT. FEPTARCFY, CAPT. K. JOKW. JANE BACON, CAPT. T. ROWxes. SUNLIGHT. CAr-r. WM. Cox. PLANTAGENET. CAPT, A. COGMT. STITARf, CAPT. H. FINCH. MONTAGU, CART. T. WALSH. VTGILANT, CAPT. WM. Holdsk. THK 8.S. JANE BACON," (or e<h? M.itaMt vaM? h intended to eaH (Mtt?« pfM?!<?? ? ?my ???.' "e" ocewt?tM?) aa follow*, with or witt?Mt plots aM liberty to tew vettltels From Liverpool to Milford and BritLoi, Sept. o'clock 1 Sept. oVloek. Saturday 4 3 after gUt Saturday 11 81 night Siturday 25 From Bristol for Milford Sept o'clock 1 Sept edftk. Tuesday 7 12 night I Taesday 21 11 night Tuesday 14 6 eves Tuepddri 28 6 tvww From Miljord for Liverpool. Sept o'clock. I Sept o'tioek. Wednesday 1 7 mom I Wedneadaj J6 6 mo Wednesday 8 12 noon I WednrnJay 22 Tl mit ) Vedneeday f 29 SMAM The Strorn lifrrtp I Cie can' and Pembroke' at it* tended to ply on Milford PSTOD, in conimecties witb the aboTe Strati rr* carrying Grods to and from Pembroke. dock, Bslr I-T fordweet and the adjaeent towai, 1Iftf. deliver to eurfc towns first, as may be deowd ofti onfe FA1.B8,: — Cabin. Paekt Milfcrd to Liverpool HI. 6a. Pristol to llilfrrd S. ,61. Swensea to p ilfore 50. Od- U. NOTICE.—Tbe lsndinp and em barest ion of Geods or Pol- sengereat Milford. br whatever conveyance, w)~ at tbe expence ef the Stramrr, or J$ at the rilk of the Passengers and the Owners of the Goods reaperttTaiy, For further particulars see sipal I bills, or apply to Jeha Bacon, 3 and 4, Orit-I Chambers. 14. Water 5t..t, 1. peel; G. B. Fvavr. Bristol Daniel Morran, 4wanms peol; JUHN rrijLI.IPS, AGINT, MILT# ■STABIIIBHID ubl BR%KB ECK ]BANXIM so. Soathamptoi. nsodinas, Chanoery Lans, Loadon. THREE per CENT. BrrSMaT ? DBPOGM MT*yable on demand. rer-Ôble °: CENT. INTEREST &Bowed OB CUKBSHT ACCOUNTS calculated on the mimmm? man" bakum when not drawn below £ 100. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with 1111 partteobca. affi be obtained post free on application to FRANCIS RAVEN8CW0W. Afeneffer.- ————————— TJKIOK LIlfB. CAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, & EAST V-7 AFRICAN STEAMERS.—The UNION 88. Co.'s MAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTH AM pros every alternate Th. leaving Plymouth the next day. Apply at the Canwusy'sOffioeaa Oriental Place. Southampton, ot U. Iieartenbal' St. lAn" -r .( I.r i It'»? •., ROPE' The M?AST MPEV?K?ompMy i1 J (!?.). Prii« l.i»t on appllesttoa HUNTER, ATKINSON & Co., Liv?rpooL -'L ? CONCENTRATED GALA XZAI? for CALYES, 80 per cwt. BTOCJt. 161- oft. SW?ST MEAI.. for ALL K?DS of STOCX 15/- Pe owl STEINWAY & SON NEW YORK. PIANOS. mm GOLD KBDAL of the Inventions Exhibition, 168S. GOLD HfSDAT. of the Society of Arta. 1886. CATALOGUES 1%=. 8TBIlfWAY Lt{;-m:n-.Ov. BTRM= POBTMAN SQUARE. MNDON W. 10L 6d.-WATCHES ?r the EVERT Mm 8" B«y .hM.M h.?. ? WAYTEMBOKT WATCNM M? J  po8t ?ee.?n tccm-te h.evle»« Watch In -Ove?nt"  adur&bUTime-k!"J.J. i,LLToxJroamouxez47W wot >1 rtltf. fpheGREAMsT DISCO?M of^eJ^L 15!COIRURTIOl. taan H?AI???N??jJtj'ti??MVX 0<?? Bend tut delay, 78 pe for ]Wok pa Paxg?aaa? KB. J. Qtenr» test. BtBE»yHEAl> gLAIR'S GOUT PILLS. 374 THE GREAT REMEDY FOR" GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA and LUMBAGO The excruciating pain is quickly relieved and oared im R ft'. daya by this celebrated Medicine. These Pills rr-qnira BO re- straint of diet dnritiff4 their nsc.Hiid are certain toprerent the di-eas" attacking any vitnl part. Sold by all Chemiata at 18 lid and 2.; 9d par bM. 925 IlEWARD. Wlli be given to any person who can prove, after a fairtri that Bell's Patent Life Pills and Ointment v, Will not cure the worst forms of Liver complaint*, Geaeral Debility. Indigestion, lbile, Disordered Stomach, Costiveneas, ali Female ComplnintB, Ulccrs, Cancers, Abscesses, Piles, Cats, Barns, Boils, and eveiy form of Skin Diseasemnt rEarapUan. When all other medicine fails thw will positively earo. Said by all Chemists, in Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. boxes and pots. Poet free for 15 or 36 stamps from sole manufacturers, W. BEU. ft Oev Beiirtmg, Berk». If your Cheniist doef not keep then be eaa td them in a few hours. ■ r44 THB FEW ORIENTAL BANK «*- OOKPOKATIOK, ZimiCTD. GuwAI. -Awtboriaed. JM.OOO.OOO; Paid ug. &M*.ftO. Ijomvom r—40. Therad needle Street. Sanauaoa t—«, &. A"mvr% ftom% luianiiDiannia Bombt?. -zm% Mentowntt? C?eatMt, Bt?a*. ShMt?? Colombo* Haidamnlhi. SlMNWa, EaDdt. t:b:(Btoio).,  i eI..a <)itet!E?mote?&M?Mdt billa for aDd and agena bus- ??nM?My. Ivrxaasr Amowas ett Daroom for S. 4.,or 5 months at 3 per celit. PM O-DO Fixed for 6 or 9 months „ 4 „ Fix:.g f fe:r ;ï: Fixed for 2 years *1 m Fixed for 8. 6, or 7 years s Current Acoonnta openod and oh books supplied. Interest at 21 per cent, per annum allowed on the minimum roontmy balance, if not below £ 100. Advanoes made upon approved Becuntles. Pay and Pensions drawn, Inauranoe Premiums, Club Sub- scriptiona, and other periodioal payments made at an ttnliorm commission of i per cent. Securities bonght, sold, and reoomd for safe oustody. In- terests and dividends collected. Drafts issued upon the Bank's Eartern Branches at current rates, free of coramissiou. BILM collected or negotiated, and every description of exchange business conducted. The Directors are now receiving applications for 4 per cent. Debentures of glo and upwards, secured upon the freehold Bank Premins in the City of London and elsewhere. All neoeaar1 information and forms œn be obtamed by tMS?eSS?? the Agency- S* St°'?d?'B a<M? Mi? nSfMthe 11- Omee. <C. Threadneelle SMeet. London. ILOMUT TUN?Z& HOBB? SeaniKJ,  r  ?. ????1 "ILLS j-; is,. — ■- fro-" hs TTr:n:r-" Ortrana, • ir-' c.iruvro^.rll. end Pains fu. !:?'k. Gu" "• ee !>o»p Me-cary. &n?<lmB<Nme, t. eiu-h. b«- a,U Chnnists «.nc! Patent Medicine Tgndora ''f'??-t ?.? ? "'d; or sent to !my fM?reae for aixty M?n) f. h. < '?Mnkcrs. Tnt.LTfnt?t.trD MtDL?m CoTtTiM Piug OosPiJT, Lr?oiu. W? 'pp?le AeeoM. BA*et*T iont LeMdon, M? all the WholeM?lt aou*