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LADIES! LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL HAiR. Dandeisno" Makes Hair Thick, Glossy and Wavy. Removes ail Dandruff, Steps Itch- ing SerJp and Pailinn Hair. I i' To be pood of a. had of heavy, i-autifai hair; soft, lustrous, flnffy, wavy .ai free from dandruff is merely a m: wt of using a little Dar,.ii-orine. It is easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get a shil- ling bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now— apply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, freshness, lfuffiness and an incomparable gloss and lustre, a-iucl try as yoa will you cannot find a trace of dan- druff or falling hair; but your real sur- prise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair-fine and downy at first-ye,but really new hair- sprouting out all over your scalp. Dan- ferine is, we believe, the only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff a.nd cure for itchy scalp, and it never fails to rtop falling hair at once. All cheiaist-: sell and recommend Danderine, Is. llei. and 2s. 3d. a bottle. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your Lair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair—taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will, soft, glossy, and beautiful in just a few moments—a delightful rurpriso awaits everyone who tries this. I I Jl''d/ Our portrait is of Mrs. Maniey, of 6, Hammersley Lane, Wycombe Marsh, Bucks, who writes:— "Thanks to "Clarke's Blood Mixture,' I have avoided another operation for dis- eased abscesses in the glands. Two years previous to taking Clarke's Blood Mixture 1 had two operations, ut all the swellings did not po down. and this ye ir, owing to setting run down. aaill had them 1 was under medical treatment. and would have had a another operation;, then my husband j persuaded me to trv 'Clarke's Blood Mix- ture.' I did so. and shall always be thankful I did. After the fifth day all j the old places began to draw and tug as if there w • s still some mitter left j [ in them and after five bottles I was r quite cured. It is some time since I finished the lass bcttle and T have had R no return." 4 Sufferers from Bad Leg-, Abscesses, Ulcers. Glandular Swellings. Piles. Eczema. Boils, Pimples. Sores and Erup- tions. Rheumatism. Gout. or any kin- dred complaint should realise that lotions, ointments, etc.. can but ^ive temporary relief-to be sure of a cure. compete and lasting, the blood must he thoroughly cleansed of the impure wa4c matter the true cause of aU such [ troubles. Clarke's Blood qixture [ quickly attacks, overcomes, and expels a I the impurities. Pleasant to take. and a free from an injurious ingredient. | Ask for and see you get 1 Clarke's Blood Mixture  Everybody's Blood Purifier." R iOf a" ll Chemists and Stores. 2/9 per bot. | LIFE OF WORRY WHY ? There is Hardly Anything to Cause more Worry, Anxiety, Irritation, and Pain, than Ailments of Skin, Flesh, Bone & Jaints. WHY m m f 't m SOWER S BALM t it will give Immediate Relief. USE GOMER'S BALM FOR All kinds of Skin Rash. Sores, Wounds, Ulcers, Cuts, Burns. Scalds, Excoria- tions, Abrasions, Bad Legs, Variccee Veins. GOMER'S BALM FOR Eczema, Breaking-oat in Children's Heads, Ringworm, Gallings, Irritations, Itchings, in women and children. GOMER'S BALM FOR Piles. Scurvy, inflamed Corns, Bunions, and Gouty Joints, Rheumatic Limbs, Stiff "Joints, Lumbago. THIS VALUABLE REMEDY SHOULD BE KEPT & USED IN EVERY HOME. It will soon put an end to all worry. Atk for GOMER'S BALM," and see that the name in fall is on the Box, also the name of JACOB HUGHES," witliout. -whiah none is genuine. Sold by Chemists and Stores at Ie. 3d.. 36., 5s. (including war tax), or send Is. 4.d.. 8s. 2d., or 5s. 3d., in stamps or P.O. to zaaker, JACOB HUGHES, M.P.S., c.u.S,, Manufacturing Chemist, PENAKT% CARDIFF, t t


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