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Family Notices


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13ITTWS. 1






















I SWANSEA NEWS, The Week's Doings in Town, I On a charge of gambling on the Strand, Swansea, on Sunday. Sidney "Yilliaiu Winston (30), labourer, was lined 10s. at Swansea on Monday. The great meetings of the Evangelical Couvention wete continued on Tuesday in the Albert Hall, Swansea, with .audiences crowded and intensely earnest, Judgment for defendant was given at the Swansea County Court, when Georgo Gees, Manselton, sued a tailor for the re- turn of £ 3 paid for a coat alleged to be ill-fitting. St. Paul's. Congregational Church was crowded on Sunday night, when the Rev. W. Pedr Williams preachy another re< rtarkable sermon on tbl, war and faleo nationalism. Stoker Davies is one of five brothers on active service, one, Sergt. C. Davies, Welsh Regiment, having been killed in the early days of the war, and two of the others wounded. Under Navy League, auspices a meeting was held at Victoria-road, Swansea, on Monday. Mr. G. Gunning (Seamen's Union), presided, and Mers. M. Mailable (Blackpool), and Clark (London) spoke. Having appeared at the Swansea Police Court on 31 previous occasions, Bridget Pope (SO), an unfortunate, was on Mon- day sent to prison for three months for riotous conduct on the Strand on Sunday. The annual children's singing festival waa held at Henrietta Chapel, Swansea, in the afternoon, and EbeBezei* in thq evening. The choirs of Henrietta, Cwm- bwrta, Zoar, and Ebenezer Congregational Churehe«j too t part. Holding that the damage was due to tha weather, judgment was given at Swansea on Monday for'Messrs. Llewellyn Bros., Swansea*, in the claim made against them by Mr. John Howells, Garnant, ior damage done to furniture removed by them. Wm. O'Coanelj, 17, Gelli-etreet, Swansea, was prosecuted at the Llanelly Police Court-, on Wednesday, for neglecting his duty a< a special constable at a factory. The Bench said that defandant being a discharged soldier should know he had to obey orders, and lie would be fined £1- Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Roach, of 7, Oak.. wood-road, Swansea, who 4ied on Febru- ary.28tli last, intestate, left estate valued at £ 2,945 gross, with net personalty £ 2,94$. Letters of administration have been granted to her husband, Mr. John Bene- dict Roach, of the "above address, wages clerk. A whist drive was held at Thomas' Cafe, Swansea, on Monday, to aid Mc. Jack East, the legless St. Thomas, musician, who is just embarking on a pro- fessional career. The Mayor attended, and as the rgsnlt Mr. East was handed £138 13s. Id. Mr. Sidney Gordon, one of the certifi- cated assistants at the Municipal Secon* dary Boys' School, has been offered and has accepted the position of headmaster of the Parochial Non-provided School, ren- dered vacant by the appointment of Mr. J. Chappell to the headinastership of tha Oxford-street School. Ln view of the continuation of the war, the deacons and members of I)rnas Weloh Baptist Chapel, Landore, on Sunday evening, decided, at the instigation (lve Capt. the Rev. T. Waado Roberts, new chaplain to H.M. Forces, to rewind thv call extended to him about two yeans agq to become their pastor. At the annual Band of Rope concert in St. Mark's Parish Hall, Swansea, n wallet of Treasury notes, nearly CSO. an a handsome ebony walking stick, werer presented to Councillor T. W. Howell# by congregation and friends of St. Mark's Church, to celebrate his ejection* as churchwarden fop the 25th Under the Military Service Act, Waltew Selwood, slaughterer, LJangyfelach, waa handed over to the authorities by the Swansea Bench on Saturday on a charge of being an absentee.—Defendant said ha had not had a fair chance since the Derby scheme.—Corpl. Rea said the man had been before the tribunals for about two years. At Swansea County Court on Mond if Mr. Astley Samuel, auctioneer, claimed t5 damages from Mrs. Bevan, Norfolk- street, Swansea. She bought a piano a* a public auction and refused to complete the purchase. The piano had t6 be re- sold, and plaintiff claimed the difference, Judgment for plaintiff. Mr. David Selin4 appeared for plaintiff. One of Swansea's wounded boys (lat4 student of the Technical College), in a French hospital .where the head nurc,4- had formerly been a nurse for four years in Swansea Hospital, had also found two Swansea R.A.M.C. boys in the same hos- pital-lvor Davies, of Singleton, and Frank Richards. He is progressing slowly; hut surely, so he writes. The extraordinary series of public prayer meetings which were heljd in differ. ent churches of Swansea each evening of last week ended in St. Mary's Church on Saturday evening. The Vicar led, and among those who took public part wer^ the Revs. H. Stuart, R. J. Willoughby, and W. W. Lewis, Messrs. George Clarka and Sidney Solomon. A 6hort address was given by the Rev. H. C. Floyd. A verdict. of death d-ue to shock, fol-* lewing burns accidentally received, sas returned at the inquest, conducted by thq deputy borough coroner (Mr. D. Clarke), at Swan-sen on Wednesday, on the lxxly. of Margaret Burns (75), of 6, Maliphant- etieet, Hafod, Swansea, who died at the Swansea Hospital on Tuesday morning, fiom the effects of burns received the previous night The other afternoon. Mr. W. Cox, for six years stationmaster at St. Thomas, Swansea, was presented with a gold watch and S50 in notes, subscribed for by several friends at the docks. Mr. T. P, Cook, J.P., made the presentation, And. those who testified as to the recipient's worth were Mr. A. W. E. Wynne (precis dent of the Swansea Chamber of Com* merce, Mr. R- L. Sails, J.P., and Mr. R. L. Morgan. Mr. Cox made a suitable speech in acknowledgment. Before His Honour Judge Bryn Roberta at Swansea County Court, George Rees, Dunvant-, claimed from George Roberta, of the King's Head, Llangennech, posses- sipn of the hotel of which defendant was the tenant. Mr. Villiexs Meager (in- structed by Mr. W n. Thomas) appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. W. J. Samuel (in- structed by Mr. C. H. Newcombe) was for defendant. His Honour fonnd there was no reasonable cause to disturb the tenancy and gave judgment for defen- dant. A naval wedding of much local interest took place at St. Gabriel's Church, Swan- sea, last week. when Stoker Ivor J. Davies (son of Mr. and Mrs. Davies, 12, West- bury-street, Swansea), was married to Mi&s Mabel Fewings, 150, ivintr Edward- road Swansea (only daughter of Mr. H. W. Fewinge, now of Neath, formerly of Swansea). The bridesmaid was Mies Nellie Miles, and the best man Stoker Frank Thomas, the officiating clergyman being Canon J. Watkins-Jonoe. On Tuesday, at Swansea County Court, before His Honour Judge Bryn Roberts* Mn. Margaret Rowland Williams (widow cf the late Mr. Starbuck Williams), of Folkestone, sued for the recovery of pos- session from the defendant, John Thomas, of the house and premises known as Tyr- graijj, Mount Pleasant, Swansea. Mr Ih Villiors Meager (instructed by Messrs. R. and C. B, Jenkins and Lloyd) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Marlay Samson '(instructed by Messrs. Robinson. Smitb* Q Lewis.) was fot defendants*