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SWANSEA. fro J, Davies, eon of Captaift T. Davie*a, of Glanbrydati-avenuo, Uplands, Swansea, hajJ been kltlco Irf acikid. After a very ltlOg mtJ, Mies Mary Emma Brock. one of Swansea's mast loireab!» uiid withal mo#t useful chQrc.1 died ub Saturday shortly before 1 midnight, at her residence, Holland House, 68, Waiter-fosd. A F-ociô.i evening was held 011 Saturday I at the Royal Hotel hy the Swansea Opera- I tive Bakers' Society, to wokc-tito Mr. W. Banfield (general secretary). Mt. W. P. ¡ Thomas presided, Mr. Banfirld adrlressed tho Swanwu Branch Oil Sunday on Pro- blems After the War." Corpl. W. D. Rees, Welsh Guards, has biWn soverely wounded in t he ripht arm. He is one of three brothers strving with the forces, and prior to enlisting two years ago, was employed nfi-a collier at Civile Valley Colliery. His home ig at Nó. 39, Fern -s(ree-t, Cwmbwriu. Mrs, Brooks, of 31, Danygraig-road, I P'm i iVnnnnt, Swanr-ea. hars reeeivetl news of tho death at ssa, through enemy action. of bar husband, Chi?' Mnt? Edwniil BF?c.k?. c? the M<TMntH6 MiU-mc. Mr. Br?ks ?-a? H ytart of o?c and was ? well k?OWH &?up? &t th? docks. He Ic?VM a widow and oiViiI. cliildren, On Friday night Councillor J. B. jon* kins presided over a pubjio meeting held in the Town Hall, Aberystwyth, cnlled to advance the claim* of State purcbhte of tho liquor trade with local option. There was a large And sympathetic audience, and speeches wero delivered by Major I)d. Da vies, M P„ Rev. iSlved Lewis, and Mr. Dan Thomas, Swansea. Mrs Jonee, 7, George-street, St. HelenV roadi Swansea, has received nowo that her ton, Mr. Albert John Botvden, an officer In the Mercantile Marine, bag loot I his life at sea through enemy action. Mr. Bowden had ft large circle of friendfe in Swansea, end whs a member of Brums* wick Chapel. He was tl2 years of age. ahd had Wen in the Mercantile Marin* for many years. At Swansea on W ln.()gday Harold Kruzo, chief mate, and Karl 33ornliard Synoreon, chief engineer, both Norwegian were chargod with landing and remaining ashore without permission of the aliens oificer on Monday; also with failing to notify the aliens authority of their change of addre4m from that vessel to the Star Hotel, Wind-street. Each defendant was fined t5 and Sio. interpreter's fee. On 1'\tday ?fternon a sub-commitfee of <h? Water'Committee aecomp&nied by Mr. ?. R. eollmsonf B.Sc., visited the MW pumping station in Carmarthen-road, Swansea, and inspected the plant and progress of work, This station is, it will be remembered, i-9 being erected for tho purpose of pumping water up from tho lower levels in ordor that consumers in the higher situated districts rliall have an ,(Iequato water supply. A wedding was solemnised on Thurs- day at St. Paul's Co ng teg a t io nal Church, Swansea, by the R-ev. lr. Willioms (London). The contracting parties were Mr. John Lewis, Rotlmy, St.' HfelenV avenue. Swirsea, eldc-st son of the late Rev. Dtlgar Lewis, of Bournemouth, and Cissie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W A. Hammett, Brymyiror-rotid. The bridosmftid was YiA Lillian, sister of the bride. A cymanfa ganu waa held at Cwrn- bwrla Congregational Chapel to celebrate the bi-oeiitentiry of "Williams, Panty- celyn." when his hymns were sung. The trobist were Messrs. W. J. Colebrook, Ben Davie8. and Mrs. Bessie Howells, Misses Bronwen Morris, and Olwen Davies. An addree. was given by Mr. W. Clement on "Canu Mawl." The history of the poet was given by Mr. W. R. Francis &cd Rev. J. Edwards. The funeral took plnec en Thursday of Mr. Wm. Batcup, of 31, Kcbert-streer, Mini,sel ton, at Cwmgelly Cemetery. Deceased li ad boon employed at the Hafod Isha Works for nearly 50 years. At Swansea Police Court on Tuesday, Mr. J. W. Jones presented a medal Inspector J. Elstoti (sclicol attendance officer supet-j n ton dent.) for Xneritoriou.- service with the Royal Marines. Mr Jo tea read a comrqtrtiication from thf Admiralty saying that in recognition of Ji." Bloton's Liood -toliduct and efficiency he would be granted ,iln aftnuity of £10. In reply. Mr. El soon mvid he had sorved 33 or 34 ydfl-rs under the local authority, and hoped to coiitintie to do Ins duty. Att enjoyablo evening was spent at Ntv,, Siloh Sewing Guild, when A pro- gramme had been arranged "by Messrs. John Lewis and Ivor Owen. Councillor iivan Jones presided, and fepoke of the untiring work of the ladies in providing aomforts for the boys. The following artistes contributed: MiHs Annie George, Madam Maggie Da vies, MilOs Elsa Davies (National winner). Messrs. W. Tanner, J. Lewis, Josiah Thomas, Thos, Evans, and George James. Mr. Ivor Owen wes the accompanist. Votes of thanks were proposed by Mr. W. Williams, J.P., and seconded by AAr. T. D. Hughes. An mteMstHlg function took place at the Commercial Hotel, Pentre EJstyll, on Thursday evening, when the Special Con- stables of the Northern Division pre- sented their cojnmander. Inspector J. W Lloyd, with a group photograph of the V.S. Constables of his division and a case of pipes. AnlotJgst those present Were the Chief Constable (Capt, A. Thomas) and Supt. Roberts. Special Constable M. Lee presided. A mueieal programme was givren by the following artistesMr. Joseph Jones, Mr. Alf. Thomas (the Swansea Comedian), Air. M Davies. and Mr Ivor Thomas Official intim;»thin has now liecn l'e- ceived by Mm, l^aivey, i, Bennett-street, Lt) n do re. of the deatli from wounds of her hiltiband, Pte, Depii Pfllvc-v, Welsh llegi- ment. Prior to the v.-ar, Pte. Falvey was 11 respectcd employe of the Swansea Cot- poration (Borough ?urveyor'a t??rt* ment), ior ttn?-ard? of 20 VMM. H<! ?as oka a faithful member of the Roman of t.ho It'?olAall Grconhill, and tooli An active part in the niaily branches of this chureli. For many years Pte, Falvey bok npon liimself the duty of escorting the Catholic bOYå at the Industrial School, Boiiymaen (wet or fine) to attend the Sunday feerviceo of the chuch at Greenliill, Gunner W. 11. Richards, of Brynhyfryd, has been wounded, end is now in an Eng- lish hospital. Gunner Richards tanked on the Leader JJ: was then wit4i the now defunct Observer/' of I)oiitardtNve. and after that chief reporter on tho "Rhofldda Leader," Tonypandy. Ho voluntarily en- listed at the outbreak of war; eerVed for two years in Bgypt and Salonika, and wince haia b2éll in Flanders. Gunner Richards was wounded in the boiill hands I t, the battle for the Passchendaele Ridge. The wounds wore not serious, and he came out of hospital on October 11th. Ha had jut reached the fighting line again when a eliell came, and the force viith which a fragment entered his thigh knocked bitT) into a flhetl hole filled with water, If that beiftg torpedoed, 1 don't, know what is," he cheerfully save. An additional trial for Gunner Richardft is the toss of his mother. HOTEL SCEXE. I Und?f the Defence of the Realm Regu- lation (LiqUor Control) Order, Charles John Du?y, nren?n. Bror Hilding And?r- son, firc-nuiii, Nerve, boat- swain, and Chas. MacGi-egor, fireman, Were charged at Swansea on Monday with consuming beer fit tho Talbot Arms Hotel, St. Mary-street, Swansea, during r1{). hibited hours. The police evidence was that MacGregor when accosted was very violent and threatened to punch the witnesses, tn answer to questions, he said, MacGregor's mv name all tlnh world over," Defendant added he belonged to the "Zero," atid when asked what ti-,o &-rO was, he eai^, Why, Zero's tho North Pole." Later há became threatening. Replying to the charge, MacGregor said he had only just walked into the rooal, when he met the dete-ctiveo. Before he bad any drink at all they kept him in a room on a charge of which he wne ignorant. De- fendant- now said it wrould be a long time before ho would enter another one in I Swansea. Anderson and Nerve were each fined 40s. t and 5s, interpreter's feo. Duffy, for giving a false name, was fined S3; and MacGregor who. in tho words of the chairman, acted like a blpckguard," was lined S5. WHAT THE POLICE SAW. Before the Swansea Bench on Tuegtl", Maud ITcmns, Stafford Arms, Garden- street, was eumoned for (1) failing to enter in the register particulars of alien lod- gers j (2) telling or supplying intoxicating liquor to Corpl. Quick and Lce.-cpl. Hill, the liquor not. being ordered or paid for by the persons supplied t (3) selling or Imp" plying (either by hei' servant or agent), in- toxicating liquor out of hours; (4) per- mitting persons to consume intoxicating liquor during prohibited hours. Sidney Harries (10) labourer, and Wm. Parkhcnise '(50), labourer, were GUmmoned for being found on the premises during prohibited hours. Detective Francis said particulars kf three Belgians staying at the house wrer3 omitted. On this summons defendant was fined 4.th. Mr. Clarke also defended Mrs. Hemrni in the liquor control Cqsec". Detec- tive Francis BPÓk. of visiting the house oil a Sunday. WliOh lie got inside he saw a civilian and two soldiers running, fol- lowed by the landlady's daughter with tray of partly-full glasses. In the smoke- room were three Belgians. The defence was that the Belgians were lodgers, one of the iiien,an employe, and the other rpen visitors wrho stopped to suppe/ and were given beer. The Bench convicted on the mmmons for selling or (supplying, and inflicted a fine of 00s. The other summons against Mrs. Hemils were dismissed. The case against Harries we.s also dis- missed, and Parkhouse was fined 20s.— Mr. Rupert Lewis prosecuted.




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