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MILITARYSERVICE BILL' Borough Member s Attitude Endorsed ——————— The Right Hon. Sir Alfred Mond, Bart., M.P., delivered a non-party speech fit the Albert Hall on Friday night The build- ing was packed from floor to ceiling. The chair wos taken, by ILr. Richard My r- t,in J.P., who was supported by the hon. m-einber, Sir Alfred tond, Liady Mond, Mr. Robert Mord. M-. T. P. Cook (president of I the Swansea. Chamber of Commerce), Mr. R. L Sails, T.P., Mr. John Aaron Thomas, J.P., Mrs. and Miss Aeron yhoma-s, Mr. Morgan Tutton, J.P., Mr. and Mrs. John Williams (Dulais House). Mrs. T. P. Cook, i i". and Mi-o. Giles, Mr. llic-hard Lewis, J P-» Mrs. Bd. Lewwi, Mi's. M. B. Williams (Killay jloiasei, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris, ifiB. and Mijb Horne Mr. and Mns. R. W. Jon-eo, J.P.. Mrs. Perkins, M.r. a.ad llis. C. T. Ruthen, Aid. David OrjJ&fchs, J.P., Aid. David Mat. thews. Councillor W. W, Holmes, Dr. Roberto, Mr. W. E. Harris, Mrs. liic.ha.nl Martin, Dr. Colin* Lewis, Councillor John Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Moy Evans, M. Lo Ral'6 (acting French Consul), Dr. Urban Marks Dr. John Davim, Councillor D. J. Davjea, Councillor Geo. Hill, Mr. Lovat Owen, J.P., Mr. O. H. Lakp, Mr. D. E. Wil- liarns, Mr. and Mrs. W. L, navies, Mns. T. liaviw, Mr. Albert, iioeger, Mr. A. D. Per- kiiM. Mr. and Mre. Wm: Rosier, Mr. David Koberts, J.F., Mr. Gwiiym Morgan, J.P., Mr. J. Vaughan Edwards, Mr. D. E. Williams, Mr. J. D. Williams, Mr. Arthur Parneil Higbam. Barlow, Mr. R. G. Foy, Mr. R. E. James, Mr. and Xiv.. Geo. Dorrell, Mr. W. J. Crocker, the Rev. H. C. Mander (chaplain), Rev. Watkiu WilliajSM and Mrs. Williams,, Mr. G. E. Cook, Dr. Lloyd Edwards, Mr. and Mre. H. 11. Bushell, etc. The Chairman, on rising to make his introductory remarks, met with a hearty reception. He said the meeting was called for the purpose of hearing the vi-ows of their member A voice from the balcony: We don't want to hear the views of a. German. Cries of Put him out," Throw him cut." and eoraa disorder. The Chairman: Order, order. There was some disorder for a second or two in the balcony, several shouting to put the interrupter out. Silence having been restored, the Chair- man, continuing, said they were not going to get hits views even if they wanted thein. It was no use giving his views in front of a lecturer, and besides, they had not oome to listen to him (the chair- man) but to hear the views of their hon. member- (Loud applause). They bad oome in such a huge crowd that it really showed that they were interested in the subject Sir Alfred WaS going to address them upon, and they were also .interested to know what his views were. (Cheers). The position of tbeir hon. rn-enber m. the National Council of this country was Mich that hM views would be ot rare value, and every thinking man would give 'hem duo attention and every considera- tion. (Loud applause). He (the Chairman) would, however, venture one or two words which would not only embody his view, but abû that ot everyone who loved his country: That it was the duty of this nation to prosecute this war to a tsucoc&sful issue. (Cheevti). True, there were some people who held different views of prosecuting the great conflict, but he contended the only way to surmount these differences was to be loyal to their leadens, and by adhering to their leaders the successful prosecution of the war would be assured. (Loud cheers). t The Chairman then called upon Sir Alired Mond to addneps the gathering. Sir Alfred Mond, who was receive d with loud and prolonged cheering, said: Ladies and Gentlemen: This meeting which I asked to ne railed at a time of grave nuiional crisis does not assume, as some seem to iro- sarine. tuo chnra Tr ot any Parly gather- ing.. To me coming fresh from the Iiouse of Commons where I have been facing men of the Government composed of nMubers of all parties—where I see in front of me Mr. Asquith flanked by Mr. Bonar Law; Mr. Lloyd George— (cheers) sitting next to Mr. Austen Chamberlain, where I see Mr. Henderson eitting nest ,,i d erson ueit to Mr. Walter Long; where I have on my own left Mr. Chaplin, and very often on my right Sir Edward Carson-I say I im amazed to bear anyone talk of a Radical meeting or of Radical politics. A pplause). Sin-ce the war started there has been to me only one creed of politics, and that js to win the war. (Cheers). I oare not what views a man expressed before the war broke out, or what views he is going to express when the war ceased. I fay for God's sake lot us all join to wiu the war, and when we have won it there will bat.imo enough, if we have tho inclina- tion, to return to the quarrels of the past- (Cheers). some people seem to forget that we are in the greatest crisis, the greatest danger that tho great country haD ev. or seen, and whoa I see rpeo- lutions of many kinds which are passed, some of wliich reiieot on me, I would boldly say this, that I do not be- lieve there is a leader—responsible leader --of the Conservative Party in tho House of Commons to-day who would endorse for a angle moment the resolution passed here the other day. (Cries of Shame" and cheera). I am happy to think that it has been generally recognised by the men of this town—by all the men in the town whoso Pood opdnion he cared about--(eheers)- that I am doing my beet in every possible way; by personal en- deavour, by personal ea-criftf-e, and by Personal woa-k, iu the great cause we have in hand, and I asked the citizens of this town—citizens wh-o have so otften given me pledgee OIl confidence and kind- nola-to meet me here to-night because 1 wanted to talk to them not about myself or my seat in Parliament, but primarily you hare recently had in this town meetings addressed by a colleague of mine ia the Itouet* of Oommoxw6 whose pur- pose to divopt your support from the Goveroroent and tke risrha. oouroe dMtion ,!illCh I think i8 necessary, suxd which the GoToisanent think io necessary for the vldrP- of winrriKp tie war, and it is to that I want to addross myeea to-night. It i* now a srood many months since I in am House ot Ooxmaona, advocnted a om-rat. of action wfeiefe zufght htve seemed ft.range to joacy of my friends and giver, thorn cowto oa-ose for p»to, but I have not Iwattated in safine tbat if necessity T- "trrd we should not atop at Ooeipmaory tr-efrvie-e to win tJUfI war.. I cao undenstawi when I started this tFSnnte of action m.tM mast, have wondered (jfchy I dejpai ted from the id-e- and prin- Olvies whifth I formerly held. But I think t?-day thet wiU w<M?<T ?<'?' (Appa.uM). The position of nvmbeiv of P.Irliwmet during the laot 11 months has been one of extraordinary iifljcnlty, and I tell you why.. There are many things wo know but Which we ccuinot s|pr. Much information Tnctrohes tIe of wiuch we cannot -d dare vot gpe", r Uiink it is notorious that at the time to tho recruiting in this em the basis adopted had i oa-cti^d veu low ebb. I v-enture to ?y it?t at <?, wri*d the w&at?e of our 1Dr".tnY Wae ereator than the ntuiibw of ro- i droits W'& vtlwo getting in. It' w-? ? ?.M tn?e th?t I decMed what- It, h??e been the opinion of others, -Srer ?d ?h?tcver Qe con?eQucuoes which <^ji;rht aconie to 1Qe in my career A politiic. it -was my duty r? t?<9? -L bc?e!y and to <?y t,?M?? no pro ""i-d ideas, B? pinjudk" cf th?e past. '?? ?i?M wid. mi?t 1ww been emt-?h?e to a different of <nr<usast*aaa»'9fcoiild. ¡ ..u.-e r-drun.ÛQIIt. ptWOyj which was ueceoeary in order to win this war. (Cheers.) I think 'myself come very true WordfJ w?rn spoken the other day when it wa»a said that a liundred years of peaco with our island in security, made us take views of military nialteni which we wouid not have taken had we been a, continental power. One of those ideas deep-rooted wtis ttoet our great system or voluntary service would be sni&oieni lor a imroiioan war-—and we admire and sympathise no much with any system of voluntary service. That is bi-, cause we welcome and c-iory in the fact that millions of our countrymen have gladly and readily answered the nation's call without any legal force or any legal sanction being necessary to their action. What is the volunteer? A m&n who corner not because he must, but because he wantti to? He is a nmn we rightly admire and highly esteem. (Cheers.) I would say, however, that I think there is a perfect fallacy involved in the doe- trine or idea that because thi law says you ought to do a thing you are any less a f .ae man or volunteer, because you do nothing cf your own rfreo will. The law eays you shall not steal, but you are ikiiie the less an honest man because you do cot eieal, not because of the law, but because of your own moral character. I point out to you our great democratic neighbour, th.a Republic of France, a nation which has suffered ind whojie recovery after defeat, whose courage and invincible, indomitable power arouses the sympathy and admiration of ua all. Does anyone imagine for i single moment that tho mil- lions of men who have joined the colours, in France joined because they had compul- sory national military ecrvice? Not at all; they joined to defend their country. (Cheers.) And that is why I say oompul- sory military service tices not diminish the voluntary spirit or voluntary offer or the voluntary desire of the great masses of the people. As a matter of fact, no one will contend that if the great masses of the people resisted against joining the colours to defend their count17 that any law could j make them do so. I say that is an aspect of the case which has not been ^xifficiently considered. A free man, a wiliiug man, would be just as much a vuiameer it you have compulsion or not. It may help the man who is doubtful or hesitant, slow to make up his mind-"d some become reluctant to do their duty— to make up his mind, and when that is done he io as tood a soldier as any other man breathing. (Cheers.) Vie have gone on that sYstem-the voluntary system—-with a re-suit so great that oco could not have thought possible. Vvo have gone on that system, making the sacrifices that have been demanded., some of which may appear unjust and undemocratic. I will tell you why I take my present course. Casea have come to nay own personal ^knowledge. I, perhaps, have been in a position to see a good d-oal mora of the intimate life of the wounded soldiers from the front than many. They have been my honoured guests at my country home. (Cheers.) I have seen them corns back, and on- deavoured, by the help of skilful doctors and careful nurses, to jnako them sotHid and well again. One said, H I have been wounded onoe, and I have gone back; I have been wounded twico and gone back. T-hia is we third lime I have been wounded on the field of battle. iilid when I am well I shall have to go back to the firing line again. I do not mind going back. But is it rigit that hundreds of thousands of able-bodied men in this country should never have moved one yard or one fin?er?? f r? Is it. dom.<>- Is it right? Is it fair? Is it demo- ■ j cratioV 1$it British.? (Cries of Nc! ") I say No." And I cannot understand those who are opposed to the mild measure the Government has introduced when I think of these men—great, heroic, and wonderfully patient—who have suffered, and are prepared to suffer again because the others will not do their duty. (Cheers.) I have often ask-xl myself this question when I have listened to some of these discussions: Is it a national war we are waging for a national object, or a private war for private people? If it is a national war, surely it is an equally natiouai obligation upon every man to take part in it. It is not a question merely of people who wish to «;ke part in it. I say it is the duty of every man to take part in it. 1 say if there are people who will net take part in it, sometimes from I selfish reasons, I will not be one to j say that man should not go. He ought to be made to go. (Cheers, and a voice: H Qnite right.") What is the great point of distinction between so many of us ? I have read Mr. Thomas's speech here with great care. I do not want to say a word against Mr. i Thomas personally. I have worked with him in the House of Commons and always found him straightforward and an up.. right man. He has done something, at any rate, to help the Army, but he is aeso- dated with many men who have never lifted their little finger to help the country to win this war; men who were oppcoed to us entering this war, and who appear to be uDable to comprehend the danger we are in. We have had before U6 a picture of Bel- gium, devastated, brutalized, pillaged, (and the civil population—the helpless men, women and children killed, and worse than killed, by the Prussian Huns. I You have now a picture of Serbia, and Y(lu know what has happened there. The food of the country has been taken away, the people raided, the men and women carried aa slaves to Germany to work in munition factories. Those pictures are in front of me and you, and yet people will get up and say that in this country we must consider our own interests first; we must have our rights first. That is what is going to happen in this country. What will they think if about 50,000 Germans landed in Sketty and marched on this town? I wonder what answer they would get if they said I am a trades unionist first. I run. evrytliing else afterwards. Would they rather work under the Ger- man Hun aed suffer the same as the work- men of Belgium and the peasants cf Serbia? Would they like to work for no wages in a German munition factory under the lash of a German taskmaster rather than do their duty in diis f iii.Lw iv They lid not seem to realiso what alter- native stood before them. You may be told by the branch of the I.L.P. in Swansea that ther-e is n-o miii- I tary necessity of introducing Compulsion III(- purpose of winning the WIU. It has been stated that the Jovernmcnt had introduced Compulsory tervk-e— I which is in a TT)ild form--in order Lo please some journalists or some capital- ists. If that was true—and I venture to ■st'ite that there no ofuKl;] for the rtatment-I would not be standing on this plstform to-night. (Hear, hear-) It lS iJtvly the w 40 are opposing the courae proposed to be a-ctopteci-ilie tittle-tattle of journalist* and men in the Lobby being taken for Cabinet secrets—people who have Lord Northcliffe on the brain, believing that this is a scheme for the furthering of private interests Are these amateur Napoleong, who, with- out any figures of the wastage of the Army, of coLumAmou* or any knowledr of tM plan of cam paign, capable ?f forming opmMa as to 'w?t: is miU?u'v n f,?? <??? of 1,?Q ) Kow u.?t jposx!? to .Jo,;e fa" ? kaww'? ledge of which may be the means of losing thousands of precious lives? 1 wouid like to refer to a 8p<i?ch given the other day by Lord Kitchener in the of Lords. (Hear, hear.) After paying the high-Mi, tribute to the volun- tary system he stud: We aru now asking Parliament to sanction a change, and it has been proved that in the special circumstances of tb is utterly unprecedented struggle, the ex- isting system without modification 10 not equal to mantaaung the army which is needed to secure victory." The Bill has been introduced for the purpose of obtaining the men who aro needed to obtain victory.—(hear, hear)— and I would that we are all out to secure victory- Is there a single man, woman or child in the country who does not want victory? (Applause.) The Primo Minister made a speech in the House of Commons the other day- and tiio whole country recognised that there was no more straightforward and more conscventious man-in the country's service than Mr. Aoquith. (Applause.) Mr. Aaquith said: I repeat iu this matter of gravest national importance that unless the House will give ua the opportunity of fulfilling my pledge (lio was referring to the pledge to the married men ) and of obtaining the service of those men, I don't say it would make the difference between failure and succses in the war—but 1 do esy and—what is more to uê-it would be disabling us fulfilling our obligations to our own c&untry and oar Allies. ihei? h?s been a great deal of juggling with tha inures and the pledge ci the Prime Miniver r?- garding tho Derby scheme.. The j Derby scheme was presented in order to increase recruiting, and as a last oppor- tunity to save the voluntary principle, and whatever their views were in regard to the scheme, it received the beat of their support. The Prime Minister had given a pledge to the married men, and unless he had done so the married men would not have attested in such numbers. If the married men had not done so he did not think they could have been blamed. The married men had behaved magnifi- cently, and nowhere better than in Swan- sea. (Applause.) The Swansea men have backed up the scheme magnificently, and if all parts cf the kingdom had done the same there would be no need to discuss the scheme to-night. (Hear, hear.) 1 would eay Hiat the married men were right. There are a great many who have I already gone, and there are a great many who are ready to go, but 1 do not believe I that the older men, who are fathers of children and the husbands of wive." should go until the younger men are pre- pared to shoulder some of the responsibili- I ties. Whatever the quibbling may be, it was an understood thing that unices the I vast majority of single men are attested the married men will be relieved cf their pledge. Under the circumstances it is of the ut- most importance that the young men shall realise their position and come forward. We are ready to admit that the Derby report ie not a very ?tisiactcry document & the figures are not conclusive on ac- count of the rush during tJM last few day? before th? scheme wa-s dO&eQ. Acc<?rdir.? to the National Register there are ?,179,0? single men of military age, and of the? 1).50,000 presented themselves at the re- cruiting offices, with the result that there are nearly a millioa who have not at- tested. That is to say, nearly a at? of the single men of rccruitable age have not been attested. (Shame!) It is quite true that there are a number of these "starred" men engaged as muni- tion workers, but if there are 650,000 still left out who can be of service to the fovrtvy, the case as made out holds good in regard to the pledge to the married I 'irKD. T h oii,,a,s mat i p A !f?' d?ys ago Mr. J. H. Thomas made a speech iu Swansea, and on some points I am quite in agreement with him. Mi. Thomas eaid that he was not in sympathy j with the slacker, but Air. Thomas did not say what he was going to do with the. stacker. Mr, Thomas said that he would go to the slacker and tell him he was a coward." I would like to know what right Mr. Thomas has to call a.ny man a coward for not doing that which he is not compelled to do by law? I can only de- ;,t;cribe it as compulsion by insult. (Ap- plause.) I want compulsion by Act of Par- liament. (Cheers.) We axe agreed that these men ought to go. The Bill ae proposed is the only logical couiree to adoi)t, and any man who io attested luvs perfect right to appear b, fore a tribune-I, and, if he iiae jwxl neatons i to put forward, will 00 placed in the iaier groups. It i? & Question of procedure rather i?h?n one of principle, for we aje agreed th&t tbee? men—eligible, unmarried men who have no obligations, who no one de- pendent ou th-am, and who .aTe not engaged I in tuieful work Ü this n't Y-ouglit to be serving their •country and oaght to be made to go. We are both agreed on tllst. If that ill the. Cknio what 1..t.00 Quarrel between U3: It rot; to me merely a (inar. rei of words and of udioo, and ft quar. 11'1 in which it is not Dry to make loni; and liery «pe$ehes my friend Mr. i Ihooixus hais been doing. ¡' | Lemwj go a ctel) f arther. Mr. Thonja# hae even abandoned hia principle. I eee in hia last speech be said if he oould only eou- BCliÿt wealth- he would vote for the Bill! (Hear, hear, and applause). What kind oi a principle ia that 19 that the ea-ored prin- ¡ ciple of liberty ? I <a&a understand oa. man oojeotins to compulsory service on the I. ij.roan<i of principle, mistaken though he I&wy ?, or on the ground tb" there is B? muitary .nety, or I can ujMLera??nd him objecting *n We ??nod 4.b" w? want eil the men poesibio here for trade or oom- Baerco, but 1 cannot undeiwUwid a man ob- jecting on the grc>nn<i that he will not allow this to t&ke jdaoe until be has picked eoroe- body else's pocket. (Leaighter and cbee.m.1 Aftw all wo are oonfueing two entirely dif- ferent thing* What do we waait soldier for? We WQJA aoliu^tre to fight at the front to help the men who hgve gone there al- ready. (A Voioe: We want the money to pay.") Yes; 1 am -coming to that in a moment if you "Rill allow me. (Cheese.) Your are mixing up money and soldiers, which are two diner But things. (Laughter.) If a battalion is now in the trenches hard pToesad and waiting for reinforcement^ it is no use een-ding them a eacJt of gold watches to fight ttermane with. (Laugh- fcer and cheers.) Men who have been wait- ing some time in the trench09, d&y after day, deep in the mire ADd. mud, exhaue-tod and almost too tired to lift up their riflee —tlieso men -ky,)u to eiaa/J them out rein- foroemBwt*. (Cheers &ad » V-uioe: Tht is the They want Seeb and blood— men to -take tieir p4&ceei Monoy ia wanted to conduct this war to a successful conclusion. Money is being raised now. What is taxation bat the conscription of vealMiP (Cheery. They have taken oae-ihird of my income —and I do not care if they take the whole of my ineotne. I say if the Gov- ernment want money for the war let them take it irxrth-a war. I have not the slightest objection, but don't oome to me and say" I will not allow reinforce- ments to go out in order to savo our forces; in order to sav-e Belgium; and in order to deliver Serbia until I have been through your po<ikets." What is the position? Let me tell you What is going. The Trads Union funds are going; the Building Society money is going, and munitions and wages are going. It is all wealth. When you -begin to think of it and all the eoifte- quenoes, let it all go into the meltiji§ pot if necessary. We are ready to make any sacrifice in order to win through. My boy is in the trenches—(loud and prolonged cheers)—and your boys are in the tpsrtebes. Swansea boys are in the treneteft. Glamorg-iuithire and Wales ate fightmg, and these boys ask. for iefr aad- cMpeii as3et fea afeoat -fyspig M y*rveni. MOO rmtdttfK fcMRei from doing that duty which they knew they ought to do. Don't allow anyone to! come down here and draw a red herring I across your path. It has often been said "What crimes are committed in the name of religion," and I often think what fallacies are uttered iu the name of Liberty. They eay: Do not infringe the sacred rights j of liberty." Liberty to do what? Liberty not to do your duty to your fellow counfcrvEK-in? (Applause). Liberty to fight for it is the principle that has animated the great men o? all countries in the time of national stress. Who were the first people who CVÐr. thought of the idea of a nation in arms? .1 —not tho Prussians! The King of! Prussia opposed the idea for many years. It was the French Republic, the most' democratic of democracies, who, in the moments of their greatest trials, after they had executed their king and IlDst their army, said that every man in the II State mnsL fight for the State. Who had been the people who, for the sake cf freedom had carried out that principle? Why the British people. I Search the records of your histories, and go back to the great struggle againet Napoleon. What had they done ? They found their first duty as citizens wan to defend their coun-i try at the .eaU of the King. At the time, of the Napoleonic wars Act after Act was passed. For what purpose? To demand that that principle should be put into law. I say th;. 5 no new idea. There is one further objection, and that' objection I will deal with with the greatest pleasure. It has been intimated; that this Bill is for the object of en-i abl.ng capricious or malevolent employers, to bring unfair and undue pressure on! their employes. If tlu 'tt could be proved to be the case the whole Bill would have to be altered. j The Prime Minister, however, bad made the position clear enough. In a speech that ho made in the Louse of Commons he said that the Bill should not be u&ed,; and should not be capable of being used, bv any firm for industrial compulsion, and he hoped their efforts would be sue-! oe«sful in devising machinery and safe- guards which would prevent the poseibili-, hiiity of evasion find of any abuse of the' measure by any employer who might be so minded. I think that is plain, and ij hope that bogey—for I consider it a bogey!j -will bo finally routed. I have pointed out, and I will Iopeat: that we are engaged in a war the end of which we cannot yet see- I "aid at the beginning, I belong to no party except to the party that will win this war. (Ap-i plauee)- I say I will support any, Government that will successfully prose- cute it. I would like to add just this. Many, of us are not satisfied that the war has' always been prosecuted with sufficient vigour. If we look at the situation to- day. or if we draw up a national balance; sheet, we can say that in some directions we have done wonderfully, and more than anyone could havo expected. Our com- mand of tlve seae is absolute--(cheers)— and what that means we in SwaRå.1 which a ni;>.ritime town, eau bettcr understand than some of those who livo inland. (voico: No thanks to the little Navyites). belonged, to them- We have raised and transformed. our- selves into what we never expected, and: what no R,.A ever expected in this; co??try would be necessary —into a great miU\4ry l?ower. We have had to crestei a gr?t Array and Kreat mum??u worl?.) and taking the country as a whole, I think we have done great things. j But it is no use saying we have done; great things if we have not done enough. It is no good Mymg, as eoine people say,1 we ha.vo done all we can, and our Allies must not expect more. You mut put out all you can when you are struggling for your very lifo. Everything that can be done, and the utmost that can 1-0. is the least that will be necessary to win -this war. I say to you quite fmnkl. y—and j loyal supporter of tbe Government as I ain- that if I find there is a "angle occasion for criticism or blame I shall not hesitate in my place in the Houee. to say &). We are all equally interested, and depply committed, in this great struggle. We have all got some of our dearest pos- sessions in the world there, And some of, the most beloved there, aDd we all want to see them come back safe and sound at the earliest possible moment. But them is something which we wa,nt even beyond that great longing. We want tc win a victory such as will assure us of future ptace-mot & half-and-half; victory, but a real victory. We realise tho tenacity HP.d bt-rengtll and cunning of our opponents, tuid it is no use underestimating them. We have had too much soft soap andj: optimism of the wrong kind—optimism! which always kills a.a opponent with the mouth instead of tha bullet. DODIL let; us fall into this blunder again. Let us; put every ounce of energy we possess right through into this matter by-if it i8; needful—disregarding many of the id-aas we have cherished from our youth, dis- regarding many of the prejûdkes WI) have acquired, and by giving up, as I have long given up, all party ccsaeiderations, either before or after the nar. 'tVh-, does anybody imagine that when this war is over this country is going to go back exactly to where it stood before? I think we shall find many change&, and many changes in our ideas. Do you think that those officers and I men who have been sharing commQn dangers and common privations at the front are corning back here to cling to our old political domestic wrangles? I would say this, when I see the various demands of men hero about ballots on the Bill I have been discussing, I would like to see a ballot taken of the members of those unions who are now in the trenches. (Applause.) I should pay more attention to the results of a ballot of the men who are facing death every hour of the day than I could possible be expected to do to the results cf a ballet of ths people who are content to remain comfortably at home. (Hear, hear, and applause.) Ladies and gentlemen, we have a long way to go. We have to liberate the soul of humanity. We have got to free the world from a terror which none of us would have thought in former times con-1 ceivable. Balginia. is still enslaved; Sorbia is crushed; the nictbna-women and children--of the Lueitanie eleep deep and quietly at the bottom of the see.. Till we have avenged and cleansed out the forces 1 which havo created these horror?; till v* have re-estab lished in the world the right of international law and usage and all decent life-I say, till that moment, I would ar-k you to help me, as I would help tivery maia, to bring this war to a great, triumphant, and victorious conclu- sion. (Applause. Mr. R- L. Sails moved the following resolution >— That this meeting of Swansea citizens, being assured by the Prime Minister, Lord Kitchener, and the other members, of the Government that it is necessary for the successful prosecution of the war to introduce a EJlll to make mill. tary service compulsory to single men who cannot show any reasonable cause I for failing to join the forces, approves the action of the, Borough Member in supporting the Bill, and hereby pledges ibelf to give continued support to the Government in taking whdever $t3pS it considers necessary to bring tha war I to a triumphant conclusion. J They had, said Mr. Sails, listened to a speech on the position in this country which he was ffure must have carried con- viction to the mind of everybody who waa epep to be e«Bviaoed by strict lo £ b. He wP4 tbem, by tMt Tn.OIU. to endorse w.. <? ?ar?, T??d ha? Ngd W  ftir ih» re?!t)?? 3ux>5>«Mi e<?)?- ment in the action which they had taken to bring into the ranks those unmarried men who had hitherto not seen it their duty to oome forward on behalf of their country lie thought the last words of Sir Alfred Mond should forcibly emphasise the appeil. He referred to the sinking of the Lusitania. The Lusitania. was not only a great crime, but surely it was something which should bring home to the mind of everybody in I' thi$ country what we might expect if a country that glorified in a crime like that should be in power over us. (Hear, hear.) What w&s it that the Kaiser and his friends, the great leaders of even religious thought, were exulting in to-day? They were exu'ting' over that terrible crime. ("Shame!") It W5 hard enoufrh when sol- diers were killed in battle, but what was to be thought of it when women and chil- dren were sent to their death by tha direc- tion cf a man who during the wholo of his life had been using the name of God on his lips from day to day. C Shame!") He (Mr. Sails) hid been reading a series of extracts from German newspapers of sermons which had been delivered in Ber- lin and in other largo towns of Germany, in which ministers in that country had been exulting over that terrib'e crime. If there was a man who hid any doubt in his mind as to what should he done, he could, if he read those, not entertain that doubt any longer as to what would happen to cur children and our children's children if those harder who were Dot human beings, but brutal devils, should ever have the oppor- tonity of governing this country. (Ap- plause.) He was not a military expert. There were thousands of military critics in this country to-day—(laughter)—who knew little or nothing about the mili- tary situation. (Seaewed laughter and applause.) It was a wise man's duty- it was a patriotic man's duty—to take the opinions on military matters of men who had 6pent their lives as military m*n. (Applause.) It vas impertinence _a supremo kind for the ordinary individual to feet his opinion against the opinions of men like Lord Kitchener. (Loud and continued cheering, and a voice: "What about Lord Roberts? ") Y e.s, and of the late Lord Roberts, too. Sir Alfred Mond had pointed out to them that the Government, whose actions they were now asked to endorse, was not a party Government*. In the present Gov- ernment was Mr. Balfour, who for many years was the leader of the Unionist party, but who thinks that at the pre- sent time there should be no party poli- ticians, but that all should stand for the country. (Applause.) He had told the world, in his cpeech in the House of Commons, that he had never been a Con- fccriptionist; nay during the whole course of his career he has never been a Ceii- I ecriptionist, but that he is now. Why? Because circumstances had changed. (Applause.) It was inconceivable, continued Mr. Sails, that when circumstances were such as they were at the present day, men should talk of views they held six or seven years age He had had the pleasure thi& week of I conversing with an old Scotch friend of hii who had lived in Germany for four- teen or fifteen years, and had been interned for the last thirteen months in Berlin. He' said that the people of Germany were I' confident they were going to win. A man- ager of a branch of the business which that gentleman was connected with, came to see him one day, and said he did not understand why the Allies did not ask for peace, eeomg that they (the Germans) had beat-en them. So long 86 that, was the view of tha German people their military authori- ties dare not fftop the war. We were up against a stiff 11 ro posit ion, and any man who had noL found it a patriotic duty to come forward to support his country and enable her to win this war should, in fa-ce cf euch a condition of thgs. be compelled to come forward. When they wer-e aseured by the Prime Minister a.nd Lorn Kitchener and other members of the Government that this step was nee,-sgary-and they were the only people who really knew—to make military c-ervice compulsory for single men who could not give any reasonable cause for their ab- sence. he did cot think any man oould do otherwise than support tho Government in taking any ebepe which might be deemed neoasaary to bring the war to a triumphant oonclutiion. (Applause.) Mr. T. P. Cook said it gave him very great pleasure to second the proposition, which, he believed, they were all prepared to support. After listening to the able, eloquent, and convincing speech of the Member for Swansea, he felt that they realised the importance of the times in which we live, and recognised the necessity of giving a vory careful hearing to the steps proposed. He was one who always hated the word Conscription." That was probably because of hia feelings—his sentiments had never been brought to the touchstone of reality. But now they had. We were passing through a time when preconceived ideas and views had to go by the board. A Government representing all the parties in the House -of Commons said there was a necessity for this Bill, and he asked: who a re you and I to say we know better? We have had many costly blunders during this war—losses due to want of ammunition, want of men, the tragic episodes of Galiipodi, Suvla Bay, and Loos. T-he necessity for this Bill had been proved up to the hilt. He thought they were all agreed as to the gravity of the time! We as a nation feel oertain that we are fightuyr for our very existence. Our enemy is strong and cunning. We are taking part in a war which, if we lose, not only does our Empire go, but we here in Wales, as in other parts of Great Britain, will suffer the nameless horrors that have been visited on Belgium and Serbia, unless we take every possible step to fulfil the ends of the war. We had heard a lot about scraps of paper. Was the pledge of the Prime Minister to be regarded as a scrap of paper? No. He made it perfectly clear that married men should be re- leased if single men did not come in sufficient numbers. They have not come; therefore, the pledge must be redeemed. Conscription had not come with a rush. The voluntary system had been tested, and they all rejoiced that the Derby scheme brought in practically three millions of men who were willing to serve their country in one way or another. Now they had to go a step further. They in Swansea would do their little part to keep the proud flag fiving-the flag which has always been the symbol and guar- antee of liberty and righteousness among the nations- (Loud applause.) Lady Mond, whose rising was the signal for loud cheering, sajbd she had often spoken there before, but duriig a great many months since the war began she and others had thought that it was their duty not to speak bot to act. (Cheers.) The women had something elpe- to do than to talk. (Loud cbeeve.) They had been nursing the wounded back to life. (Great cheering.) It had been her groat privilege, and the privilege of a great many women 11 since October of last year, to do whatevr iay in their power in that direction, and she had since that time had the privilege of having wounded moo iu her house in the country, and there nurse them back to Seeing how these men whom she had been nur"g wwv 80 nursed in order to I mak? tnem strong w tha.t they ;?d go back to the trenches, she had been reminded of the arena in Spain where, when the horses had been gored, their wounds were ptuffed with straw, and they were sent back to fight again. These men of ours were wounded and sent back the second time and the third time. Were them not men who would say to them: I H You have bean out twiee; you have "been pni OW4P$- qd wounded, let. ■jpft tatkoi yocx jilace ? There were men who were willing to go. (Applause). Women also were ready and willing, they were willing to do their part whatever it was. She had thought that she could not have looked on bad wounds. She had never eeeu blood like that betore, and she thought she would have fainted, hut she had looked at it quite easily and had lived through it. One thing she had asked for since the war had started, and that was national service; not for men alone, but for women also. (Alypianse). She would like the Government, to say to them: This is what youban to do—and they would d«> it. (Cheers). There were women to-day who were doing their part, and whether it was to clean the streets or brush the crossing, she was ready to do it. (Applause). They had to oome and do their part, and when they helped at such a time they should be told by the Nation what they could do, and what they should do. (Hear, hoar). She did not think the women had been backward in this war. (Great cheers). They had in London a hospital where. from the first surgeon to the hall porter, all were women. There was no man employed in carryiug out the work of that hospital. (Chaerii). The War Office had asked the women to do it. and they did it. 11 If you men won't go, wo women will." (Laughter and applause). It was not the first time that they had done so, and slie oould say this that the women had been very ready to carry the burden placed upon their shoulders. (Applause). ¡ Her Ladyship said 63ie had known lota of voung ladies who had previously never done a day's work but now were scrubbing floors, cleaning the pavement, and wash- ing dishes for the soldiers. They had done it. and regarded the task an honour. (Applause). Therefore, said Lady Mond, in con- clusion, "• Let us all buck up, let us all -help, and do what the nation asks us to do." (Loud cheers). The resolution was tbe.n put to the meeting, and almost every 'hand went up. DemIt count the uncountable, was a cry as the chairman paused before putting to the contrary. « I see t'hree hands against," remarked (3hairman. "The resolution ;6 carrkd by a large majority." (Loud aiM?i continued applause). The great audience joinfld in "God Save the King," at the conclusion of which cheers were given for the Borough Member.




