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— ———. = POPULAR SWANSEA I OFFICER. I PLEASING FUNCTION AT GUILDHALL. CAPTAIN D. PERCY DAVIES HONOURED. Captain D. Percy Davies, of the Welsh Regiment and Army Cyclist Corps (who is home on short leave from the front), the son of Alderman and Mrs. David Davies, was, at the Swansea Guildhall on Tuesday evening, made the recipi- ent of a very handsome canteen of cut- lery (110 pieces), the gift of the St. Helen's Ward Committee, and friends, on the oc- casion of his recent marriage. Mr. Russell Davies (chairman of the Ward Committee) presided and was supported by Councillor G. A. Hemmings, Mr. J. P. Colburn and Mr. Bert Evans (secretary). The Mayor and Mayoress, and their two youngest children (Master Eric r.nd Miss Marjorie Davies), Mrs. Percy Davies and Miss Joshua, witnessed the interesting ceremony, and the local Tribunal, wfych was sitting in the Crown Court, ad- journed that the members might also at- tend. The general compa,ny included Aid. Ben Jones (deputy-Mayor), Ald. W. H. Miles, Major G. S. Harries, Conn. A. Sin- clair, Aid. Daniel Jones, Councillor G. H. Hill, Councillor T. W. Howell, Mr. Bell Bot- ¡ tomley, Councillor David Matthews, Coun- cillor T. Sbeehan, Mr. Henrv Thompson, Councillor D. J. Davies, Mr. G. Hollett, Councillor Percy Molyneux. Mr. VS. G. Foy, Councillor D. J. Bassett, Mr. H. Lang Coath (Town Clerk), Mr. Frank E. Tunbridge (Borough Estate Agent), Mr. Rupert Lewis (Messrs. Ro-binson Smith, Son and Lewis), M. Lucien Diord and M. Jordens (Belgians) and others. The Chairman expressed his great pleasure at presiding over the gathering because he j had knowh- Captain Davies for many years, •and~pttrticttlarly because he was a soldier—" and they could Hot do too much for those w ho w-ere fighting for them in the present: war. (Hear, hear.) Al d erniai-i Beii Jj 1 ie., Alderman Ben Jones <aid they had watched Captain ca-reei, from the t-ime lie was a boy with pride and p basure. (Hear, hear.) Before the war he was very successful and when hcstilties broke out he did not hesitate to offer his services to his country.. (Hear, hear.) Since then he had seen a great deal of active service and the-y were all de- lighted to see that he had so far escaped without a serious wound. (Hear, hear.) Aid. Jone? proceeded to sav he was more than pleased to see the Mayoress there a,Her her recent illness, and in conclusion welcomed Mrs. Percy Davies. wishing her and Cap- tain Davies long life and happiness. (Ap- plause. ) Mentioned in Despatches. I vouncillor W. Holmes also emphasised C tptain Davies' readiness to serve his coun- try lpnd remarked, amid applause, that he ,had been nient,ioiied in Field Marshal £ ir Dougas Haie's recent- despatches. Unless a man proved himself a hero in war he did not. get mentioned in despatches, and therefore Captain Davies W'I one more Swansea boy of whom they ought to feel proud. He was sure that his wife and parents were highly proud of him. (Hear, hear.) Mr. J. P. Colbnm, as one who had been active in getting rip the presentation predicted that Captain Davies. who was the noble son of a noble father—(heir, hear)- would attain still greater distinction, and he trusted that in the long and successful career that was in front of him he would neve; sully the fair nar-,p, handed down to him bv his --teemed parents. (Hear, hear.) Tie wished Captain and Mrs. Davies long life and happiness. Councillor David Matthews said he did not Wiink he was wrong in saying of Captain Davies that they cou'd not come across a more charming personality in Swansea, and he could not say how pleased Ire was to have that opportunity of wishing him and Afr5, Davies, not only a. long a.nd useful, but a very prosperous life. (Hear, hear.) Re- garding Captain Davies hiving been men- j tioned in despatches, lie could only say that that was just what, might be expected of him Colonel Sinclair heartily congr"ti>lated Captain Davies uiDon the stand he had taken in this grand fight" we were engaged in and Uid it seemed to him .from -the start that he was marked out for rapid promotion. He also congratulated him upon his choice of chftmiine wife. (Hear, hear.) > Councillor Molyneux remarked that, he had just come from the Tribunal; where young men were trying to show how I indi,%pens-,Lble' they were, and what a great loss it would be to the nation—and to thom-if they were called up—(laughter)—and yet there they had a young officer who was prepared to sacrifice even his life for his coun- try. He was a brilliant 'son of verv brilliant father, and would most certainly make lift mark in his profession, whilst there no doubt that Captain and M rs Davies would live very happily together, (Applause.) Mr. Henry Thompson, in a very happy {speech, spoke of the embarrassment he felt, i having regard to the fact that !)is aim ajid endeavour before the Tribunal hid been to keep his clients out of the Army. (Laughter.) However, he adde-d hig sincere congratula- tions to Captain Davies, and said that they had in him a young man of whom Swansea felt very proud. (Hear. hear.) It had been a keen delight to him to hear that Captain Davies had received some recognition for most conspicuous service in the field. (Ap- plause.) Alderman Daniel Jones (who said that in Brynmill they took a personal interest in the boys at the front and had watched Captain with a great deal of pride); Major G. S. Harries, who remarked that he did not know which he envied most—Captain Davies' choice of a wife or his rapid promo- tion and Alderman Miles, added their con- gratulations. the last named recalling an incident at Winchester just before the Welsh Division proceeded to the front, and said that he was then convinced that if ever Captain Davies' company got into a tight corner the men had a fine officer that they could depend upon and one who possessed a character of sterling worth with a splendid future before him. (Hear, hear.) a «!■ 1 v At this ?tage Counc;Hor Hemmings made the presentation, the inscription reading Presented to Captain D. Percy Davies on the occasion of his marriage, 20th Sep- t.ember, 1916, by the St. Helen's Ward Committee and friends, with best wishes for a hajppy and pror-perous life." The gift was handed over with very great pleasure," and again the hope was expressed that Captain aid hs. JJaYJe", would have long life and happiness. (Applause.) [ Captain Davies's Reply. I- 11 captain jju\ 10s, wno was most cordially received, thanked them very much indeed, on behalf of his wife and himself, for the kind things L'.iat had been said of him, and also for the very beautiful gift. which they would both always appreciate throughout their lives, not only for its intlÍnsic value, but btwxuse he knew it represented the good wishes of the people frith whom he had lived prior to the war. (Hear. hear.) It was most gratifying to know that the people with whom one came into contact every day wished them well upon their ell-" teririg upon what was a very important i sphere of life. and he was sure that his wife and he appreciated vf-i- *N highly the good i wishes that had accompanied the liaiidsonie gift. (Hear, hear.) Captain Davies pro-! j ceeded to sjpeak of the gratitude felt by officers and men at the front at the wav the people at home had kept them in mind. First | and foremost he was a soldier, and he did not consider it patriotic for a young man to offer his services and go. out to light for his country because it j was his plain duty to do 80', but what he thought had been the finest feature of the war was the way in which the older man- men past the military age—and women had stood up at home ii) seemg that those j at the front were not forgotten. (Hear, hear.) Although the troops were "fed up" with war yet they were determined not to let it finish until they had beaten the Germans. (Hear, hea.r.) And so those men who could not shoulder a rifle must see to it that the I peace-mongering party did not get a hold on England while the boys were fighting at the front. (Hear. hear.) Whether the war' went on for another five or ten years they had got to beat Germa.ny. and that was what tile N- Nvere out fof. (Hear, hear.) "I thank you very much on behalf of my "wife and myself, said ('apt. Davies in closing, "for vout, kind wishes and beautiful gift." (A* jdauso.) Coun. Hemmings was heartily thanked for making the presentation. Coun. D. J. Da vies. who seconded the motion, also con- gratuluted Capt. and Mrs. Percy Davies on their marriage. On the motion of the Mayor, seconded by Coun. Lee, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to th,e chairman and secretary of the Ward Committee. The chairman and Mr. Bert Evans re- plied.




