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AMUSEMENTS. B.39. TO-NiGHT! 8.48. JOB O'GORMAN, supported by a Power- j f ul ^Company of Irish Players, in their j New Irish Musical Play. AS IRISH AS EVc B A,AII-Irish Cast, including NORAH I C'GTORMAN, Breffni O'Rorke, Jlarry < I'ETbnovan,' John J. O'Reilly, Andrew: Mc £ tanus. John Swan ton, Eileen McEvoy,! 1ILttyn Hagan, Goo. B. Larchet, P. Mor-j tinier, Will Bavin, Mary Sweeney, R-OSle j O'Connor, JOE O'GORMAN, .Peasants, < WIMDS, etc., etc. 2 ON THE BIOSCOPE, TB- Romance of David Lloyd George." 1 JE £ SiE BROUGHTON and DENNIS CP.5ED0N, in a Mnsical Entertainment. SAM BARTON, < 'f lie-Great International Tramp Comedian ■ — GliAND THEATREI, Monday. FEBRUARY 19th. 1917, I Six Nights Only at 7.30, Ike* Very Amusing Comedy in 3 Acts, I from the Playmouse, London, A: SENSE OF HUMOUR. Preceded hv a One-Act Comedietta, A MISUNDERSTANDING." 4 J Nsxi Week.—Return Vi5it of Mr. Arthur I Oibbon6 Co. in the Farcical Comedy, j i "THE ROTTERS." T?E PiSTU?E HOUSE. High Street. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME— JCleo Ridgley and Wallace Reid, in Hoctor Turnbuil? Stoi-Y. j THE SELFISH OÖMANs1' By the Famous Players. His Brother's Pal, j A Fine Bex Production. j Ambrose's Cup of Woej j A Triangle Keystone. j CASTLE CINEMAl (Adjoining leader Office), Swansea. TSmr., Fri. and Sat., 2.30 to 10.30 j A CHILD OF DESTINYj A Metro Wonderplay in Five Parts, fea- ( turing Irene Fenwick. Showing at 2.30, 5.35, and 3.45. Ambrose's Cup of Woe, A Two Part Triangle-Keystone Comedy,, featuring a Wonderful Child Actor SORROWS OF LOVE,! £ Five Part Triangle-Itallark Drama, fea- turing Bessie Barriscale. I Showing gt 4.15 and 7.25. Another Huae Programme i*ionday Next, t CARLTON CINEMA DE LUXE, Oxford Street, Swansea. TO-DAYS PROGRAMME- Hayakawa (the Japanese in c TIio Cht") ill 1 ALIEN SOULS, y By the Famous Players. Riaht Car But Wrong Bsrth, Stariipg Dan Russell in a L-KO Comedy, j 7HE LAUGHING MASK, No 5: The Intervention of Tito." j M or day Next.—MARY PICK FORD. j  M? r  1ik: Y S I U M | CONTCNUOUS PERFORMANCE, I' 2,30 till 10.30. SUSiE SNOW FLAKE, j five Act Famous Players Dramai MARY PAGE, -Episode r>: "The Mental Expert." HARD CIDER, Exclusive Keystone. TEMPLES OF JAVA, Interest r, ilm. PATENTED BY HAM, Ham Comedv. GAtmfrNTS GRAPHIC. J, I RcrV"A L THE A T R E. « « •— —■■i.L Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, uhar»w*<efcaplin "IN THE PAWNSHOP." ■> Star iT'S ALWAYS THE WOMAN, By PTftlrfc"Adair. Drama in Five Parts, featuring Hayden Coffin & Norah Chaplin. I —Continuous Performance, 2 till 11 p.m.— New GARDEN SEEDS I Selected Vegetable Seeds, j Seed Potatoes of all Varieties, jt • I WE CAN SUPPLY POTATOES FOR Leased AREAS UNDER APPOINT-I MENT BY BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. 1 XOTE ADDRESS:— H. A. LEAK 211. OXFORD STREET, Swansea. and MARKET STALL, and MARKET HALL, lLANELLY. Teicphoue; 381 Central. j Catalogues Gratis.  !DEAL FUEL FOR THE I PE IDEAL FUEL FOR THE i HOME. 0V0IDS j ? This Fuel is not an inferior 4ubstitute, Bj but a § ■ SJPERtQRcONSOLtDATED HOUSE I FUEL, which gives a j HOT, BRIGHT, CHEERFUL FIRE. D'  town level. rite -I. pc, Ton delivEred town level. Write :rJoone SWANSEA FUEL CO., LIMITED, King's Dock, Swansea. Telephone; 447 Central. V fa*iah 'W keep Vour ??air? private. ',ftD strangers, for no gtc aii-eTr wni le,HJ YOU money without a?- in > ;n<n, teruas sWt :dnunula. How ?ou?ld ?t? heae terms suit :o rpay £10 lQ! £50 rel'aY 452 lOe. 1 Ptm if £ < £ 100 reay S"(IS- ipQ lrieftii? anv ^ltt0u5 b???????f,?, ? P^ <A .» ,trrades under his own naae. Apply ■ < e. ALBERT E. GASH, gL. 6, Uplands Crescent, Swansea. ,1 j j PUBLIC NOTI CES. i — I' PONTARDAWE fi URAL i -9ISTRICT COUNCIL. j j CULTIVATION OF POTATOES. 'T HE Pontardaw-e Rural District CouuÓI have obtained an Order dated the f 15th February, 1917, from the Board of A-rTciilture and Fisheries, authorising them to exercise the powers conferred by j Regulation 2 L of tJle Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Regulations, 1914. I with i:esr-ee t tc).any 'land within the Pon- tardawe Rural District, subject to the iprovision of the Cultivaftion of LaiMs Order, 1916. The Gbuaeil have aleo r oeived an Order on flie same day giving I tho conscnt of the BQard to enter upon ¡ certain portion of common land a.t II GwamcaegurwyCn, CwmllynfeM and Craig- cefnparc for fhe purpw of providing gar- j den aliotnjfents. I The Council have ajso power to enter and let for cultivation any UNOCCUPIED LANDS in the Rural District of Pontardawe and ¡ ta let the same for cultivation in Small ¡ Allotments; and where necessary," the' t Council may hire, by agreement [ t OTHER SUITABLE LAND NOT NOW TTNDEK FULL CULTIVATION. I The District Council are cooperating j with the se-sferal Parish Councils in. the Rural District, in providing allotment's, I and the-e, Authorities would urge, in view of the j GREAT NATIONAL NEED, I every resident of the Rural District who I can possibly cultivate an allotment to I i RECP.S35ER HIS NAME AND ADDRESS I AT "UIE COUNCIL OFFICES, PONTAR. DA.WE, OR WITH ONE OF THE ¡ r ERKS OF THE SEVERAL P AlUm j COUNCILS ) not later than I WEDNESDAY NEXT, FEBRUARY 28th. j The position of the available plots of land may be seen at the Gouncil, 'Offices. LANDOWNERS who may have pieces of land not under j full cultivation and are willing to let the same tor Potato cultivation are invited tÐ i submit particulars tiiereon to the District i Council, if possible by Wednesday next. ) AN URGENT APPEAL is also made to all Householders to FULL Y CULTIVATE THEIR GARDENS f attached to their dwelling houses and to set as large a portion thereof as possible with POTATOES. Dated, this 21st day of February, 1917. J{)H G. HARRIES, Chairman, i "WHYNDHAil LEWIS, Clerk. II rSWANSEA HARBOUR TRUST. 1 ~\TOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the i ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Of tire Swansea Harbour Trustees will be t lield at the HARBOUR OFFICES, in the j Countv Borough of Swansea, on MON-1 DAY, the 12th day of MARCH, 1917, at; Tvrelve o'clock, noon, when a Statement 1 of the Receipts and Expenditure of tilel > Trustees for the year ending the 31st I Deeeniber, 1916, and of all debts owing by them, and of all Contralts entered into j by them, will lr- produced for examination and NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN that printed opies of such Statement are now ready, and may he liafl at the Offices ¡ of the Trustees, situate in the County Borough of Swansea; and that such State- ment and the several Account Books and Documents referred to lie therein at the said Offices for the inspection of the Cre- ditors of the said Trustees, Harbour R payers and other parties interested at all! reasonable hours.. Dated this 23rd dav of February, 191i.! TALFOURD STRICK, Clerk. Harbour Oflic(?s, Swansea. Hnr::ru' ::n;GH OF! SWANSEA. f CORPORATION WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC NOTICE. TN corscquence of the large number of defects caused by the frost, and the delay in repairing them on account of so many Plumbers being away, on Military Service, it will b<i necessary from time to time to shut oil the Water Supply from various sections of the Borough. House- j holders are requested, before 3 p.m. eacb day, to dsaw off a supply of water eufii- j i cieat to latit until the following mid-day. Persons are warned of the Danger of lighting Fires or keeping them lit in j i proximity to the Hot Water Boiler when the supply of water to replenish it is j stopped on account of the pipes being frozen or otherwise. G. R. Collinson, B.Sc., A.M.Inst,C.E., Acting Waterworks Engineer and Manager. j FIGHT THE WAR TO A FINISH. PATRIOTIC CAM P AICN Organised by the CENTRAL COMMIT-H TEE FOR PATRIOTIC ORGAN)S/<-  TIONS AND THE NAVY LEAGUE, ii', Outdoor & Indoor Meetings Addressed by Selected Speakers. j' February 23rd- j CHURCH HALL, SKETTY. TH1 SQUARE, MORRISTON. February 24th- ) PLYMOUTH-STREET, SWANSEA. j| SUNDAY, February 25th- GRANO THEATHE, SWANSEA. Everybody Welcome. Questions Invited. Speakers. Leaflets, Lantern Slides, etc., I are at the disposal—free of charge—of club secretaries and others wishing to j arrange meetings to discuss any aspect of the European situation. j j ARTHUR SHIDD. Hon. See. Metropol Hotl. I. WELSH SCHOOLS' SHIELD COMPETITION, VETCH FIELD t TO-MORROW, KICK-OFF at 3.15. I SEMI-FINAL- j CARDIFF || V. ij SWANSEA, r —— j, BOYS, 2d. ADULTS, 6tf. (No Tax). j. COME AND SEE A KEEN GAME. j; wv.Bi>»iirjiffc*,Tprrf ■ ,i iaj» £ COME AND SEE A KEEN GAME.   r i  r"?" | r | 1 MATRI MONY. ARKIAGE, ? Years Events. Is Id Char- i ?JL acter and Partner added, 2s. 6d Send 40 ve::us' ex r'f;rj"I'c,- !r. Wriicbt. t>2. s t;ontj yridd-road, Pnttb. 252A2-24 11 l SALES BY AUCTION. IN PRIZED T0 be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, by Order and for Account of THE MAR- SHAL of the ADMIRALTY (bv direction of Messrs. CIIURCHILT & SIM, London, Brokers to the Marshall, at THE LONDON COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, Mincing Lane, E.C., ion WEDNESDAY, 28th February, 1917, at ONE o'clock precisely, Ex S.S. ST. CROIX," 18,000 Casks DANISH CEMENT (Lying at Cardiff). Uniform in quality, test shows equal to best London brands Portland Cement. To be sold subject to Government re- bt1'iton. as to Export Write 'for Catalogues and all further particulars to j ROBERT LYON & Co., Brokeiv, 1, Lombard Court, London, E. C. Also to A23 & 24, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool. ALBERT HALL, SWANSEA, Special Sale of a MANUFACTURER'S Stock J of High-cla.?3 English Carpets, BORDERED SQUARES, in Fine MENDED | Colours and Latest Designs, suitable for j Drawing and Dining Rooms, Breakfast and Reception Rooms, BEDROOMS, etc., which j Mr. Joseph Harris IS instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Hall, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1917. SaJe to commence a.t 13.30 o'clock a.m.j I precisely. 1-1.,0 o'clock a.m. AXMINSTER, WILTON PILE, BRUS.I SBLS, TAPESTRY, etc., also MIRZA- PORE and other Oriental Carpets; Stair and LANDING Carpets, Corridor and Hearth Hugs, Door Mats, etc. Goods on View Morning of Sale from 9 o'clock. Auctioneer's OfSces: 1. George-street, Swansea. Telephone No. 469 Docks. Catalogues may be obtained post free j from THE Auctioneer. DGMUM," PENTREPOETH, j MORRISTON. 1 Messrs. Bowen and Evans ARE instructed to offer for SALE bv' PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above i address, on THURSDAY, MARCH 1st,! 1917, the whole of the Household Furniture, comprising the contents of- 3 RECEPTION ROOMS", .1 BEDROOMS, etc., etc. For,details, see posters. Sale to commence at 11.30 a.m. Terms—Cash. The Goods may be inspected during THE Afternoon prior to Sale from 2 to 51 o'clock, and on Morning of Sale from 9.30 j a.m. Auction, and Estate Offices, Salubrious Chambers, Swansea. I Mr. J. Barron Pascoe (F.S.I., F.A.I.), HAS been instructed to Secure on Lease by a Large Firm, a SHOP PREMISES :HT:PLE-E :'rE- 'I SQUARE, and OXFORD-STREET. Send full, particulars 'to I J. BARRON PASCOE, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 6, College-street, Swansea. SATURDAY CONCERTS. ¡ CENTRAL HALL Tipperary Concert To-mort-ow (Saturday). Programme by the NATIONAL COM- MERCIAL TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. Artistes:—Miss McDonald (Swansea), Miss C. Campbell (Swansea), Mrs. Scott (Swansea), Mastars Willie & Bertie Day I (Swansea), Mr. J. Williams (Gowerton), J Mr. Isaac Edwards (Swansea). Recita- tions by Miss Muriel Day (Swansea). J AccoTd,panist- Mr. J. F. JONES (Britonferry), Chairman-Mr. H. R. BUSHELL. Doors Open at 7. Commence at 7.30. J Collection. ( "—- W ■ !■ m II I »■■■■ PUBLIC NOTICES. Re SAMUEL TAYLOR (Deceased). A LL Persons having any DEBTS or A CLAIMS aga'iftst the PRIVATE J ESTATE of SAMLJPL TAYLOR, late of Russell Buildings, Caer-street, in the County Borough of Swansea, and of Strathmore," Newton, in the Parish of Oystermouth, in. tha County of Glamor- gan. Cliartered Accountant, deceased, ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to send full particulars thereof, on or be fore the Fifth day of March, 1917, to COLLJNS & WOODS, 1, Worcester-place, Swansea, j Solicitors for the Executors. L EDUCATIONAL. j CLASS A1 f Ie ttke standard of efficiency at which we aim. THE DE BEAR SCHOOLS (The Swansea Commercial Central School)/! give practical training in Typewriting. Commercial Arithmetic, Shorthand, Business Methods. English. Handwriting. Book-keeping. j Day and Evening SECTIONS may be F joined at any TIME. Apply: The De Bear Schools Ltd., j Castte Buildings, Swansea, j Tel., 587. MISTRESS REQUIRES Post in SC Qoo wan' m"a Qr District —M'rit? BOX 34. LEADER Oflice. Swansea. 252A2.Z4 Thoroughly Taught J Modern Methods, giving ftapfid and Practical PVESULIS; COIQUKJI cial, Con\ erBatioijal, aud General Courses -Beatrice M. Jones, i, faeorge-street. swal)boa. 231A ACOACHlNU for Firemen, Mine Mana. gers. and Surveyors Exams. Lessons by Post; syllabus free.-(D L.) Cambrian Mining School, Porth. S-TUDETS Succes?uUy PrepartQr Pro. ? ficieuey u),PITMAN S Shorthand. LocaJ MARINE $OABD and Civil Service. LES- .?ONS ?iven in Arithc-.etio Engiish. Book keeping etc. 8atifaction ?aaT-xn?ed Mr. Karrie. 56, Oxford-street. Swansea Day or Eveaing 'l'u, CTO THE sw ANSEA BUSINESS 'Joliege '.Sid- A daH Buildings. Alexandra-road) is L'taining Young Men YOUTHS, t\d Girls for Successful Business Careers, SitbjQrts;- Shorthand (Pitman's or Srripti. Typewrit- ill- Bookkeeping Arithmetic. English Office Routine. Modern Lansiiages e tc. The success of this CIQHégp is H perl NN the uc- CESS of its Students Prospectus an1 ADVICE Freq.-Erviest Victor Rurldel], PAL. 'Phone: Central 13559. IADY Secretaries, Clerks.—KAPID PositAl. i Training at Home, low fep. hi;-hLv' successful; guide f i Ee -L'ept. lS, Postal rol- Ip" 325 ). Strand. LOndo-D. 228A2-20

Family Notices

