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ON THE BOWLING GREEN. Swansea Competition in Full Swing. I (By "WOODROLLER." tooai bowle.re were favoured with idet: **«* lit r lor tir-eir gaaw».ou Saturday. r[ hë vsas in exteJScut condition, and J have iwartl. as yet, a singie eompiaint cou- ^•fniug tae irreerw. file competition games 'ç iww in lull swuijf, aud already a ?1)1? d surprises have Ùn ?piu?i? np?:i dk:«e inte¡ .x.l in the i?ftime. jcAriier }u the season i imucated the imprOYe'm?nt J*! the .vocu-roihng <? I'&JC Howard, and i"? ca? with w?ich they nefe&t?-d ic- :"?"? on Thursday, May .?!h. dh{)w that lnc.r Arc g-oinj ;C? make a big effort to re- '??t: ?an?y??-dr ? the Mo?d Hopby at tei if t;,)Il ? th< competition. The ?tortam placed ateatr? on the *?'6t). bat the Howihrdi&n? w?r? ir*<?;?.{lbi? nd had the honour of Uèing the first side Ig top ),h<- ,'ntury tbi ?a&ou. ?t<r the yh end ib.ere wa no I)ing the Tin- ?ter?, and handuome vietonee. f<*U to the 1i cf the riT!k eont1'(}lled by Skip? D. t:llder. 0C,?mer ThoOLa?. .lC, solitary s-nccee* was gained bY .?' Pk-ton, W. Beer, W. J. Ditv?o?, and Skip ?*• Williams, Nit even • h<? th?y had to exo.i)ti-on:!?'?l'v- to get hom? wth r,e,e to epare. Paste Howard win d wa, hins. and the Hs?!€tiy ?ra?n wiU <"oye a stumbHn? block to aU YieHinS "P?aTH? for League hcnouTS. MATTERED HOPK?. set-back oii Satur- ,?'ict<?riA had a further set-back en Satur- whn they v?hed "YK .L.H.<?&.yti. "'M iheu- a?pu'a.:i<m6. re?afding th? shield Jj? not profi-yering %■> well a? tl?y might, "?y -?eMa to have struck a bad patch, and ? ?Hl r?ui!? a b? p?U to p? thn ?)?aA '? line. Thev have th-? oe?? of &om« ?* the b?st b'?'w?rt, in trie diet riot-, and r^'e up to da:e registered more players r^n any other club; but Dame FOTtun ??Ps to an)i!p upon them at p'?gcnt. f?T' made a. ??l?mU? fight apamf? Par? ???yn. but ju^t fa;ll in the ?;-t. few  For the &'?. bajf ,t th? 3?3?? no ?ant<!?a wa ?.in?d by fit.h?" sice. aDd )': tb? 10th <wt the tot-a? fftood at 06 a1, ?? ?nds later, the Nwert t wed "?d. and o?tpoiut? t? Plasma r! wood- !rS^ilers by twe-I?e ? hGt s. The hoDn.&?ra. -e, ma<de a capital recovery, a?d in J i%e ?uat ende -uece*d?Fd in wiping out 1 heir '?it aj?d (yv?rtoppmg t M Viot?eriq, ?t 0: 69 by thr?e. A? might be ?xp?ct?d. t? rink Yictori?? ?.'?r? evenlv dfetribnted, j I the a?v-4MH.a? a-?u?<i ?y th .L.?w?yn- ? mere than wunter-bala^ice* th&t of I'MJLM, F3<tHT. ? Victorian?. 0. Kink 1 t? v;??'? dir?t? by ?p L Itanwn, had on t'?hi!) ??t rhrourhout €»me. When t<m h?ade ha? b?fn T\t the ria?m?rl trundlers had obtained j i ''c?y,?an(!'n? )ead. a'?. d-fptte 60me ?- i'?'?t oToTt?. t}M VtC-tf?Mr.a were unat?p ltal,e much impression ?n t.ii? af'?3.?t- ?. and fnmhed up ?1?'?n fhchM ;11 2.7- ??. W BLackm<TC. W. Ev?M. H. ?c ?c.))?? ?? J. Jone-s =<?m?d ?k?y 6t OTW  ? of :h ? pame *0 wi? ?ut the defeat cf '?ir ciab IE on RmK 1. a!?' ?t tb? ?t? !.? h?d a?umula?d 14 mere ehotf th?n tk oap.)n?nt? directed by Skip ?fSth? But. at M. thsir suw*5* ?lopoe.-I )1rt, and they were Tnal-.e, a?y if pr<?T?5. whi!.? th? home qua-rtpi ';rt -n ('ight ?ot=. a-rd -ai?.d their tota! 'f??. Tb ectxugsr'?p? on Rink ik,en ?.'? the onenin? end. and "iJ1 F. 'RJ ?? T. Jon? ?c- th?r m?n pegrt'in? away the- ia<-? .? w?) that a. thp ?tb eid Jt)' on? ?.hot in f-?Tottr <? Park Htw?yn ir*t>ara»ed th? t?ta-1?. 1n t?? remain n '?. th? h?rnc-t?)-? s'??rc? more freely, end „ ^Pleted the hwn ?n? with an a?a"r?gatc ?)?. w?u"h ?"o''cd Hy<- too many for the ^oria.ns. Tb? early cnf? on fie remain- inifcvfink weer fatrly dk-tributsd. and k ?pf.,r  ??ii!y  and ""t'wav tjirouch the ?aiB? the t<)tals Mood ? 't'1f\n «.; finally the vi?itit'? ouar- 4-.t, E", -Ik I W\r.ia*n?. ?'can to draw !??< and st H'? Mh ?nd wee ttn .even eJnd )?a?. tb?y mai?mi'i? u?t? the  ???? t&ey had ama:??d 'ho?. ??''h'- JOHN' S nBSn' LLEAGUE WJX '???<!t'a were the viritors to Manceltoo !s"?n. ?hcre St. John'g w?rp oppo?d. 't'h<' 1 !nt6 made a rood *t«r;, and ?aitU)i? 4 I'  of ??<1 t:.hot.? ]?!? iTt f,mH UHtn .?-' Ute end, had ?<'n completed. A "? ?f?-t b' tb* ?'ex?nd.-iau? "a'.erMd '<' P?iriftts. nii ?t th? 35th end they had ,'?muiatcd 54 sho-t j!1 reply to 48 bv their 'w "in'n th? points S^ u:nh' .Uppu'S from their ?r^P. raiJiecl ?P'?ndi<i[y. and wiping om their ?d- ?'? score "?nt v.-el1. in front. totaPinE 81 ?"?te( ro 5?. The two r'H? victortM favoured ?? Saitt..?. and o:? ?-en? to th? VJoE:.Jt(J],Ii'¡ 'cdt.: ?n tUc ?mai'nnF n"!< honour were ?R. Th? ^red on mo-<t of ';h? ?nf' durinp :b€ ftr.?t t'?? c!' 'ho cam?. h.? it was '))?y by -tr.?&s. 11 nn¡r :h? ].??t. ?ix <'nf?.. ho??Yer. they >4*1? ?p?n to better ndv&nta?. f.n? ?"u 'K?- \t.r the r?sp?c'Ab'? <ot.n of 22. The '?a.'?)riat)s on he other ha.nd. w?-c in ?('Rkie? t.hroughm'. ?nd could only ?b?r e,-Iit 0); Rin? 2 Skii>* A. Cok¡ t _nd J. G. Davi? with their clubmatcs. ??'??t. with Tary?''? torture. e ad. side .?inT (bo ?ad in turn. At th? 15th end ???Yanftti?n.? had -?i?'y ihe ?ttcr  ?a? ar?unxtnt. and wc-e two in front. U2VEL T&RMS. ,'I'h-e- Saints, however, were c<)?aUy a6 per- i:t1l t. and had ihc ..Mtt?faction of dra?- ??'?vci. in th? final end with ?h<* to)H'? bJQ '? 0" ??"? 3 -Ski?l? J. E. Janx? with -hk l^rtrer. were opposed, by a warm o\v^. ^tet co?itrolleti by Skip J. Tracey. The .& ItI.j,,i It'sby Skil) T. Tra(?e tt)  fro™ the 1iTm!ug. and from )h? cth tilo ?.5tk end ?"? ? t the -frinsr In H? T??'.??a? ?{na; ends cCoring W-1 t'?. but the i^^W W'8y unah? to deerease 'h? « a fov. i(t'?.? ?"d fini??pd '?ith foor?c?n -?! o: ?'<-h t<?? fei' ? ???" "hor! of their opponents' a???Farf\ ?ay 'm Rink 4 wa, interMt-  And the Alexandrians -%vaTM a gootT f},"h' ?ntH th€ 15th 'end. aur! were only two <Hw??' ?''??' ?? f?aFf. however, th end„ IjjJ ''ot ?" out. well ae ?'?? ?'?"M have ??? ?.and tM ?aiht< under T. J w i. scoj? ?. ??<? that tb?v completed tha gam s'?'? 12 *.heU to -par?. after putting to. ??<r a tota1 of 7i. ^fiPEJSE FOR DYFATTT. ?yfat.ty received a surprise pa<'?<t f)?m h lt(,n on their own gn, Ma??t??to;? ?"?.?iled to reproduce ?a&t ??aao?n'? form M?Lyn ünitd on ?h? prviou" thjÍllrd-a.y. ?*'? were unsb? to mn?ter any- Tth?i ?? ?c a reI'"entat1\e -side. Againex ^tv-thev t urned up in K?M't?r .:tr?n?th. ''? Mtn?: theit' fir:t Leacue T?omt<: of the ??'?" by def?trnt: Dyfatty by 14 aho"?. ^mston op?!)? th-^ir competition p"Ü- v^tne by defeating Melyn Uint?d on th? It'tQM Oreen by nine ?bo?. The Mofri?. i'nl;:n", np on the tbrc? rinks directed ;r ?ki? A H. Dickman. l)d. Davies and 1'.IY[n R'?"=- but ?'. J Th<?na-?. F..1. 4ea rW. -I. D?Ttpy. and ?up J. i ?'?''a?'. proved superior to ih? Morriston. art,PtT ? Edwaids v^if DON KIN'S DE:ClSIOX. t)"???opK;ii haw did'ed j?' to t?c- any ai-p 1,1 the t???t'€ Tournament, bni have a..? "?? ? ?ri? of friendly ?a?M?. On ) ?t?"?y they oppo&d the Oomm('ril  ?'?<' ? ?n th? Ownadonkin O'csn. 'nJÐ I '"?of fh* Road had p?Yiousty de- f•' ea1? /ILf ?? P?ttd;- by a good ma-r?in. and had ?(\?t' ?? repf?t the performance a?ain-t Cv'-vTi n '• ??' ?'? not ? fortnnat 'cjy) t h)- and hod to retir with a <).j ?Q'' ?? ?? ?ot?-. The Cwmdonkin wcod- h J,1""5, OMmenced in a ?'inninc Ydn. Pnd ^ap^" en<l« scored ? ra?dh' thj;< at th 1h ?"? bq,,jtii.&t ti. !&aft '?? tofUitt" M ?o?. Ahhcu?h t?e t]'??' aftp!\va?d.-< Mor?d tno'? f,'¡v  of tl-ie <tV),R con Id not deci-e«se H:? ?ad of th? ???"?"?tp< v.ho at the ?h ?'d h?d 'oled J their <?:)'?)Mn?' t?al of 1A 'tr? )?' hn ?"'?' '"?? saw the Tr:?<l:<-« fs))- t¡t>1 tll,¥th,)' '"hind and at the ?i'm'im- Mon ? ??'' ?? Cw?doDkinitp? had t{\ rnJrT ?" ^^reirate of ?ot<. in rcn? V> „ J0*3' by the CcmTB?T?ia! Tr?. 5 { ^.I'a .wixht hp <.xii??<i from t.btir !??' ?'?? ?? '.hor?. t)? Cv)r?of)kin ?f 1--P- ?''   f ;? ?; t? m?io-ity I, h. t. l' )';nk. the r.??)!<-r-, Mt?ng- nie !) '??-f? ? ?'?? < ?" ?"? »DJG UP A LEAD.  lip Travelle-is ?MD t,)-a ;)ib. J i?? -.fj at:?r t.h? fifth end. but at tho v w«re only four in froDt Th? *0 J; ??a'ant qu«,t-t?. tried their harder .? ?c—? ?n level tcial? Inn tJw Travellers fT?°T_ ?' '? <au?ht lla)Jpin, and in- ,:1 ??T ?'?' to 23. '?b? the oppof- 'nt¡ r,„ or baITN"Ua?T,, contp?tit with 17.  ? ?? ("wmdoukin woodrollers >tjj« ??' A. ?'ttl?me opened in N':tt It-1,e Tn t.h I"Z-t ?nd. bdorp! th'a okip? d-owa ?"' ?"'Of:? had P?? ?r'-?n'cr only. Thr? mo!-? wc?da wre ??'" w)<ho':< I\Jtrirl th? Do?tio)-). 1t.'J' "?'?'- vA a beautiful Fh-t tav? Y.'Ta: 'e Comm??ia!'? w<r?t wood. ?nd jo?? ?' .?id° ^even. Thi< Mjow?d by a. ;1,1",i <,o I I?, o?a-?d thetn in a. r?rUn?? !?""tion.' h?t the TraYe)'et? ?kn- Mv /PYJ à""iû l;']tèr¡ ? ??"\ ?'T?t R" ?t'fbt eT,^ioiYi ^i'r fimiusrh the remainder of the '?sr?* t?? "'? ?rd tbp Cwmdonkin 55 in front, but, tb? f«nlt kent- r>e.TinF aW6'. Win1 the ?']:t P' RWO?' W'tll !!}¡, ,h'lt }It the 2?t ?nd th?y w?'? NJJy <)<<(.! ???'.n arienra after putting to?h?r R'\ÑFOR SCENE. THE <JD ATJO 3 indicated 1 !o<-e R? 'd ba!f way through tb? ?'n? j di<???_'??'? two only in ''avour of C-wm- ,kAn two only in favour of Cwm- i ^nkin 4t 'ted OM. waJi;LIter..aJ<d,¡ a. great change eajxie over the game, end the TTuveiiers found I hem&Yes badly ont- During t-hie period tne Owmdonkin quartet directed by tkip R. D. M-orsan, addoo ZD shote, seadins their toial to 27, lwhii-e the Oomznerciats found i-t hard plod- ding to tsoore a couple, making an a^-gre^ate of eleven. On iiink 4 H. Thomos, J. J. Chap- Pell, A. Bowler, and 1). Jonee, had a good timt", and during the first tend end- i>ut «n 143 liiiots to four. The Trav>edleis then j manatred to put a ^.top to their career. oiid added .seven to their total. The Cvran- donkinites again got on the "iack, and Iiiii 'zli-ed nine 6-hot5 in advance, with è.1\ of 25. SUCCESSFUL SALISBURY. Salisbury, after their unexpected defeat jet the handa of Port Talbot entertained Neath on the Victoiia G-ren in a, friendly. Salisbury, although they were stieceeet'u-l on three rinktf.. were on] y n lJ on by five. Thi* was el "e to tho decisive win of the Ne^th quartet on Rink 3. where Skip J, TeNvit got borne with eL 36 hot majority. Skip E. Stokes waoØ alo highly euceesstul. and with his part-j irers did much to ensure Salisbury's first- win. TRUB?DAY GAMES. Th? ?autiiuJ. w&a-ther ?xt?riencjed on ?Sat,ui-d.a.N- wa« continued on Tbursday, and th players in tLp ?veruis S?me? ben?ftt«i by the Daylight Saving sollen-io. -lu pzsi- 1 beasoiw the tinai ends were gensraiiy played in >emi-da/ kueocs. but on this Ooca- leion no difficulty woe exiierienood in this direction. Dyfatty visited Victoria Green, and gained a victory at the of Salisbury. Th,, Dyfa,tl,,y men were some time. before they got aocustoiDed to tlie ffreen. hnt -at the fifth end t.he-y were up: two. which they increased to 13 at the 10th end. For the noAxt the SaJkbury- itag held their own, bu t, a era in fell Ixihind, 'and the visitors finished JO h9t., in trout with :I. total of 91. The three suooeseful rink for Dyfatty were well controlled by Skips D. D. Jen Kip'. T. TTaleg. and Ev.3n Hill, while Skip W. Der.vitt l who ha# ma/lf' z, W'G.oomo rfor Ovfativ) .il. failed by one to ecnial the a-ore vI The> Stiltebury rjuarV: direcUxl by Skip S G i^EMAJiKABLE RIK VICTORY. ra,rk Iioweiyu f.)O red it u-markabie tjc- tory over Morri&ton XLujied ai Morriatcn on jyaum.iay evening. Ttie panic oon«>7ted of ta yet tiie PlasraatI bowlers man- &S? to c??pijf the exc^cLent total of 84, tie Aorriatoananc fwere li:nited to 37. The L'eweiyu wood rollers were the firsC off the mark, and t,t the 5111 end were 9 up. hu? th'?UK' The next fiv? ends th6r4e WaS Uo hoiding; tbm. ?nd eo r.ipktiy did th<sv se-jro that ?t Ute t&m c,?ld Hi?' overtopped HM) United t?t?t ?f "9 b. 36 shots. They conffmt«*d to add utout qtii. ckly, and art the corn pi et ion of the tra-vno hurpassed the Mofistoni«n aggregate of 27 by 47 hot. The Ia.Tsc &co-in? vas due to prowoss exhibited bv the Park -Lieweli,n fjUartet Oil Rink one. Here, jl. Johns, P. Brewer. Williams. and Skip W. Griffiths the Morriatoniana abssolutely cnancc. and monopolisid the" kitty" duv- tnp the first twelve ends. At the tenth end th'y had compiled 29 shots. while their cu- pomnt.3 were t-imply h.^kinp: on. It seamed a<> it the 5forristenians werc doomed to re- Dialn pointless, but a si^U of relief want up wheu, at the thirteenth end. they a. ?'o"?'r. Here th?y ??n—n.nd ended, and tll(? :p7DAr' ?uartpt obtained a ma)or)tv of 39, aft?r the Alorriffcniana had scored ou Tt/F, REOORD SCORE. B,N- qtite A ,h(, vjous record score was obtained ap-ainst i at k Uowelyn by .M.C..A. i»t an e\-cnin?r s-anie a few reasons A Y.il. rinl- con _;st]ny of B. Watis ,)one-. J. o. Da"ie." jry Rcps. -"? 'T?? :Moni" corrursnd?reft the T''?? ?"-?.'?""< ?c game. and ?orod 23. TJ¡" ?ark D?clyi f)u??;'tct. w?rc a A,:tLtni-i a'Vll, en appearance when th"r found tha.t their scohns' card did not contain a single entry in their favour. Hone; rhe success attained on Thursday will go a. ion- way to wipe out that memorable D(- formatter. Airairist Morri«feon United Sk'tis G. and J. Clirk a!anas<'d to fct h''nn- by opht and one Hh?t re?peotlvety. and ,hm Swarnric? wore Quite a cheerful oc?nt?n- :u'c? whfn he ..?.'o.ainpti that his men had earned 34orriston' s solitary success by one alio 1, 1. INTER-LEAGUE MATCH Viub aceretanes seem tQ have forpotten that names ot players who wish to take can in the inter-lea (rue era ro e at Y/Jtrad on •June 17th should have been in the of the secretary by May 25tb who Pave ncelected to do so should '.rentediaie'y communicate with Mr. Miteheli as thO" lection Cominittee will probably meet, tiur- inc: the next. to choose the tetm to re- pre^-nv tbe S<waneea Ltsip-im 'e zame it not tiined to start before 4.30. v* that plav- er.s will not have- to low* a morning's work to take part, in the game. FROM TO VICTORY. My Morriston covre.spondent writes :?o!- low mg up victories over Park IJewelya and S(. Johns in ri.1t.0B Hcwiutp: Club again proved victori- ous on Saturday against iiclyn in a League encounter. ( niortunately the homesters ha.i to play with one man short on one of tae nnKs. bu', despite this d?a?y-uita?-. they jot. heme by a fair martrm of hcmc byafa.irnimj.-?ino.t' de- dm tion. ?h( y (n; no?, by ?ny mp-df. have matters all their own way. ior at one period of the game they s- i-e seriously threatened. Thanks to an rxcellont display of bowlinn on Hiiak 4, where Haydn Rees and Co. totalled 14 points to "love," tho .Morristopiarg held a sub^tantjal lead of 30—15 at the fifth tad. This cavly disad- vaiitage by no means deterred the visitors," who. once they got to the preen, cit,t,rly showed they were not to he lig-htiy treated By the teuth end they had greatly bettered t-licir position, ana at the fifteenth end they were only two poiuta in arrear?. viz. 53-55. In the concluding stages a dinp. Mi-usgl(, vvai witnessed on three of the rinks, and the JHo.-riKtoiiians owed their ■ victory to a re.m,irUabiy ™cod finish up" I h.. D. Davits' quartet, vvhj scored 15 to the; opponents' one, the final scores heing 811 to 73. SKIP DlC.KM!t; SUCCESS. un nine one the I I> H. I.dvvards, lost to J. Drummer's quar- tet. who dispJaYId .ery consistent form by 15-27, Despite being: one man short. Skip A jl. Dickman did well to win by 22—16 011 Kink two..Skip Dickman has been very suc- cessful to date, and will require a iot of beatiue. The play on Rink threp, was par- ticularly interesting. Opening with three shota the Morristoniain couid only muster fo ir shots to five by the fifth end. nl; was increased to six in the ue..t pud and was not 'utgmented at the tenth end. With a. four-shot victory at tho eleventh end they reduced the lead to 11. :Û. but could only muster «tie to their opponents' four in the next four 021Hlofl. In the concludinc stage', however, there was no liolclin! them. and with a fino sequence of two, three, five one, and four. tbey altered the position from 31—35 to 25—15. which was reduced hv one in the last end. The feature of tha play on the remaining rink was the auani- openin? of the Morristoni*m<. let! bv Skip Haydn Rees, who Sot'ÆJI'f:'{l 14-0 in the fitv.t live ends. From then onwards the ?anif was of a more even nature, the plar beintr #listht.ly in favour of the visitors, who red need their early deficit by four, the ooc. cluding *»oorefi being 24-14. DYF.VITY v. SALISBURY. Friendly match, played on Victoria green on Thursday. Dy fatty. n. Jenkins. D. D. Jenkins c-'kup). ?o "o Hanson, J. Bevan. W. Dewitt (,8kio). 19 Rink 3—S J. Robinson.. D Jones, W Norman. T. Wales (skip) 97 Rink 4.—A. John-wi. G. P.ayne, w. Ham- 7 niett, F,. Hill (mliip) 25 Total. 1 Salisbury. Sink -Syd •Tours, R. Rodsrers. J HmvelK Tom Jones P) Rink J. Leyits, W. Blackburn, G. Kutler. n. G. -Tones fskip) 'i' 20 n> Pink 4.—W. YAwinç-s. I). Tic.holss. B. Bottom ley, E. Stokes lskip4 13 T,ot a I 51 -.4-









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