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MYSTERY OF THE U-BOAT SINKING SIR E. GREY'S REPLY I GERMANY'S AMAZING CLAIM TO GREAT BRITAIN PIRATE CAUCHT IN THE ACT Very promptly Sir Edward Grey has replied to the memorandum of the Ger- man Government in regard to incidents alleged to iiave attended the destruction or a (jrerman submarine and its crew by his Majesty's auxiliary cruiser Baralong all August 19. 1915. The claim of the Berlin Government ie that the crew of the submarine were murdered," and the- evidence of seven witnesses (named below) are adduced. All of these witnesses are United States subjects, aged from ]8 to 32 years. Six of them -wre engaged as muleteers and superintendents on the British steamer Nicosian. crossing from New Orleans to Avon mouth last August, with (says the German mules for war purposes, thus being laden with con- traband." A Stoker's Story. I To the testimony of those six is added that of Larrimore Holland, a United States citizen, aged 18, who deposes that in May 7?15 he arrived in Liverpool on a intilc, ship, and was induced to enlist in tho Hrtish Navy, and that he was, ii; the time the German submarine was sunk, a stoker on J-l .}1.. Baralong. The Ger- man memorandum covers his story as well as that of the six cattlemen. About 80 milf", south of Queenstown the Nioosian was fired on by a German sub- marine" after the whole crew, including I the six witnesses, had left the ship in lifeboats," says the German statement. Arrival of the Strange Ship. I While the submarine was firing at the Nicoi^aii an unknown steamer appeared flying the American flag at the stevm and carrying large shields on her aides with the American flag painted on them. The gravamen of the German case, as seen below, is that this ship was n.M: auxiliary cruiser Baralong, that, she did not lower the American flag till (as one witness says; after she had fired small arms at <the ;¡¡}nua.rine. and that then she sank the submarine and murdered" the crew even when they were helpless. The memorandum, which encloses the sworn depositions of tlie witnesses, is dated Nov ember 28th ■. it was handed to the F.A- ,mlxl,sador in Berlin. The U.S.A. Ambassador in London paseed it to the British Foreign Office on December 6th: Sir Edward Grey rephed--without accepting any of the German statements— on ] Joe ember J-tth. The German memo- randum demands that officers of the Bamloiig sbail be tried for murder and p unishe-d. SIR EDWARD GREY. I German Crimes on Land and Sea. Sir Edward Grey's reply. addressed to Mr. Page, United States Ambassador in London. is as follows:— Foreign Office, December 14. Your Excellency,—I have had the hon- our of receiving your communication of the Sth instaat, covering a memorandum of the German Government iu regard to incidenjs alleged to have attended the destruction of a German submarine and its erew by H.M. auxiliary cruiser Bara- long on the 19th August last. The Ger- man Government base on tli-ese alleged in- cidents a demand that the commanding officer and other responsible parties on board H.M.S. Baralong shall be brought to trial for murder and duly punished, ilis Majesty's Government note with great ftitisiaction, though with some surprise, the anxiety now expressed by the German Government that the principles of civil- ised warfare should be vindicated, and that due jmnistiraent should be meted out to those who deliberately disregard them. It is true that the incident which has suddenly reminded the German Govern- mont that such principles exist is one in which the alleged criminals were British and not German. But his Majesty's Gov- ernment do not for a moment suppose that it is the intention io restrict unduly he scope of any judicial investigation whieD. it is thought proper to institute. The German Crimes. Now, it is evident that to single- out the case of the Baralong for particular ex- amination would b? the height of ab- surdity. Even were the allegations on which the German Government rely ao- cepted as they stand (.and hie Majesty's Oovernriient do not po accept them), the charge against the commander and crew of the Baralong is negligible compared with the crimes which seem to have been deliberately committed by German offi- cers, both on land and sea. against com- batants and non-combatants. Do-ubtlees the German Government will urge that I the very multitude of these allegations would so overload any tribunal engaged in their examination as utterly to defeat the ends of justice. If. for example, a whole army iK-) charged with murder, arson, robbery, and outnvge. it is plainly impossible to devote a separate inquiry to all the individuals who have taken a share in those crimes. These practical considerations (--aiinot 'e, ignored, and his Majesty's Government admit their force- ?ti f They would, therefore, be prepared, for the present, to confine any indicia! in- vestigation to charges made against Ger- man and British officers at sea, and if even thi-s restriction were thought: insuffi- cient they would be content to call atten- tion to three naval incidents which oc- curred during the same 48 hours, in the course of which the Baralong sank the submarine and rescued the N icosian. The Case of the Arabic. The first incident relates to the Ger- man submarine which fired a torpedo into the Arabic and sank her. No warn- ing was giveii to the merchant vessel. No efforts were made to save its unresisting fTTfw. Forty-seven non-combatants were ruthleesly seat, to their death. It is understood this act of banbarism, though in perfect harmony with fhe earlier policy of the G-erutan Government, was font vary to orders recently issued. This, however, if true only increases the re- sponsibility of the subfmaxino commsuMkc,, and his Majesty's Government have re- I ceived no information indicating that the authorities have pursued in this case the course they recommend in the case of the crew of the Baralong by trying him for murder The Stranded British Submarine. I Tiie second incident occurred on the same day. A German destroyer found a British submarine stranded on the Danish coast. The submarine had not been pursued there by the destroyer. She was in neutral waters. She wa-s in cap- able either of offence or defence. The destroyer opened tire upon her, and when her crew attempted to swim ashore the destroyer fired upnn them also, with ro apparent object but to destroy a helpless enemy. There was here no excuse of hot blood. The crew of the British sub- marine had done nothing to rouse the fary of their opponents. They had not just murdered 47 inno- cent non-eonjbai ants. They were not taking possession of a German ship or I committing any act injurious to Ger- man interests. So far as his Majesty's Government know the facts, the officpt's and men of this destroyer committed a crime against humanity and the laws of war which is at lcu"t worthy of judicial inquiry as any other which has oc- curred during the course of reoent naval operations. The Case of the Steamer Ruel. The third incident occurred pome 48 j hours later. The eteamer Kuel was at- taek«*i by a German submarine. The ship. which had made no resistance, ixv- gan to Mnk. Tho crew took to. their boats, and while endeavouring It) ¡ themselves were fired upon, both with shrapnel and rifle fire. One man was killed. Eight others, including the 1 master, were ooverely wounded. I Sworn testimony, on which these statements are based, shows no reason whatever which could justify this cold-j blooded and cowardly outrage. It seemc; to bi& Majesty's Governmentj, that these three incidents, almost siraul-, toneous in point of time, and not d jII¡>r- ing greatly in point of character, might with the case of the Baralong he brought i before enine impartial court of investiga- tion, say, for example, a tribunal com- posed of officers of the United States Navy. If this were agreed to his Majesty's Government would do all in their power to further tho inquiry, and to do their F i. taking euch further steps as justice and the findings of the Court might, seeiu to require. Hi-s MaJRaty's Government do not think it necessary to make any reply to the suggestion that the British Navy has been guilty of inhumanity. Ac- cording to tho latest figures available, tbc Bumt?r of UNman sailors r?ec?ed from (h'ownh)?, often in circ-umstanees | of great difficulty and perils, anaounfs to 1,150. The German Navy can show no Hleh 1'('co1', d-that., p<'I'lmiJ6, through I want of opportunity.—I have, etc., E. Grey.



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