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*^■1— in ■ .mi — ■■■ "LEADER" CLASSIFIED I A?ERHSEME?S f ADVERTISEME i SCALE OF CHARGES. 20 WORDS and under-3 INSERTIONS —ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Three insertions-Ono Shilling for 23 words, and 3d. extra for every 5 werus more. LOST AND FOUND. -Three insertians-one Shilling and Six. i psnee for 20 words, and 4d. extra tor j every 5 words mcra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN i MEMORIAL & SYMPATHY NOTICES, One !nsertian.—0ne shining and sixpence ior 2J words, and M. extra for every 5 words more. This scaia does net apply to Advertise- iner-ts irrai Corporate fr Public Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Motices! Suiea giid Lot by Toncier. HEAD OFFICE- LEADER CUILDIFICS, SWANSEA. Telephones: 1234 Central (Eleven Lines). ¡ Tesagrams; "L,.acier, Swansea." LONDON OFfICE- 151, FLEET STREET, E.C. Telephone: 2276 Central. LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILOiNCS, THOMAS ST. Telep/ione: No. 174. HEATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET. TeLaphane: N. 258. -3 SIGHT TESTING AND SPECTACLES. you are cordially invited to cali upon MB. EEJO EEES, F.E.M.S., F.S.M.C., etc. (Lond.). :11). Casilo-eirott, .Swansea. Coa- ault&tion tree. 'Phorrs Central 520. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. A STEAM Tr-?ctor Engine wanted, cr good ?- 8t€ajn Wagon; also Trailer Wagon- Particular3 to H. 15," Daily Leader, Swan- ie mA PROFESSIONAL. MASSAGE and Electricity, including High .Ã.1 Frequency, Radiant Heat, Electric Nanhefm Pme, and other Medic&ued Bathe, given uy Nurse Evans, at la, i iynoue-st. B ra neea. 84A7-5 PUBLICATIONS. L- O!iOON Time-Table aud lied Eail-Guid«.— L Th? current i&sua of thia popular Pub- lication is on oSnj s at aJl luriiway Bookstaila and loading Newsagents. Nearly 600 pages, i: deals with over 3,000 railway etaticad. At twopence it is the best and cheapest itaii- way Guide ever published. TO M??C&LrANNEcTuS. HUTCln:N=-ËTDHELLi.P.B:Ó.A" etc. ?by Exams, Lond.j.—Ex?rt S-isht-Testmg i for Spectacles. Advice free.—9, Portland-st., Swansea (-opposite Market). 1Q2A7-S C weekly from grand layer's..—Call or wrÜe, M. D. John, fcisters Pit, Glaia. 99A7 -5] AT STU D. A T STUD.—Tho well-known wire-haired h'oz Terrier, Champion Wycombe lie- eolt, winner of 10 championships; fee, £ 1 6s.—Apply Daaygraig Kennels, St. Thomas, Swansea. O-TO AT STUD.—Golden Brindle Great Dane; Awinner cf nrets; fee oite guiDea.— Gooding, 55, Kiuley-terrace, St. Thomas, Swansea. 101A7-7 PIANOFORTE TTJNTNIL "OIANOFOKTrJ TUNING, 3s. 6d.; recom- mecdations from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone, ¡ iin 1 Broadwood and Sons. Pianos from Bec-bstein, Hopkinson, Ccllard, Brinsmead, -etc.; Sale or llire.-Cb.'i..lea Eadon, 5^>, l Brunswick-street, Swansea. TO FAXOFOETES, Organs, and Fkiy^r- Piaaos tuned, z's, 6d.; lost tone and touch fully restored; repairs warraiued five yeara.-Herber-t Strong, 37, Garit-cn- terrace, and 3, Christina-street, Swansea. Thone, 245 Docks. (Late of Gwynne H. r Brader'). 101A7-7 PALM ¡ STr{Y. \¡ ^TCE—Madame Drusilla, F.B.I.M.S., ? Palmist. Clairvoyant, has Closed Busi- ness until Saturday, July 10th, owing to severe iliress.-A(ldreas, Carmarthen Cafe, 49. St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 101A7-9 'pA'LMI?TRY end Clairvoyance.—Concuii P Madame Virgo, late of Cardiff and Aberystwyth, now 233, High-street, Swansea, two doors from Cameron Hotel. Advice daily, 10 to 9 pjn. 10CA7-6 PALM 1STiiY.—Short Visit to .Neath of IP, Gipsy Britannia, the gifted and clever c i E? .v ?r Gipsy; acknowledged by Royalty; feea from ?d.; satisfaction guaranteed to all. Hours, 11 &.ra. tc 10 p.m.—16, Fiorenoe-street, Neaui. 101A7-7 H0RSYSV^Ai^HIAGES7&c7, FOR SALh. FOil SALE, light Grocer's Delivery Cart, in excellent conditioia.-Ciii be seen at .West's Bakery, Dyfatty-atreet, Swansea. 9JA7-5 I^OIt Sale, Strong Rubber-tyred Gig. a1so F Market Trap, suitable for Farmer; both in good condition; cheap to immediate purchaser.—Apply, Williams, Ivy Bush, Cwmtwrch. DTO -iKOTSS OILS.—Hammond's Jet Black 1I. London Harness Oils, S?. 6d. per gallon tin.—Sole Agents for South Walee Swansea Saddlery Co., High-street Arcade, Swansea. Cel. lOSy Central. 99A7-5 AR-NESS.-Gig, Cab, Van, Tradesman's and Cart Harness, hand-sewn on the premises; Horse Collar Makers, Harness Contractors.—Swansea- Saddlery Co., Mana- fatturere, Higa-etreet Arcade, Swansea. 99A7-5 STABLES TO LET AND FOR SALE. ?p0 LET, a Stable at the back of 27, Pa?- T street.—Apply 81, M&nael?treet. 99A7-5 t s t -— L. L j a m FURNITURE, LEFT-OFF CLOTHING, etc., WANTED AND FOR SALE. ¡VOR SALE, Sitting-room Suite, cost £20, LE eell for L6 ibs.; Bedroom Suite;' £4 19s.; CLak Sideboard, £ 5 18s.; Piano, £ 5 19s.; Cher- anantel, 29s.; must be &old.-Apply 43, Carl- toii-terrace, Swansea. 102A7-3 f"RS. KERSLAKE, Wardrobe Dealer, 2&a? ??- Wai.l-equare, Swansea, ha? for Sale Ice Cream Handcart 15- Long Table Settle, Bedroom Suite 1.3 19.5., Sitting-room Suite <5s. Large Stock of Boots and Clothing. 102A7-3 SECOND HAND Furniture. Best Prices S given by me. Drop a postcard and will call. W. Jam-os, 8, Fabian-street, St. mas,- TO Oan Wilks's Announcements. /~1 REAT Clearance SaieDf Furniture.-Buy G your Furniture direct from the maker en! save middle proftts.-Note the Only Address: Cen.tral Cabinet and Upholstering Works, 22, Bichajdson-ritreet-, St. Helen's- road end, r*FT. Sideboard with lar.-a Plate Mirror, £ 5 to £ 7 136,; 6ft. ditto., ICgne.; Solid Oak Bedroom Suites, 4ft. 6in. Wardrobe, 3ft. fiin. Pairs, L9 3ft. 6in. Walnut Inlaid Suite, £8 5s.; ai&o Gilt and Walnut Over- tnantelg in et-ock. | lirBRASS, Black and Brasa, and Oak ¡.c:L Bed«teadfi, Fender Kerbs, Wool and I iWire Mattresses, F-eather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Rugs, Matg and Carpet Squares, Roll-top Desks, Fancy Tables, Hall Stande, Cabinets, Walnut and Mahogany Dining: Sables. Ll11ESTE:R)!'1EWSllites in Tapeetry from t? ?10 10s.; Velvet, Lll 10?.; other Suites at equally low p>rices; Gouohes, Easy Chairs and Small Chairs; Mangle, atop-soiled, £2 fc.—Give me a call and see what you can 1 save by buying direct.—vke addroOS6 above, C7-5 DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. 1 1VANTED, a good General Servant— Ap- ply Mrs. John, 48, Crown-street, Mor- riston. C7-6 YOUNG GITI as General; good home; three in family; references required—Mrs. J Smith, Vine Mease, Ystalyfera. 100A7-6 "T'ANTKD, a good General Servant; miiot i have had scarlet fever. Apply 1 Matron, Fever Hospital, Swansea. 102A7-9 TJtr ANTED, experienced Geneml; good v v ilrs. Henderson, Weist- brook. Wostcrose, near Swansea. C717 ^^rANTED, immediately, respectable Girl General.—Apply Mrs. William J. Coakley, 81, High-street, Goreeinon, near Swansea. 107A7-9 A-NTE-D, capable Cook, must be able to carve; hours 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.— Apply Secretary, Poet Office Dining Club, Swansea. 101A7-5 TTyANTELD, good General Servant, (country preferred); good home.—Write Box 18, Leader Office, Neath. 101A7-8 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. -I-XTANTET), for period of three months, or 1 V more, the services of a Draughtsman; state qualifications and terms.—Write Draughtsman," Daily Leader, Swansea. 102A7-9 TO BAKERS.—Smat rYouth wanted for Bakehouse Work; must be able to moulti.-Apply Salter, 1, Norfolk-street, Swansea. 102A7-9 £?- WEEKLY.—Envelope and Circular A.ddres?erB Required; work home.— Send stamped envelope, own writing, Adver- tising Co., G-t. •Jamee-strcet, London. A LEXANDSA Laundry, Ltd., require ex- perienced Packar and Sorter, immedi- ately.—11, De-la-Beche Street, Swan&ea. 101A7-5 "i^A^TED, Donblera, FUTu.acemen, VI Behinders, Bundioi-s. -Apply Old Lodge TmlatÐ Work?. Litmcliy. C-TG  SHOP ASSISTANTS WANTED. "1^"AN TED, Junior and experienced Young Ladiee, at once.—T. T. Lloyd, Draper, Neath. 94A7-5 W A-N"I'ED, experienced Waitress.—Applv Sidney Palmer, 243, Oxford-street. C7-9 AGENTS, &c., WANTED. 'APROVE YOUR POSITION BY I-NCREAS- ING YOUR INCOME.—\rou can do this by taking up a good spare-time AGENCY for the Sale of Drapery, Boots, Clothing, Jewel- lery. eic., for caodÍl or c.5y payments; finest catalogues and stock in a-he country; beet value to customers; no capital required; no risk; only men in regular employment need appiy; it will not affcct present occupation; liberal commission.—Appiy Dept. 40, J. Turner, SL. John-street, itorcoii-iiun-o, Brad- ford. 94A7-19 OFFICE SITUATIONS VACANT. A.NTED, Correspondence Clerk (ma-le), t accustomed to typing and shorthand. —Apply, stating age, experience and wages exp-eetod, to Box H.12, Leader OSce. AC7-6 AV NTED, an Offico Boy, just left school; good writer.—Apply "Oili" Daily Leader. 102A7-9 WAxNTEDTSmart Lady Shorthand Typist;   A?TEDrSmarrY/?dy ShorthaBd Typist; gooJ remuneration if Buitable.-Apply Manager, Western Film Co., 37, Castle-street, Swansea. 1C2A7-6 BOYS WANTED. <j \) A RV >> i va Yv\m:«a for quick sales of tha o "Leaiier"' and also "Hera-ld of Wales and Mid-GIamorgaai Herald"; good money can be easily earned by smart and deter- mined bojs.—Apply to the following offices and agents: Jolin Morgan, Woodtiekl-sl-reet. ji or riston; Edwin Hemming, 39, Queen- etieot, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Brynymor- rocui, S<vanse £ i; Ceaxon, Humbles. ¡rHoijSw:ïO:tii&: TO LET. I ?''0 LET, well-built &-rocm-?d House; large garden; 20 miaute3' walk from Panty- ITyiian Station—Apply Jeffreys, Blaen- gtrdinen, Lliingyfelach, Morriston. 102A7-6 1: 'V O WILL Purchase Semi-det'?ched <3wOOO Villa, planned for comfort; con- tains entrance hall, 6 rooms, bath-room, lavatory (hot and cold water) ohina pan- try, larder; good garden; delightful views <,t Bay; long lease; low ground rent.-MLr. W. Nichols, Accountant, 64, Wind-street, Swa n?ea. 102A7-9 W ELL-AR R AN G E D Semi-detached Villa to Let; rent EZO exclusive: charming views of Bay; good garden.—Apply, between 12 and 1, or 3 and 4 p.m., to Mr. W. Nichols, Accountant, 64, Wind-street, Swansea. 102A7-9 TpOR BALB Three New Sub&t<nnj<ajly-built and Well-E.ni?h?d Houses Bituate in Pinewood-road, Uplands; contains all modern conveniences and commands an ex- cellent pesitiou.—For particulars apply to Executors of late Griffith Davies, P.axton Yard, Oystermouth-roiid, Swansea. 100A7-5 y'- -6jCsALd-;ligh Üi.111y -it Uil ted -Serni-de- < tabbed Villa., Fernbank," Dillwyn- road, Skatty (recently decorated), three Bed- rooms, two Reoe-ption-rcoms, Kitchen, Scul- lery, Bathroom, and Conservatory; posses- sion can be had in a few weeks; price 1-460; lease about 90 years.Apply 37, St. Helen's- roa.d, Swansea. 100A7-6 LET, 1. Neath; all con- TOLET, 33, HArle-etreet, Neath; all con- -L Yenience?.—Apply J. H. Lod'Wlg, East- avenue, Aberdare. 96A7-10 mo LET, Furnished, Weet Cross, MamWee, J- Semi-detached Villa with Flower and Kitchen Garden, Tennie Lawn and Stables; a.ny period.—Full particulars, apply Messrs. J. M. Leeder and &m, 46, Waterloo-street, Swansea. ?'? rpO LET, Charming Modern Villa in Eatcn- -?- cree(?ent; semi-detached; complete with every modern convenience; large garden; very low rental.—Apply S. Bubenstein, 25. Go war-street, Swansea. 10&A7-5 Messrs. Leeder and Son's Announcements. ERWEN Fawr, near SAvan,&ea.-To be Let,, about 30 Acres of Accommodation Land, with Dwelling-h<)-e, Farm Buildings, and SiaAight-&r Hou.se.—Apply Messrs. Leeder and Son, Swansea. 101A7-8 IKJli SALE, Trewyddfa, Farm, near Mor- t riston, about 45 Acres; unexpired term of lease, 59 years; rent £ 56 5s.; under-let- tings repay nearly half the rent; possession Michaelmas.—For price and further parti- culars apply Measre.. Leeder and Son, Swan- sea. 11A 7 -8 ILLAY.—To Let, Small Farm of about K20 Acres, with good House and Build- ings; possession September 29th.-Apply Messrs. Leeder and Son, Swansea. 101A7-3 APARTMENTS & LODGINGS TO LET. B- ANGOR.—Good accommodation; 1 *itting- Broom, 2 single bedrooms, 1 double-bedded room; board or without; terms moderate.— Alfred Roberts, proprietor, Manchester Arms, Upper Bansjor, N.W. 1Q2A7-10 EDUCATIONAL. YPEWBJTING of ail Descriptions.— Specifications, Circulars, Authors' MSS.( etc. All work nearly and accurately exe- cuted.—Miss dough, A.C.T.S., 8, Llantwit- road, Neath. Teacher of Shorthand and Typewriting. 85A7-7 STUDENTS Trained to speeds of over 100 Words a Minute in PITMAN'S Short- hand. Candidates Successfully Prepared for Civil Service a.nd Local Ma.rine Board I Examinations. Lessons given in Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Navigaxion, English. Satis- faction guaranteed.MR, .T. HARRIS, 56, OxFCRD-STREET, SWANSEA. Da.y and Evening Classes for all Subjects. NOTICES. rpO CETABABA?.O Proprie?o's.—W?&nted r terms for oc?nverlng SuBd?y School from Tycroeis W S^'ansea Bay.—For par- ticulars apply Bryn Ltys, TycrrAm. 101A7-7 TRADE SPECIALITIES. ADAME J01ŒS, M.B.H.S., the mosT enc- M- œæful of PIen<t-da.y Herbalists. Cure for Indigestion, Eczema., Outwrrh, Nervous Debility, Bleeding Pile3, Bad Legs, and Kid- ney Complaints.—89, High-street, Swansew. 102A7-9 ??(? TAYLO?Tt? Old Firm, Gains- A9 boro' Studio, St. Holen'?-road, Swan- see, Yortr Portrails in Welsh Costume from 3s. per Doaen. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 502A7-9 AT Your Servic.-Onr experience and ?- knowledge of the Leather Markets, enabling us to do Repairs cheaper than any other firm in the town.—White's Central Boot Works, 4, Prince oi Wales-road (opp. The Palace). 101A7-7 PMOLYNETJX, Ltd., Fish Merchants, 120, P. High-street, Swaiis-ea; cheapest house in town for Fish of all varieties; Wholesale and Retail. Trial Solicited. TO 6¿i ..P)i.GB BOOK about Herba and bow to ?-C ?se them; free; eend at once.—RIM- NELL, The Herbalist, 144, Richmond-road, Cardiff. Established 1879. TO S ELDO.N7S China Stores, 1, North?.mpton- ? place, Swansea, has & Large Stock of Rosebowlrs, Vaees, Toea Services, Coat of Arms Wear, and other useful China suitable for Wedding Presents, etc. 99A7-5 ARTIFICIAL Limbs, Eyes, Crutches, ^De- formity Boots. "Steel-less Easiflt" Trusses, Flat Foot Supports, etc. Lady At- tendants. Belts, Beit-Corsets, Trusses, Seamless Elastic Stcckinge, etc.—rs-iien Fearce, 0, Ch>arles-«t-ref!t, Cardiff. Tel. 232. TO NO More Quarters Lost.—Try Bebington's 3a. 6d. Double-Bell Alarras, all guaran- teed. Main Spring and Cleaning, 2s. 6d.; Cleaning, Is. 6d. Special Line in Spectacles, 1,- 6d. pair, suit all wights; try them.-Bc-b- ington, Siddali Buildings, Alexandra-road, Swansea. 100A7-5 YATES, Sewing Machine Man, 11, Lower t Wi«trrloo-street, Swansea; the best and cheapest place for all kinds of Sewing Machines, Repairs, and Parts. Agent for Bradbury. 191A7-8 Penhale's Great Sale. 500 SPECIAL Constable's Black Rain- coa.:s, 21s., guaranteed reliable, just the thing for the rainy nights; al&o fawn coloured Raincoats from 20s. p I;NLHALE'E Ever Clean Ooiiars are most economical for travellers, campers, etc. Linen Collar, yet can be immediately spong&d clean. No-rubber. Three for 2s. 6d. Poet Id. extra.—232, High-st., Swansea. '??'EN'S SpO¡:t-C()M, Donegal style, 1Zs lid,; Grey Flannel Trous?M, 5". lid., 6s. lid., 20 knee, 15 bottom. A Large Stock of Boys' Suits to clear, 3s. lid. to 8s. 113.— Penh^le, 232, Ilighst., Swana. ?r? REAL "I,Landye?lWelshFTa?neI OUU shim, grey and fawn, &.i. lid. e?ch, size 14 to 18. These Shirts were bought be- fore the heavy advance in wool. Secure them .to-day. The next consignment will be 6s. lid. or 7s. lld.-Penhal-a. 232, High-street, Swansea. 101A7-8 r P. -= MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Tj^OR SALE, weli-preserved Piano.—Apply ..1. A. A. Williams, Cenrhoa, Uansamlet. 101A7-5 PIANOFORTES, Xew and Second-hand; Organs, Gramophones, String and""vVind Instruments, for Cash or Lasy Terms.— Sims, 2, Walters-road. 101A7-5 ALE, FORTY k. CoT, LTD., High-e-treet, — Ctrdiff.New Model Pianos. Second- hand Pianos at low prices for cash; easy Cjrms arranged. Second-hand Organs from iEZ. Second-hand Piano Player, £ 8.—Lista on application to Local Agejxcy: 20, King Edward's-road, Swansea. Godfrey and Co.'s Announcements. STROUD Pianola Player-Piano, togns., fitted with all the latest expression devices, "including the famous metroutylo and themcdiet, which enabica the operator to interpret any music just c? the greatest pianist would. Call and let u^ demonstrate it to you! —Godfrey and Oo,, Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. "j," CLlPSE Model, our own manufacture, just returned from short hire, in prac- tically new condition; iron frame, full trichord, check action, very fine tone; wal- nut case. Original price 2.)gns.. reduced to 2figns. cash or 10s. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen'e-road. Swansea. ALLiSON Piano, second-hand, just been thoroughly repaired, in excellent con- dition, iron frame, full trichord, check action; walnut caa-e. Original price J5ns., reduced to logns. cash cr 7s. 6d. mvuLnb. Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. lieleu'a-rDetL Swansea. 99A7-5 Thompson & Shackeli's Announcements. 1 BRINSMEAD P lAXOS.Scle AGENTA for Scuth Wales: Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Oastie-street, Swansea, etc., eto. TbA poaseseion of a "Brinemesbd" ia a never- iailing eource of happineee. SECOND-HAND Pianos from E3 upwards. —Thompson aild Shackell, Ltd., 39, Caatle-street, Swansea, etc., etc., have at present a Splendid Stock of Second-hand Instruments for selection. Catalogues fri)8. ESTEY ORGANS.—Thompson and Shack-^Il, Ltd., 39, Castle-street, Swansea, etc., hold thü Sole Agency for these unrivalled instruments. Prices, from JE12 (cash). Illus- trated catalogue tree on pplication. BROADWOOD Player Pianos, Simplex Player Pianos, Auteolas.—Sole Agents: Thompson fe-nd Shackell, Ltd., 39, Castle- etreet, Swajisea, etc., etc. Largeet cash dis- count, or easy terms arranged. MTSC EL LA NECUS SALES. F'ÓRZE'F E&B?e, SifnS Peeler I Faxid Chipper; bargain to immediate purchaser; good reason for selling.—John Samuels, Tirdsunaw, Caersalem. 99A7-5 MAGIC Lantern Slides and Photographic -?'? Accessories to be Sold cheap.-AppIy 26, Aylesbury-road, Brynmill. 101A7-8 S'\ AFE8(-Firprooi)fo- Sale, 61lsizoo, from ? 55s.; Enquirie- solicited for 8eoond- hand Steam and Petrol Dagons, Mortar Mills, Portable Engines.—Birt, 41a., Strand, Swansea C7-10 MESSRS. HIGMAN & C-o. have received in- 1 < struct-iona to Bell by Auction, at 81, High-street, Swansea, on Wednesday, July 7th, 1915, all Unredeemed Pledges Pawned with Messrs. E. Siedl-e and Sons, ii, High- street, Swansea, and 25, PojitmorliQia, Mer- thyr, between January 1st, 1914, and July let. 1914. Special Contracts up to April 1st, 1915. Sale to commence at 10 am. 1G2A7-6 SA I LI NGS. ABSOLUTELY FREE. BERTIE PERKINS AND CO., Pasaenge? Steamfchip Department, 11, Somerset-piace (opposite the Town Hall), Swansea, nOOK PASSENGERS to America, Australia, India, Canada, Africa, New Zealand, and to fcll I parts of the World. j Handbooks of information and all par. ticulars r.-Lsoiutely free. No booking or any fees charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival I of various Pasaenger Steamers at Ports Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co., ars Official Agents for the Best and Largest Passenger Steam- I ship Lines in the World. ¡ MEEICA, Oa.iMMi? douth Africa, Au? tr.alia.—Intending pasftngers can ha.v<- their berths. reserTed at lowen raiee. All information free.—Apply Roberts, -wman- ehip Passenger Agent, Morriiiton. TC EM I GRATI ON. For Cheapest Rates and Earliest Steamers I for Canada, Australia, South and East 1 Africa, United States of America, Argen- tine. etc., cfoply at once to HOULDER BROTHERS & Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGE BOOKED BY ALL LINES TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegrams—"Houldei-s." Telephoc-e—Central 1215 (2 lines). DON'T FORGET TO ORDE-R YOUR "SPORTING NEWS" FOR NEXT SATUROAYE I MCTOR CAFTS. CYCLES &c. FOR SALE BELSIZE, 1912, 14-16 h.p., in splendid con- dition; make good commercial car; cheap to immediate purchaser.—Thaina?, Garage, Vivian-road, Sketty. 101A7-5 ^XiEMiSiT-TALBOT, 14 h.p.; perfect run- ning order; two ignitions; two teat-er; dickey seat; speedometer; Stepney; splendid lamps.—24, Walter-road. 100A7-S T^OR SALE, A.J.S. Motor Cycle, 23 h.p., F kick starter, in excellent condition, complete with all accessories.—Apply A. Rosser, Galvert-street. 99A7-5 Ivor L. Roberts' (Oxford-street) Announcements. T 1GHT CAR?.—Early delivery of the re- L Downed Perry, Enfeld, Humoorette Modd3; prices from £ 1S0 complete. Please send me your inquiry, which shall receive my personal attention. "j\/TOTOR CYCTjES.—Sole agent for B.S.A., Enfield, Douglas, A.J.S., Calithorpe, A. J S Humber, Morga.n, Runabouts, etc. Bock oo,rly to avoid delay in delivery. Deferred terms arranged. Send your inquiries. agent for B.S.A., P-oy-al Eniield, Robin Hood, Humber, ,etc. Prices from LS 19s. 6d. to £ 13 13a. Easy payments arranged. Send for lie-ta. "E"'NFIELD Light Car in stock, im-raediate delivery, four-cylinder, five detachable whe-eis, square tyre, dynamo lighting set, five lamps, hood and ecreeu complete, £ 196. Demonstration runs free. ELIVER): this wcek of Douglas Model B, 4 h.p. Secure by wire or letter. J jiiji-VElti" this week.Si)orting M i Morgan Runabout; also B.S.A. 4? h.p. 3-speed Model Enfield, 2-stroke, 2-epead, and Enfield 6 h.p. Sidecar Combination. Wire or write to secure. 'Phone No. 21x Cent. E AIlLY Deliveries of all Ford Models. L Terms arm, C—TC M a E Y. |^ASH Advanced to respectable Hcuse- C holders. Striotly private. Eaey terms. Apply personally or by letter.—M. Foner, 9, Ciarlton-terrace, Swansea. 84A2 9 TO LEND to all clasee. at One Hour's Notice, in sums of £ 5 to privately and eixapiy on own promise to repay. No inquiries. Call or write it confidence STANLEY DOWDING, LIMITED, 1, QUEEN SQUARE, BRISTOL. STANLEY DOWDING, Manager. SAME ADDRESS OVER A QUARTER Of A CENTURY*. Swansea Mercatiiite Go., L.td. U, PARK STREET, SWANSEA, HAKh CAcit ADVAInCES lJAiLI from ielo to £ 1,000. No Charge Unless Business Done. Bills Discounted. Strictly Private and Confi- dential. For further particulars apply- H. B. JONES, Managing Director. £ Wto £ 107000 TO LEND by the Oldest West of England J'- Firm, P. LAWRENCE, LTD., on Written Promise to Repay. Life Policies, Furniture, Farm Stock, or other Security. Principai Remains, or can be Repaid by Easy Instal- ments. Promptness and Privacy. A Gentle- man will call and hand you cash at your house if desired. Distance no object. Do not expose your requirements iocally.- Write ilanager, VICTOR HAMILTON, DON CHAMBERS. WINE-STREET, BRISTOL TACINEY TO LEND. Cash Advanced from £ 5 Upwards to Re- spectable Householders. Easy Repayments. Appiy DISTRICT LOAN COMPANY, (rT. MARY CLAMBERS, CliUitCli STREET, SW AS SEA. CASH FOK EVERYBODY. A BOON TO WOULD-BE BORROWERS, Pay your Rent, Rates, and all Bilh3. only oii-a Creditor whom you can pay by easy instalment The old-established B^ti=<h iiaance Company, approved und re-com- mended by the Press, are making private Cash advances, LIU to £ 10,000, to all classes without- any fuss, bother, or loan. office routine, lutereet and repayments the lowest in England.. repay £ 11 £ 10 repay lOa, monthly. £&0 £ ?. £100 £ 110 £ 100 1-4 Larger amounts lower ratea. Quarterly and yearly payments arranged. Absolute privacv guaranteed. Prospectus irse.—THE BRITISH FINANCE CO., W, BRIDGE-ST., BRISTOL. 'Phor-e 1375 Bristol. CGts ADVANCED pRIVATELY FROM LlO TO £ 5,000. To Tradesmen, Professional Gentlemen, Farmers and Respectable Householders. WITHOUT SECURITY OR SURETIES. A WRITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY IS ALL WE REQUIRE. NO FEES or FINES. STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. Repayments to suit the convenience of Borrowers. Terms mutually agreed upon before business completed. Distance no object. Loans from 5 per cent. can be arranged for persons entitled to money, in- vestments or property under Wille or Settlements. Such advances may remain unpaid for any number of years. CHARLES STEVENS, LTD., Hayes Buildings, The Hayes, Cardiff. Telephone No. 467 Cardiff. IF YOU WANT A PRIVATE CASH ADVANCE Apply to- ALBERT E. GASH, 6, UPLANDS CRESCENT, SWANSEA, Where any respectable person may obtain a Loan from £10 to any amount without fuss or loan cfiioe formalities. No Fees or Surtiss are required, and the amount is advanced in fuiJ.  r"D!I:i1t -5 | I Aid for I the Ailing | If your peace is threatened by S any ot the enemies of health I such as dyspepsia, biliousness, | | constipation. sick headache, loss | I of energy, and consequent 1 ? depression,—you will find a | useful and reliable ally in I | Beecham's Pills. These will | assist you to fight your way I back to digestive health in the most satisfactory way and in  the shortest time. When your | I tone is quite restored by a course 1 g of this excellent medicine an | lal occasional dose will keep you Ie fit and well, and you will join I 9 the ranks of those thousands I g who need no other remedy than | T-ACH 5 I PILLS: I Prepared only by I I THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire. 1 p Sold everywhere in box. £ wc, litj (56 Pills) & Z19 (168 wi"s) i _1.¡¡œ¡æØIIIDs' ELLIS'S HERBAL PILLS, Made. from prescription of celebrated Nurse for Anzemia, Bioodlessness, etc. Send stamp for free sample and particulars^ also testi- monials. Prices Is. 3d. and 4s. 611, post paid, under cover. Advice Free. MRS. ELLIS,- Ur -MALLANCE-BOAD. HOVE, SUSSEX. ss  |||§ 1 Tel.: Central 3H. ESTD. 1859.1 a Telegrams: Godfrey, MuaiCMllers, Swanwm." |g| 1 PAnCDirV are Bntssh, and Madefy uwui-RET Throughout !? Om Bi O! A Own London Factory^ H H ?B? 1^ \J? ? by Bntish Wo??en. S T« ensure the best possible investment, buy from us and save the middic- !|ij man's profit. SPEC8AL BIJOU MODEL. ? Wi Iron Frame, Full Trichord, Check Action, Burr Walnut Cass. ||1 ? ?7 17s. Od. Cash, or 8/6 Monthly. B H ABSOLUTELY UNRIVALLED. 11 PII| I Send us a Postcard and we will post you fully illustrated catalogue and §||||1 particulars. Ii HIGH -CLASS TUNERS SENT TO ALL PARTS. 0 D F It t d, 22, St. Helen's Road, Swansea. I G. R. BEORUSTS ARE UIIOENTLV NEEDED BY THE 6th Battalion The Welsh Regiment. This fine Regiment was raised by the late Colonel IDillwyn in 1859 (known as 3rd G.V.R.), and has been associated with Swansea and District ever since. The late King Edward VII. waslion. Colonel, and the Bat- talion took part in South African War and is at pre- sent doing DUTY in France. Young Men of Swansea, Neath, and other places in the neighbourhood are now called upon to come for- ward and do their share as Recruits are more urgently wanted to-day than ever before. Upon joining, men are billeted in private houses in the Town until transferred to the Battalion, or may be permitted to sleep home for this short period. Minimum height, 5ft. 2in. Minimum chest, 32in. Do you wish to be able to say you offered to help your Country when she needed MEN? Full particulars on application to our Recruiting Sergeants in the Town, at Drill Hall, Neath, or to OFFICER COMMANDING DEPOT, 6th Battalion The Welsh Regiment, Central Drill Hall, Swansea. .If&). RECRUITS WANTED. 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade, R.F.A. I Men are still required to complete the above Brigade. J They must be of good character and between the ages § of 19 and 38. | 1 Height from 5ft. 4in. Chest measurement 34-liin. I I minimum. | S This Brigade depends for Recruits on Swansea, Swan- 1 1 sea Valley, Neath, and their adjoining districts. 8 I Local Brigades should receive the full support of all I I the young and able-bodied men of their own districts, I| I before outside Units are considered. Saddlers, Shoeing Smith and Wheelwrights are also 1 urgently required, and when approved become Entitled f to extra pay. | For full particulars apply to- OFFICER COMMANDING DEPOT, I 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade, R.F .A., Drill Hall, Swansea. j | BUGLERS WANTED. | | There are now vacancies for Buglers in the above |S | Brigade. Minimum ag", 18. y- r VITHOUT PURE BLOOD HEALTH IS IMPOSSIBLE. VETARZO BLOOD Never before was there anything like it, I nor can ite marvellous properties ever be equalled in all eme6 of poorness, impurity, or other imperfectionsjpf the blood from whatever cause arisiffg. No sooner is it imbibed into the oyetem than it permeates and penetrates to the minutest c?piilar?c, overcomIng Jld expelling disease, whero- eoever and in whatsoever form met with; removing a.U blotches, plmpl, 3Cl'U!f acnrvy. sedulous and glandular eweliinga. discolouration?, roughnt?s. and unlrighUy patches. Its effects ara zlmoet mag,'???' in the treatment of gout, rheumatism 6datica ?mba?o. pain and aweUiBE of th? joint&. blood poison, eczema, lepr.i, psonaai.sjo, mta.! iHgs, bad breasts, absceee?a, ulcer, wouncÜ cores, goitre or Derbyshire neck; it improve3 the general health, and quickly removes long-standing bronchitis, asthma, and hack- ing, straining, spasmodic cough, too oftea the precursor of consumption. LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH IS LrVINC DEATH. VETARZO ?? *nd NERVE FOOD. The latest discovery of modern timea for premature decay or deficiency cf Tit&l forces. Bracing up the system gener-ally. it gives tone to the exhausted nervea, re- stores the failing energies, and imparta new life and vigour to those who seemed played out, uaed up, and valueless. Send atampedi^ddreaeed envelope for Free Bookiet or P.O. 2? 9d. for Trial Bottle of ei?er remedy to THE VETARZO REME- DiES CO., Cospet Oak, London. Unpr1u. Zipled vendora may try to 8ell you rome. thing else for extra profit; do not accept it, but insist on having VETAEZO to avoid disappointment. The genuine has worda Yeta^rao cfenwtdtatf" «u (irovwnroent 206th YEAR OF THE FIRE SUN ?E  TEE OLDEST ?NSUBANOE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Copied bim X.40 &Aa &2b Insurancee effected on the following risks: FIRE DAMAGE, Resoltamt Xioss of Rent end Profits, EilPLOrEHS' LLA-BLLITY, j PERSONAL ACCIDENT. SICX?tBS AND I DISEASE. FIDELITY GUARANTEE, BUEGLAKY, ) plilni GLASS. Sflranaea Office:- j VICTORIA CHAMBERS. TOM A DAVIES, District Inspector. i 7 and 8, OXFORD STREET.