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"LEADER" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SCALE OF CHARGES. « WORDS aiii under-3 INSERTIONS —ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. TbrM inac-fions-ons Shilling for SO words, and aIL extra fer wwy 5 words, mora. LOST AND FOUND. TLhres InurtioM-One Shilling ami Six- pence for 29 wo res, aDd 4d. extra for every 5 words more. 8IRTHS, MARfUAta.ES, DEATHS, IN MEMORlAM & SYMPATHY NOTICES. One Insertion.—One shilling and sixpence for 20 words, and 6d. extra fer every 5 words more. Thte scale dew not apply to Advertise- ments from Corporate or Public Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices, SAISS &bid Let by Tnuitr. HEAD OFFHe- LEADER BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. Telephones: 1234 Central (Ieon Lines). Telegrams; "Leader, S'.v- ■«." LONDON DFIFICE- ttt, FLEET £ .0. Telephone: 2276 Central. LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUTLOINGS, THOMAS ST. Teuphona I No. nt. NEATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET. Telephone: No. 250. BIGHT TESTING AND SPECTACLES. ————————————————— « you axe cordially invited to call upon MR. E&IO ]LIES, F.ILX.S.. F.E.,U.C.. tie. (hemdj, 26, Castle-fc.reet, Lou. •altafcioii free. 'l'boue Cential 520. AT STUD. AT STUD.—The well-known wirehairctl Fox Terrier, Champion Wycombe suit, winner of 10 chamriouship. fee, £1 5s.—Apply Danygraig Keutieia, St. Thomas, Swansea. C-TO MISCELLANEOUS. UTCHINS-ETCHELLfl, F.B.O.A., etc. (by Ewuaa, Lond.); Expert Sight-Testing tor Spectaclee. Advice free.—9, PoivLand-ia; thtAoaea. (opposite Majket). 66A6-I5 PROFESSIONAL. L M" AS&AGE and Electricity, including High Frequency, Badiant Heat, Electric KanhgTm Pine, end other Medicated Bathe, given by Nurse Evans, aC' la, Fiynone-st., ITaarieea. 84A7-5 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. CAFES (FireproofK all sizee* single and dou-hle door, for Seie, from W.; also Second-hand Mortar MiU», Portable Engines, steam Wagone, ote.-Birt. 47a. Strand. Swan- tea. C6-19 FURNITURE, LEFT-OFF CLOTHING, etc., WANTED AND FOR SALE. M2S. KEB8LAKE, 25a, Wassail-square, 1. Swansea, Wardrobe and Furniture Dealer, has a Large Stock of Boots, Cos- tumes, Men's Suits. Trousers, and all kinds of Furniture at reasonable prices. Humbles customer* and f rieud-s please call. 86A6-15 EDUCATIONAL. rmTEVVBlTING of all Descriptions.— Specifications, Circulars, Authors' MES., stc. All work nearly and accurately exe- ca-d.-Aiss Oiougii, A.G.TS., 8, Lian twit- road, Neath. Teacher of Shorthand aini l'yjww riling. 8SA7-7 OTCDiSNTS Trained to speeds of over 100 Worda a Minute in PITMAN'S Short- hand. Candidates Successfully Prepared for Civil Service and 1.000.1 Marine Board Examinations. Lessons given in Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Navigation, English. Satis- faction guaranteed.-M-R. J. HARRIS, 56. OAFOBD-STBEET, SWANSEA. Day tind Evecins Classes for all feubjecta. HORSES. CARRIAGES, &c.. FOR SALE. SALE, Strong Pony, Cart, and Harness.- Hardy, Crymly-n Burrows, Swansea. C6-15 "OOR Sole, Stnxig Bubber-tyred Gig, also J- Karket Trap, suitable for Farcaor; both in good condition; cheap to immediate purtlw,or.-A"lf, Williams, Iry Bush, Cwiatwrch. DTO H ASSESS OIM.Mm?und',s Jet Bl"k London Harness Oils, 3s. 6d. p?r g"oa tin-—Sole Agents for South Wales: Swansea Saddlery Co., High-street Arcade. SNvai-ilm. Tel. 10Sy Central S3A6-14 HABNESS.—Gig, Cab, Van, Tradesman's and Carl Harn. hand-eewn on the premises; Horse Ooiiar Makers, Harness Ocwitractors.—Swansea Saddlery Co., Ita-mi- tactureia, Higb-etreet Arcade, Swansea. ia6-14 MOTOR CARS. CYCLES &c. FOR SALE TpOX SALE, J8 h.p. Daimler Landanlette, — in apaandid condition, tyres practically new, and to sea*. 7; g-rea t. bargain to quick J purchaser.—Box G.6, Leader Office. 82LA6-14 hor L. Roberts' (Oxfcrd-strest) Announcements. LJØHT CILBS.-Barly Delivery of the re- nowned Perry, Eniieki, Humberotte Models; prices from £ 120 oomplete. Pleaee .4 m6 your inquiry, which shall receive my pemttnaJ attention. MOTOB CYCLES. Sole Agent for B.S.A., Beheld, Douglas, A.JJ3., Ooltborpe, HTimber, Morgan, Bunabouts, etc. Book owly W Avoid delay in delivery. Deferred terns arranged. Send your inquiries. /^YOLES.—-Sole Agent for Bi&A^ Royal Enfield. Bobin Hood, Humber, etc. Prices from iEZ -i9e. 6d. to £1.3 13s. Easy pay- mentfl arranged. Send for lists. ENfiELD Light Oar in Stock. immediate delivery, four-cylinder, fh-e detachable wheels, spare tyre, dyoexoo lighting eet, five lampe, hood and screen complete, £ 1&. Demonstratdion runa free, eECO?DlHA?b'Motc-? ''yctee.-I? have to oS*reevM'aJHSeb?ata?Soa?d YachiD: BAA., Trinicphe. C&Itiborpe. A.J?., En&&td9, Singers, Douglas, etc. Several of tht-se are being add owing to owners liaviug joined H.M. Poroee, and are being offered at bar- 924n pnoee to clear.—Send your inquiry to Ivor L. Bobarte, 223, Oxford-etr-eet. Swansea. 1913 6 H.P. Enfield Sidecar ontfit,~oom- plete; owner joined Army; £5IJ or beet, cder.-Ivor 1. Boberte. 223, Oxiord- ftte-eet, Swaneea. TA £ L1VE5.Y this week of Do?l?e Mod<? B. D4 h.p. 9-ure by wire or letter. TC Andrews and Watson's Announcements. 1913-1B-!2 Foor-Seater BeWzoe, complete with 5 s, Sankey Wheels, and first-claae condition; any trill or examina- twu.—Apply Andrews and Wateon, UDlamda OAC&G- 8&A4-17 1914-12 h.p. Bels-ize, in new condition; —* *— Dynamo Lighting let, Sa.nkey Wheel. Speedometer; bargain. Apply Andrews and Watson, Uplands "rage. 74A6-17 THE "SPORTING NEWS" IS PU B- LISHED AS USUAL ON SATURDAYS. DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. T?ANTJED, a good General Servant; small .w j f4mily.-tpply, after 6 P-M. Davies, 55. Maxsel-terrace, Swaji^crv 86A6-1S VV^ANTED, Kitchenm.-id.-A-I>ply David Evans and 00 Ltd., Swansea. 86A6-15 WANTED, capable Geenral Servant for small family; present maid been over four yeem.-Apply Mrs. J. Blewitt Jenkins, Glenthorne, Sk-eity-road. 85A6-16 p OOD General Wanted, able to do pJajn cooiing.—AppJy, stating wages, to Mr6. Towner, 2i, Kaeby-a-vanue, Neckth. 63A.6-14 XITAJSTED, at once, Oock-General ana I • > Uortsezoaid; man kept. Apply Ra wiings, 151, St. Helen'e-road. 82A6-14 ENSEAL 8ernLm. with experience; email G1 f.miJy; We?sh pref-avd; g-d refer- Kiees reqnired.-Write 17, Iiaveiieoroft- avenue, Goiders Green, London. TO MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. "\7Lr ANTED, Hollers, Doablers, Furna-ce- T- men, and Bchinders for Tinplato Works in Monmouthshire.—Writ? "G'4" WorU iii 86A6-8 Leader Oillee. 86A6-8 TT^ANTED, iminetl iately. smart Young Man for Motor Gllling; splendid op- i poM unity to iearn driving, etc.—Apply ¡ Andrews and Wetson, Uplands Garage, ¡ Swaii.+ea. 86A6-17 STEAM Crane Drivers required at South i Walea Steel Works, IAinelly. Steady, rvliaLIe men may appb' at the Works. 86A6-1.5 NAVVIES Wanted, 7d. per hour.—Appl; Vviiioott, Sewerago Work- Ystradgyn- laii. 86A6-15 "l^ANTD, Sawyer used to Railway Wagon v wages required to British Wagon 00., Ltd., Swansea. C6-18 \\f ANTED, Strong Girls as LeafiTers.—Ap- ply Mauageraas BaXhe Laundry, Swan- sea. MIS V^ANTED,"a Man not eligible for military  ANTED, T. M<LU not eligible for military '? service, ior Wholesale Warehouse; prospect of promotion to "Outside Repre- sentative;" Wanted, also. Woman for the Warehouse.—J'. A. Bailey, Biehards-place, Swansea. 86A6-15 NURSE Attendant wanted by invalid lady.—Box 56, P.O., Swansea. 85A6-17 T I.NMY-N.-Wanted, Tinmen for Cbarcoal and Heavy Gauge Pots; regular and continuous work guaranteed.—Apply The Peasberton Tinplate 00.. Ltd.. Lianelly. &- 4 ANTED, at once. Coffe-room Waitress 0 and to a&sitit Commercial Room.- Apply Central Hotel, Swansea. 85A6-14 GIRLS (respectable), beTween 14 and 15, to G learn Shirt Making.—Apply at once, ?John Jones and Son, Cardigan Hou<-?. College-street. C5A6-17 vV ANTED. by Wholesale Firm in the North of Scotland, Man with ability and foresight for Management of Plumbing Supply Department; must be keen buyer I and capable seller.-Give full particulars of paat and present experience, which will be trearted in confidence, also state age and salary expected to Box G.3, Leader Office. rTiiA CTi'EiJB Wanted for a Private Car.— C Apply, with reference, age and wages required, to "Samuel," Leader Office. 86B6-16 WANTTSD, Double«», Fumaoemen, Behindere, Bundlers. — Apply Old LcKlgaWinxflato Works, Llanelly. Oille TTTTANTEI), immediately, Tinpla.te Boiler- man; aleo Furnacemau.-Apply "Tin," Leader Office, Swaneea. 85A^-17 AN Advertiseanent CanTaseer (ovep miii'ary age) Wanted for well-estab- lislied Buainees; ealary 20s. per week and 10 per oent, on ail ooll"tionog.-Apply by ktter, with references, 'stating if experienced (not essential), to "Temple," c/o Leader Cmoa. 06-16 W- ANTED, Mim for TTod* in Motor Accessories Department.—Apply Box F.8. Leadfjr Offloe. C-TO K'1'rI'rNG Machines! Knittms Machines! F?L Best home work of the century; men or women, inmlide or able-bodied, with per- eeTCTtMtoe, find it tbe means of good regular employment; lessons free. W, Griffit-h [Est. 1871], 30, Q. etn-etraet, Neath. CT-C — SHOP ASSISTANTS WANTED. YOUNG Girl Wanted for Greengrocery and Confectionery Businew.-Apply Betts, 26, Queen-etreet, Neath. MAjM6 -WAJiqT,D Girl to help in Confectionery and Ice Cream Shop; about IS years of age; sleep out.—Apply, with references, l to Wextino, 4, Maaons-road, Kiiigabridge. S4A6-16 I OFFICE SITUATIONS VACANT. TrfANTED, Clerk, not eligib-le for military service; must be a. cood penman, with knowledge of shorthand, typewriting and Welsh; age not under 22 year*. Apply with particulars, stating salary.—Write Box GJ2, Leader Office. a6A6-17 -h- T> fcQtni'ED af once, thoroughly • perieuced and efficient ohorthand- Typist.-Ap,ply T. T. Padcoe, York Chambers, Swansea. 65A6-14 BOYS WANTED. rN good Boys Wantel to Sell Leaders J. must be over 12 years of age.—Apply at once to Mr. E. Hemming. Leader Office, Neath. C-TC WANTED, Smart Lad as Porter; 3nuot have good references.—Apply Godfrey aud Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen'a-road, Swansea. 83A6-14 S!AAH.1' Boye Wanted for quick sale* of the O Leatkr" and also JderaJd cl Walea e.nd Mid-Ulamorgan Herald"; good money can be easily earned by emart aoid deter- mined to too followuie oCfioos and agente: John Morgan. Woodreet, Morri&tcn; Edwin Hemming, 39, Queen- street, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Brynymor- road, Swansea; Oeaton, Mumbde*. STABLES TO LET AND FOJR SALE. :'d,t ::L iS suitable 10- Building or Hauling Oen- traotoi*; runa at back of 31 to 34, Maneel- stre"AlVly 51, Mansel-etreet. 85A6-17 FURNITURE WANTED AND FOR SALE. SEOOND HAND Purnitum-Baet Prices given by me. Drop a postcard and will call. W. James, 8, Fabian-Street, St. Thomas, Swansea. TO PIANOFORTE TUNING. PIANQFOETBS, Orcana and Player-Pianos Turned, 3e. 6d. Lost tone and touch fully restored. Bepaire warranted five years. —Herbert Strong, 37, Goflton-termoe and 3, CiirMtinaHstreet, Swansea. Phone: ft Dock*, (Late of Gwynne H. Brader). 84A6-15 13IANOFOKTK TUNING, 3s. 6d.; recom- luendations from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone, an 1 Broad wood and Sous. Pianos from Becbstein, Hopkinaon, Collard, Brinsmead, etc.; Sale or Hire.—Charles Eadon, 53. Errpswick-gtrest, Swansea. TC PUBLICATIONS ON DON 'Kme.T?ble and Bed Rail-G?d?.— I The OWTeÐt issue of thie popular Pub- lication is on eaie at all Bail way Bookstalls and leading Newsagents. Nearly 600 pages, it Ilea. with over 3,OCO railway atatkme. At twopence it is the best and cheapest Rail- way Guide ever published, 330 i. NOUSES FOR SALE AN1 TO LET. MUMBLES.—'TO Let, Fnrmished, for Jaly, 1, 2, Church-t?fTa<:o, on main road, oea? Oystermouth Station.—Moffat, 9, Heathfield. 86A6-18 T OUGHOBs near Gorseinon. Two Houses and Shop to Let, 5, Borough-road, Us., 7s. wetkiy; good teumts.&pply 161. King Ed- wird-rcad, Swansea. 85A.6-17  LET, 8. De-la-Beche Boad" Sketty; rental £ 27 exclueive; possession June 24th.—Ap^iy Maries and Soc, Ri?ha.rdaon- j s?reei, Yard, ?w?nsea? 85A6-14 B. UKM.AN.&'T&EKT. =-1Ío SaJ?— Apply for particuians to Picton Evans and Jones, 9, St. Mary-etreet. &4A6-16 C??CAI?TCK-TSRRAjCE.—ThM?deeirable 53ifi,ouEe for freelkold; bargain to immediate purchaser.—Ap?ly F. Beddoee N&Bh, 8oliciWr. 20, Wind-street, Swa.neea? 84A6-1S "L"*OK ?ALE, Three new exeeedin?iy we'H-  buiit situate in PiD-road, I U:vl.!tnd", Swansea; contains all modem con- vennc and has an uniDt.errup view or | the. bay— For particulars 4pply to Exors. of ? la:? Gri?Nth Davies, I'axton Yard, Oyster- mouth-road, Swansea. 82A6-4 OR ?ALE or to Let, HotMe situate in DC, F la-B2he-rO&d. Sketty; double bay front, commanding an excellent view and I having all modern oonveniences; recently I renovQ.t-ed throughout; immediate posses- sion—Apply to Exors. of late Griffith Davies, Paxton Yard, Oystermouth-road, Swansea. 8ZA6-14 "CK)B SA-LE or to Let,. Houee situate in Hawthorn-avenue; in splendid condi- tion; hoe all modern conveniences and com- mands -an excellent position; vacant from the 24th inetant.-kpl),ly to Exors of late Griffith Davies, Paxton Yard, Oystenuouth- rcad, w6nsea. W-6-14 Im ORRJSTO-N.-Newly-built Detached Villa 1'" for Sale; beet position near piftrk.- G.7," Leader Office, Swansea. 83A6-14 Astley Samuel's Announcements. TO LET, Furnished, at a very low rental, a. Semi-detached Villa at Dillwyn-road, Sketty two reception, three bedrooms, batli (h & c).-Astlev Samuel, Auctioneer and Valuer, King's Chambers, Swansea. r 1 WMJX)N XIN -TEBJtACl^—Tto Let^ iPur- nished, at very moderate rent, Dwell- ing-house contoming fioar bedrooms, two re- oeption, bath, etc.; beautiful view.-Astley, Samuel, Houee and Estate Agent, King's Chambers, Swansea. F Olt SAIX, capital House in Uplands; fi-y-o bedrooms, two reception, bath, etc.; garage.—Astley Samuel, Houae and Estate Agent, Swansea. r r LET. Foj-ni?hedT?.t Norton, D?ellin?- -? hoaae. f?r long or ehort period; rent according to time of leL"ng.-Ast)oy Samuel, Auctioneer, Swansea. C6-18 BUSINESSES rOR DISPOSAL. J? WILL Purchase Waofdrobe Business, including Stock, Fitting, goodwill, and 6 Boome Furnished ready for letting; ek-uated one mtnute from Swansea Market; good living for anyone.-Spply Wardrobe," Leader Office, Swansea. 86A6-15 LET, in Bond-street, Bakehouse, Two- — stall dfcahle, and Goach-houge.&pply to Business," Leader Office. 85A6-17 F OB BA-LE, Trowyddle Farm, near Mor- listen, about 45 acres; unexpired term of lease, 59 years; rent, X56 5e. Under- lottings repay nearly half the rent. Poa- eeesion Michaelmas.—For price and further particulars apply Messrs. J. M. Leeder and Son, 46, Waterloo-street, Swansea. 0&-17 FOR SALE, Fmit and Sweet Business, do. ing good Dock trade; modern fittings, elect no light complete; main thoroughfare near Stations.—Appdy "Fruit." Leader Office, Swansea. 6&A6-14 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET LET. Large Front Boom on First Floor in Oxford-street; good position; suit- able for Demist, etc. Also several Smaller Booms for Offices; rent low.—Apply 222, Ox- ford-street, Swansea. S6A6-18 *»?!! II 111 mill. TRADE SPECIALITIES. | YATES, the Sewing Machine Moo, 11, -L Lowar Woterioo-etreet, Swansea.—The Best and Qheaawst Place for all kinds od: Eewing Machine*, Bepaiii* and Part,. Agent for Bradbury. 85A6-17 p KOLTIi, Ltd? MBh Merchantu,  Zo. P. RIhtreet. 8waDf; cheapest ho a tie in town for Fish of ail varieties; Wholesale and Betail. Trial &o':c'ted. TO "jnOB Glass and China and other goods go to Seldon's China Stores, 1, No^-th- ampton-plaoe, Swansea. This week: Special Sale* of Tea Services and White China. 65A646 NO MOBE QUARTERS IAM.-Try Bebing- I ton's 3s. Doubae-bw-,14 Alarms; all guar- Qnteed. MaixA Sprizig and Cleaning, 2s. 6d.; Cleaning, Is. 6d.—-Bebington's, Biddall Build- ings, Alexandra-road, Swansea. 84A6-15 64-PACIE BOOK about Herbs and how to [ use them; free; send at anca.-Rill- NETJj. The Herbalist, 444. Biehmond-rood. Cardiff. Established 3879. TO I ARTIFIOIAL Limbe, Eyes, Orutehes, De- formity Boots, "Steel-leas Easitit" Titisses, Flat Foot Supports, eto. Lady At- tendants. Belts, EelirCorsets, Trumes, Seamlass Elastic Stookings, etc.-Alleti Pearce, 23, Charles-Street, Oardifit. Tel. 282. TO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A", ?0&TY A 00., LTD., Hj?h-atM? DO&rdiff.-New Model PiM<M. Soomd hand Pianos at low prices few cash; easy terms arranged. Second-hand Organs from E2. S-econd-Imed Piano Player, £a.-Lii>i! on application to Local Agency: 20, Klaz EdwardVroad, Swansea. Thompson & Shackell's Announcements. TJRINSMEAD Agents for South Wales: Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 59, Ceetie-street, Swameea, etc., etc. The poeseesioa of & "Brinamead" is a never- failing source oi happineaij. I CE<??D.RAKD Pian<* from .E8 upw?ti? ? -Thomp80A and SM.ckeJl, Ltd., 39, Caelle-street, Swansea, eto.. etc., have at present a Splendid Stock of Second-hand Instruments for eetocttan. Catalogues free. T"?BTEY-O&GANg.-Thommpwm and Shochalt Ltd., 39, Castle-street, Swjmsea, etc., hold the Sole Agency for these unrivalled instruments. Prices, fram Xl?, (cash). Illus. trated catalogue free on application. T> BOA D WOOD Placer Pianos, Simplex Player Pianos, Auteolao.-Sole Agents: Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39. Castle- street, Swansea, etc., etc. Largest cash dis- count, or easy terw arranged. Godfrey and Co.'s Announcements. STROUD Pianola Player-Piano, 65gna.. fitted with all the latest exprefiaion dev. in-eluding the famous metrostyle and themodist, which enables the operator to interpret any music just as the greatest piaiiisb would. Call and let us demonstrate it to you! —Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 58, Sfc. Hclen's-road, Swansea. ECLIPSE Model, our own manufacture, just returned from short hire, in prac- tically new oondition; iron frame, full trichord, check action, very fine tone; wal- uiit eme, Original price 286D3., reduced to 20gns. cash or 10s. 6d. monthly .-Godfrey and Co.. Ltd,, 22, an. Helen's-rood. Swansea, ALLISON Piano, second-hand, just been thoroughly repaired, in exoellent con- dition, iron frame, full trichord, check ootioii; walnut case. Original price 36gns., reduced to Iftns. cash or 7e. 6d. nh>uenl>.— Godfrey and Co? Ltd., 2?, St. Helen s-road. .s MA6-14 ¡ I SAILINGS ABSOLUTELY FREE, BERTIE PE&K±SS AND CO, Passenger I Steamship Department, 11. Somerset-piace (opposite the Town Hall). Swanseu. HOOK PARSENGER8 to America, Australia, India, Canada, Africa, New Zealand, thnd to ill partaof the World. Handbooks of information and all par- ticulars absolutely free. No booking or any fees charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival of various Passenger isteatners at Ports Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co., are Official Agents for the Best and Largest Passenger Steam- ship Lines in the World. A MERICA, Canada, South Africa, Aus- tr.ilia.—Iiitend.xig passengers can nave their berths reserved at lowest rates. All ir-forinataon free.-Apply Boberts, t.,Lealm- ship Passenger Agent, Morriston. TC EMIGRATION. For Cheapest Batea and Earliest Steamers for Canada, Australia, South and East Africa, United States of America, Argen- tine. etc., apply at once to HOULDER BROTHERS & Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-STREET. SWANSEA. PASSAGE BOOKED BY ALL LINES TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegrams—"Houidere." Telephone—Central 1215 (2 lines). »40KEY. CAillI Advanced to respectable House- holders. Strictly private. Eaey terme. I Apply personally or by letter.-M. Fouer, 9, Carl ton-terrace, Swansea. 84A8-9 "IT ALF-A-MILLION TO LEND to all olasscs at One Hour's Notice, in sums of ES to £ 5,000, privately and simply on own promise j to repay. No inquiries Call or write in confidence STANLEY DOWDING, LIMITED, 1, QUEEN SQUARE. BRISTOL. STANLEY DOWDING, Manager. SAME ADDIlliSBOVER A QUART EE OF A CENTURY. Swansea Mercantile Co., Ltd. 18, PARK STREET, SWANSEA, MAKti CAil ADVANCES DAILY from ilo to ii,coo. No Charge Unless Business Done. Bille Discounted. Strictly Private afnd Oonfi- dential. lor further Paz-t.-ulare apply— H. B. JONES, Managing Director. Llo to Llogooo TO LEND by the Oldest West of England I-iria, F. LAVViiJiA^E, LTD., on lirxizen Promise to Bepay. Life Policies, Furniture, Farm Stock, or other Security. Principal Remains, or can be Bepaid by Easy Instal- ments. Promptness and Privacy. A Gentle- man will call and hand you cash at your house if desired. Distance no object. Do not expose your requirements ioc&uy.- Write r, VIOTOB HAMILTON, DON CHAMBEES. WiNE-STBEET, BRISTOL MONEY TO LEND. Cash Advanced from S,5 Upwards to ne- spectable Householders. Easy Repayments. Apply DLSTKlCT LOAN COMPANY, ST. MARY CHAMBEBS, CMUBCH STBEliT, SWANSEA. MONEY LENT PBIVATEILY. Secrecy is oar Speciality.—A Mo»ey-lending Ftxm, approved and reoommei 1 ded by the Press, that lit the unique, proud, and happy posi- tion of the British Finance Co. The B.F. Co. is expiecoly esUtblished &nd iegistered pur- suant to Act of Parliament to grant' Loans to all ciaases without any fuos. boiler. or loan ofi&ce routine. Intettst and repay- ments the Lowest in England. £10 Loan 10s. monthly. E200 Loan £1 10s. LW „ 41k. £ 500 „ £ 37 iDs. £100 £4 .£1000 X,35 ow. Larger mnountelower rates. Quarterly and yearly payxaeiws taken. No billø of sale, sureties, or daanaging enquiries. Absolute privacy guaranteed. Appuy in confidence for prospectus and opinion#) five.- THE BBTTISH FINANCE CO.. 20, Bridgest.. Bristol. Telephone 1675 Bristol. r' -018881'  Aid for | j the Ailing j lit your peace is threatened by I- any of the enemies of health B such as dyspepsia, biliousness, a constipation, sick headache, loss S of energy, and consequent is, depression,—you will find a I- (useful and reliable ally In Beecham's Pills. These will assist you to fight your way il back to digestive health in the most satisfactory way and In 4 the shortest time. When your I tone Is quite restored by a course I of this excellent medicine an | occasional dose will keep you S fit and well, and you will join I the ranks of those thousands who need no other remedy than I: BEECHA95 I- PILLS I I I Prepared only if I I THOMAS BEECHAM. St. Helens, Lancaelrirr. I | Sold everywhere in boxes, |j | price t;H ? P'"s) & 2/3 (168 pilh) i VITHOUT PURE BLOOD HEALTH IS IMPOSSIBLE. VETARZBLOOD Never before waa there anything like it. nor can its marvellous pioperties ever be squalled in all cases of poorness, impurity, or other imperfections jet the blood from whatever cause arising. No sooner is it imbibed into the system than it permeates and penertrates to the minutest caplllari;; overcoming and expelling disease, where soever and in whatsoever form met with; removing all blotches, pimples, scrulf, I scurvy, scofulous and glandular swellings, discolouration3. roughness, and unsightly patches. Its effects are .almost magical ia the treatment of gout, rheumatism, sciatica., lumbago, pain and swelling of the joints, blood poison, eczema, lepra, psoriasis, bad legs, bad breasts, abscesses, ulcer, wounds, gores, goitre or Derbyshire neck; it improves the general health, and quickly removes long-standing bronchitis asthma, and back. ing, straining, spasmodic cough, too often the precursor of consumption. LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH IS LIVING DEATH. VETARZO ;0H0D '¥ NERVE '000. The latest discovery of modern times for premature decay or deficiency of vital forces. Bracing up the system generally, it gives tone to the exhausted nerves, re- stores the failing energies, and imparts new life and vigour to those' who seemed played out, used up, and valueless. Send stamped-iiddressed envelope for Free Booklet or P.O. ?,!# 9(t. for Trial .Bottle of either remedy to THb VETABZO REME- TUKS CO., GosPel Oak, London. U n pz-iw cipled vendors may try to sell you SOI»I*. thing else for extra profit: do not accept it. but insist on having VETARZO to avoid disappointment, lbs genuine has words "Ynuxrao Beiasdies" on Government B"MV, lÀ})ÅJ{E TONES, M.B.H.S., tho most suc- .l., ceaeful of pr??ent-dw-y Herbaliots.- Cure for 112digeation, Eczema, Catarrh, Ner- vous Debility, Bleeding Piles, Bad Legs, and Kidney Complaints.1—69. High-eUreet, Sww-n- sea. IiA..H7 RECRUITS WANTED. 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade, R.F.A. Men are still required to complete the above Brigade. They must be of good character and between the ages of 19 and 38. Height from 5ft. 4in. Chest measurement 34tin.. minimum. This Brigade depends for Recruits on Swansea, Swan- sea. Valley, Neath, and their adjoining districts. Local Brigades should receive the full support of all the young and able-bodied men of their own districts, before outside Units are considered. Saddlers, Shoeing Smith and Wheelwrights are also urgently required, and when approved become entitled to extra pay. For full particulars apply to— OFFICER COMMANDING DEPOT, 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade, R.F.A., Drill Hall, Swansea. BUGLERS WANTED. j There are now vacancies for Buglers in the above I| Brigade. Minimum ag3, 18. m\.fy,).r" G. R. I RECRUITS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED BY THE 6th Battalion The Welsh Regiment. This fine Regiment was raised by the late Colonel Dillwyn in 1859 (known as 3rd G.V.R.), and has been I associated with Swansea and District ever since. The late King Edward VII. wasHon. Colonel, and the Bat- talion took part in South African War and is at pre- sent doing DUTY in France. Young Men of Swansea, Neath, and other places in the neighbourhood are now called upon to come for- ward and do their share as Recruits are more urgently wanted to-day than ever before. Upon joining, men are billeted in private houses in the Town untfl transferred to the Battalion, or may be permitted to sleep home for this short period. Minimum height, 5ft. 2iiu Minimum chest, 32in. Do you wish to be able to say you offered to help your Country when she needed MEW ? Full particulars on application to our Recruiting Sergeants in the Town, at Drill Hall, Neath, or to OFFICER COMMANDING DEPOT, .6th Battalion The Welsh Regiment, Central Drill Hall, Swansea. -I RECRUITS URGENTLY WANTED. 3rd Welsh Reserve Field Ambulance. Men of good character, between the ages of 19 and 38, can now be enlisted. Height, 5 ft. 3 ins. Chest measurement, 33iins. minimum. For full particulars, etc., apply to Officer Commanding Depot, R.A.M.G, Drill Hall, Swansea. ADOPTION. TXTOULD a.ny kind person like to adopt & pretty boy baby, three mouthe old?- Write "G10," Leader Office. B5AM4 TTTJLL any kind Lady Adopt Baby Boy, few weeks old!Addreps. ":Qaby," Loader Office. 85A-16 -?r )')" 'f L ??' DRAWINGS. 1- T?TT?TNU?G Nninb?Ta in DrAwint in a?d of 't' Morgan Hopkim, Penllergaer.—let. ?IAM, nd. 916; ard. 1079; 4th, 80; &th. 937; 6th, M; 7th, 215; 8?h. tW; 9th, 476; 10th, 276; Uth. !(OO; 12th, 0;?; 13th, 454; 14th. 940; 15th, 287; 16th, 865; 17th, 304; 18th, 34; 19th, 847 20th, 220; 21st, 145; 22pd, 659. LOST AND FOUND. LOST, on Friday Afternoon, Swansea or Sketty, Dia.mon,1 Brooch, consisting of three diamonds, platinum mounted on gold bar.-Find,er will be handsomely rewarded on returning same to Central Police Station,$6A645 jjoCULISTS & HOSPITALi OCULIST & HOSPITAL Proscriptions receive our careful P aitention, accurate grinding of o Leneee being guaranteed. Our IS §3 Prices are moderate, consistent wtih || accuracy and Best Workmanship, n Eg We have our own plant and can 8UP. # |§9 | ply the majority of Special Lenee. §j within a few hours. H C. F. W ALTERS, F.S.M.C., I Oxford Street, Swansea. 1 S (Nearly opposite National Schools). 9 KTm Qualified Opticians <fc in attend- i nj anoe, and their skilled services are at 1B 9 your dMpot.aL j? j


