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ELBIBU1 FITTERS I b ;Á For Portsmouth Dockyard. a Electrical Fitters, also Six Armature Winders, 1 Wanted at once, for Employment in H.M. Dockyard, 1 Portsmouth, preference being given to men experienced S in Electrical Machinery and Installations as at present I fitted in H.M. Ships. No applications will be enter- S, tained from persons at present employed by Adm-lrg-lit,y 1 Contractors unless the written permission of the appli- i cants present employer is first obtained and produced. 1 Candidates must produce references showing that they have been employed at least six years in the trade and 1 must be of good character. They will be subjected to a | trade test and must pass a medical examination. Terms J week of 48 hours phu 20/- per week subsistence f for men engap d from a distance, for a period of at | least three jiv i femporary employment, subject to 1 efifciency <Lu. conduct, and Railway Fares paid. All Entrants on the Subsistence Allowance will be ig liable to be transferred to another Dockyard or Port in I the United Kingdom without extra pay, if their ser- I vices are required, travelling expenses being paid by I the Admiralty. British-born subjects only are eligible |j for employment.—All applications or inquiries to be 1 addressed by letter to E?ctrica! E?g?eef, H.M. Dnck. 1 yard, Portmouth. | <———I—W1 HHIH II M —ILW>ILNHI'■ 111UMW;NRWATAMTGW^NRRTRTT'TMR- JUIJ. W .FC-UISPI TUIN II JL» ..=. T_ rz.I' [wilHto m. HIT PATROL I Employed on Active Service. Able Seamen—Wages, including food and 3 ail allowances .40¡- per week Engineers- do. Various. Firemen- do. 4tii per week I I Carpcr.,ters do. 46/-per weak 8 Cooks- do. 431 per ws,ek Assistant CODks- do. 35/- per week | Volunteers should send their names to the Flag- i Captain, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, stating date 1 and place of birth, sea experience, where last employed [ and name of employer, last time employed on board a ship and in what capacity, name of owner of vessel and I name of Captain. Terms of Agreement.—To sign on for the duration £ of the War. Only British subjects of British parentage 1 accepted. Pensions in the event of injury or perman- f ent disablement. Pensions to dependents or widows. I Further particulars can be obtained on application to 1 Flag-Captain, Portsmouth Dockyard. | r 1,000 I y BB?L??L??Ly MEN WANTED TO JOIN THE SECOND City of London [ Royal Fusiliers (RESERVE BATT.). | Training Quarters at Epsom Downs, Surrey. Recruits receive uniform and all accessories, and join ] Battalion, if desired, within 24 hours of enlistment. Officer L- Mekical Officer of the Reigment will exam- ine Recruits in the Office of I Messrs. HouSder Bros. and Co., Ltd., 41, Wind-street, Swansea, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day. ¡. Many men from Swansea i; n.¡. 1. d II: are in the Battalion, and| ■ wish you to join your frie-nds RECRUITS URGENTLY WANTED. 3rd Welsh Reserve Field Ambulance. I Men of good character, between the ages of 17 and 35, can now be enlisted for Imperial and Home Service. Height, 5ft. 3ins. Chest mea- surement, 33-lins. minimum. For full particulars, etc., apply to Officer Commanding Depot, R.A.M.C., Drill Hall, Swansea. PU BL I CAT IONS. LODON 'ilme-Taaie and Red Rail-Guide.- The curreat issue of this popular Pub- lication ? en stale at all Railway Bookstiblie and leading :aN6agen. Nearly 600 pages, it dltJ with over 3,000 railway stations. At twopence it is the b-st an(i obeeptio kilway J Gu.i.ver I! TO [ 1st WELSH (HOWITZER) BRIGADE, R.F.A. RECRUITS WANTED Men of good character between the ages of 19 and 33 can now be enlisted for Imperial Service only. Height from 5ft. 4ins. Chest measure- ment 34|ins. minimum. For full particulars, etc., apply to OFFICER COMMANDING. Depot 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade, R.F .A., Drill Hall. Swansea., — ILLL MAIL VAN MISHAP. There was an extraordinary mishap to the Swansea mail van at High-street station last night. The vawith its load of mails, had arrived b7 the station yard in order to catch the 5.30 p.m. trai-.i.; While the work of unloading was beirgl proceeded with a big mineral water van! by some means skidded across the road; and crashed into the mail van. No one! was injured, and the mails wore nn-j damaged, but such wa4 the impact tbati a wheel was completely knocktxl off the ran. The road was to some extent! damaged, and trani traffic waa impeded Ii for a time. I NATION'S YORKSHIRE PUDDING NOW IN SEASON. MAY BB OBTAINED OF ALL GROCERS. DRINK | TIPPERARY FIZZ. You'll like it. !¡ Manufactured by I EMANUEL THOMAS, Niagara Works, SWANSEA SIGHT TESTING AND SPECTACLES. YOU axe cordially inviwl to call upon MR. ERIC JtSjES, F.R.M.S.. etc.. 26. Oaetle-stroet. Swansea. Qotuniltatiioa Free. OttAWrcU i14.. j "LEADER II GLASSIFIE1 ADVERTISEMENTS. SCALE OF CHARGES. 20 WORDS and under-3 INSERTIONS —ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Three insertions-One Shilling for S9 words, and ad. extra for every 5 words more. LOST AND FOUND. Three Insertions-Ont Shilling and Six- pence for 29 words, and 4d. extra for every 5 words mare. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAL & SYMPATHY NOTICES One Insertion-Two Shillings for 20 words, and fid. extra for every 5 words mnro. This scafa dt:es not apply to Advertise- ments from Corporate or Public Bodies, bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices. Sales and Let by Tender. HEAD OFFfCF- LEADER BUSLCIHCS, SWANSEA. Telephones] 1234 Centra (Eleven Lines). Ills. "Leader, Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151, FLEET STREET, E.G. Telephones 2276 Central. LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILDINGS, THOMAS ST. Telephone i No. 174. NEATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET. Tolephonet No. 250. HOUSES FOR SALE AN!) TO LET. "pitJ.VA'IE t>ix-rooii.d Dwelling-house; ( f IAl- f I semi-detached; sit u a te PentTepo,-b, Morriatou; tiith (hot and oc\Id); side and back entrance; about 100 yards from the Orose.Apply Edward Roberts and Son. Llanfair Buildings, St. itarr-streest, Swan- ses- 501A2-25 'PO I?ET. with immediate poggesMD, pix. T-med Houac in Uplands diptrict.— Apply after 5 p.m., W. T. Clark, House and Eet £ ,t<o Agent, 19, Bfeeohwood-road, Swansea, 301A2-22 TTOLSE to Let, top of Hawthorne-avenue; rent L26 exclusive of rates.—Apply "Hawthorne." Leader Office. 300A2-20 I "POX SALE, Two Semi-detachod DrreJling- — houeetj, situate Caemawr, Morris ton; 999 years' lease-; IOlv ground rent—Apply Tv;v/ard Booerts and Son. Llanfair Build. inss. St. Mary-stree-t, swozleea. 300A2-24 TO LET, Sprimgfield Villa, Pa^field-terra-ce, ilount Pleasant; recently decorated; Four Bedroomsj Bath, etc.; large garden; See rit-w; ijiclusive rent, 15s. weekly—Apply Ae.loy Samuel. Auctioneer, King's Chambers, (jowert.roo-t. Swaneea. 293A2-22 WANTED TO PURCHASE-HOUSES. wA-NTED to Purchase 6-roomed House, I with scullery, at Mackwortb-terrace, top end of Kilvcy-terrace, Windmill-terrace, I or Bay View-terrace, St. Thomas.—Write Y 16, Daily Leader. 300A2-24 APARTMENTS TO LET. To LET, at St. Thomae, Two Furnished Kooms, with use of bath; will suit mttn and wife; 6a. per week.—"White," Leader I Office 299A2-231 A I'ASTMENTS.—To Let, comfortable Bed- room and Front Sitting-room, with or without board; evei-y coivenienoe.-Appiy 5, PiiLsbury-terrace, Swansea.. 206A2-22 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET OXFOH-D-STREBT, Swajieea?—Busi- 2.619 ??,? I'rem.i.sœ to I?t on leG.Se.-1 IAPVIy Edward Robarts and Son, Iiianfair Buildint;^ St. lfaæytroot, Swansea,* i SMAZ-24 BUSINESSES FOR SALE. FOR Immediate Disposal, weJ.-escabLsii'dd Picture Frame and lnoandeecent Busi- I tw«s; main thoroughfare; with fixtures; good conveniences; owner leaving town; [suitable any buein; no reoeonabLe offer refused to immediate buyei-.—24a, Neath- road. Hafod, Swansea. 296A2-22 PROPERTY FOR DISPOSAL. £ Q ^A WILL Buy Property value ?960; 00 balance can i?madn.—Eopty 1 "Sale," Leader Office, Swansea. 300A2-20 FALM ISTFIY. ALMISTRY and Clairvoyance.—Goiieuit — Prof, and Madame Virgo on all affairs of life at her Select and Private Rooms, 23S, Hign-9-re«t, tover AyfdcLin Daviea, the Chemist), two doors from Hotel Cameron, cear Oastknstreet. (I-Wto the Pier, Aberyst- wyth). 297A 2-20 MADAME SEER, Phrenolgist, Palmist, 1\' and Clairvoywat, in attendance daily at 31, Orford-streoi, \-e Auction Hoom, ¡ Swansea. Houre from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 297A&20 MACHINERY. FOr,, IMMEDIATE BALE, BAliGALNS; ..I: "BW A^> V U-OOD IikkO.N i>-iiAJSi). 17m.. 11in., 24ijj.t and Mho. BAJnD SAWING .nA(;uJ.)i i;8. HANII)-trik,D PLANUM and VAEIE1T and MAOxiiNKS. nm. x ?in gradiiated stroke MORTIS?G a.nd BON?? MAGUI-SE and "?he !Ler- ouleF." to mortine lin. w-de x liin. deep. t?o ino.rtise -!in. w- d.e. x llin. (iec-P. 16in. x 7in. D I'll O, to plane up to 16in. wide x 7in. deep. DOUBLE FACE PJA3LNG iLACHlNfi, for 26in. x Sin PUTTEE PLANER and MOULDER, by Robinwin, Sin x lliji., and one 9in x 4in ilA-SD-FHED PIoANIWi end JOLNTIN-C, MACHINE, onlWirs lain. wide, by Kirchner. 4-CUTTER MOULDING and PhXSlXG MACHINE, by Sogur, size No. L WOOiJ-TUKNINC LATHE, 9in. centres, by ILa ig ?i. Nl,!W ?,kW B?XOSES (own m&ke), Z4in.. 30in., 38in., Cin 48in-. always in atock; I also »econ<l-hana, inrliidiniz- :IL p.A. W BI Oll for GROOVING. Ac.; 32in. SAW BENCil. ri-sing- and falling tablee; TWIN RA W BENCH, for two 18in. saws, an-d many otherb. "UNIVERSAL" JOINE3, by Pcwia, np to I GRINDIXG MACHINE, for rÙJM irons. tttn. CHAIN-DRAG SAW BENCH. 36in RAW RfNTH. by Marshall. 20in x 7in. PLANING and TKI.GKN5S5ING MACHJN E. over and under, by Sagax. VERTICAL SP 1NI>LE MOULDER. TENONING and SCRIBING MAGHINE. by Saga,r. Charles D. Phillips EMLYN ENGINEERING WORKS AND FOUNDRY, NEWPORT, MON. Local Rep-e,enta-tive: Mr. ALBERT REES, 7, Conunu^ht-j"oa.d, Port Talbot. MACHINERY BARGAINS ON SALE or PURCHASE HIRE. One Robey Undeznype Engine and Boiler, pressure SGlbe. square inch; engine pair of 9iu. by 12in. stroke. One Lancashire Boiler, SOft. by S; pressure lOOihe. One Fawoett Clay Griuding Pam, 9ft. diam. Fourty Itexin Winchea and Hauling Engines, etc. T HoS. 'N N TARD- LTD., BRITONFERRY. FOR SALE, 7 h.p. Portable Engine and 6in. J'' Mortar Pan on Girder, Frame and Boiad Wheels, in thorough working order.- Jackson, builder, Maeeteg, 291A&-20 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TA IWR.q CuttingR Want-ed; 42s. per cwt.; collected free.-Write or 'lJbone to A. Levy and Co.. New OrchaTd-«treet, Swansea. Toi. m Osntral, 897A&<2a DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. P ENERAL Servant Wanted innnedie.tely. Daviee, Sta-tkxn inn, lligh- street, Swansea. 503AI-22 TU'?NTED, cleam. reliable Girl for Gene- 1 wral Hoork.-Åpply afwr 6 o'edock, 13, Nicholl-sti-eet, Swansea. 301A2-22 TTTANTED, immediately, good General I SeryanU—Apply, stating age, refer- enoes. lLns. Jamea, POAT OISOE, PontardulaM. 30IAVI2. w ANTED. good General Servant, 18 to I 22; good situation for a respectable, capable s-,rvant.-Apply "Villa," Daily Lcider, Swansea. 3002A-20 1 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. IJ^ITTESS and Lead Burners Wanted.— Apply Mond Nickel Works, Ciydach. C'2 22 T>ORTER.—Wanted immediately Draper's P Llortor; good WAGC«I.-J!II«VB3RS. D. J. IT'^YLER, Ltd., liigh-stie-ct, SWANSEA. 301A24S IN rA-NTEU), a Man to deliver MINERAL » Watars; must be w-CLL U^ED TO HORAES.— Apply Bowen, Sarso Workti, AlorriuWn. C-2-25 "ITT'ANTED, Good Labourer; also Man to look after Engine and MORTAR Mill; good WASCO; eub daily.-Apply Arnsoid Broe., Ciydaah. CZ-23 INDOOR Porter Wanted; salary "I rising to £ 06; good RFCI«RTDI..ES required.—Apply PERSONALLY to SOCIETA,RY. HOSPITAL, Sv.andca. 2):A2-22 A PRACTICAL knowl?ge of Shorthand, ?- Typewritu?, Engl, BUSUCESFJ ?<'?hods, and all EUBJECT^ essential to commercial sucoezs rapidly acquired at The Swaneea Oomaierciiii School (The Do Bears Schools, Ltd.). Students may join at any time (Day or E.ening).—PROSPECTUS No. 2 free TIOM the Principal, Castle Buildinffe, S-wan-La. ANTED, GTOcefa' Assiet?nt; hi?h-oleLee I trade; salary 306.; live liigli-clase 18. Clifton-road, London. W. 301A2-22 CARPENTERS Wanted for Erection of iiuto for Troops in Pembi-okec-hire; I good WAG«& to good men and fare paid to job.—Apply Manager, London, Pro incial and Export Buildinc Oo.. 26a, Quoontreoe t, Pembrok. IVICK. C2-22 T^TTANTED, Two Swage Sawyers to cut I boards for Tinplate Boxes; pieeaworK. —Apnly Box Y.J5, Leader Otuce, Swansea. 2^6A2-22 ?SRNERALIja?our?a Wanted.—Apply GMond ïçkel Works, Cb-dach. C2-20 ROYALNA\y.-W4),nted. Engin?room -?' Art?ceM. EngWe Fitters &nd Turners, Boilermakers, Colperuiuitb,% Enginesmithe, Shipwrights. Cooks' Mates, Sack Berth Officers' Stewards, Carpenters Ooopors, Blacksmiths, Electrioal Artificers, Armourers, Stokers, Seamen, aod Bo ye AGE 353 ym-e to 13; all the above ratings may be entered for period of hostilities only in the Royal Navy up to 40 years of age. Men of the above trades alto required for the Royal N&vaJ. Division. Royal Marines.— Smart Young Men, age 17 to 23 yeara; or, for period of hoe-Pitice only, 19 to 30 years. —Apply Admiralty Recruiting Office, 138b, Higli-street, Swansea; or 4 EARK-street, Cardiff. 02-20 AGENTS, &c., WANTED. ADVERT1SEXG Novolties.-Earn good mon-cy on oommission by calling on tradesmen for the ehpa-pem a.nd beet form of local ADVERTISING. A new seriea of mag- D incest. Art Ca.Iendaj?, never before shown, oifers splen?d opportuinties. Agents wanted; state expe.rienoo. Calendar," c/o F. W. Sears, 66, Chandos-street, Charing Cross, London. 301A2-20 DRIVERS WANTED. EOCERY.—Wanted, & strong, active GYoung Man to take charge of horee and do WAREHOUSE work.—State age, wagee (outdoors), and when dieengaged: B. C. Rees, Sketty, Swansea. 297A2-20 CLERKS. TIRANTED] good (ionerni Clerk.—Apply Topaiam, Jones and fUjalton, Ltd., Crumlyn Btu-rows, Swoneea. WANTED, General Clerk, Ooal Shipping l f Offlcee; quick and rcliaOl-e at a-ccounts. -State experience and SALARY to Coal," Commercial Bttildinge, Port Talbo-t. AOI-23 TYPISTS. SHORTHAND-TYPLST"JTANTED immediately for Shipbrokers' Oflioe; mutyt be ■thoroughly competent; previoua experience in Shipping Office EFIWNTIAL—Apply, STATING age and SALARY required, to Ship brokers," Leader Office, Swanesta. 300A2-24 APPRENTICES. MINING E.ngiiiJ:Vny for l.f Articled Pupil cf good education; moderate premium and wages paid.—Apply Mining," Leader Office, SWANSEA. 296A2-2S A PPRENTICE Required for the Electrical 1.. Engineering, all branches; must have good health and height; premium required, which is returnable in wages.-Apply letter FIRST instanoo to "Electrical," Leader Office, Swansea. TO OFFICE BOYS. WA-NTTM Offloe Boy foi Oool Merob;&rL%'s Offkie. Aipply in own handwriting, stating age, EKU. to "CoaJine," Leader Offi Œ?a) BOYS WANTED. II -uTCHERS Boy Wanted to do bicycle l B round and sesist £ e r i«e,raj 1 YB E v an, Butcher, Uplands. 1..AZr-25 W.ANTED, -a o' ro?,g Youth, about 17 years of age.—Apply Geo. Williams, 69, High-street, SWANSEA. CZ-U XRANTED, E'.rong Errand Boy.—Apply J, V V iLorris, Dillwyu-cstjeet, Swansea. 201A222 WANTED, at on<?, good Errand Boy; g,?od wages.—Apply B?t<?, Iron- motnger, 8t. H-elec's-ro?I. ACS-20 w'n.D-&Y'u the rI()1' Apply Mrs. Watts, ewll.t. etc., Pen tre EtityU. TO QMART?oya WANTED for quick a??ee of the ? "Leader" and also "Herald of Wal?a and Mid-Glamorgan HeraJd"; good money can be eaely earned by smart and deter- mined boys.—Apply to following offices and ageiito:—John Morgan, Wood field-street, LIORRIETOTJ; Edwin Hemming, lfJ, Queen- etreet, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Brynymor. road. SWANSEA; Ceabon, Mumbles. SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG Lady retliiirea Situation 36 Ledger Olerk, Laundry Work, or as Telephone Clo,-k.Ipply Laundry," LEADER Office, Neath. C2-20 MISCELLANEOUS SALEa. OBWING .MachiD of %Il makes chpfor I ? OATH. Oil, KoMiiM, Shuttles, etc. All make cf Sewing liaohinea Itcpaired. Agent for Bnedbury.—Yateis, U, Lower VYatc-rioo- utreet, -Swaneee. 301A2-25 TpOB SALE, at Sacrifice Prims to 1111 J- mediate Buyem, & Large Variety of Wallpaper, Borders and Picture Mouldings, Pictuivj Frames, Picture Piatee, Mirrors, Overmantels, Window Glaaa, Lamp GIAESEE, Incandescent GTOBIIE, Burneirs, Bracket* AND Pendants, Mantles, etc.; a,lt!;Q a 12ft. high by yft. broad, 12ft. long Sh'ë-d with galvanised roof; also two good Writing IXJEKS, AND Fixtures; uo reason-mble refused.—-24, Neath-road, Hafod, SWANSEA. '298 A 2-22 ARGE Rick of Prime Hay for SOLE; near .J Station.—Ap;>ly T. John, Park Estate Office, Llangenn-ech. 298A2-28 TEAM Rolk-r for SALE; good order.—Apply Box Y.12, Lewder Office, Swansea. 297A2,20 e .¡, t BEYAN COMPANY, LTD. l'h H' a Wales' Largest Furnishers and Pianoforte Merchants, 280, OXFORD ST., SWANSEA, LLANELLY, &c. FURNITURE PIANOFORTES FOR ?'' gig ? AND ORGANS r, D s an d ™0N fc# HALF PRICE! HALF PRICE I HOCK BOTTOM PRICES! ^|SAKCH £ S^ d(2)^^ Have you seen the reaUy —— tel kew^t and fully rohabl?o ?t POMTYPocL roliablo Illustrated Cakdogues Piano at Grat'a and Posb Free. Wi'^i 8W/>*«za LLANELLY ONLV FIFTEEN Gns. P DeUvery Free up to 200 mIlos ?  y ?"? ?'?"?" °"?' P from any Branch. Best Value on Earth BEVAN & COMPANY LTDis .88tf1!Nf;r- '1! .w _.4-rI "¡'<U'loØl"U- ->i" 1" .a.nrl LOST AND FOUND. T OST, on road in or n?ar Sw?neo? B1uck ftl"d Brown Exerci,% BOOKS, confining Welsh Writir;z.-Aiyozl<j i;' v'ril information at once to the Ponta-rduiaia l'oice Station will be suitably REWARDED. ACS-22 T^STILL Lady who picked up Lady's Di 'amond Cluster Ring in Carlton Cafe Lavatory, Saturday 1.1.e-t. kindly return same to E. E. Jones, Ltd.. Carlton Cafe. Generous reward. Engagement Ring to Owner. 297A2-20 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. DALE, Forty and Oo. (hmit.e-d), ngl-¡-3tret and Castle Arcade, Cardifl'Second- hand and Used Pianos and Organs at Bar- gain Prices; epecial war reduotione; good, reliable Piano, £1-0; Orran, C5; Harmonium, JES; Player-Piano, 4) guinme.—Full list and particulars on application. TO Thompson and Shackell's Announcements. T3E1NSMEAD PIANOS.—6ole Agents for BSo-atii ?a.Iea: luompsou and 8h<tck?I, Ltd., 39, Casi.ie-street, Swansea, etc., etc. The posscarfion of A "Brinsmead" is a never- tailing source of happiness. QECOKD-KA.ND Piauos f.-om C$ upwards. Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., J9, Castle-street, Swansea, etc., etc., have IT present a Splendid Stock of Second-hand Instruments for selection. -Catalogues free. ESTEY OGÁ.Thc.UlPSO and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Castle-street, Swansea, etc., hold the Sole Agency for theae unrivalled instruments. Prices, from LIZ (cash). illus- trated catalogue free on application. BKOADWOOD Player Pianoa, SIMPLEX Player, Pianos, Auteolaa-Sole Agents, Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Caetle- street, Swansea, etc., etc Largest cash dis- count, or easy terms arranged. Godfrey's Announcements. BRlXSiTEAD Upright Grand, in practi- cally new condition; only chop-soiled; latest model, full iron frame, full trichord, check auction, ivory keya, rosewood ca&e; A genuine bargain and a. really charming In- strument; original price 5[¡gns" reduced TO J,39 cash or 17s. W. monthly.-Godfcey and Co., Ltd., 22* St. Helen'a-road, Swansea. 293A2-22 P IANOLA, 65 Note, with all latest expree- -L sion DEVICES, including the FAMOUS meuxjstyle; only ehop soiled; a genuine bargain; original price 55gne., reduoed to 25gv-a. caah or 156. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey TUID Co.. Ltd., 22, St. Helen's*-road, Swansea. 298A2-22 I' 1 EJ« UI1SE Bargain,—Upright GT&nd, in U e:wd.lent condition; juat been thoroughly repaired; iron frame, check action, i\ory keye, handsome burr walnut case; original price 4ógr>B., will accept logns. oaah or is. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen'e-road, Swansea. 298A2-22 D. J. SnelPs Announcements. NEW UPRIGHT GRAND PIAInO in MAF^IVE Walnut Oase; all recent im- provements; fine tone; ,£)5 10s. od.; FIR^T New Piano to be offered in Swansea at thiB low price.—D. J. SUE 11, 14a, High-street E V, I High Mirror TOP, Ten Stops, Two Knee fcwelis, beautiful tone; reduced to £:20. TRCCIENDOUS bargain.—D. J. SNELI, 14a, U'iEh-«treet Aroa.de, Swa.uaea. 8 A "I G-R1MÖï;;H(jiÖ!a:. from 2?. X?w Dcubl?- ?-? eid?t R-e<?ords fr?m LA. Id.; all makes of Records in Stook. REPAIRS and Acces- sories. Old Recorda EI:changed.—D..J. I Snell. 14a, 21 and ZZo, ili £ :h-«treet Arc&de, Swansec.. 21i8A2-n &- PIANOFORTE TUNINQ. PI A~? OFOETES, Organs, and Player- P;,an<z 'I'vmed (FC. 6d.J; Repairs at Ihn- don PRIOO?. Lost tonoe a.nd touch fully re- STORED. Distance no object.—Herbert Strong, I 3. Chrieuna-SUEET, KWANSEA. Tel, 245 Docks. (Late of GUY nr. A II. Br<id«r*FE). 234A2-S0 TUNING, 3FL. 6(1.; REOCM- mtndtttions from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone, and Broadwood and Bono. Pianoa from Bechstein, Hop.tii;F>on, CuUard. Brinsmead, etc.. Sale or Hire.— Ohariaa Eadon, bJ. L?run«wick-«tre0t, SWANSEA. TO EDUCATIONAL. TODENTTI Iratned to ISJ>eeda of over 100 Wordit a Minute in PITMAN'S Short- hand. Candidates Successfully PWPAREIL for Civil Service and local Marine Board ,is given in Aritb. Exarainationa LESSONS given in Arith- metic, Book-keep in,1;, Navi&ation, German Satisfaction guaranteed.~ME. J. HA Bit IS, 56, OXFOED STAEET, SWANSEA. Dav and Evening GLASSES for all Subjects. MOTOR CARS FOR SALE AND HIRE. Ivor L. Roberts' (Oxford-street) Announcements. LIG-HT CAES.—Early Deuvary of the re- nowned Perry, Eniield, Iluruborette M.OD<ils; pricey irom £120 complete. Please send me youir INQUIRY, which SHALL receive my perso N AL AJTTENTION. OTOE CYCLES. —&OIE AGENT for B.S.A., Eimeud, A.J.8., Oalthorpe, Huiuber, MOI~GA>n Runaboute, etc. Hook early to avoid delay in delivery. Deferred terms arranged. Send your inquiries. I ? j?YOLES.—?le Agent for B.S.A., RQyal c En??ld? Bobin Hood. Hum, etc. PriOO6 from JM 198. 6d. to .EH l?a. Ea?y pay- mentd arra-nged. &and for lists. SON1>-I:L(liD-M'tor Cyclce.—l h?,-?e to i? oS&" \-œw n?lt?la.aa So?nd M&chin?a: B.S-A., Triujnphs, Oalthorpe, A.J.8., Falfields, Singere, Douglas, etc.. Several of theee AJE being sold owing to owners having joined if.YL Forceo, AND are being OFFERED at bar- gain prices to clear.—Send your inauiry to l-vor L 22;), Oxford STREET, SWANSEA. TO, CAILJNG3. WHITE STAR LINE. I LIVERPOOL—NEW YO ILK. tAEABIC Wednesday, Feb. 24 ADHlATiO Wednesday, March ;)  I LAPLAND Wednesday, Ma-r?h 10 1 I ili-GAIs'TIO Wedueedey, March 17 Steamers sail 3 p.m., Feb., 5 pm .March. iotio Ciati-i Cabin (2nd Clasei and 3rd Claea Passengers oniy. I CANADA. WHITE SIAK LOiulNlOX LUfB LIVER iJ O 0 L— IIA LI F A X—PORTLAX D, Me. I, BRITISH TWlis-SCREW STRAMERS. *XORTH.LAlS"D Wediiesdey, Flàb. 24 •SOUTHLAND .Saturday, Mnrch 13 l OIL61n and Third Cass passengers only. For further parxicuiars apply to the Local Ageiits; or to WHITE STAR LiXE, 30, James-etreet, Liverpool; Southampton; 1, Cock&pur-ijtreet, S. W., and .38, Leaden- ball-street, lJOndon, E.G. ABSOLUTELY FREE. BERTH; PEli-KlNS AND CO., Passenger Steamship Department, 11, Somerset-piace (opposite the Town Hall), Swajidea, BOOK PAbSEXUi-it^ to America, Australia, India, Canada, Ajna., New Zealand, and to sU parts of tue vVorld. Handbooks of information and all par- ticulars ai»oiutely free. No booking or any fees charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival of various Paeoenger Steamera at Porta, Abroad Bertie Perkins and Co., are Official Agenta for tiie Befet and Largest Pasuenjjfr? Steam- ship Lines in the World. EMIGRATION. II For Cheapest Ha tea .and Eariieet Steamers for Canada., Anstraiia, South and East Africa, United States of America, Argen- tmc. etc., etc., apply at once to ) HCUm?H BROfHEKS & Co., Ltd. r 4l, \V IND-S i HE^r, 8W ASE. II PASSAGE BOOKED BY ALL L?XES TO )I ALL PARTS O? THE WORLD. I Te!€f:ra.?e—"liouldera. | Telephorie-Ceutr.U 1215 (2 Unas). j I MERIOA, Canada, South Africa, Aua- j j iralia.—Intending p«»senger3 can have their bertht1 reserved a.t lowest rates. All 1 information free.—Apply Roberts. Steanwhip PasM-nger Asant. Mcrriston. T.(3 j HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c., FOR SALE. rpO Tradesm-en and Othea-e.-For Sale, Bay Harti, 6 years old, 15.2 hands, sound ■and quiet and good worker in all harness; renson for selling, owing to bad trade through the war; price £ 22 ell" neareet offetr, oa1 be >3£,rn daily at work. Apply Brown. lliilunan, Sketty. NMAM4 IjiOIt SALE, Several S'ets of Trap Ha.rnes«, 1 S, s of Trap Ha-riieEs, I also Riilli Trap^ 2 G>)vernes8 Catre, round j corners, covered, crank axle, moveable top; J Riding Saddles, Small Trorting Sulky, a.nd 1 Harness.—Meirriman, Grolc?tr&et. Ba?k or  Tenby Hotel, W?Jter?road, S?n,n&ea? vtOAZ-34 |I STABLES TO LET j Q TABLES, Coa?h-house and Two?torey ¡ D Warehouse at Nos. 31 and 36, mzn6el- || lane; every eonTMii?ic?; to be let at end J c/ March, 1915; On view.—App!y 15, Walters- 'l roa?. 298A-"23 j  ——————-———— — ?-.? ——— t POULTRY, DOGS, LIVE STOCK, &c. J F}í)W-gCOd Minorca Pullets for Sa??, cheap :1 to clear; gMn Saturday.—73, MAnsepon- I md, Swu-n??. J01AM5  TXTE ba,ve been appointed Sole Agonte for j| Swansea and Dtetrixrt for W. Tamlin's II Incubators and Poultry Applianoee, Cata- logues on application.—The Thomae liard. I wa.. Up!ands, Sw-ea? 02-25 j 117.à.J-1SW OÜD Poultl' S.Pl('"e oontalIu.:ng J?- g?rou?d inaoate will Dcubte your egg Supply. Packets M.. 6d., la— Evane, High- street. Goinon. 2'MA?Ta FURNITURE FOR SALE. Furniture.-Best priced given by me. Drop a postcard and will call.-w. Jamea, 6. Fabian-etreot. St. Thomas, Swansea. T.O. TTriLLS Bargain Sales are now the grea.t demand ol to-uay, a.nd of which there are no bigger bargains in Househoiid Furni. ture tha.n at Hill a (the old firm), Cantral Buildings. Gower-etreet, Swansea. 111 spite of the enormous rise in pricee generally, but through being our own manufacturers, we are still able to <t€n Strong Kitchen Coucheg at 16a. 6d.; Bedroom Suites from 4i gumæ6; Full-eize Bedsteada from 16e. 6d.; Kitchen Drosscrs f rom 32s. &d.; Leäther Suites from 3J guineas; Saddle Bag Suites from 4! guineas; Sideboards, Bookcases, Overmantels, Fendere, Bedsteads, Bedding, and all other Household Furniture too numerous to mention. We may e.ta.te t2aat we can only guarantee these pricee for the next couple of weeks. Therefore, &eize the opportunity to save inojiey, and can at once. Note only address in Swansea: Hill's, Central Buildinge, Gower-nstreet; also at Cardiff, Aberdare, and Barry Dock. 297A2-20 TRADE SPECIALITIES. XE Bottle Cures.—Mfidam Lewis.— Inliuenza, Persisten '.Ids, Asthma, Bronchitis. stecial Treatment for Ehou-, m^iism, Gout, Sciatic.—Addr«M: lo. Talbot- street, Aberavcu. ^97AZ~20 r» A -PAGE HOO? about Herbs &ad bow ? OtL u,* tnem; free; send at once.— TELMNELL, The Herbalist. 144, Richmond- I road. Cardiff- Eetabiished 1919. TO 1, Limbs, Eyes, Crutchee, 3)g. r. forraity Boots, Sicel-less Eaaifit" Trusses, Flat Foot Supports, etc. Lady Attendants. Belts, Btli-OoiteUs, Truss-ce, Seamleias Elastic Stockings, etc.—Allen Poaroe, 2.), Ciiarloe-etr€»t, Cardlif. 1282. TO I P MOLYNEUX. Ltd., kieb Merchants, 120, Hi^'h-etreet, Swansea. Cheapest Uou?e in Town for Fieh of all Va-ri?tK-s, ?Wh*lod&lo a?d Retail. Trial Solicited, T?. QNEY. OYEZ! OYEZ! OYEZ!—All Perae&s requir- ing Financial Assistance to pay off their Accounts or Liabilities, or Co/pital for Business Extensions, are respectfully in- vi"ed to apply for our FILEE PROSPE-CTU.1 which ebows you how £ 10 to L!O,OW can t- borrowed promptly, privately, and cheaply. Wo make a speciality in paying off Existinj Loins where Extortionate Interest has been charged. Apply and bo convinced.—BRITISH FRANCE CO., 20, BRIDGE-ST.. BRISTOU Tel. ?675. Tel. 1675. C arisea SViarcantsie Co., Ltd, 18, PARK STREET, SWANSEA, MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY from £ 13 to £ 1,003. No Charge Unless Business Done. Bills Discounted. Strictly Private and Conii- dential. For further particulars apply- H. B. JONES, Managing Director. Llo to £ 10}000 rpO LEND by the Oldest West of England A Firm, P. LAWREXCE, LTD., on Written Promise to Repay. Life Policies. Furniture, Farm Stock, or other Security. Principal Remains, or can be Repaid by Easy Instal- ments. Promptness and Privacy. A Gentle- man will oali and hand you cash at youc house if desired. Distance no object. Da not expose your requirements locallx. Write Manager, VICTOR HAMILTON. DON CHAMBERS, WINE-STREET, BRIqMTi4 MONEY TO LEND. Cash Advanced from 95 Upwards to R. spectable Householders. Easy Repayment*. Apply DISTRICT LOAN COMPANY, ST. MARY CHAMBERS, CHUROH STREET.1 SWANSEA. PILLS have been proved to be of the great- est value for keeping the organs of digestion and assimilation in a state of healthy activity. Taken period- ically and in accordance with IT:.e directions, they ensure freedom from 1 biliousness art? its attendant discom-' fort-.s-coi-i-til,ation and its accom- PituyingOvits- flatulence, heartburn, and tTioae enervating ailments which arise when the digestive system is out of order. The judicions use of Beecham's Fills WILL HELP YOU In many ways to keep in eood health, for they have in addition to their stomachic inlluence; a purifyins effect upon the blood and a stimu- lating; action nipon the liver and kidneys. It cannot be too strongly nrg-ed that sound health, In these strenuous days, is supremmely necesary to allwho are vnxious to I dow :Li in Ufe. Beecham's yiUa, by I fortifying: the general health against I the attacks of di seas", can undoubted. ly play an important part in enabling you at all times TO KEEP WELL I Sold ertrywhere in boxes, price 1111 (56 pills) & 2/9 (1S8 pffls), • Illl mill II Bin « i i "Tiiii. uri a—a BEN EVANS & CO. LTP j Telephone: 1015. Tefcqraws.Ev/ws.SWAiistA FU N ERALS CARR1 ED OUT IN fIIrff PART OF THE COUNTRY. CREMATIONS ARRANGED ORDERS BY PHONE RECEIVED AT I ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT. 4- AU. ARRM GEM EtM AT CEMETERfES'1 PERSOMUV SEEr?f?SY E,q:p ASSISTANTS. ? I SWANSEAI-Ji 1 NOON'S HOTEL 69 & 70, High Holbora. Cmsrwileal for an parts of Ckuzifortabto Bedroom and Fnll Break- la>sti,8s. id. and 4s. Go extras BEST 1/3 LUNCHEON IN LONDON. Raatitvpant Soots SUM* ill I