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"LEADER" CLASSIFIES 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. SCALE OF CHARGES. 20 WORDS and under-3 INSERTIONS -ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Three Insertions-One shilling for 29 words, and 3d. extra for every S words mora. LOST AND FOUND. Three insertion"na shilling and six- pence for 2D words, and ed. extra for owory t words more. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM &SYMPATHY NOTICES. One insertion,-rwo shillings for 20 words, and Mt extra for every 5 words mordl This stale does not apply to Advertise- nants from Corporate or Publio Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices, Sales and Let by Tender. HEAD OFFICE- LEADER BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. Telephones: 1234 Central (Eleven Lines). Tsiogramss "Leader, Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151, FLEET STREET, E.O. Tolophonsi 2278 CentraL LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILDINGS, THOIBAS ST. Telephone i No. 114- IIEATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET. Telephone i No. 15a. DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. "LTOUHKMATP Wanted inu»ediat/ely; good 38, St. H«l«n's-road, Btmw, 203A3 0-21 rOP'ANTED, good strong General, age 25; good references.—Thr«e Lamps Hotel, VemptM^reeC. 203A10-21 ENEBJLL; experienced, references; small families.-Apply The Hendre, Eaton Grore. Swansea- 202A10-Z3 ACffiSOT, Casrtieton, Mambles.—Wanted, imznedickteily, several Oook-Generals, Betwoeu-MeAds, NuHd, ereri- enoed and young Generals; Swansea* ainmUes, and away. 199A19-21 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. c "ABlig FUXNAOiDttAK Wanted at once for London Foundry; average melting 10 to Is tons per day.-Writoe, stating age and wages required. Box 46, Smiths' Agency, Ltd., 100. Fleet-street, London. 010-22 iT\T ANTED, Coach and Motor Body P&ister; only capable and experienced men need amly.-D. Basset* and Sona, The Xeve, Goxseinon. 010-26 W:-YOUÎig Woman to w&it on I inrahd lady and &B6ist with household duties.—40, King Bawaxd-rood, oi. j 203A1(W4 rVXjTANTED, steady capable man as Mill- 1. wright and Fitter, for five Erase Plate llilla.—Apply Glamorgan Works, Pon- tarduais. AC,10-23   T> —100 good Navviee Wanted. 8," Apply on Works at Clydach and Rhydyfro (near Pontardawe). Wages. 6d. per bour.-Walter Scott and Middleton, LtcL. Contractors. C10-22 T>LASTEILKBti wanted for Oaemwydd; 9Jd. per hoar.—Apply J. Watson, Gron- road. Owaancaegurwen. 2QCMjMl AGENTS, &c., WANTED. A GENTS (Buying) Wanted; Open Depots ..c supplying House Canvaeeeoj, id., 2d., 6d. linen; commission, expens"Internaticual. J. W Oxford-Aireet, London. 204A10-22 A-NTLD, an active Agent, resident in Builth WeDo or District, to devote whole time to business of firot-class In- surance Co.; salary, ooxamieeion and every assistance given.—Apply Superintendent W. 1k>uglaa, Glonyrafon, Gowerton. AC10-21 A BBAUTTFUL SAMPLE BOOK ofPrivote Ohrietmae Carde absolutely Free and Post Paid. The Famous "Victoria" Series enablee yeni to make a. LS Note without risk I or outlay. Magnificent range of unique N«vetltMS, Patriotic Designs and Greetings Every Card manruiaatured in our own Worke by British Labour. Write now to Jonea, Williame and Oo., Dept- 51, Victoria Worke, Preston. 205A10-34 CLERKS. i\TTANTED, Led per Ctterk; must have know- I ledee of trade.—Apply Jam«s Jones «nd Son, Wholesale Oraoers. 203A10-21 OFFICE BOYS. ^TXTAiJTED Office Boy in Solicitor's Office.- v T, Apply with particulars of age -and; wag" required to Ijega.1, Daily Leader. 200A10-21 ARMY VACANCIES. GIiAMOBGAN F0B.TBE8S KOYAL ? ??&ItrBER?.—Tber< a.re still Vacanciee in the above tor good Joiners, Carpenters, Smiths, Itaaons, cn3 (r two gcoci ElectTici«ns and other Tradesmen of good (-,ha,ra(-tei, For fm¡ pariicalars ?pf?ly in p?n?jn to J. W. Law, Ekctn:?ia Engineer, Chance ? bers, KutLand-street, Swansea. 010-2i RGE'.N-TLY Wantad, for Slwarjms Bat- U tnlion, Old Buglers, between agoe of 19 and 35 yewm.-Apply Headquartew, Bat- tallow, Salisbury Olub. Swansea. (1110-W APPRENTICES. |T\BAPEBT.—Richard Lewis, High-?tre<t, DSwaims. bas a vacancy for a Girl Apprentice to the Drapery. 201A10-22 Apprentices for Millinery and DTaVery.&pply Mrs. CloJw. 72, Car- j zaarthen-road. 2Q2A10-2J ERRAND BOYS WANTED. S Boys Wanted for quick sales of the Leader and ejeo Herald of Waieo and Mid-Glamorgan Herald good money can be easily earned by ssKurt and deter. mined bo"APPLY to following offices aid jtSente :—J<&N Morgan, Woodfieid-straet, Morrtefcon; Edwin Hemming. 39, Queen- vtreet, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Brmjrmor- road, Swaoaea; Oeaton, Musutteo. SITUATIONS WANTED. QX7AJRET Poremasi.—Wanted, a post.. or couLi .i;e contract; 20 years' ex- verienoe; teBtbxwiniaJte. —Ap^)ly Box 1..10, Leader, SnranMa. 3WAM-2Z g—g——eagegggg—a—ggaa i » HORSES, CARRIAGES, tfc, FOR SALE. -FOR KAJjK, Tip OaM, eqml to now; oleo Spring Market Trap; will sell okeap.- Apply SI. LkadeverT Cotbaeeo^ Brynameaa. Å.W-Z4 6ALE, wall-made Brake, to carry 12, with waterpixDCf cover, ^myrVrt^ with ouAtnom, Aafta, pale, eroaabar, etc.; e"- lent W npuwi » te 0801!17 6. a very netful Tebieie witJa oww Jar eoawmion to etosed earriagfr; Sprin* Tea* to easry 6.—Aj»i>ty Joha TPaeK &wal*m Stox", CXydaoh-oo-Ta'we. ACiO-W T;Vg &A I Tw«-etail Stable and Loft, larce .r Oomch'tiovim. stiit tIW. larp» tvagm. or as oat%wo; atIO bar- Tnap, oarory one tmL- Apply Mros, Pite. Postm Hetyjl. 2/KAML26 LEFT-OFF CLOTKING, 4s. S8D051>-Bi5D TurBitwreL—Beat Trtu* C3 giwen by m*. Drop a poetoard aad will ealL—W. Jatmn, it SL nww^awwifc ma LOST AND FOUND. I CST. on Oct. 17th, a lady 's Silver Watch CHeart-eiiaped f), bet-weein Oxford- street and Wtsterr-et-.f-Fiider rewarded 3n returning to Gladys Grey, 14, Graham- street, Hafod. S.T.C. j LÕS-T or Stolen, on Morriston Car on Fri- day Night, a Puree of Money with Gold Bengle inside. Anyone giving information of the above will be amply rewarded .-ApT)"v 1, Gfraki-ttrnee'f.. Haiad. Swansea. 203A10-22 iiõfuD Straying on Cefn Bryn. Three Mountain Ponies. If not claimed will be sold. May be claimed any week-day.— Apply W. G. Jenkins, Sec., Perria Wood. Penmaon, R.S.O. 20M.. 10-24 M ISCELLAN EOUS. STABLES to Let. Apply Cbas. Williams, Iron Merchant. Morriaton. C10-21 ADAM LEWIS, Tier haFSpec ialist, 15, Talt,,(it-istreet,.Abe mvon, treats Tortur- ing Eczema, Gout, B.heumatican, Nervona Defcility. Indigestion, Liver Complajnte, etc.; positively cured. 205A10-24 mo SHOP-KEEPERS, Stall Holders, and rp the Public generally.-Iarge Stocks of Stationers' Fancy and other sundries of a wholesale warehouse to be sold at ridicu- lous prices to clear in small lota- a rare chance for Bargains.—The Popular Bar- gain Stores,48a, Waterloo-street. All goods on view. 202A40-12 ———- i — MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. SECOND-HAND Clothes and Furniture S bought; boat prioea given; post-en-rds and parcels receive personal attention.—Mr« Buck, 15 and 16, Prince of Wales-road, Swansea. W2A10-Z3 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. rTJBS.—^Handsome Set of Black Fox, nerw February; coot LS 13s., but only worn twice; large shaped stole, beautiful animal muff, heads, tails, etc.; accept £ 2 26.; splen- did bargain; opgrovaL-Write Box L.12. Leador Office. 204A10; £ 6 SAF.E$ (Fireproof), ell sizes, for Sale, bar- gains; also Lubricating for Steam Motors; Uam etc.-Birt., 47a, Strand Swansea. 010-26 LONDON Time-Table and Red Rail-Guide.— The current issue of this popular Pub- lication is on eale at all Railvway Bookstalls and leading Newsagents. Neerly 600 pagee, it deale with over 3,000 railway stations. At twopence it ia the best and obea-pest Railway Guide ever published. T.O. N OT I C ES. THE Gwalia. Provident Aewciation, 64, -4 Wind-atreet, Swansea, has f,200 to Lend on Approved Mortgage Security on Local Property.—Address W. Nicho-is, Seoretary. 202A1&-23 PALMISTRY. NO-,ICkF,-Xada= Edith Dkadma, (-the Weleh Lady Palmist and Phrenologist (late of Mumbles) wishes to inform her olienta she will only remain at this addreaa for one week.—51, Oxford-etreet, igwausevi. 202A1A54 PALMIST11Y and Clairvoyance.—Consult Prof. and Madame Virgo on all affairs of life, at her Select and Private Roome, 238, High-street (over Myrddin Davies, the Chemist), two doors from Hotel Cameron, near Oastle-sfcreet, (Late the Pier, Aberyst- wyth). 20XA10-34 TRADE SPECIALITIES. SIG-HT-TESTlNG for Spectaclee by exact Scientific Methods. Hutchina-Etobelle, F.B.O.A., Specialist in Sight Testing and Spectacle Fitting only.—9, Portland-street, MOLYNEUI, Ltd" Fi Merchants, • 1ZC, High-street. Swansea. Cheapest Honse in Town for Fish of all Varieties. Wholesale and Setail. Trial Solicited. T.O. BTIFIOIAIj Limbs, liyea. Crutches, De- formity Boots, "Steel-leas Easiflt" Trusses. Flat Foot Supports, etc. Lady Attendant*. Belts. Belt-Corsets. Trusses, ett.-Kilen Pearoa. 23. Charlee-etreet. Car- diff. TeL: 1282. T.O. f>Aml'A.QH BOOK about Herbs and how to use them; free; send at on- TRIMOTJLL, The Herbalist. 144. Kiohmond- road. Cardiff. Established 1879. T.O. Penhale's Announcements. CAVE YOUR. LAUNDRY BILLS by wearing I Penbale's Evercloan Colkurs- It is an ordinary, Irish Collar, gpiecially treated. It can be immediately sponged clean. ,No cel- luloid. Stocked in &11 shapes and sizes: Men's. EWIkI, and Nuxaee, 1A. each. per poet la. Id.—Penhale, 2Z2, High-street. 3WA10-26 20/- EACH to Olea;r.-SWial PUrohase of Men's Raincoats, made of Yarn- proof Clothe. SuM in stock, 34 to 48 chest. 0. 300 to select from.—Penhale, Goat Specialist, 232, High-street. 204A10-26 WEJJSH SHIRTS, white grounds, also fawns. xiie Teify Shirts, made in LhwxlyBul. Special price, 4s. 9d. Size in stock, 14 to 18. Owing to the War Office placing large orders with makers, the stock of these Shirts at 4a. 9d. are limited.-Pon- hftle. Shirt Specialist. 232, Eitfh-atreet, Swan- sea. 204A10-26 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PIA.NO for SaJe. nearly new, full ooznpass, patent iron frame, in Chippendale; worth RAS, wiU aell for £ 17 10b, bargsin.- J. Speam, 20. Bryoymor-road. 2Q3A10-21 Godfrey's Sale Bargaint. OVSRSTRUNG Model Upright Grand, our own manufacture, just returned from hire, equal to new, guaranteed a really charming toned instrument, handsome wal- j nuft oase; original price, 42 guineas, reduced to 30 guinea*; ouh or 4". 6d. monthly.— Godfrey "d <'0.. Ltd., 2Z, St. Heien'e-road, Swansea. 2Q4A10-86 iD & COIZARD, in excellent oon- ? dition, jua? b-eu 0-aroL-gWy t?paired. handsome rosewood <3aee; ori ^iaally cost 50 guineas, reduced, to IS guineas cash, or 8s. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey apd Co., Ltd., 22. at. Hoiecrt's-road, Swansea. 204A10-26 PEaXHJB^ Orgtm, vee^sry model, 9 stops. 4 eeto of roeds, very powerful t-. solid walnut caee; original jwice 24 guineas, reduced to 10 guineas cash, or 7e. fed. monthly.—Godfrey and Co„ Ltd., 22, St. Helen'a-rood, Swiansefik 204A10-26 tiwdwsoii at Sitackall's AnntMincements. rTAKMONIUH. ia Walnut C"o. wy good ,a tone, and in perfeot order, reduced to A2 Ms. to eleekr.—Tboetpsen and Shackell, W., i9, Castle-st rest, Swansea. T.O. p IA-IqoroRTE, in bandsooM Walnut Case, by Hopkirson, London; cost 60 guineas, reduced to 26 guineas; will accept 10s. 6d. per montli until paid tor.—Thompson and Shaoltcl1. Ltd., 39. Ca«tle^trset. Swansea. T.O. PIA-NOFCJBTE, by Qh»pv»il, London; foreijm model in eorrsd Walnut Cass; cost 66 guineas; will SASoept S3 guineas at 108. monthly until paid for.-Thompma and abackell. IAA- 39. Castle street, Swan- eLL TO. -paANOYOUTN. by Ward. London; Walnut r Pianette; cost 30 guineas, reduced to 12 gnlxnas.—Apply Thompson and Shaekell, Ltd.,$9, 0a8t1&«:reet, Ovaneft. lira PARTNER WANTED. W ANTEI>, Managing Partner for w I ,Alaoliinerr and Ketal Business; state ace, experience; small capital required for workshop and stores; influential connec- tions. Address Machinery," Cambria Daily Leader, Swansea. 202410-23 POULTRY, DOGS, LIVE STOCK, Ac. KACTTLFUL Lot of Pu W1úte BWY&ndatto PNNete. hrch. 1914. batched: make gld wit., Jayere; 48, M?oh: 1 w&a?d.—tL Da<v? =. Bfunawtc?-et.. Swamoo6 Mfat?Bl HOUSES FOR SALE. AND TO LET. HOUSE to Let in Moirtp^lier-terrace; every coDvenieaoû: bath (hot and cold).— Write for particulars Box L.9, Leader Office, Swansea. 203A1&-22 npo 00. ?Roomed gemi-dewhed Vills- T ev?ry convenience; two gardne; near main road.—Apply W. Burt, Mumbles. 203A10-24 QIX-ROOMED Horose to Let; Bath-room (h. J. c.).—Apply 97, Cecil-street, Man- eeltcn. 300A10-21 M' OR,RISTON,-For Sale, superior Lease- hold Residence in Croirn-street; 999 years lease.-Apply Bowen & Evans, Auc- tioneers, Salubrious Passage, Swansea. Cli).21 i TTOUSE for Sale, Sot. Thomas, near Dock; XI seven rooms; 99 years lease; rental lis. per week; price £ 295.—Write "House," Daily Leader, Swan,4em. 200A10-21 TO LET. to approved tenant, a nioe. con- .1. venient Six-roomed Houae in Bay-street. Port Tennant; bath, etc., and an uninter- rupted view of the bay and Mumbles. Also a. good Corner Shop with splendid living ac- commodation bath, a moet promising position to a «iut.xble tenant.—John Pye, 4, Sketty-^venue, Swansea. T.C. FOR SALE, Convenient Six-roomed House in Bay-&t,-eot, Port Tennant; bath, etc.; uninterrupt-ed view of Bay and Mumbles. Also similar House, Coronation-terrace, Carmarthen-road, Owmbwrla. and a Five, roomed House in Megan-street, Owmbwrla. —For particulara as to Bay-street House apply to Cash Stores, Reginald-street, Port Tennant; for Owmbwrla House apply at 2, Megan-street, Owmbwrla; or to John Pye, 4, Skeay-,&veuue, Sketty, where prioe and particulars of all three can be had. T. t. Williams's Announcements. "TTOUSE to Let at 17. Westbourne-plsce, Mumble&-Apply Trevor E. William8, Auctioneer and Vainer, Swansea and Mumbles. TTOUSK to Let at Slade-road, Newtor6 Mumbles; 6 rooms and bathroom.— Apply Trevor E. Williams, Auctioneer and Valuer, Swansea and Mumbles. TTOUSE for Sale, 1. Grandison-street, Hafod. Swansea, in good condition.— Apply Trevor E. Williams, Auctioneer ana Estate Agent, Swansea and Mumbles. OOD Offices in centre of town to Let.— Apply Trevor E. Williams, Estate Agent, Swaneea and Mumolea. Tel. Dockb 124. 010-1. Edward Roberts & Son's Announcements BUSINESS Premises to Let, sitnate 261, -D Oxford-street.—Apply Edward Roberts and Son, Auctioneers, Llanfair Buildings, St. Maryjstrset, Swansea. 201Alk22 CAE-MAWR, MORRISTON—For Sale, Two I Semi-detached Dwelling-housee; 999 years' lease.—Apply Edward Roberts and and Son, Auctioneers. Llanfair Buildings, St. Mary-street, Swansea. 201A30-22 12 WOODLANDS-TERRACE—For Sale^ 129 with immediate possession, the above Leasehold Dwelling-house.—Apply Edward I Roberts and Son, Auctioneers, Llanfair I Buildings. St. Mury-street* Swansea. 201A10-22 Mr. Joseph Harris's Announcements. BRYNHYFRYD.—Excellent Corner House for Sale, on main road; owner leaTing neighbourhood; long lease; easy terms- Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Value.r, 1, George-street, Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. s T. THOMAS.-Fivehold Howe for Sale, cheap, in Balaclavaotreet.-Appl-v I' Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Valueri 1, George-street, Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. EHYDDINGS PARK-ROAD—Splendid' Si £ I JLt' roomed House for Sale, cheap; just, off King Edward's-road.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Valuer, 1. George-street, I Swansea. Tel. Xo. 469 Docks. NIAILLBOROUGH-ROAD.-For Sale. an ex- ilL cellent House, with every convenience; town end.—Apply Joseph Haxcis, Auctioneer and Valuer, 1, Georgesitreet, Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. I T> EN3LAJ2N-TERRACE, Constitution HilL— t iL A substantially-built Honee with every modern oonvenienoe for Sale; long lease.- Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Valuer, 1, Geofge-etreet. Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. ivi & JOSEPH HARRIS, Auctioneer, Estate .l".L Agent and Valuer, undertakes aJl kinds of Auction Sales and Valuations, etc., upon most reasonable terms.—Write or telephone No. 469 Docks. I APARTMENTS TO LET. TORES Rooms to Let over 54, Wind-street; immediate possession.-—Writ* Box L14, Leader Offioe, Swansea. 204A10-36 TWO Unfurnished Rooms to Let.—Apply 51, Kinlsy-street, St. Thomas, Swansea. ,204A10^5 APARTMENTS.—To Let, Caznfortahle Bed- Arcom &nd Front Sitting-room, with or wit-hona, board; every -evemieum-A-pply 5, Finsbury-termco. 197A1(U18 BUSINESSES fOR DISPOSAL. FOR SALE, Tobacconist's Business; going I concern; situate in main street.—Apply "Diligent," Leader, Swansea. 203A10-21 TTOR SALE, a. Complete Brick Making J- Plant; cheap fctqnkk diopoaaZ-D. Douglas Stewart and 00., Quay-parade, Swansea. Clft-24 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET T^XOELLENT Look.up DouMe-tronted Shop ? t? Ijet, lo-tely occupMd by Lloyd's Bank; floor space 25ft x 19ft.; splendid prospects for genu's outfitters, etc.; back entrance- Apply Da vies, Cross, Morriefcon. 204A10-26 EDUCATIONAL. THE DE BEAR SCHOOLS, LTD. I offer exceptional facilities for Training, i -Proficiency .-Ciood A pointments. Day and Evening, all the year round. 1 I Shorthand. Typewriting, English. Book i keeping. Business Methods A Correspondence. I Write or Call for Prospectus (No. Z). THE SWANSEA COMMERCIAL SCHOOL I| Castle Buildings, College St., Swansea. 1 I A.nA The CeB»M School*, Ld..9Q<Sc 93 Queea-st., Cardiff j I DANCING. MADAM J. DAVIES, 35, GEORGE-ST, St. Helen'sroad, Swansea, is Resuming Her Private Dancing Lessons. TERMS ON APPLICATION. SINGING STUDENTS prepared for Ex- tO aaiinationrt, Opera, Oratorio, Ooncert Work, Competitions or Social Aocompliah- mentsu Pupils may be heard by appoint- ment. Write or call for prospectus one t,erma.-Prot. Dyved Lewys, Singing Mseter, assisted by Mr. Dalzi«>l H. Lowye, acoozo- paoist, 33, Mansel-etrest, Swansea., 196A11-27 STUDENTO Trained to speecs of over no Words a Minute in PITMAN S Short- hand- Candidates Sucoeesfully Prepared for Civil Service and Looal Marine Board Examinations. Lessons given in Arith- metic, Book-keeping, F-vigetion, German. Satisfaction guarantsed.MR. J. hawh 56, OXFORD-JSTREErr, SWANSEA. Day and Evening Olaflttce for all Subjects. PIANOFORTE TUNING. p IA-WOFOWE TUSTNG, 3s. 6d.; recoaa- meordations from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone and Broad-wood and Sons. Pianoe from Bechetein, Hopkineon, OoUard, Brinemead, etc.. Sals or Hire—Cheries BAdon. S3,. I BrungwktWrxS aMjnMM T-4 SAILINGS. ABSOLUTELY FREE. BERTIE PERKINS AND CO.. Passenger Steamship Department, 11. Somerset-place (opposite the Town Hall), Swansea, BOOK PASSENGERS to America, Australia, India, Canada, Africa, New Zealand, and to all paxta of the World. Handbooks of information and all par- ticulars absolutely free. No Booking or any fees charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival of various Passenger Steamers at Porta Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co. are Official Agents for the Best and Largest Passenger Steam- ship Lines in the World. EMIGRATION. j For Cheapest Rates and Earliest Steamers for Canada, Australia, South and East Africa, United States of America, Argen- tine, etc., etc., apply at once to HOULDEK BKOTH EES & CO.. LTD., 41 WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGES BOOKED BY ALL LINES TO ALL PARTS OF 'l"VE WORLD. Telegrams—" Houlders." Telephone—Central 1215 (2 lines). CANADA, United States, South Africa and Australia.—For Lowest Fares and all information, apply to Roberts' Steamship Passenger Booking Agency, Morris-ton. T.O. MONEY. P.10 to 910,000 rX po LEWD by the Oldt West of En?&nd JL Firm. F. LAWRENCE. LTD.. on Written Promise to Rep&y, Life Policies. Furniturv Farm Stock, or other Security. Principal Remains or can be Repaid by Easy Instal- ments. Promptness and Piivacy. A Gentle- ma.n will cell and hand you cash at your house if desired. Distance no objeot. Do not expose your requirements locally.— Write manag* Write VICTOR HAMILTON. DON CHAMBERS. WINE-STREET. BRISTOL 0 YB7,1 Oyez! The Moratorium has now Ex- pired. All persons requiring Financial Assistance to pay off their Accounts and Liabilities, or Capital for Business Exten- sions. hre respectfully invited to apply to the B. F. Co., which is expressly established and registered pursuant to Act of Parlia- ment. The problems of finance are now solved. We Can Help -Yt)u. icio Loan, repay- able 168. monthly; £ 20, 30s. monthly; £50, £4 monthly; £ 100,- k7 monthly. Write for Free Prospectus and Press Opinions.—The British Finance Co.. 30, Bridge-street, Bristol. The BRYNHYFRYD, MANSEL. 1 TON AND DISTRICT PERMANENT MONEY SOCIETY IS STILL IN A FLOURISHING CONDITION, AND CONTINUES TO GRANT LOANS TO BONA FIDF. BORROWERS. Apply W. CLEMENT, Sec., 86, The Square, Brynhyfryd. MONEY TO LEND. Cash Advanced from £5 upwards to Be- spectable Householder*. Easy Repayments Apply:- District Loan Company, ST. MARY CHAMBERS, CHURCH STREET, SWANSEA. MOTOR CARS FOR SALE AND HIRE. /VERLAND 191A 'rouring Oar, 26 horse power, complete with Electric Self- Starter and Lighting Set, Shrewsbury Chal- liner Wheels and New Tyres; oost .£300; to be Sold, owing to the war, at a greatly re- duoed price.—Demonstration runs and full particulara, apply Hutchins and 00., Ltd., Little Wind-street, Swansea. Telephone: 112Æ! Central. Telegrams: "Hutch." T.O. Ol H.P. Seoond?ba.ndBradbury ??or ?? Cycle to be Sold owing to o?m?r having left for the front; exoellent DonAlition.- Mount Pleasant Shop, Uwaon-eae-Gurwan. 203A10-21 ? <? H.P. Talbot Car, late !M mod?l. four- 12 &&a?r. torpedo body, as n, only run 60C miles, ooxnplete with electric light set, Klaxon horn, etc., for immediate Sale; bar- gain.-Phillip Jenkins' Sons, Ltd., Engineers, Riverside, Neath. 201A1&-22 MACHINERY. FANS and BLOWERS and other Foundry Machinery for Sale. BARGAINS FOR PROMPT CASH. No. BOOTS BLOWER, for 9 mnitbiv fires. ONE DITTO, with hifrh-speed. VERTICAL ENGINE combined, for 20 smiths' fires. THWAlTES IWCfr"S BLOWER, lljin. dis- charge. oha-rR?Oe.OTS BLOWER, by AHdoys. FOUNDRY BLOWING FAN. 36in. impeller, 19in. discharge, aibo 9tin. round outlet to fit on same. 14in. Schiele Patent BLAPT FAN. Lloyd's VtubezA BLOWING FAN, for 50 smiths' ftres. New ROOTS Pattern BLOWER, Sin. SILENT BLOWING FANS, 8in. and 12in. dis- charges, with I -ectrk Motor combined. BALL MILL, with drum, 2ft. 7in. and 5ft. Sin. outside, by 1.ft. 7in. wide. Improved FOUNDRY CORE OVENS. portable type, and for fixin in wall. 4ft. 6ia. diameter UNDERGBAKED LOAM MILL, with stationary pan. Charles D. Phillips EMLYN Jb CENTRAL ENGINEERING WOKJCS, NEWPORT, MON. Local Reiprawntftiive: Mr. ALBERT REES. 7, Oonnaught-romd, PortTelbot. WE HAVE A FLEET OF 2- Ton Commercial Motor Lorries for Hiring Purposes By the Day, Hour or Mileage. 10d. per Mile, OP5/- pep hour. Emanuel Thomas, NIAGARA GARAGE, Alexandra Road, Swansea. LADIES! LADIES! Mrs. STAFFORD-BROOKES, the Eurinent Lady Specialist of all Female Complaints, has much pleasure in announcing that her REMEDY for restoring regularity WITH- ,OUT MEDICINE ie the only positive, safe, certain, and speedy one known. It acts almost immediately, and does not interfere with household duties. I guarantee every case. Send at once stamped-addreased envelope for full particulara aud most convincing testimonials (Guaranteed Genuine under a penalty of XI,00), to MRS. STAFFORD- BROOKES, 22 DepL, Ardgow&n-ro&d, Hither Green. London.

APPROACHING £ 13,000 1
