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SUNDAY SERVICES. I MEMORIAITBAPIIST GHAPELT WALOTiR-BQAD, SWANSEA. HARVEST THANKSGIVING I SERVICES will be held on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, t914, when the RfV, B. WALDO LEWIS, B.A. (Oacmartbett) ■wall psnMMih ait 11 ajn. &nd 6.30 pjoa. SPECIAL MUSICAL SEME AT 3 P.M. AKTJtxTES.— Soprano—Mi.ss MAY HA RRIS. Contralto—Mies G-WTSN LAWSON. Tenor—-itr. DAN JONES, R.C3C, London (Winnw Three Years' Scholarship). Baas—Mr. JOSLUI TJIOMAS, UU-M. and Mr. D. LLOYD THOMAS. Violinist—Mies GLADYS HAYES, L.R.A.M. Elooationiet—Mies EVA BKYNON. MAfiiOiN JOXE8. L.R.A.M. Chairman— Ccuneitlor MILBOURNE WILLIAMS. The Collection at the Afternoon Servicc will be devoted to the Prince of Wales' National Relief Fund. All Seat* Free- A Hearty Invitation to All. F WNSFAffox jgNGLLSH QOXGRE-UA- TICXNA.L QHT7RCH. TIONAL CHVIWII. HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES TO-MORROW (fcUJTDAY), SEPT. 20, 1914. Preachers—Mornioff al H .-v. R. J. WILLOUGHBY. Evening at 6.30: Rev. GRIFFITH J. EVANS, B.A. (Pastor). Afternoon at 2.30: SERVICE OF PRAISE, wImmi Bach's CANTATA—"TUB LORD IS MY SHEPliliRLV' will be rendered by the OHOIR, assisted by- Soprano, Mirss Ailie Chegwidden; Contralto, Mn&- E. H. Daviee; Tenor, Mr. E. L. Morgan; BeAw, Mr. J. Dunn; and Mr. Willy Huberts' Orchestra. SHORT MISCELLANEOUS PROGRAMME. Com! actor—Mr. W. J. Owe-no A<veomr>aJU5t —MGertie Thames, R.A.M. (Adv.). Chair will be taken by Mr. F. FHAKOIS j PRIMITIVF, T^JETHODISflT QHURCH. PELL-STREET. Harvest Thanksgiving Services TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20, 1514. Preacher at 11 a-m. and 6.30 p.m.: Rev. SAMUEL BRYANT j (of Port Talbot;. In the Afternoon the OH OLE will render the I aACRED CANTATA en til led "JESUS AT BETHANY." Drgallif;t-M-r. Leslie J. Davie*. j Oonduôtor-Mr. J. R. Davies. ) Chair to be taken at 2.46 by Mr O. E. GREEN. j The Ctoajjel will be suitably deoorated. Collection art each Servioe for T-rust Funds. QT. A ND'REW'S pBESBYTERIAJi CRUBaI. ST. flBMHTS-BOAD. | TO-MORROW (SUNDAY)', SEPT. 20, 1914 J Preacher: Rev. Robert Greenshields, M.A., B.D. Services: Morning at il, Evening 6.30. gOOTBTSr OF TpRlENDS. 200. High-etreet. SUNDAY. 9.15 &.vL: Adult School. 11 a.m.: Meeting for Worship. 5 p.m.; Sunday School fc.30 pjn.: Evangelistic Meeting. WBDNSEDaY.—The Alee ting- Houee is opes for Beat. Quiet and Worship from a to 4 o clock; 7.50, Meeting for Worship. frw Miaiotxy. All are Weioome. A LB EItT HALL, SWAlifiFA. THE REV. osoa gNELLT-fiG Will Preach (D.V.) NZTT SU2TDAY in the ALBERT (LARGH) HALL. At 11 sum. and 6.50 p.m. Seata All Free. QHRISTADSLPHIAN j^JEETING ROOK, ST. HELEN'S HALL. ST. HELEN'S-RD. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), at 6.30 rra.: eubjeot:—"DOES IT MATTER WHAT WE BJSLEETVT ? By Mr. HOOKiHAM (of London). A LEXANBRA (O.X) /ffUBCH, 4 SWANSEA. tomorrow SKPT. 20, 1m Preacher: REV. J £ VA2i gVAKS (Pastor). Service*: Morning at 11, Eremine at 6.30. Sunday School at 1.30. All Seats Free. CAP Ell GOMES, SWAJSKKT TOOIORROW (SUNDAY), SEPT. m. 1514, J^BV" J1731X16:15 YODNG (Felin^anol). Morning at 11. Eveming at 6.50. Sunday Sohooa P4 2J0. oovkwnukea oloee of Bvenin? 8errice. Bstddin<gb PAIW <m. anum". R ^^ODIKGS PARB?ROAD. TOJEORZOW M- Pr. 20, 1914. Preacher: jgjDiMIUlvDS (Kenfie Hill) Service*: Moraim at It ETemiivar at 5.30. PrmuT Meeting lilt 10.15 a.m. Betablifthed t18T. xuoorporatCKl 1897. LENNARDS All British. Hiffii Olaaa. Maximum Value. (Registered Trade Mark. Lennaxds. H) WORLD- FAMED Indon. Leicester, Northampton, Cardiff. J 100 Branches. 70 Lauds & Oolosies Supplied. BOOTS & SHOES Leanurds, Ltd? Het?dqu&r?era. QueonVroSkd. Bri^ ^luetrated Liat Poat Free. ?  TREET. SWAKSEAf ftw ? OMM t? weam SUNDAY SERVICES. Walter-road Congregational Church. TO-MORROW (&UOTMY), SEPT. ?A 1314. ør: Rev. EVAN JENKINS. Serricee: Monting aA 11. Evening at 6.30. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, I Harvest I Thanksgiving Services I Servioes: Morning at 11, UTening at 6.30. l CAPEL JJEJTEEETTA, j^BERTAWE. CYFARFODYDD ) BLYNYDDOL SABATH a NOS LUN, MEDI 20 a 21, 1914. Disgrwylir i Brege.thu y Parch. j JOSEPH JAMES, B.A. (Llandysilio, Pern.) Y Cyfarfodydd i ddecbreu: Sabath am 11.0, 3, a 6.:W. -No, Luii am 7.30. Casglir. Gwahoddiad Gioesawgar. ENGLISH! Sunday Afternoon the Servico will be in Euglieh, oonducted by tho Rev. JOSEPH .JAMEi>, B.A., commencing at 5 o'clock. Mr. W. Tanner (Tenor) will render a Solo in the Afternoon, and Mr. W. F. MoOlcmeirt, (Baritone) in the evening. Collection. Cordial Welcome to AEL fpABERXACLE JgAPTlOT HA PEL, Ssinner-street, Waunwes. TO?CORR.OW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20, 1914. j Preachers.—Moraing at 11: i REV. GRIFFITH EVANS, B.A. ) 1 (Manselton). ETenin? at b.?0: Rev. R. J. E;t;:O:Y (p""torJ.! Subject: "Scattered Clouda." Anther by the Choir. I Bible Class and Sunday School at 2145 p.m. Paetor will Speak to Men's Bible Ghs/ss on Modern Savages." Men who at/tond no otlier Class Heartily Invited. TgRU.NSWiCK -Y^ESIJSYA-N QHAJPfcL, ST. HELEN'S-ROAO. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20, 1914. Preachers; Morning: at 11: Rev. T. WMEATLEY. Evening at 6.30: Mr. A. ARNOLD. THE UNITED FREE CHURCH PUAYEB MEETING at BRUNSWICK WtlSLKYAX aaURCH, on FRIDAY KEXT, at 8 o'clock, to be conducted by Dr. J. A. RAWLINGS, J.P. Y. M. C. A. TO-MORROW SUNDAY). 10 a.m. FELLOWSHIP GATHERING. a.O-BROTHEllIIOOD [ (On weather i)ei-nidtting). Speaker—Rev. T. E. DAVIES, 0«rani»t—Mr. ARTHUR DAVIES, F.R.ao., A..R..Ci.14. All MEN Welcomed. 8.15 p.m.-open-air Meoting at Entrance to Victoria Park. WESLEY CHAPEL. I TO-MOBEOW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20,1914. I j Ilreacher.-Mmming at 11: Mr. OUGHTON. Evening: et 6.30: I Rev. A. W. WARDLE j s T. HELEN'S BAITIST CSHAJPEL (Madoo. i atroet). TOMORROW (SUMiAY). gHP'l'. 20,1914. I Preacher: R EV. J. W. CiWroN (Pastor). Services: Morning at U. Evetiing a4,6.3& School and Bible Clauses at 2.45. MfmRRACK-ROAD C. M OHAPKL. SWAK&EA TO-MOBBOW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20, 31.4. Preaohw: irv- w, W. LFwls (paetor)- Servieee: Morning: at 11. gyoning at 6.30. Hcluvol and Bible Olaeeee at 2.45 P.:ø1. A. OordiaJ Welcome Given to All. gr. HELEX 'S-MO&D CX>^QB^AT10NAL C5HUROH. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), SJSPT. 20, 1514, Preaober: J^RV. rpHOS. SINOL.UB EV ANa. Berrinee: M-or-Diaj: at '11 Evening at 6.30. ST PAUL'S COMOREGATIONAL CAURCH. SWANStEA (near the Hospital). TO.MORROW (SUJOLAYK SEPT. 2D, 19M. Praacber: REV. J. GuaKm (PeaWr), Sen-ricoft: Morning at n. Evsuiing at 6JO. A ROYIJS OHAPBL. ST. HELEN'S-ROAJ), 11 SWANSEA. TOJtOEBOW (SUNDAY}, SEPT. 1314. Pre»ober: RBV. R. G. JONFA I Services: Morning at, 31, K"aing at 6.30. I SKETTY BROTHERHOOD fUNSEOTAiRIA»N1. WESLEY CHAPEL. SKETTY, TO.MOBJROW (SUNDAY) AJTBR^TOOX at- 3. Speaker—Rev. T. WHEATLEY Susbjert: Starting Points in Life." I Chairman-Dr. J. A. RAW LINGS, J.P. ) Organist—Mr. C. St.. Frvaia Jobnr,, A.B.C.O. Brotherhood Striae Band and Mtje Oboir. XIW LNVZTM.-a • SUNDAY SERVICES. Rhyddings Congregational Church, FDfSB URY-TGRRACE. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20, 1914. Preaoher: Rev. J. T. Rhys (Pastor). Services: Morning at 11. Evening art. 6.30, THURSDAY NEXT, at 8 p.m. SPECIAL SERVICE. Preaohesr: Rev. H. ELVET LEWIS, M.A. (London). m OUNIJ, pT CRAPE74 SWANSEA. TO-MORROW (STJiNDAY'i, SEl. 20, 1914. Preacher: Rev. H. C. MANDER (Paatjor). Serricea Morning at U, Eremine at 6.30. A UNITED FREE CHURCiH PRAYER MEETING will be held in the above Ohapel EVERY WEDNKSDAY at noon. The Leader next Wednesday will be Rev A. W. WARDXiE. OXFORD STREET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. TCTtoOSROW CSUNDsAY), SEPT. 30, 1914. Preachers: 9 11 a m —Rev. F. SPARROW. 6.30 p.m.-Rev. C. W. HICK. Children's League, 10.30. Bible Class, 2.45. -lieti,rt,y Welcome to AH — REOPENING OF OHURCH AND SUNDuVY SQHOOL EXTENSION on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1st. VISIT OF DR. J. 0. KEEN. Tea and Meeting. HARVEST FESTIVAIr-OOT. 4th and 5th. Pantygwydr Men's Meeting (UNDENOMINATIONAL). TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) at 3. Speaker—Mr. R. G. JONES. Chairman—Mr. T. JONES. Soloist—Misa Y. Furcdaiid. p ANTYGWYDR B A.PTIJ3T QUA PEL < 31 and 6.50: Rev. A. Beynon Phillips. ONE HOTJR SERVICE. Subject—" The Red Onoss. OUNT mofc BAPTIST OiiURCfL TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20, 1914. Preacher: IR. AV. D. pOTHEROE (of Rawdon College). Se:-r ices;. Morning at 11, Evening at 6.30. SUTldy School and Bible Claeees, 2.45. ARM<ARTHEN-ROAD CONGREGATIONAL > CHURCH. TOMORROW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20, :914. Preacher: JJfEV. J'NO. pHILLIPS (pafoo-r). "Morning Service at U; Evening at 6.30. ,YORK PI«\Ql;, BA..PTL,Q], OHAJ:h; TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), SEPT. 20, 1914. Preacher: R Ev. W. CNODYN IZITYS (Pastor) feeryioes Morning at 11, Eveaiag at 6.30. School auci Bible Classes at 2.45. A Cordial Welcome to All. I)I)WYR UYMRKIG), ABERTAWE, YPORY (SUL). MEDI 20, 1514. jpARCH. jp RICE (Gweinidogr). Boreu 11. Rwyr 6.30. Ysgol Sul 2.30. Sodde.ii rhydd.k>n a chroeeaw i bawb. WESLEY BROTHERHOOD TO-MOHROW SUNDAY, 3 to 4. Speaker -Mr. A. ARNOLD. Sub,iect-" Evoltit.,ion." Singing led by Brotherhood MaJe Voice Party.



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