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NO TIME TO ESCAPE. AN AWFUL SCENE. THE DEATH OF IA R. AND MRS. LAURENCE IRVING. SANK ENTWINED IN EAGH OTHER'S ARMS I LATEST MESSAGES. I (Continued from Page 1.) "I TELEGRAM. (Per Press Association Copyright). Montreal, Saturday.—Mr. Laurenoo • rving met his death bravely. Whan the o-olliskm occurred, the actor and iiis wife rusted on dock. Mr. Irv- ing ts>aH Mrs. Irving in his arms, but the next big wave swapt both overboard, axe they ci^appeaisd, with their arm; entwirwej, in tíe swirling waters. ———— We publish on page 1 interviews with survivors of the terrible disaster to tho liner Empress of Ireland in the St. Lawrence River. Sine" going to press with that page tsorae- additional information is to hand, which is pubiislied hereunder: An Inquiry. Hoard <;f Trade announco that they are in communication with the Canadian Government ats to the ar- rangements to He made lor a formal 111- quiry into the disaster- The Kight Hon. John Bums (Presi- dent of ttie Board) visited the London: oftices of the Canadian Pacific Company again to-day. Revised Estimate. Yp). another estimate of those saved and missing is now publkhed by the Canadian Pacific Company, its fol- i lows Misting 1,032 Saved:— Cabin Passengers 18 2nd and 3sc Ciass Passengers 131 Crow 206 Total. 355 Those on board:— Cabin 87 2 ntl Class. 153 3rd Class 715 Crew 432 Total, 1,387 ———— ———— THE SURVIVORS. A Further List of the Saved. In addition to the list already given, the tollowing .second and third ciaas passengers are report.ed saved H. Lawler, Miss A. J. H. Leneley, L. Liss, Miss Martha. Luren Linquiet, J. J. Lennm), G. Maguire, J. J. -i. Leunoil, (?. ?Magult*e, J. nond, W. H. Measure, F. M. Nelson, C. Mijinanch, 8, Missila, T. Munteau. V. Moore, H. Most. Ma&y Cinik, John Murphy, M. Murninson Moseszuk, Kemieth Mcintyre, P. Noocickk.y, F. Colender, .Allien Patrick, George Pott, W. Paschkowdis, E. Pugnitre, A. Pykara, C. Parkinson^ H. Peterson, Mrs. Peterson, Ym, Quinn, Jaek u Rubenstem, Carl RAndle, K Rttitalti., A. Renyonf), Silgor liolieljchenko, T. Romanechi, John Salo, P. Sanderwm, Moro Sancomia. Albert Smith, R. P. Schakalida Shodlak, A. B. Smart, A. Sobize, H. Svvarnstone, B. Sosion, J. Seotni, B. Sujidor, C. H. Smith. Miss Scbongut-t, Allan Taylor, N. Thalie, 0. Totin, Y. Tatt-i, N. Tuchoskin, A. Talrobkka, T. ATalinnki, T. Von Lanki Yarvitio, Mrs. Hilda Valky, A. VentI"), A. Walker, J. Wil- liams, Miss Wilmott, and C. B. Wein- ranch. The following is a later list of first, cabin passengers rescued:—G. Brogue Smart. Mr. Cox Edwards, Mr. A. K. Wakeford and his son, who was assis- taut. purser of the ship. Also the fol- lowing second class passenger#:—Mrs. Dames, Mr. -T. John-son, Mr. Herman Cruse. Mr. and Mrs. R. Simmondis, and Mr. W7. Turpin. FAINTED IN THE BOAT. A Salvation Army Officer's Experience. Riraouskr, Friday.—Thrilling exper- iertces have been rotated by Salvation Army survivors of 1h0 Krapress of Jre- land disaster. Captain Wilson, of Tor- onto, shared a cabin with Adjutant Green and Bandsman Johnston, who were saved, and Captain Dodd, of Tor- onto, who perished. Ca,ptain Wilson was awakened by the collision, hut thought so little of the matter that he did not get up at first. Finding the ship listing, however, he row with the others and went out, but owing to the slant of th3 deck; they ha.d difficulty in climbing to the rail. At la<st, after they had noticed an odour of gas, there came a roar of a terrible explosion, and Captain Wilson found himself thrown, half stunned, against the rail, which he grasped. He climbed over and found himself setting, I with hundreds of other passengers, on the ship's side which, as the vessel! settled, became almost horizontal. j in th-a Water. A few moments later he was in the swirling water. He siezed a piece of wreckage as he felt himself being sucked down, and he was under water for seemingly an interminable period. On coming to the surface he mice lost and regained his hold of the wreckage. The water was intensely cold, but Capt. Wilson managed to hold on until he, was picked up by the second life-boat j which passed the first, being already overcrowded. He was given an oar, but was too benumbed to hold it, and he fainted. The npxt thing he remem- bered wa? being hauled into the Stors- tad bv a rope. "When I was trying to ]'ea,ch th ran, elated (Aptain Wilson, wo-? man handed me her five-year-old girl. 1 j irvyl to lift Hie child H) that Ensigil i Pugmise. who was dinging to the ,Tj1 i above me, could grasp it. bluti he could not reach it. 1 saw it was hopeless, so just before the plunge 11 handed the child hack to its mother. I did no t them again. Major AttweU, 01 Toronto, saved hir, wife and himseii in one of the steamer1 s useless Itteboate. He found a life-belt and fastened it to his wife. lie him- self secured an air-cushion, and with! these the coup la kept afloat, although they were sucked under. tflree t-inies when the ship fo*undei;ed. Captain Townshend, the officer in i charge oj the t-Ia tv n. tion Army's work in Quebec City, will arnve here to-night to take charge of the bodies of the Army victims. His. wife was to have saileèi by the Empretss of Ireland, but wao too ill to leave Quebec. WAPP. A HONEYMOON COUPLE. Wonderful Preservation of Newly- I Married Pair. Times telegram, per Press As- sociation (Copyright). Mouweai (baturday.—Few of those who camo alive from that maelstrom of death off the Rimouski lizi4 such stir- ring experiences as beiel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Greeiiaway. eof the Salvation I Arm X band, It was their honeymoon trip, the couple having been married :n Toronto a week ago. Mrs. Greenaway &aid: "We left our cabin in confusion. I lost my husband, but some friend s put, a life-beit OIl me. When the steamer was nearly under I felt that all was over, i Dogan to pray for Divine heip. "The suction drew me deep down in the surging black water. Then 1 seemed stunned by thu explosion. When I re- gained consciousneKSii I fcund myself lying across a deck chair in the water. J think the explosion must have blown me right out ot the water. Two men on a ran pulled me aboard. Ono said: Don t be afraid, little írl; my wife's 1 answered, I'xe lost my hus- ba.nd,' Ho opened hits coat and vast and drew me close, and buttoned his cx.at around me. That kept mo warm. I don't remember anything more until I found myself on have not seen those men since. 1 am airaad they went down." Husband's Story. ¡ Mr. Greenaway stated that he went back to got wraps for his wife, and on reaching the deck ho could not find her. Ho concluded that she must he gone, and he decided to go down with the ship. "Grasping the rail iirmly, down we went." said Mr. Greenaway. 1 'Then came the explosion, and I came to the surface and cjung to the leg of a. table until a pilot boat. picked me up. This morning j found my wife at the hotel, &2.d we wept together for pure Wy.  DROWNED IN HEIR SLEEP. No Time to Fight for Life. I Montreal, Saturday.—A message from Capta-in Bolauger, of the Govern- ment steamer Eureka, which was the I first to reach the scene of the disaster, says that he brought to Father Point o0 bodies and sixty survivors. He relates that when he was told of the disaster by the Marconi operator at. Father Point, he immediately got his creav together, and turned the Eureka towards where the Empress of Ireland had disappeared. He picked up several smal l boat-s and lifted the men, women and children from them into his own ship. The survivors declared that everything had happened so quickly that they .scarcely realised what had oc- curred. Ail they could say was that the ship had gone, and that there was not ever time to cry "Women first!" There were so few women and cihldren saved, not because of any crowding in the lifeboats, but because the stewards had not sufficient time to awaken the passengers. Those saved say they were tossed lout of bed and ran on deck, and had just .tim0 to get into the lifeboats and pull away. Those who waited to idi-ess. or even waited to he called by the stewards, were drowned. Hundreds inusst have been drowned in their sleep. The dead bodies were picked up by the Eureka's crew, who carried them to the stern and laid them in the open, cover- ing them with sheeting. The survivors, who snatched at clothing of any kind to protect them- selves from the cold, walked about in a frantic condition on the decks cJ: the Eureka. As soon as the Eureka had reached Father Point wharf, a call for doctors went out. The scene was piti- ful in the extreme. Some of the sur- vivors screamed that they must land at Father Point, when they were told it would be better to proceed to Rimouski. A message was sent ahead to Mr. Webbar, too Canadian Pacific agent, who had only left the Empress of Ire- land at Rimouski a few hours before the disaster, to prepare to receive the dead. and the survivors. The Eureka pro- ceeded to the wharf at Rimouski, and one hour after she docked the Lady Evelyn steamed into sight. She carried 20 dead and 80 living. One hysterical survivor had to be held on board by two of the crew to prevent1 her from jupmin goverboard. She kept, screaming in agony, "Leonard, my poor Leonard!" She is believed to be the] wife of Mr. Leonard Palmer, the wen known English journalist, who organ- ised a party of British manufacturers who came to Canada two years ago. It is feared that Mr. Palmer was drowned.