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"LEADER" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCALE OF CHARGES. 20 WORDS and under-3 INSERTIONS —ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Three Insertions-One shilling for 20 words, and 3d. extra for every 5 words more. LOST AND FOUND. Three tnsertions—One shilling and six. pence for 211 words, and 4d. extra for every 5 words more. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND SYMPATHY NOTICES. One inwiaon-Two shillings for 29 words, and fid. extra for every 5 words more. This Scale does not apply to Advertise- ments from Corporate or Public Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices, Sales and Let by Tender. HEAD OFFICE- LEADER BUILDINGS, SWANSEA, Telephones: 1234 Central (Eleven Lines). Tetesrams: Leader, Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151, FLEET STREET, E.C. Telephone: 276 Central. LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILDINGS, THOMAS-ST. Telephone: No. 174. NcATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET. Telephone: No. 251. TRADE SPECIALITIES. JEWING Ma?hir?es of all makes cheap for ? <-a?; OIL Needles, Shuttles, Parts; Good Jfachirteti from El; all makes Re- paired.—Yates, Sewing Machine Man. 1:1., Waterloo-street, Swansea. 25A3-20 NO More Quarters Loot.I'ry Debingwn's 2s. 6d. Dotibie-bell Alarms; cheaper quality for 2s. Speciality: Watch Bep&irs. Main Spring and Cleaning, 26. 6d.; Cleaned, 5/6; Watch Glasses, 3d. Cioctas and Jewellery skilfully Repaired on the premises.-Bebijig- ton, SiddaLl Buildings, Alexandra-road. 25A3-30 AZOBS, Scissors. Qarvere, Shears. etc.. Ground and Repaired,—T. Ward Davies, 7, Nelson-street, Swansea. 23A £ A7 n" OO'.r DEALERS—Buy your Want Sizes Bat LLOYD'S Whoi<?a.te Wa?ehou?, Swansea. Oall, 'ptoone or wri. New Licea Xow on Show. T.C. M. MORRIS. 19. Union«reet, Svaam". C. Tailor, etc., for Value a,nd Fit. KNITTING Machines (Latest and Beet) for Home Work. (Est. 1671).-W. Griffith, 50, Queen-street, Neath. <Jó.6 -p MOLYNEUX, LAd.. Fish Merchants. P. 120, High-street, (Swansea. Cht?a?oBt House in Town for Fish of all Varieties, Wholesale and Retail; Trial Solicited. T.O. Myrddin Davios's Announcements. rpRUS&ES! "Pruaees! Trusses in all adaes, J- double or single.—Myrddin Da vies, M.P.S., 238, High-street, Swansea (bo-ttom of High-street). T.C. ELABTIC Stockings, 4ts. 3d. pair, 3d. extra, L postage; Anklets, Is. 10id. each; Knee Caps, 3s. 6d. per pair; Leggings, 2s., all sizes; Bri,,tish make.-Myrddixi Davies. M P S., Chemist, 238, High-street, Swansea (bottom of High-6treet). T.C. Mi&ODlN's Indigestion and Uver Mix- :.L' ture, an ExMU?nt Preparation for Indigestion, Heartburn, Paine in the Pit of the Stomach. Vomiting, Flatulency, Gas- tritis. etc.; per bottle, lid. & 2s. 3d.—Myrddin Da vies, M.P.S., Chemist, 238, High-etieet, Swansea (Bottom of High-street). T.C. D R. NOBLEo Bac-kacho and Kidney Kite, Specially recommended for- Kidney Troubles, Backache, Congestion of the Kid- neys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Gravel, etc. Per box. Is. and 2s. 6d.—Myrddin Davies, II.P.S., Chemist, 238, High-street, Swansea (bottom of High-street). T.O. ="CYRDDIN'8 Liver G i??n- IdW L- & most effec -?- tive little PiU for Porpid Liver, Bili- ousness, Diizinesi, Headache, Constipation. Sold in bottles, 6d. and 10^d.—Myrddin Davies, M.P.S., Chemist, 238. High-Street, Swansea (bottom of High-street). T.C. THE American Oorn Plaster is undoubt- edly the most effective Corn Plaster a-.anufactured. -Try it at once, then judge; no failure; no harassing corns; no pain or burning; easy to put on; readily cures; ?id., by poet 3id.—Myrddin Davies, M.P.S.. I3i, High-street, Swansea (bottom of High- ).treet). T.O. MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, Ac., fOR SALE. qiBlUMPH, July, 1911. Clutob Modef 3912, J- N.S.U., 2,6peed, long exhaust pipe, H.B. oontrolled magneto; in perfect order; £ 54.— Apply, after 6 p.m., 22, Carlton-terrace, Swansea. 25A3-16 1 Q1 ? JAMES &.speed Motor Cycle and i.Ji.<3 Canoelet Side-Car, complete with three Lamps, Lucas Horn, and all acces- sories; also James Silencer; lot cost =; ottered as bargain.—Brayley, 215, Oxford- street, Swansea. 24AM1 IMMF..DJATEDelivery of any of the famous Belsize Care; prices from £ 225.—Apply to the Sole Agente: Andrews and Watson, Upla,nda Garaffe. Tel.: Central 576. 23A5-17 I^OE SALE, 34 li.p. Triumph Motor Cycle, in excellent condition; lately over- hauled and enamelled; C22 10s.—Garfield Jones, St. Michael's-avemie, Pontardulaie. 22A3-16 Ivor L. Roberts' Announcements, O ECON D-il A N D Motor Cycles to clear: B.S.A.'s, Triumphs, Ktifields, Promiers, Singer's, Bradbury's, Budge, precision, etc., ate. Prices from LS upwards. All in thorough working condition. Send for lust, or inspection invited. C4-9 M OTOR CYCLES.-Orders now being booked for early deliveries of the fol- lowing makesDouglas, A.J.S., Rudge, B.S.A., Enfield, and Williamson's; also the Coltborpe Junior Two-speed Model, 25 guineas. C4-9 EDAL OYOLES.—Agent for B.S.A., En: field, Rudge Whitworth. Humbers, etc. Prices from £4 19n. 6d. Easy payments arranged. Send postcard for lists and terms, post free 04-9 LIGHT CARS.—Book now for delivery of the Humberette, Enfield, Autolette, and Perry Light Cars.—Send for list, terms, etc., to Ivor L. Roberts, Motor Expert, 223, Oxford- street. Swansea. 04-9 Mi"KLLAAiLOUS SALKIL FOR; SALE, 30 Voiumes Dickens: splendid oondition; also numerous other Boolcs, good as new.—Hughes, Tobacconist, 5. Wal- ter-road.. 26AS-17 IjTOR aAlS. LOO Tone Finest Quality Swedes, 28s. per thD. put on rail at Killay, L.,N.W.B.-A.pply Bailiff, Penrice Hom. Reynoldston. 25A3-1S rA nEACHERS! STUDENTS!—What Offer* fof a. Set of Casselk' History of England, -S&lumes (new); ooet C5; or will Exchange 3teoad-hand Chambers' Lucylopied,i-s.- \\ppq History," Leader Office, Swansea. S.T.O. ).)! POULTRY, DOCS. LIVE STOCK, "0. ^aiCKS.—Cross-breds, 5a. doz. Eggfi-< .1 Cross, 2ai; Campinee, 39. 6d.; Leghorns <tfl Wyandottes, 3s.; Bocks, 28. 6d. doz.- Or,nibeax, Idanvillo, Talgarth. 26A3.20 ■■ "TfTHITE Wyandotte, Anoonid, and BlocK Leghorn Eggs, .4e. sitting;, unfitrtiloo tepleoed; everlasting layem; best utminl- htm, Bryndilo Poultry Farm* Scsolven.  a4AZ1 ?. DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. T^XPERLEiS'OED Cook-General Wanted; I also Housemaid; good references.— Apply Mrs. Daviee, Bryngelly, Trebooth (Brynhyfryd Car). 26A3-20 ,V ANTED, a reliable Housekeeper, age not under 35, for wo rising man; family of five.—Apply Jones, Ty Gwalia, Ystradgynlais. 26A3-17 T? ANTED, good General BerváiîtAPPly Williams, 3, The Promenade, 8wansea. IMAS-17 BO VEGA, an ex- ) perienoed Waitress. 2SAS-13 G.ENER.H Wanted, age 20-26, <?pa,bie of ?? keeping house; family of three; good wages given.—Apply, with references, Mrs. Allen, Mazeldcne, Mill-street, Bettws, Am- manford. 03-16 TTyAJSTED, Reliable General; good wages for capable service.-Apply 2, Emaid- plaoe, Uplands. 25A3-16 W ANTFA), a General, age about 20; house- If maid kept.—Apply Mrs. Gabe, Pentre- poeth House, Morriston. 0).-18 SUPERIOR General Required; three in family; help given.—Apply, between 6 and 8. Mrs. James. Vaynol, Uplands. S4AS-18 "T ANTED, good General, reteretio". —Enquire 10, Reathfi-&Id-street. 03-16 OOK-GENEiLAL Required; aastetance giyen,-Apply Mrs. Mayeer, Sunny- burst. Eaton Grove, Swansea. 2&A3-16 w AN-f'ED, for Private Houee,clean, healthy Girl, 17-19, as Nurse-Houtso- maid; one child; Oook-Graaeral kept. State age, wages, length of reference in first let- ter, to Mrs. Shaw, Gurnos. Gowerton, Glamorgan. 23A3-16 pOOK-G EN F,RAL Wanted immediately; housemaid kept; state age, experience, watres, retemnc% Primrose Houae," Gors- einon. 22A5-16 T?OMESTK? (Ge) for-o;m;dm1i8t Dh&v,- gcod references; work g?&ran- teed; best, skuatioiisj good wa.æ; excel- lent opportunities. Now organising spring- summer Conducted Parties; fares advanced if required. Salvation Army has unequalled organisation in Cacada, and Lodges Special I j reserved for young women on ar- riv&L-Writ,o or oalU Oojumisuoaer Lamn, 5, Denmark-street, Bristol; or Head OfSce, 122, Queen Viotoria-street, London. 03-51 ERRAND BOYS WANTED. WANTED, re&peot'aMe Lad, a<? about 16. -Apply R. S. WiliMjms, Maneel Cafe, Mansel-street, Swansea. 25A3-I6 OMART Boy Wanted; wagag 7s. r wee&. -Apply at OMQ, W. Taylor and Son, 174, St. Helan's^avenue. 25A3-17 E ILILA-ND., Boy.-Wanted, sttong Errand Boy, about 15.—Apply Richard Lewis, H igh-etraet,S v.aii soa. 24A.3-21 ERRAND Boy Wanted.-Ai>pay VVright ana I Son, Chemists, 27, Walter-road. 24AS-18 WANTED, a Smart Errand Boy, age i4 to 16.—Apply J. Nott and Sono, Butchers, 2, Carn»artJtten-road, Swansea. MAM7 STRONG Errand Boy WaDt,-d.-Apply J. A.. Morris, Grocer, Diilwyn-sfcreet, SWan- sea. 2iA3-17 NERGET10 Sales Boys Wanted to Sell the Leader" in Pentre FetylL after echool hours.—Apply Mrs. Watta. Newsagent, Pen.tre Estyll. T.O. SMART Boys Wanted for quick «al«^ of the Leader and also "Herald of Waks and" Mid-GLamorgan HemJd"; good money can be easily earned by smart and deter- mined boys.—Apply to following offices and agents: John Morgan, Wood field-street, Morriston; Edwin Hemming, 39, Queen- street, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Brynymor- road, Swansea; Ceaton, Mumbles. CLERKS. UNIOR Clerk in Solicitor's Office, Shorv hand Typist, Wanted itnmediatelv.-Ap. ply Hanson and Plant, Salisbury Chambers, Wind-street, Swansea. 25A3-17 SMAm' JuDior Correep?ndenoe Clerk Re- quired at once; shorthand and !ype- writing essential Write, givmg full parti- culars of experienoe, references, aze, and wages required—The South Wales Concrete Brick 00.. Ltd:, Landore. C3-16 /?J_OOD Penman Required? ca?a.bleof transcribing quickly and accurately; one having had some practical experience or technical knowledge of railway wagon work preferred.—Apply, in own handwriting, with particulars of experience, age, and salary required, and enclosing bovies of re- cent testimonials, to Nofoenoo," Leader Offleee. C3-17 1- DRESSMAKERS, Itc. T^RESSMAKING. Waa.. MN.medi&teJy, Bodice and Skim Hoods, Imptovem.- Matlame Jarvis .Toned, 56. St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 3&A £ -16 MILLINERS, Ac. W A'N'TED, Experienced Milliner to takfe Charge of W orkroom.-J. Rees Ev^ais, Ztii, High-street, Swansea. 26A3-17 MILLINERS.—Wanted, a good Aisjetani 1".1. Milliner.—Apply Richard Lewis, High- street. Swansea. 26A3-17, MILLINER Wanted immediately; thor- l'f oughly experienced j high-oiass trade; live out; full particulars first letter-T. R. Williams, The Uplands, Swansea. 23A3-17 TAILORS, ao. TAILORING—Experienced Ooat Hane. Sectional; gcod wages. Also Coat Machinist (female); permanency.—Lewis, Cash Tailor, Aberdare. 26AM7 W ANTED, Several Tailors and a good f Machinist, at onoo.-Prioe. Tailor, Neath. 24A3-14 APPRENTICES. HAIRDRJESSIN G .—Smart Boy Wanted as 1. Apprentice, or Lather Boy.-Rarries, Hairdresser, 6L Thomas. 25A3-16 IpANCY DRAPERY.—Young Lady as 1m.. prover; live out-laaao James, 76, St. Helen's-rcad, Swansea. 23AS-17 P PRENTICES W anted.—Apply George Bymons, Eloctrioian and Deoorator, 1, Walter-road, Swansea. TO AGENTS, AO., WANTED. ??ANTED. -iart, on-geuo Young Man, *•' age ?5 .ho ? (Welsh preferable) for LLaneanflet D.in'ot; aTCK)? weekly earm. inø£2 5s.—Apply Mr. T, W)?liM!M, Pru- dential Supt., 9, "Ilway-terrace, SklI. 1'.3QA.).20 "fl /TONEY'-MAKING WORK offered, whole or -?M- ?MU'e-tJmtc, particulars; &Iso Pocket ?ltubber Stamp of your name and Address free.-G. Richford, Snowhill, London. 23A3-17 OQOO/ /g Weekly.-PereoD6 Wanted for Oir? 33/ cular Addree¡¡mg; work homo; write immediately, enclosing stamped envelope.— Advertising 00., 43a, Theobald's-road, Lon- don. C4-15 — i MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. X^XNTED^ immediately, Plasterer, well used to cement work.—Apply D. Jere- miah Davies, Alltwen, Pontardawe. 2SA3-17 BOY Wanted for Warehouse.—Apply David I Jones and Oo, L. td, Wholesale Grocers, Strand, &*&no6fk 25A £ -16 I W. ÃNrrJ;m:- Mü6us. BricM&yers. MKt Labourers; aJeo a M?n to look AhiSr Engine and to m?ke mortar.—Apply Th6=as Bros., Pontardawe. I 2SA346 or Three Men Wanted. —Apply A. and A. Thomas, Contractors, Pontardulais. 26AJM6 SMART Youths Requirbd at once for Load- ing and Stacking Bricks; good m..ey I to be earned by good workers.—The South Wades Concrete Brick 00.. Ltd.. XAndore. CS-lfc, -1 L. Ii;: ;l: ,¡-¡; MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT (Continued). ENGINj;}:DB.iVER.W;:ng.oodMan for Mortar Mill.—Apply E. Thomas and Sons, Builders, Neath. 25A3-16 QMART Ifad Wanted as Porter; good wageg. —D. J. Meyler, Ltd., High-street, Swan- sea. 25A3-16 W A,N TTD, immediately. experienced Flannel and Pinery Washers.—Apply Model Jaundry, Oqorenoe-terxuc*. Swansea. 25AMO p OOD, all-round PaintirdP8rhà!1ger. GGmir.er, Signwriter, ca*ks Situation; can produce good references. Write "Decorator," Leader Office, Swansea.. 24A3-21 TTSTAiNTED, First-class Manager; knowledge of No. 2 Rhondda Seam; state age, ex- perience, reference, saliry.-Al)ply the Ynis- arw.ed Collieries Company, Ltd., Swansea. 03-17 w A.NTED, a Man to take charge of steam engine and boiler; and do his own repairs; Alexander's Machine. -St,atA) age, wa.ge6 and experienoo.-Apply Garth Brick Oo., Breoonshire. 23A3-34 r ANTED, immediately. Three Engine I I I Drivers, Four Stokers, for Tinplate Works.—Apply, stating age, experience, wages required, Box L.6, Leader Office, Swansea. 1\,f" i'CHANICS and Engineers of all classes in great demand at home and abroad; handbook aad guide to secure best posts on appiication.-Tha Provincial Engineering College. Imperial Buildings, Newcaetle-on- Tyne. T.O. L FADER" gaes Boys wanted itninedia,. teiy for Uplands District.-Apply CharJes Evans. Newsagent. Gwydr-aluare. Uplands. T-d TTIfANTED, Youn^ Man for Garden Work; good reference; live JD. Morns. Park- mill. near Swansea. MAS-16 ,NIA.SONS Wanted on Oocbett New Road.- Hill Bros., Contractors. 2&A5-16 "TATANTED, an Under-Meiiager with first | < or eseoond-class oartiticate.-Write, stat- ing age, experience, 6a?ry required, eend- ing copies of 3 recent t?atimoniaJs. to Erne Hewlett, Ammanford Collieries, Ammanford. CH9 WANTF.D, for a Tiupiate Woris, a good Doubler; only steady and cap-a,ble men need apply.-Apply Box K.7, Leader OSoe. ffi.18 WANTED, imrnediAtely a Trustworthy Man to make himtsolf generally use- fql, used to horses, and able to drive well; good referenoe&-Apply personally, Mrs. Davies, Bryngelly, Treboeth. 26A&-28 Xl^ANTED, Two good Labourers; 6d. per h-oui,Apply to Boyd and Forrest, Contractors New House, Penard, Parfcmill. MAZ-16 SITUATIONS WANTED. "VTOUNG Girl, age 19, desires situation as Nurse.—Apply "Nurse," Leader Offlco, Alfred-street, Neath. 39A3-17 rjX) OON F BCflT KR^-Sroa^t Young Man, well up in morning goods, etc., seeks Situation; energetic; capable of taking single-handed plaoe.—Write "Energetic," Leader Olttoe, Swansea. 2SA^-17 "VTOUNG Man (32) seeks Outdoor Situation, and place of trust, management of I men, etc.; highest referenoee.—" W. 7. Finer bury-terrace, Swansea. 23A3-171 JUNIOR Clerk Desires Engagement in good Offloo.-Box H.12, loader Office, Swan- sea S.T.C. — FURNITURE. &O., FOR SALE. F OR SALE, cheap (room wanted), Mahogany *■ Sideboard, Mahogany Round Taiile, Sittinar-room Suite, Chest of Drawers, Ward- robo Gla-«s, and PiftnO; mttst selL^For par- ticulars apply 75, Men&el-t,&rrioe, SvvliuKeU. 36AJ-17 T^OR. SAL £ a Sitting-room Suite, ooat £ 12, sell for C2 19s.; also Wardrobe, Brown Mahogany Table, and Beautiful Mahogany Chiffioner; sell obe(Lp.-AlVjy, ManAgal- terrace, Swansea. 24A3-21 LAST Few Wefeks of HilFs Great Extension Sale. Still a few Bargains left that must be disposed of iauuediat^ly. The ch-ance of a lifetime. All Goods to be Cleared regardless of oost. Strong Kitdhcu Couches at !<6s. 6d.; Fuli-«iae Bedsteads from 14s. (id.; Large Stock of Kitchen Dresears from 32s. 6d.; Several Stop-soiled Sideboards to be cleared below cost; Large Stock of Bedroom Suites io be cleared, from 3J, guineas; Good VtM-tfty of Dining and Draw- ing-room Suites from 32 guineas; Kitchen Furniture fit yoar own price. All Goods purchased during Sale can be noredfree of charge until required. All goods delivered tree; disUmce no object. Largest Seleation of Brasses and China Goods in Walesa See Our Windows. Absolutely the Cheapest Plaoe for Cash or Easy Terms in the Prin- cip,aliLy.-Ihlllfi, Central Buildings, Gowor- street, Swansea; also at Cardiff, Aberdare, and Barry Dock. 24AH7 6. D. Ward's AnltOuncements. CHEAPEST HOUSE in SWANSEA for Home-made Furniture is B. D. Ward's, 18 and 29, Goat-street. Bedroom Suite, Double-door Wardrobe, Swing Glass Chest, from irt 7a.; suites in Best Leather, for X4 5s.; guaranteed to last a lifetime. 04-7 D. WARD'S SPECIAL OFFER.—Kitohen B. Chairs, 2s. 6d.; Arm Chains, 7s. 6d.; Kitchen Tables, lie.; Dressers from 30s.; All- Brass Fenders from 1?B. 6d.; Brass-rail Fen- ders from 5s.—B. D. Ward, 18 and 29, Goat- streat, Swansea. C4-7 A- GRÃND SELECTION of Solid W&lnut ASideboards, from JM 1($. A Maosive &ft. Bow-front Solid Walnut Sideboard, £ 6 12s.; worth £8 10s.-B. D. Ward, IS and 39, float- street, Swansea. 04-7 OVERMANTELS and Pier Glaesee ill Great Variety. Walnut Pier Glaeaes from 14s.; Black Chippendale Overmantels ftom 18a. 6d Call and inspect Our stock.—B. D, Ward, 18 and 29, Goat-street, Swansea. 04-7 F-EATHERS il-DMrtt.PULr:=¡Gr;¡;¡ Lot of Purified Feathers from 6Jd. per lb.; Millpuff from 2d. per lb.; Xlillpuff Bed Sets from 17s. 6d.—561b. weight.—B. D. Ward, 18 and 29, Goat-etiwet, Swansea. C4-7 T?EDM'EADe'&Bd BE?DINa?rSpeciaIity?- BWe have the large" a-nd best election in Walee. Come and buy at your own prices. The Heaviest Bed in the Trade, 27s. 6d.—Note the Address: B. D. Ward, 12 and 29, Goat-street, Swanseo. 04-7 jr?A?DSOME?JANO?BYTBT??n?Wa]? .AL StroBgest Patent VeTtioal Iron Frame; Full Trichord; Overdamper Check Action and Nickel Rail, to be Sold; a bar- gain.—O&n be aetn alt B. D. Ward's, Goat- street, Swansea- 04-7 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "fW T^A-NTED, Lady's Cycle; must be cheap; in good oondition.—Write C.C. Leader Office. 24A3-14 P UBLIC-HOUSPA Wanted. Beerhouse t Wanted in Swansea; in-going must be moderote.—Write L.2, Leader Office, Swansea 21A3-14 "TTCTANTED, 20 to ? G<Mloc6 of Milk Daily. -Wrke Milk Supply," LO"er OMee, Swansea. 03-13 PROFESSIONAL. "VTASSAGtE and Electricity, including High Frequency, Radiant Heat, Electric Nin- heim Pine, and other Medicated Rath4 given by Nurse Evans, at la, Ffynone-stree^, Swansea. 23A4-7 DRAWINGS, ETC. 4' THE Winning Numbtre for the Drawing on behalf of little Iris, JLey Smith, who loet her leg through Motor Lorry Accident 634; 1651; 173; 1658; 159; 1; 1592; 1*2; 1606s 684; 933; 802; 43d;, Jat7;_4_JIrl;; 121—1, ip thank all those who purchased tickets, th* donors of the prises, and thos« who sub- scribed on behalf of my unfortunate little Daughter to helpv her through her struggle through life.—JUL dmith. 20A3-16 HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. F OR SA-LE, House, 14, Wern Fawr-roao. Port Tennant, oomaining 6 rooms and bathroom.-Apply B. Francis, 25, New Orchard-street, Swansea. 26A= FOR SALE, Three Well-built Houses, con- taining six rooms each, situate in Robert-street, Morriston; also Two Well- bullt Houses, containing four rooms each, situate in Green-street, Morriston; lease 993 Y,are.-For full particulars apply to 102, Glantawe-otreet, Morriston. Ç3-17 F OR SALE. Leasehold Detached Villa, beautifully situated, about M miles from Swansea, standing on about 1 acre of land; modern conveniences, bath (hot arid cold). Stable, Ooach-house, Piggeries, etc.; convenient to railway station.—Apply for further particulars, to David M. Thomas, Estate Agent, Rutland-street, Swansea. 23A3-17 FOR SÁLE, Three xyell-built leaoehoia Houses in Nicholi-stnoet, Aberavouj excellent tenants; bath (hot & cold); long lease; low ground rent.-Apply David M. Thomas, Estate Agent, Rutland-street, Swan- sea. 23.A.;)"17 fPO LRT, 1, Lapgland-ioad, Mumbles; all modern conveniences.—Apply Jenkins and Co., Ironmongers. 23A3-17 Messrs. John M. Loedsr & Son's Announce- ments. TO LET TROUBLE-FRONTED SHOP. 26ft., by 100ft- in the best part of High-st.reet.-Apply John M Leedsr and Son, Waterloo-street, Swansea \D]GH-STREET.—Double-fronted Shop; ex- celleut business position; ext«nsiv«AO- coir.n. odation; immediate xjosscssioii.—Apply John M Leeder and Son. G OAT-STREET AROADE. -ExoeUimt w( k- 11.. Sho^ untnbdfate poaeeaeioii,—Ap- ply John M. Leeder and Son. o À F'ORD-=STii.EET(i to Market); double-fronted Shop. 20it. by 84ft.; workshops at rear; five large rooms over.— Apply John M. Leeder_and Son. ?WKDOmK^mCK-F]«^aitt little House, containing two reoeption, live bedrooms, bath, usaal offices; early posses- sic i: —Apply John M. Leeder and Son. E ATO.N-GROVE.-Nicely situated Semi-de- toched House; three reception and sevvin bedrooms, bath, usual offices; posees- siOii by arrangement.—Apply John M. Lee4-r and Son. B RLNSWICK-STREET.-Stable and Work- shops; conveniently situated; cartway entrance posse-gsion by arrangement; lease will be granted.—Apply John M. Leeder and /i'FICES; centrally sit?ted; well-lighted 0 ;ooms on &rst floor; moderate rent; immediate possession.—Apply John M. lieed v and Son. FOR SALE. ETT Y.—Doublo-ironted Shop, close to centre of village, and on the main Gowir road; cartway at side; separate en-! trance to house.-Apply John M: Leeder and Soa. x S RETTY,-Soveral Detached and Semi-de- tached Villas on the Coodsaeson Estate; all modern conveniences, and close to tram route.—Apply John M. Leeder and Son. s I,FTTY.-C,arngla-s-road; iiine 6-roomed Houses; all modern conveniences; long gardens, easy distance from trams.-Apply John M. Leeder and Son. T^KEEHOLD and Leasehold Ground Rente, secured upon a centrally situated pro- periy, for Digponal.-For full particulars, apply John M. Leeder and Son. B RYNYILI,CRPS,CENT. A convenient eai;ily-worked Iiotme,. on long lease; low ground rent; electric iight ihroaghout. -Appi., John U. Leeder and Son. -u I-,LANL)S.-For Wuversion into Businoes Premises, House, close to Uplands Fost Office and on tram route; growing neigh- bourhood.—Apply John M. Leeder and Son, Waterloo-street. Swansea. C3-17 MlMsrs. oJ. Blewitt Jenkins and Sons. FREEHOLD Dwelling-house in Gwydr. — crescent for Sale at very reasonable figure; 2 Reception Rooms, 5 Bedrooms, etc.— Apply to Messrs. J. Blewitt, Jenkins and Sons, Estate Agents, Surveyors, etc., 4. Col- legeHStreet, Svvaneea. SKE'I'Ti.rwo Freehold Six-rO<JDl!ed Ho s in excellent position for Sale; also Tw? Leasehold Houses in Dillwyn-road.—Full par- ticiuars from M^srs. J. Blewitt Jenkins and 6ong [{m above). ST. HELEN'S-BC)AD.—Leasehold 6-momea House, near the Slip, for Sale; lea" about 65 years; ground lent C4 12s.; back entrance.—For price, etc., apply to Messrs. J. Blewitt Jenkins and Sons, Estate Agents, Surveyors, Valuers, etc., 4, College-street, Swansea. CM6 HOUSES WANTED. "JL/TANSELTON.—Wanted- to Rent or Buy 5-room House in or near ManSelton.— Write, giving, particulars, to "Reasonable," Leader Office. 25A3-20 WAITED to Rent, Six or Seven-roomed House; must be dry.—Apply "House," Leader Office, Swansea. CMo OUgi Wanted within easy dietan- 0 D- Swansea any time before September; three reception-rooms, about six bedrooms, and usual offices; purchase or lease.—Chas. G. Biggs, Higkfiedd, Neath. T.C. T717ANTED, Small Furnished dottag* or V V, Furnished Apartments without attend- ance, Swansea-Mumbles district, April to September— Rees, 7, Fieldway-creecent, High- bury, London. 03-14 NOTICES. ADAME Drusilla-, Palmist, Clairvoyant; American Mystic Read- ings; advice daily; hours 11 to 9.—Address, 49, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. (Late of the Hey-al Spa, Harrogate. 25A5-20 PALMISTRY and Clairvoyance.—Consult t Prof. and Madame Virgo on all affairs of life, At 236, High-street, Swansea; over the Shop, Davies, Chemists, few doors from Cafetle-street. Certificate and Diploma Palmists. Hours: 11 to 9 p.m. 20A3-14  RTÏFIClAL Umbi6 Eyes, Crntcm<?. 1)? ?L formity Boots, "Steel-lesa :Eifit." Trusses, Flat Foot Supports* etc. Lady Attendants. Belts, Belt-Oorsets, Trusses, etc. 1 -Allen Pearce, 23, Charles^etreet, Cardiff, Tel.: 1281 T.a I.: INNING SoIuttOM("BnUet? et?)7 V' 2 for 6d.; many stl(wa*om including L5oo Tit-Bim" premiers in "ld" etc. Principal late assistaut to celebrated solu- tioniet. Ten p.o, on wins over £ 1.-Appiy Secretary. Mutual Help Committee, Astwood House. Caerleon-road. Newport. Mon. HORSES, CARRIAGES, Ac., FOR SALE. F (>U SALE, Registered Hackney Gelding (Chestnut), 8 years; height 16.3; splen- did action; quiet ride drive. Also Brougham Wagonette, by Vezy; good condition;- smart turnout.—Jeffreys, 3, Gloucester-place, Swan- sea. 23A3-17 APARTMENTS, AC. A FRONT Room Wanted As an Offioe at Woodiield-street,, Morriot-on.-Roply to Box L.10, Leader Offices. 03.20 APARTMENTS; suit gentlemen; Front Sitting-room, one or two Bedrooms; piano; bath; every convenience; overlook. ing park; close to Hospital, trams, etc.; terms moderate.—St. Helen's House, St. Heldn'K-cYeiSo&nt, Swansea. 25A3-19 Smrm<f.1tÕÕM ø:nroœn, everi-:t- ? venienoe; suit lady or a?n'tleman; with or without bo&id.-Write Box L.7, Leader OfQos, Swansea. SS4A4f21 TO LET, Two Lar&* Unfurnished Rooifls, Brynmill district; full view of Bay, etc. —Apply, first instanoe. to Box K.12, Leader [Office. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOU SALE, Anb-elus Player Piano, nearly — now; also a White Roman Bath and Hand Basin with Stand c-c,mplete.-Appi-v Fornbank, Dillwyn-road, Sketty. 24 Ao-T3 B- 3- -m I' J. Brader & o nI sAn n o u n as e n t s. | "IJAiiY Grand; ovcrstrung. iron frame, I check action, in walnut oat'e; only two years old; list price 100 guine"; returned from hire; nett cash £ 66.—J. Brader and; Sons., 9, WiTid-otmet, S^raneela. 23A3-17 ROSEWOOD Piano, by Allison; quite uew,, I only been out three times; full tri- |-chord, check aotion, overdamper, best cast. 11:11,001 frame; list pi-ice 60 gu-.n«as, reduced for nett cash £ 25.—J. Braaer and Sons, 9, PLAYER Piano, National (Kastner); latest model, plays all 65-note music; soloist, et ronome, all complete; a very grea t bar- gain; £45 c"h.-J. Brader and Sons, 9, Wind-street, Swansea. 23A3-17 COLLARD and Oollaid Overstrung Draw- I iug-room Grand, in perfect condition; been used at the Empire only; sacrifice for £ 45.—J. Brader and Sons, 9, Wind-street, Swansea- 23A3-17 Messrs. Godfrey & Co.'s Announcements, TJROADWOOP Drawing-room Grand, in ex- cellent condition; cbanning tone and touch, rosewood cose; cost 150gns.; will seii cheap for oaSh, or monthly terms arranged. —Godfrey and 00., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 2&A3-16 /"BOLLARD and Oollard Drawing-room Grand; latest m6d??,, second-hand, in practically new condition, tone' and touch exquisite, rosewood case; will sell cheap for cash, or monthly terms arranged.—Godfrey and Oo. 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 22A3-16 ECLIPSE Model, our own make. just re- turned from short hire, in practioally new condition; ipoh frai^e, full, £ UiCh £ >rd, check action, charming Kbher*^ aitoh'^ pTOf ect touch; walnut caae; original price 23gns., re- "duoed to 2Qgns. oas h or 10s. 6d. monthly.— Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helenfi-road, SwajMen. 22A3-16 Thompson A Shackefl's Announcements. BROADWOOD PLAYER PIANO, best ol all, —The pcesessor of one of these instru- ments can render classioal music with the precision of a Paderewski. Send for cata- lcgue.-Sole Agents: Thompeon and Sisa-ckell, Ltd.. 39, Oaetle-etreet, Swansea, etc., etc. C-"1H A ToT.EN PIDÕŠ:=30le..Agenots tor Swansea and District; Thompson and Shackell, Ltdi, 39, Castle-street, etc., etc. Catalogues free on application. EUMEYER PIANOS.—Sole Agents for Swansea and District: Thompson and Stafcckell, Ltd., 39, Castle-street etc., etc. Oatalogues free on application, 15 AOit PIANOS, Ernest Ka-ps Pianos. JL Schiedmayor llanos, Moore and Moore Pianos, Broadwood Pianos.—Sole Agents for Swansea and District; Thompson and Shockell, Ltd., 38, OastLeHStreet, etc., etc. Catalogues of any of theee makers sent free on application. B&INSMEAD PIANOS. S04e Agent for South Wales; Thompson and Shackoll, 39, Oastle-street, Swansea, etc.. etc. Charm- ingly illustrated catalogue free on applica- tion. ESTEY ORGANS.—These beautiful instru- ments can only be obtained from Thompson and Shaokell. Ltd., Sole Agents for South Wales, 39, Gastle-streot, Swansea, et,c.. etc. Beautiful descriptive catalogue free on application. Price from 15 guineas upwards. BOON D-HAND Pianos, only slightly 0 8Oiled, in great variety, from £ 10; all warranted, end exchanged if not approved; easy terms, from- 7o. monthly.—Thompson and Shockell, Ltd., 39. Castle-street, Swan- sea, 50, Stepney-street, LLaneily, etc., etc. BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. 'ro LET, Two Shops adjoining New Cinea -L a.? G-orseimm; open about Boater.—?uU particulars apply Secretary, Gorsennon Cinemas, Limited, Milbourne Chambers, Merthyr. 0.>20 OFFICES taor Let, at- low wntajst in lilgli- st'reet, and Wind-street, Swansea.— Apply to David Roberts, Surveyor. Auc- tioneer, etc., 19, Heathfield-street, Swansea, 03-18 MOUNTAIN ASH.—Two Lock-up Shops to Let. Oxford-street; absolutely very best position; modern finish; lease.—Brown, Architect, Woroesteivplaoe, Swansea. 24A3-21 LLA-N"'LLy'-HD use and Shop to Let at Pemberton, Halfway, near Llanelly; ootnmodioae premises and yard; good corner position; sidfe entrnnoe; suit grocer, baker, etc.—Particular*, Dd. Evans, Bradford House, Llanelly. 24A3-18 Snop and House to Let, Rent 12s. 6d. per week; next to Alpha. Oinema, Morris- ton.—Apply, K Poole, Trafalgar House, 8wø.neea.. 24A3-18 1^0 LEiT, aa omom' Three I&T?e, &'ry R?ooms (or would suit Dem.m,) in Eos- pitol Square.—70, St. Helen's-road. 21A3-14 OLD Swan Inn. Pembroke Dock, Free Double-lioenae House to Let on lease, or for Sale; main thoroughfare; same hands number of years; owner retiring.—Jenkins. ZOA3-W ¡ LEFT-OFF CLOTHING, Ao. Clothing and Fuimituro of Every Description Bought to any amount for Cash; postcards receive prompt attention; beat prices given.—Note Address: Ruck, 15 and 16, Prince of Wales-road, Swan- sea. To Buyers: A large Selection of Goods to choose from. 2SA3-20 SAILINGS. -ÃasOLUTElY FREE. BERTIE PERKINS AND CO., Passenger Steamship Department,. 11, Somerset-place (opposite the Town Hall), Swansea, B001\ PASSENGERS to America, Australia, India. Canada, Africa, New Zeala",d, And to all parts of the World. Handbooks of information and all par ticulars absolutely free. No Booking or any fees charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival. of various Passenger Steamers at Ports Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co. are Official Agents for the Best and Largest Passenger Steam. ship Lines in the World. .C-ÁNADA. Uite<i Sta.tes, South .Afri, a nJ C Sta-tom South Afr i,a a U?t ?' AU8tralia.-For Loweat FareG and all Information, apply to Roberts' Steamship t Passenger Booking Agency Morriston. T.C. CENTRAL Booking Office, I. Bellerne- Vv* street (adjoining Gower-street). Swan- sea. 04-27 EMIGRATION. For Cheapest Rates and Earliest Steamers I for Canada, Australia, South and Bast Africa, United States of America, Argen- tine, etc., etc., apply at once to HOULDER BROTHERS & Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA, PASSAGES BOOKED BY ALL LINES TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegrams—" Houlders." Telephone—Oentral 1216 (2 lines). "&. PIANOFORTE TUNING. P UNOPORTF, TUNING. 5s. 6d.; rooom- JL menda-tions from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone. and Broadwood and Sons. Pianos from ebsteiQ. Hopkineon. OoUam. BrinaNMad. ?oW., Sale or Hi.-Cha.r* Eodon, R Prunswick-street SWATMVM. — "<■> ■)!,». BROUGHTON.   if GO TO Vk ( BROUGHTON'S Oeted Weddisg Ring Shop l) Y WO ]a "d Otft Fo&"&u 'J// Priodteol. SI, HIGH STREET, ^SWANBEA^ T y .< UROUG HT ONt I MONEY. £10 to ZEIOSOOO TO LENTO by the Oldest West of England Firm, F. LAWRENCE, LTD., on Written Promise to Repay, Life Policies, Furniture, Farm Stock, or other Security. Principal Remains of oan be Repaid by Easy Instal- ments. Promptness and Privacy. A Gentle- man will gali and hand you cash at your house if desired. Distance no object. Do. not expose your requirements locallyy- Write Manager, VICTOR HAMILTON, DON CHAMBERS, WINE-STREET. BRISTOL. JL.OA??. ?5 to JU>OU /.it X promptiy and I privately on your written pr?o?e to pay. i?bpt?yit-fms by e"y iu$ta?mon',a to suit your mc?n?. Hoc aA rte?I Itencthb— • £ 5 REPAY* £ 5 REPAY C55. £ 10 „ ?11 .SIM ?10. ? „ £ 22 £ 200 £. | C.PBOLAI. TLi'-MS TO i< ARMERS PROFJSSSIONAL MEN. No C3iarge> Business Oompieted. Immediate Attention given to Inquiries by Poet. 'Phone, or personally, fvd Strictest Privacy Guaranteed. GEO. FRY & CO., ¡ 1, Dynevor Place,Swansea •?hone 361 Docks. c APIT-kL.-Want-ed, L&W for 12 months at 6 per oent. per annum; ample security given.—Write to Business," Leader Offioe, Swansea. 22 A3-16 A BSOLUTE PRIVATE IjOAM,-Zle, to £"D,{)"JO Advanoed to Formers, Trades- men, tbe Gentry, and all classes on. day of application without any Sureties, Bills of Sale, or damaging enquiries. ielo repay £ 11 £10 repay 10s. moothly. £50 £.5 £50 ,,£2 „ £100 ,£110 £100 E4 „ Quarterly and Yearly Payments arranged. Prospestus and Press Opinipne Fre&- BRITlStH FLNANOE 00., 20, HftLDGE-ST, BRISTOL. Telephone: 1675. rpiHE old-eetabliahed LONDON AND PBO- A VINOES DISCOUNT CO, LTIX, con- tinues to Lend immodaee sums daily, from £ 10 to L5,000,- on Dote of hand alone or other security. Moderate terms. Easy instalments. No preliminary charges whatever. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the Kingdom. Thousands of oar customers express their entire satisfaction in their re- pealed transactions with us. A gentleman will wait upon you at oooe with oash. Call or write (in ooiifidenee; to The Manager, BOROUGH CHAMBERS, WHARTON-STREiEr CARDIFF. MFONER, of 9, Oarkm-terra<?e, Swansea, Ad vanow Honey D&Uy on Note off Hand, from X5 and upwards. No charges unless business done. Strictly private.—For further particulars apply peiwxnally or by letter. C>t-10 MONEY Advanoed Every Day. AS up to .£50. Join to-day.—Henry King, 44, Shepherd's-road, Plasntaii; or United. Per- inanent Money Society, 284, Oxford-buildings, Swansea. 26A3-20 CASH ADVANCED. R.2 UPWARDS. Allow us to quotie you terms for your in- dividual requirements. No charge unless buoiness actually completed. Mutual satis- faction is our aim. Prompt attention and strictest privacy observed. Distance no ob- ject. Write or oall- THE MANAGER, SOUTH WALES LOAN AND FINANCE CO., 3, Mlboarne-plaoe, St. Hftten's-road, Swain". MONEY TO LEND. ■ THE DISTRICT LOAN COMPANY, OF ST. MAEIX'S CHAMBERS, OHUROH- STRKET, SWANSEA, OFFER LOANS OF £ 3 UPWARDS. TERXS.-Re"onable Repayments by Weekly Instalments to suit Ouomers., Striqftly Private. Apply THOMAS H. HOPKINS, Manager. HELPS TO HEALTH; I Should there ever come time ia | your experience when you find yourself a victim to some form of indigestion, liver trouble, or con- stipation,-and it is quite probable that, sooner or later, such ft time may come—you are advised to rid yoartdj of the disorder without delay by taking dew doses of Beeeham's PiHs. For generations past this world- famous medicine has been to thousands of sufferers the most powerful aid towards health and happiness, and, surrounded as we are to-day, by great advances in the healing art, an evor-ioere"ing number of people turn for help heslthwsrd to the same old remedy— BEECHAM'S PILLS. t — frtputd only by THOMAS BEECH AM, St Helena, LatÍI. Uld everywhere te bokop I trfee Illi (56 pills) Ai 219 (MB pftfc). I IMPOSSIBLE VETARZO  .1. (AEDIGIML Never before was there anythlnt like it. nor can its marvellous properties ever be equalled in all oases of poorness, impurity, or other imperfections of the blood from whatever cause arising. No sooner is it imbibed into the system than it permeates and penetrates to the minutest capillaries, overcoming and expelling disease, where- eoever and in whatsoever form met with; removing all blotches, pimples, scruff, scurvy, scrofulous and glandular swellings, dibcolourmtions, roughness, and uneighuv patches, its eifeots are almost magical in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, scia- tica, lumbago, pain and swelling of the joints, blood Volson, eczema, lepra, psori- asis, bad less, bad br. abscesses, ul. cers, wounds, sores, goitre or Derbyshire nack; it improves the 14tueral health, and auiokly removes lous-standing bronchitis, asthma, and hacking. etrAining, spasmodic cough, too often the precursor of consume tion. ?H:E WITHOUT HEALTH IS ?tVtMC DEATH. AlfD VETARZO ??.. The ?test discovery of modern times for premature decay or detioieacy of ritai torce». Braoeing up the system generally, it gives tone to the exhausted nerves, reo stores th-i failing energies, and imparts new lile &ad vigour to those who seemed played out, used up, and valueless. Send stamped addressed envelope for Free Booklet or P.O. 2s. 9d. for Trial Bottle of either remedy to THE VETARZO REME- DiLS CO., Gospel Oak. London. Unprin- cipled vendors may try to ecll you some- thing else for extra profit; do not accept it, but insist on having VETARZO to avoid disappointment. The genuine has words "Tetarxo Rouiadiep" on Oovernai^ut Stank& HORTON'S BENEDICT PILLS FREE TO LADIES. In a few days correct all irregularities and remove all obstructions; also cure anaemia. By post 11!. Hd. or 2s. 9d., from HORTON AND CO., Chemists (Chief Dispenser from the late Birmingham Lying-in Hospital), (89 Dept.), Aston Manor, Birmingham. Sold over 40 yea re. Seldom ever fail. All Ladies eheuld send p?uny stamp for a free sample of PHls; also improved Sanitary ToWell and mtwoit?e Bocklet,.PQ6 Free. ] V ,r -■ MEDICAL.  rLADIES FREE II A1>IES should write to me before larting with U their money for so-called cures, and I w?I seed them a FREE, SAMPLE of my renowned American  tre?t'Mnt for all irregularities. I guM?ntee it to ? quite aaff'.n? even ?)? the most Obstill. and I most unyieldiiig case& It wi:l Dot interfere with the ordinary .-iaties of life. No purging pUis. No nauseous drugs. MeueeteMtnJeettenw. Act like uu?c. f&t'uje impo.?sible, so why wOVY? Send DO money, but ??itetomaand I will sead'ycu a Free ?mpte, SuRtcieat ror'a cure, & te*tinxmials A Free Copy of a very vainable book, "THE WIFE'S HAOBOOK," CoDIILD« prrool mlomiiittcsi, will also be sent. Send no money. I will sand the book and remedy sufficient, for a ciire; and all direct,ions quite free so that you may try this reniociv before buying it. Pride 4/6 irxl iii- MRS. EVET-f KING A JO, Renowned American Specialist (DcpL W. ), 3. NEW OXFORD STREET. teWBOW, ..0. T ADIES.—St. Dominic's Thre&patic?PiIloJds L cure &1i irngulariti. They 8et? in a few hours. Marvellous results. Every 08H a care.p for particulars, Madame Macdonald, 2.10. Wimbome-road, Wintori, Bournemouth. Cs-9 LAD I ES. The Safest and most Roelia-bie Remedy is Doakin's Special Mixture. It is made from Pure Herbs, and is backed by a reputation of 40 yearn. Safe and Harmless. Price 2a. 9d.; by post, securely packed in plain wrap- per, 3e.—DeiaJsin. Herbalist, 14, Alexaotdr^ road, Swauoea. T.O. 1 J HAi III" siKlositig 11.sta«»M L A D I E S MetM???M?? mmosin I d.?a TUTWOM" 8"" REi MWU 8f BLANGHARDS PILLS they are unrivalled for all Ladies' Ailments, tc. and gpftd4 afford relief, and never fail to atleriate aJ1 anfflrrtag. ftey u>perv«de Pecmyroyal, Fil Coobia. Bitter Appia. Jtr. faldin boxen, 371J, tor all Cb«a»»ta, or post prMe,froS| EStlE KOTTN, lTD. CliEmm, M, MLSTM LME, LMW LADIES! LADIES! Mrs. STAFPOBD-BBJOOKJS. the Emizsant Lady Specialist of all Fenmle Oompiaiarts. has much plesisure in announcing that h/er REMEDY for restoring regularity WTEHOTT KEOIGLKE is the only posBt^ve. saie. oertoxa and speedy one known. It acts almwft isv. mediately, aad does not interfere rrHK houseboki daties. I guaranlee vmry case. Send at. once stamped-addpemed etnvrtofie for full particulars and most eomiauing testis Ktonaale (Guaranteed Qecmne under a, pen- alty of £ 1^J00), to 3CRS. afAJfTOMS BROOKES, 22, Dept., Ardgrwaii-coad, Hititev Green, lidmdm. I SURGICAL AND RUBBEB APPtlAMCES. Out new iUuetntad. deeoripttve OKteftOBB* mot yost taw: 4 BsMyii^ Ifc (Dept. Z) 8. 8EYMOUU, M, Ltfeestar-squart, Loadon, WX. S »■ LADIES! LADIESi Without Drugs, Pills, or Medicine, NCZSW, Boas guarantees to 611ft ixrsgulaxitieB U4« obst ructions, female ailments in ssarried oflK single women, f roan whatever oanse arieizt o, or how long standing; no disappointment# every *am a cure; ]2ut"r9us testenanialsj 08Tid st&mp tot free adYMB.—NUTRSE BCe?? LABOBATOSY, AIjBtA VTU.?, OHANMIN? STER-ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH- APP.J.JANcæ.S¡ QU&GaQAL =Ra= "PTAKNoigs Si Enre. etc.; aa?u?ea, ?a.; best qB?iit?s. secminSLy pa?k?d..PrMe I?t Kit't,k 230. reet. Qardiff. T.C £ > A -PACrE BOOK About ilerbe and bow to^, use them; free;, aemd for one.—TBJlC^ XRl'.f. The Herbalist, 144, Ricbjnond-road, Cardiff. Bstahliscfed 1879. FREE TO LADIES. If you write, meutjosing this paper, I will send you a. large Free Trial Packet if my Pilis for all Female Ailments.. They super- sede ordinary Apiod, Pennyroyal and Steel, etc., and are recommended by all who usa them; or good 15 stamps for Large Box. with full instructions and advice, in plain wrapper, fro BXMTS. F-IALIS, 27, SURREY- LANE. BATTmBRA, LONDON. THZMtW?tEMCM RDnDY. Ne2 No3 I !e 9 T1HERAPM3N??? BLOOD POISON, KIlPNEY. BLADD CTirWART DISEASES, DISCHARGES, WKAKNKSS, PILES. SEXD STAMP ADDRES,% ENVKMtPB FOR ?OtEEwOOH?T TO DR. LE CE"C FREE TO LADIES. Irregularities, etc., removed by sun dMè iaeChod without itedioiae or Pills. It in f speedy—soatetukes immediately. Medical, eotonce knows no better care. Letter* of teetimonials received daily. 1, Send at once for FREE parttcolars and teetfaaoitiete. goacanteed eestokie uuckw a penalty of H £ 5^300. lffi, Stoke SOIl Road. londnwy 21. TUBSB 0. SM&NLEY wiB "A 11tr N"= to oame YWRLrmu Of .u i-?CMUA- ?tiee w?h FfMch B«ta?y.—114, BoUetMtt, Ltrrerpoct. EDUCATIOMAL. 'c. CLARK'S COLLEGE BritIg your BOY and GIRL FREE TEST and REPORT regarding tkinr abUitisf and prospects in the Civil Service and Business Bring them TO-DAY. You mil not tncar the aligate* obligation. CLARK"S COLLEGE,, A SWANSEA BRANCH. LTD. Pateflood House, St. HelenfftRoad, SWanafoo TEL. 165 MINtRS desirous of Improving their proa- M pects should secure their Firemen's Certificate. A descriptivs let explaining how this may be do-no will be sent post free on request, by The Socr"ary (Dept. )L). 11M 71noi-sa Ej?imeerms Coil-es? 18. perial Buildings, N«wcastl«K>n-Tyne. T.C. STUDENTS Trained to a Sljeed or-i4 I Words & Minute in PITMAIS'S Short- hand. Civil gervioe Candidates SUooossfully Prepared for Examinations. Kumerous Recent Successes. Leatnets and Sorters. Swansea and London. Lessons given ia Arithnittic, Book-keeping, Trigonometry. etc., Ladies and Q^ntlemeu. Success GUUo. anteod.Ur. J. Harris, Shorthand Teacher. 66, Oxford-street. Swansea. Day and Even* tag Classes. 1 gWA^SEA QOLLEGB (Titk DR BEAR SCHOOLS.' LirpY. FOR MODiifiN BUSINESS TEAiNlbTG. Day and Evening Classes can be joined • uy tlnie. gHOETHAND, Ti'PEWRlTING, BUSINESS METHODS. ENGLISH A CORRESPONDEDGli. '1 Pro^poctus Free. SWANSEA COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Castle Chambers. Tel. Cèn. 587.- — — — THE AvIATOR-You Get it *» PENHALE'' THE COLLAR SPECIALIST, f. Top'of Temple and 232, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. i Orders Receive Prompt