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NEW issue. The LIST of APPLICATIONS will CLOSE on or before WEDNESDAY, tho 4th March. 1914 The PORT TALBOT STEEL COMPANY, LIMITED. (Registered under the Companies Acts, 1S62 to 1890.) Authorised Capital £ 500,000, Divided into 6U,Nl Shares of £1 each. ISSUED CAPITAL: iC35OgOOO Shares of Al each, fully paid, £ 350,000. Offer of £300,000 5 per Cent. First Mortgage Debenture Stock at 97 per Cent. The Stock will be secured by and issued subject to the provisions of a Trust Deed 1ft favour of Lloyds Bank, Limited, as Trustees, creating a specific F.tMt Mortgage on the C,ompany's Leasehold Works, fixed plant, and machinery. at Port Talbot, and also a floating charge-upon the undertaking and other assets of the Company, present and future, other than uncalled capital. The Stock is re-payable by mean? of aci.mulative sinking fund of 2 per cent. per annum to be applied annually, commencing on the Isi January. 1915, in redeeming the Stock by drawings at par, or by purchase in the market below that prioe plus accrued interest, and all Stock so redeemed or purchased is to be cancelled. The Sinking Fund is calculated to redeem the Stock by the 31st December, 1940, on which date the Stock matures for payment. The Company may also redeem the Stock or any part thereof (in the case of a part only the portion to be redeemed being ascertained by drawings) at any time on thret; -monthl" notice at the price of i-Ol per cent. plus accrued interest, and the Stock will be re-payable at the same price in the event of Voluntary Liquidation for the purpoR? t)f amalgamation or re-construction. LLOYDS BANK LIMITED, Lombard-streett E.C. (and Branches) 8iI Bankers for the Purchasers of the Stock arc authorised to reoeive applications 0110 their behalf for the \bove-m^ntioned LSOO,000 5 per cent. First Mortgage Debenture Stock. At the Price of 97 per Cent. Payable as follows.- £ 5 per cent. on Application. B20 per cent. on Allotment. £ 32 on tHe 31st March, 1914. L40 on the 30th April, 1914. t97 Payment may be made in full, either on allotment or on 31st March, 1914. under dis- count at the rate cf 5 per cent, per annum. Interest will be payable on the 1st April and 1st October, a full half-year's interest being payable on tne 1st October next. Srri!) CertiScaK? to Beurer, which will be issued in ?x<dMUge .for the AUotm'&nt Srri,,) receipted, wi.H. wh?n fully paid. be ?xch?ng?d in due course for t.he DeHn'tivc Sto?k C?rt.iac?t?-. Preferential allotment will as far as possible be given *to Shareholders and Deben- ture :aockiwlders of Baldwins (L:?!ted) and ths Gloucester Ra;lwaj Carriage and Wagon Company (Limited), who should apply en the special application form provided. The .folio* iqg letter 4- been received from the Managing j>j rector of the Oompa,ny- Port Talbot, South Wales, 24th February, 1914, Manors. COHEN. hUfIG. GOSCHEN, and CO.. 14, Austin-friars, E.C. Gentlemen,— The Port Talbot Steel CcxmPoan-" (Limited) wa formed itl'l. with a nowiral capital of £100.000. divided into 100,000 Snares of £ 1 each, and carries on the business of Steel Manufacturers and Makers of Steel Ingots, Bam, Blooms, Billete, Rails, Sections. Plates, aDd similar articles. The Company was promoted by Baldwinp (Limited) and the Gloucester Railway Car- riage and Wagon Company (Limited), who vubwriw th? capital neosmary for the imttatMn of the Company'a busine<w. The (;\)mpany'B bueineas has quickly developed, and large additions to capital soon became new-wary. The following table shows, according W. the Company's andjted Balano"heets for the lfl/;t, three financial years:—(!) The Capitol paid up. (2) The annual uwjfltfi after providing for depreciation and Directors' fees, nod (5) The dividend PaAti for the three years 19?0-11 to 1913-13 inclusive. Share Capital paid up exclusive of amount paid Profit for the year ending Dividend paid. up in advance of calls. £ 137.504 0 0 31st March, 1911 £OY 12 5 10 per Milt. 150,000 0 0 „ „ 1912 39,072 13 3 10 „ 173,875 0 8 „ „ 1913 41,265 16 2 10 „ The Company's capital lias airce been increased to £ 500,000. of whioh R-WM bag been issued and is now fully paid up. At the date of the Company's last audited Balance-sheet the stock in hand and debtors, letw reserves, amounted to £147,177 15s. lid., and are approximately of the game amount at the present date. The Company's business ha» hitherto been carried on upon leasehold premises at Port Talbot, contain,? Z5 held for a pM-io? of ? yea?s fmm %&?ll D?c<tcaber. ,L W)& *t a r?nt of £ 1,000 a year. Theae premlÐ. with the fixed and iooae plant «<nd machinery, tools, utensils, railway wagon#, ac.. were on the 23rd June, 1913, valued by Messrs. Wheatley, Kirk, Price and Co. at the guni of £ 240,257 5!s. lid. The Company is on the point ot coinip.eting, 4t a. cost of about £ 400,000. additional work- on 173 acres of land adjoining, lie la for a iike period 3-t a rent QÍ £ 630 lJoI:1' annum. The New Works are expected to tie finished by the end of April next. The proceeds receivable by the Corajk» ny from the sale of the iaotue erf £ 300.000 First Mort.ga,ge Debenture Stock will be applied in discharging- the existing Debentures and Mortgages, amounting approximately to £ 105,009, in providing the further funds re- quired in connection wirh the New Wor", el)d for additional working: capital. The security for the Debenture StocKholdars will consist of:— The Original Works, &c., as valued by Wheatley, Kirk. Price & Go. £ 240,237 a 11 Expenditure on the New Works to date, approximately .OGO 0 0 • Further estimated expenditure to be Provided out of the proceeds of the New Debenture Stock ..— 140,009 9 0 Stock in hand and debtors as at 31 March, 1913. and estimated at approximately the same figures 147,177 15 11 9787,415 1 10 The balance of the proceeds of the Present Issue not required for the above purposes, oa) I., 91^250 0 0 £ 818,865 1 19 The Directors of the Company believe thftl the profits of the current financial year will exceed the average of the three years above mentioned. So far the outlay on the New Works has bemx wholly unramunerative but the pos- sible output of the Company when the new works arc completed will be nearly double that of the old works, by ipeans of which alone tho profits above mentioned have beelri earned. (Signed) W. CHARLES WRIGHT, Managing Director A brokerage of i per cent. will be paid on all allotmejats made in respect of apnli- sationa from the public hearing Broker's stamps. Applications for purchase of the Debenture Stook JPust he made on the form ac- companying these Particulars, and sent to the Bankers, Lloyds Blk, Limited, Lom- bard-street, E.G., or Branches, together with a remittance for the amount payable on application Where no allotment is-made the deposit will be returned in full, and in case of partial allotment the balance of the deposit will be applied towards the amount due on allotment, and any sarplus I eUliUn ing will be returned. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render the allot- ment liable to cancellation, and previous payments to forfeiture. Interest at Six per Cent. per annupl will be charged on all Instalmentd in arrear. Ap !ic8.tious will be made to the Committees of the London. Birmingham, and Cardiif Stock Exchanges for a special settlement, in and an c?ci?l quotation of the De- Dture Stock now ofFered. The Memorandum ana Articles 01 Aesooiation of the Company., the draft (subject to revision) of the Trust Deed uecunns the Debenture Stock, which Stock has been sold at the price of 92t per CCD., the 1 urcherí) paying all expenses of the offer out of the difference between that price and the issue price, and Messrs. Wheatley, Kirk Price and Co.'s Valuation Report and the Balance-sheet of the Company as at the 31st March, 1913. can be ieeu at the oftices of Messrs. PaineV, Blyth. and Huxtftfele, 14, St F,c.. Qn any day during nmn ao, h<wrs prior t,o the closing of the liet Particulars and Forms of Application can be obtained at LLOYDS I!JAKK LIMITED JnhlbaI"J-3treet..J<jC., and Branches; Messrs, COHEN, LAMING, GOSCHEN/and Co., 14: Austin Friarp. B.C.; Messrs. N, LEA and SON, .8. Bennett's Hill, Birmingham and Messrs. FYSHE and HORTON, 75. Co^more-row,Birmingham; and Messrs. E. T. L YDDON and SQM6, 1, Bute-atrcet. Oardift. TRUSTEES FOR PEBENrURE STOCKHOLDERS. LLOYDS BANt LIMITED. DIRECTORS. filCHABB VASGAR VASSAR-SMITH F, (i., Charlton Pr, Cheltenham (Chairman of Lloyds Baiili Jamited, and of the Gloucester KaUway Carriage and Wapon Oom- P¡MlY, i,imited).  OW ROPER WRICHT, L¡wyderu. Baekplll, R.S.O., G!4mD rgan4bire, South .0? 't irmaii of Baldwins, IJUDJtd, Chairman Port Talbot Railway and Dock C"  Eaton-s(iu.-i.re,  (DePutY-Cbairman Baidwins, STAN LTV BALD WIN, Esq., A.I., ? Eatonsf<uare. S.W. (Daputy-chairm&a Baldwins I,imit?. Director ff the Great Western R_atlw?y and t.e Metropolitan Bank of )<;n"'b\ndH\d W alc¿<, LlIUlted L Th/Hon. MJCHApL HUGH H^CKS-BEACH, M P. Ooln St Aldwyp.s, Fairford, Glouces- ter Director Lloyds Bank Limited and Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wag-on EDMUNP EVAN-THOMAS, Esq., 14. Billiter?treet, London, B.C., (Shipowner (Chairman Vl of Gl&mot-?n |t8ilw«j Company and Director P?woeeteFT?B??mr?y Carriage and Wagon Company, Limited). Colom! WILLIAM CHAHHF&WRtCHT.GwemeinonBIackpiU. Swansea (Majiaeinir Director of the Company. Director of Baldwins, lilted. and DirMtor ()fl -tnfl Swansea Bay Railway Company). lomm QPCIL DA VIES, Esq., The Mount, Gowerton, Glam. (Director of Baldwins. Limited). sOLIQllr6R FOR THE COMPANY. PINSENT and CO., 6. Bennett's-hill. Birmingham. AUQI TORS. ITTDSON. SMITH, BRIGGS. and CO., Chartered Accountants, Exchange-chambers Bristol' Dated 28th February. 1914. TH16 FORIS MAY BE USEi). No. The Port Talbot Steel compa n y IJMITED. Registered undee tjve Com pani»B Act*, 1862 to 1..) Offer of 4300,000 5 per oent. First Mortgage Debenture Stock at 97 per oent To LLOYDS BANK LIMITED. Lombard-4reot. Ijondon, E.C.. And Branoboo. (Sa) Bfnkers for the Purohaeejr* of the Stock,) Having paiil to 190 t)e .Q1d 01 S b*in« per £100 on ,f of the above Stock, I/we agree to purchase that, amount of the said Stock, or any smaller amount that you may allot to me/us, upon the tarns of the Par- tkwlars of ?Ie dated 2&th February, .1914. and to pay te ba4"ee of the purchaee m?y for th* e?M by HMt?nen? tte n? 4podAed in t? ?d B?ft?la?. Name in full (Add whether "Mr. "Mrs. or "Miss," or Title, if *ay). 4.ddre>B .I. Dated rabruary, lfM. (PliKASE WRITE DIflmNCTLY). KOTE.-Applications must be for Ltbo ftr raultiejUwi of XSC. The deposit payable eB "Pli. catMun 18 £ Z 10s. Od. for «v«ry Rfio.of the Stock Applied for ""ue JlU16t a>cc.oIDpa.I1ea- &ppl.tí!Ð, _I an rl he »&¥- to W&r,u, aa or aøJJ. u.ïtøl..




[No title]

Family Notices