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LtAlitK (.LAcalf Itu ADVERTISEMENTS. SCALE OF CHARGES. S 18 WORDS and uztdeiv-3 INSEH7I0M3 r-^Wt StstLUttCa. PRIVATE KOTiCEti .Tl.iree insertion*—Osw tltisuns tor 16 words, and ad. sylra foi every & wrartfa mora. LOST AND FOUND. ThrM ini«rU»m>-4M tfttUins aM IIX, peaft <8f » wards, and 44. extra for every 5 wcrds mar*. BIRTHS, hiAttftlAttES, DEATHS, IN MEMO Hi A to, AMU SYMPATHY NOTICES. OtM l»atftw«.i-T«(# thSUings for ft wards, and id. extra far every a wards IMre., This ssais don not aniiy to Advertise Mats from Corporate ur Public Id adieu, tankrujitcy er Liquidation Notices, Haiti and let by Teoaar. MEAD OFF Ie. LEADER BUILDINGS- SWANSEA. kTaitt9hasM&i 1234 Central lEseven LiMQ. 7el»:ramia u>auitr, Sttaim^ LONDON OFftCE- ttt, FLSEET STREET, E.a. TitmtwiMi :21, CMtrai. ILANELLY OFFICE- UHtBOM &UiL3INC8, TH&XAS-St. Jeiejinonet No. 124- NEATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET (Telephone NO-, 25B. lUGE SPECIAUTlES. FURS and Skin Rugs.-Innual Sole; seo windows; no rtutonabie otter relusecl ho clear stock.—Jenkins, Irur Shop (opposite' Diiord-it.it:st, Schools.), S, Dillwyn-etreet. 2S5A1-10 LOGS! Cloes!! Gloss! Clogia! for oil l'.I trades; Repairs a sp^aialiiy; good "work guaranteed; eee clog sign, over the jiwr.-Nabh &nd SoDii, Port. Tean ant-rood, Sot. Thomas. 266A1-15 e, A.\ -,x &I far Singing or Breeding, every L variety, cheapest, bast; aieo Brilioh Birds, Talking Parrots, etc.; list five.-ILudd, Bird Specialist, Norwich. Cl-16 AZORS, Scia&ors, Carvers, Table CuOery n Ground and Repaired Daily.—T. Warn Davies, Practical Cutler, Neladn-etreet, I Bwanaea. 2&AI-12 n MOL.Y?EUX, Ltd., Fi.h Bt?rutumts. I 1£. 120, High-?tr?et. 8wansea. Cheapest Elouse iu Town for Fish cf all Varieties; Wholesale and Recoil; Trial Solicited. T.C. !?'rD )OOTDEALERS.—G<t acqu<MUted with LJoyd'e "1? STOC?" I?&t. of Britain's 6est Footwear.W I f JiIAM LLOYD. LTD., She Wholesale House, Swansea. M. MORRIS, 19, Union-street, Swansea, • for Value and Fit. T.C. Myrdtiin Davies's Announcements. mJi..lJMb.i! Trusses! 'iruooee in all sizes- t:1. double or single.—Myrddin Dosiet M.P.S., 238, Hifislistreet, Swansea (botton of High-et-reet). T.O. LWLASTIC Stockings, 2s. 6d. each, 4a. 6d. wi per pair; 3d. extra postage; aukletg% ls. lQd,; Knee Cape, fjeesings, 2a-; all eizee; British maa.- Myrddin. Davies, M.P.S., Chemist, 233, High- street. Swansea (bottom of High-street). T.O. MXEDlDLN'S Indie?stion and Liver Mis- uM. t-ur?, an Excellent Preparation for Indigestion, Heartburn, Pains in the Pit of Ihe Stomach, Vomiting, Flatulency, Gas- tritis, etc.; per bottle, Is. and .-Myrddin Davies, M.P.S., Chemist, 238, High-etreest, Swansea (bottom of High-etr-eet). T.C. L"U r»Jl. NOBLEi Ba-?kache *nd Kidney Pills, '-t? Bp?cM?ly rwommended for K.idy Troubles, Backache. Congeetion of the Kid- neys, Inlfammation of the Bladder, Gravel, etc. Per box. Is. and 2s. 6d.—Myrddin Davies, M.P.S., Chemist. 258, High-street, I Swansea bottom of High-street). C.T. MYRDDIN'S Liver Granulee, a most effec- a.U. tire little Pill for Torpid Ldver. BiU. ousness. Dizzineee, Headache, Constipation. Sold in bottles, id. and IDid.-Myrddin Davies, M.P.S., Gbemiet, 258, Kigh-etreet, Swaneea (bottom of High-etreeD- O.T. fTTHE American Corn Plaster is andoubt- I edly the most effective Oorn Plaster manufactured. Try it at once, then judge; no failure; no harassing corns; no pain or buruiro; eaey to pat on; readily cures; lid.; per post W.-gyrddin Deviee, M.P.S., K36, High-atreet, Swansea (bottom of High- flireoU. T.O. MUSICAL IUWRUWENTIL ,5-Viili, Portable Hannonium, £ 2 good Gramophone and Reoorda. 26e.; a iarge Skin Booking Horoe, cost LIZ, sell for &is.; also cheap Sittine-room Suite.—For per- ticula.rs. 75, Manael-terraoe, Swansea. 265A1-13 Godfrey and Ce,'s Announcements. [TVALMAINE Upricht Grand, second-hand, tLI. in practically new condition; full iron frame, overstrung full free chord check po- tion. ivory keys, burr walnut case; a really charming instrument; original price 70gns; wiil sell cheap for cash, or monthly terms arranged.-Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, at. lIelen', Swansea. 2S3A1-12 jTTPBIGHT Iro* Gramd, by well-known London maker, in practically new con- dition; full free chord check action, burr walnut case; a very fine toned instrument; Original price. 39gns; reduced to 18gns; Cash, or 8s. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd.. 22. St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 263A1-1.2 InOJUNION Organ, 10 stops, 2 knee swells, &i sets of reeds, very powerful tone; very fine walnut case, with mirror top; original price 23gns; reduced to 16gns.; ;ash or 8s. monthly.-Godfrey and Co., Ltd,, 12. St. Helen's-road, Swansea. WAl-12 Thffflpsen A ShaokeW. Anmuncements. rr> KOADWOOD PLAYER PIANO, beat of all. m -The posaeaeor of one of tbe&e inatm- ments can render classical music with the precision of a Paderewski. Send for cata- logu,e.Sole Agents: Thompson and Shaekell, Ltd.. 39. Castle-street, Swansea, etc., etc. V^tHALLEN PIANOS.—Solo AverAs for V Swa-nsea. and District.: Thompson and Sbackell, Ltd., 39, Caetle-etreet, etc.. etc. Catalogues free on explication. ("VrEUMEYEE PIANOS.-Soie Agewte for Swansea and District: Thonspeon and Sfoackell, Ltd., 39, Castle-street, etc., etc. Catalogues free on application. I BACH PIANOS, Ernest Kape Pianos, Schiedmayer Pianoe, Moore and Moore -Pianos, Broadwood Pianos.—Sole Agents for • Swansea and District: Thompson and 8hackell. Ltd., 39, Castle-street, etc., etc. Catalogues of any of these makers aent free on application. BBINSMEAD PIANOS.—Sole Agent for L South Watee: Thompson and Shackell, 39, Castle-street, Swansea, etc., etc. Charm- ingly illustrated catalogue free on applica- tion. ESTEY ORGANS.—'These beautiful instru- J mente can only be obtained from 'Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., Sole Agents for South Wales, 39, Castle-street, Swansea, etc., etc. Beautiful descriptive catalogue -free on application. Price from 15 juiaeaa upwards. SECOND-HAND Pianoe. only slightly 0 soiled, in great variety, from £ 10; all ^•warranted, end exchangted if not approved; "easy terras, from 7s. monthly—Thompson "and Bhackell, Ltd., 39, Castle-street, Swan- sea; 50. Stepney-street. Lie nelly, etc., etc. PiMMrtm TUN me. PIAKOFORYE TU?? e, 3e. M.; ppoom.  atenda?icna from Dr. Turpm. dadatonw. -and Broadwood and Sons. Pianos from • Beehstein, Hopkinson. Oollitrd, Brinsmead, etc., Sale or Hire.—Chari &s Sadon. 33. Brunswick-?treet. 8wnase». T.O MISCELLANEOUS. "A' :&TIFICIAL Limbe, Eyee, Crutcbee, De- formi-ty Boota, "Steel-lom Easifit" rrasees. Flat Foot Supports, etc. Lady Attendants. Belts. Belt-Corsets, Trusses, etc. -Allen PearM S?, Cha?-iea-stMet Ceruiu'. tm< ? a'?., H eL 128k y WAj LOST AND FOUND. LosT, a Gold Bangle, q'hursday Erening, between Hotel Metro-pole, Wind-street, and Oastle Cinema. Finder ,-ewarded.- Apply MIAS Jaia-es, Hotel Metroiiole, Sv/an- sea. 256A1-12 T OST, Thursday Evening, between King Edward-read and Y.M.C.A., Lady's Gold Brooch, hand pattern, set with ruby.— Finder please return to 166, King Edward- road. 2«6A1-15 t OST, yesterday, a Grey Fur Squirrel ? Necklet, between Skinner-alrc? and Brynmill— Beward if returned to Crook, 12, Langiand-tstreet, Brynmill. 265Al-'0 L OST, Monday, Gold-chain Bracelet, in Oxford-street; findar rewarded.-Pearc, 30, Bryn-road. 264A1-9 T OST, Brown Collie Pup, white broa&t, -? strip?c he?d and }k; answers to Jtino Owiaer: John Davies, Ivy Cottage, Bolgoed-street, Pontardulais. Cl-12 LOST, heavy Gold Chain Bracelet, between ? Mumbles and Empire. Finder rewarded.—Ben Davies, Fly none Stores, n&ea.. Cl-9 ™ I. ■ A" DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. \,f.rD. General Servant.—Apply Grif? ftzhs, Higbe, 356A:-IZ T\7ANTED, at once, a good Plain Cook; must be Eobc r; good wages given to suitable pejson.—Apply Winter, Sailors' Home, Swansea. Cl-12 lArANTE,I>, immediately, a. good, clean Young Girl as General F,-rvant.- Apply, with reference, Davits and Co., 13, High-etreet. 266A1-12 \\r ANTliD, a Oook-Generai; help given; referenoes required.—Apply in first in- stance to M3 Harper, Huiuphrey-siioet, near Tenby Itotel, Swansea. Cl-ll) T7ft7"A-«TisSD, clean youn? Girl; live out.— ?' V Apply 34, ErBa,ld-piM?, Swanecu. 265.A1.10 TXTANTED, & respectable Girl, about 16, to ?" a<6€Mt in light housework and mind baby; live in.—Apply 21, Ilibbert-roed, XST"ANTED, a cieen, etrong Girl as General f V Servant, age about 20; reference.— Church, Glamorgan Hotel, Neath. 264A1-13 T^ANTKD, experienoed Cook-General; good wages to ooiwpetexrt pereoii.- Apply Sails, Glan-yr-Onen, Mumiblee. Cl-13 A-NTED, experieneed Daily Governess » for giri aged 12; must be well up in all Englieh sub jects and French.—Box B-10, Leader Office. 2&3A1-12 YOCTNG Girl Wanted for housework.— Apply at once to 20, St. AIban'&-road, Brynmill. 263AI-12 T\rANT^lD, experienced General Servant; « '» good reiereuoes requii-eth^-Appiy Lewie, Newsagent, 19, liorfydd-atreet, Mor- rbitoc. 263A1-12 GOOD General, &lp in or out; good wa Gand time oN.—Apply Ger*raL" Leader Office. 261A1-10 W- A^TED, for Private HOU89 (comiirÿ), tru?wor?hy GencraJ. with knowledge of plain cooking; family three; Nurse-house- ma.id kept.—State age, w, etc., (?ower- ton," Leader Office, Swansea. 260A1-10 EBmA3(D Bays WAITED. ENBBGETIO Sales Boys Weanted to Sell too "Leader" in Pentre Eetyll, after eebool iuxivz.—Apply Mrs. Watts, Newsagent, Penitre Estyll. T.C. SilAKT Boyi; Waitted for quick rales of the "Leader" end aloo "Hes-ald of Wales" and Slid-Glaaoorgan Herald good money can be easily earned by smart and deter- mined boye.-Apply to following offices and agents: John Morgan, Wood field-street, Mdrrieton; Edwin Hemming, 39, Qneen- etreet, Neatb; Charlie EvClDS, 72, Brynymor- read, Swansea; Oeaton, Mumblea. CLERKS. XIT^ANTED, immediately, a thoroughly '?ffacient Hale Saorth?nd-Typiat; must be a good correspondent-, correct English essen- tial.—Apply, with copies of testimonials, and stating capabilities, age, and salary re- quired, to Noroenoo," Leader Office, Swan- see. v Cl-3 -^NTm a Young IaAy Clerk for W Humbles Branch; state ago a.nd wages; refs. required—Apply Eaatman's Ltd., 10, College-street, Swansea. 264A1-13 omcc eem OFFICE Boy, ehaurp; just left school.— Apply Accountant," Leader Office, Swansea. 266A1-12 DRESSMAKERS, *6. |"OL/5ANTED. for Neath, experienced Dress- n=Aor to ta charge of workroom.- Apply B". P. Bees, The Don. Neath. T.C. Acilklm *»., W^lTfeO. ks PARE-IrimE Agents Wanted in Swaneea, Neath, and Valleys, to introduce students for Postal Tuition; liberal com- miseion.—Apply Box B-15, Leader Office. 266A1-12 VERY Inrportam Spare-time Agency.— To Householders in any regular em- ployment, oommenoe 1914 by earning ejetra weekly money; success certain; will not in- terfere present occupation; all the goods absolutely required in every house; also for men, women and children; simply send post- oa.rd, stating occupation, time in district; everything will be shown at applicant's home.—Address A Bon Marche," Leader Office, Swansea- 265A1-14 ACTIVE House Purchase Agents Wanted ?' throughout South W&les by the popa- lar M.P. Company; salary and commission given to experienced men with good re- cords.—Apply Divisional Manager, 9-10. Caatlo Buildings, Swansea. Cl-12 C ORKS.& Leading Firm of Importers, possessing exceptional facilities for business, are open to treat liberally with Travellers, Agents, and others having a sound connection among Beer Bottlers, Brewers, Mineral Water Manufacturers, Chemists, etc.—Write 1,203, Sells Advertis- ing OBiee3, Fleet-street, London. 261A1-10 A GENTS Required throughout Waleo to -lA. Car.vass Shopkeepers; liberal terms to live men.—Particulars from Wiltshire, Greys Inn-road, London. 259A1-15 APPRENTICES. "VTOUTH, witbo knowledge of Welsh and Shorthand; good opportunity to learn Journalism offered.—Apply Box "B 4," Leader Office, Swansea. T.C. itiSCELLANEOiiS SITUATIONS VASAffT. '?rANTED, Rrst?claaa Mechanic; good all- 'f J round man.—R. E. Jc-nee (Garages), Ltd., Dillwyn-street, Swansea. Cl-4 ANTED, a Smart Boy for Shop; good W- wages. And a Kitchen Girl.—Apply Mathews, Confectioner, Walter-road. Cl-13 FLVE YOUR COUNTRY AND EARN GOOD WAGES.-Royal Navy and Royal 3t win"Good pay. good proepects of pro- motion, good pensions, free food, free Quarters, and free outfit. Openings now for candidates, aged 15i to 28 years.—Full in- formation at Admiralty Recruiting Officea. 17, Bath-street, Bristol; or 138b, High-street, Swansea. C1-17 VANTED, Young Man for Ironmongery V Trade; muet be good window dre%er, a.nd able to speak Wohsb.-tpply B. Shep- herd, Ammanford. Cl-13 W ANTED, Boys to Wash Bottles, must be over 14 years of age; aleo Bottler with experience of steam filling .machine8.-ADPly Buckley's Brewery, Ltd., Llanelly. Ol-li w ANTED reliable Driver-Salesman for Swansea District, to take charge of 'two horses; must have experience.—Write Box lj-1- Leader Office. 263A1-9 C OLD-ttoLl, Foreman, accustomed odd &iz, Wanted at once at Murlnit Tin- platoo Works. Llansemiech, j oui-io MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT (Continued). GOOD Navvies Wanted, Road to New Cemetery, Hangyfelftoh, Morriston; good wages to good men; eub daily. Apply on job.-T. Walker, Contractor, Olydach. 262A1-12 LEADER" bl&les Boys wanted immedia- ■" tely for Uplands District.—Apply Charles Evans, Irewiagent. Gwydr-squaro, Uplands. T.O. HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. 1"0 LET, Eix-rocmed House at 3, R<JCkVille-1 I- t&rnwe, Norton, West Crœs; long garden and uninterrupted view of bay; rent 7s. 3d. inclusive.-Apilly on premiere or J nert door. T.C. nnO be Sold or Let, Semi-detached House, Garden City; 2 reception, 3 bedrooms, asXh and oiftoes; rent £ 26.—Apply Pepler and Allen, 14, Fisber-strcct. 266A1-13 OKETi'fY.—For Sale, two Houses, four s robins and scullery, £ 145 each; eight- roomed Shop, £ 250.—Apply George Thomas, Ash Cottage, Harris-street, Sltetty, Swansea. 26SA1-10 X LEXANDRA-TERBACE.—For Sa-le, with po^seesion, convenient llcuoo, 7 rooms and bath; back entranoo.-Ilood, Auctioneer, Goat-etreet, Swansea. 265A1-10 CHAPEL HOmE:, PANTTE.G, YSTALY FE.R.A.-To Let, the above commodious House, comprising 3 large todroomr., bath- room, 3 large rooms on ground iloor, large kitchen, scullery and pantry. For terms a.pply to D. D. HOPKINS, Sec. Pantteg Chapel, YstaJyfera. Cl-10 Eight-room-ed Hou^e to Let; best district; one minute from trams; near Cross; immediate poesesaion.—Morgan, Ivy Lodge, Morri&ton. 265A1-15 TO LET, a HoTiee known as Frondeg, Tre- banos, 6itiiated on the main road.— Apply Miss Williams, Weighbridge House, Pontardawe. Cl-10 I b WELLING-:aOUSE for Sale, six room? centre Tanygroee-sitreet, Port Ta?Bot.— Apply P.C.G. Leader CM&oe, Swansea. Í LANELLY.—For Immediate Sale, Semi- U detached Villa, central position, ten rooms, bath (h & c); fitted electric lightt, throughout; price £ 610.—Apply "A.D. Leader Offioes^ Swansea. T.C. Mr, Joseph Harris's Aimsuncements. TJKATHFTEIJO-ROAD, at foot of Mount Pleasant.—Excellent Freehold House for Sale cheap; every convenience.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street, Swansea. Tel.: 469 Docks. Cl-13 QINGLETON-TjRE(BAOIi.—fV>r Sale, in this good letting locality, a well-built House; low ground ient.-Apply Joseph Har- ris, Auctioneer, George-street, Swansea. Tel.: 469 Docks. Cl-13 TpXCBLLErNT Freeshold House for Sale, just off liiansel-terrace; every modern con- venience.—Apply Joseph Han-is, Auctioneer, George-street, Swaneea. Tel.: 469 Docks. Cl-13 £ Will Purohø a well-built House c??U? ja CaAherine?atre?t.; well let; low ground rent.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auc- tioneer, George-oueet, Swaaisaa. Tel.: 469 Docks. Cl-13 X*i Off Will Purchase a sdx-ro6med House a in Edw&rd-etreet, just off Rht- land-sti-eet; let at 10a. weekly.—Apply Joseph Harris. Auctioneer, George-street, Sawnaea. Tel.: 469 Docks. C1-13 HOUSES WANTED. ~V\TANTED, Six-roomed House, with batn- room, in or near Swansea.—Murphy, 143. St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 264A1-10 FUFMiTUilE, ETC., FOR SALE. F O'U SALE, Leather Parlcur Suite, £ 2 15e.; Overmantai, 15s.; good Piano, cost eell for Lll 15s.; and various articles of Honeeiiold Pumiture.-106, Llangyfelach- road, Brynhyfryd. 26&A1-10 .pILLIARDS?For ?le, 2 Full-siM iÜf1&rd Ta.bl..s; one 6 x .3; one Folding Bagatelle Table; cne 6-light Ga.9 Pendant; one 4-light Gas Pendjaut — Apply Evans's Billiard Room, 215, Hish-streei,, Swansea. 166A1-12 ?'XTSN8l<?'' &F??EMISE?.-Hili? GM&t ECie&mi.,ce "ale, to make room for Alter- ations. All goods to be cleared below cost. No reasonable offer refused. It is abso- lutely imperative that we should reduce our immense stock to left than one-half. Those desirous of securing the best of the bar- gains had better call without delay. Strong Kitchen Couchee to be cleared at 1. 6d.; Bedroom Suites from ? guine?e; FuM-stze Bedsteads from 14s. 6d.; Dining-room Suites from 3 £ guineas. Lax-ge Stock of Sideboards, Fenders, Brasses, Carpets, Rugs, etc., etc., to be cleared regardless of ooet. All gooCia delivered free. Goods bought during Sale can be stored free of charge until required. This is the chance of a lifetime, end should not 00 miosed by those about to furnish, as there will be a saving of at least Z5 per oent. We are &l6o prepared to inake terms to suit customers' convenience. So whether you waut to furnish for cash or easy terms, don't fail to call at Hill's, Central Build- ings, Gowei-street, Swansea; also at Cardiff, Aberdare, And Barry Dock. 266A1-14 Ciles Cowit and &9. a Announcements. HAVE you paid a visit to Giles Cook and Co., 23, Waterloo-street, the popular Swansea Gash Furnishers? If not, why not? You can purchase Furniture of every description at rock bottom prices, guaran- teed to be Z5 per cent, less than elsewhere. 263A1-12 £9 15s. Ca&h for a splendid 4ft. Bedroom Suite, comprising large double plate- glass liobe, Dressing Chest with centre and large side mirrors, Waiilind with marble slab and tito back; sold elsewhere for 1Z guineas. Cheaper from £ A 15s.—Giles Cook and Co. 263A1-12 '??E Have a Noble Solid Walnut 6ft. Side- :» V i board to sell at L9 19?&; worth double. call and inspect same; aleo & large variety of other Sideboards from t3 7s. 6d.; large quantity of Bedgteade and Bedding to clear at a great sacrifice.—Gilee Cook and Co. 263A1-12 OUR very fine Showroom, 60ft. long, is stocked with a, largo assortment of Household Furniture, Be's, Glasses, etc.; large Gilt Pier Glasses, 50 x 40, at 56s.; Chea.per, 4,:ií>. j Overmantels from 12s. 6d.— I Giles Cook and Co.'a Bargain Sale, 23, j Waterloo-street, and Storea in rear. Eet?b- 'Hsh€<l 32 years. 2&?A1-12 f*Q 15s. will purchase one of the best ow 0 artistic deGign 5ft. Cabinets, usually sold at 14 guineas. Tbis line we are sure will appeal to all rp.in-hu.nt.eN. Cheaper from 52s. 6d.-(?ileg Cook and Co. 263A1-12 SEVERAL Round or Square Pillar All- Braee Bedsteads, from X4 13s. 6d.; sold elsewhere at a guineas. Three splendid full- size Folding Spring Mattresses from 30s.; Wire and Wool Mattresses very cheap; Feather Bed 37s. fid.; Flock Beds from 11A. 6d.—The Noted Caeto Furniture Stores, Giles Cook and Co. 263A1-12 r»'> 12s. 6d. will purobue strong Leather Ù Parlour Suite; Divan Saddlebag Suites from L6 10s.; Tapestry Carpets, Oil- cloths and Rugs.' Capital Assortment of Kitchen Chairs, Tables, Overmantels to clear cheap.—Giles Cook and Co. 263A1-12 CARRIAGES, HORSES, &oM FOR SALE. I FóRSALE'ë{)äl:MerCha.nt'. Flat Cart with I crcee springs, carry one ton; Bay Mare and Harness; sell together or separate.—3, Siagletcn-titreet, Swansea. 266A1-13 FOR SALE, a light four-wheel Bread Van, I aa good as new.—Apply Owen Phillips^ I Royal Stores, Ammanford. Cl-14 APARTMENTS, At. TXrANTED, end of January, for six months, Sitting-room and Two Bed- rootae, near Victoria Park-Mr. Ayre, 6, Elm-road, Cleethorpes. 264A1-13 -r PROFESSIONAL. -1 PROFESSIONAL Massage and Electricity including High Frequency, Radiant lIent. Electric Ninlieim Pine, and other Medicated Baths given by Nurse Evans. at la, Ifyuouerstreet, Swansea. EDUCATIONAL. PIANOFIOUTF,Young lady,- O.R.A.M., receives Pupile in above; also Violin taught, 15s. per term.-Addreee Music," Leader Office, Swansea. 265A1-10 PRIVATE Dancing Clem.-IAdy receives Pupils in atbove class, 7s. 6d. per term. —Write "Select," Leader Office, Swansea. 265A1-10 IGilBURY Private School. WeAer-roaa, n Re-opens after Christmas Vacation Monday, January 12th.-Principal: lIfN. E. M. Williams. 264A1-13 STUDENTS Trained to a Speed of 100 Words a Minute in' PITMAN'S Short- hand. Civil Service Candidates Successfully Prepared for Examinations. Numerous Hecent Successes, Learners and Sorters, Swansea and London. Lessons given in Arithmetic, Book-keeping, (Trigonometry,, etc.. Ladies ajid Gentlemen. Success Guar- anteed.—Mr. J. Harris, Shorthand Teacher, 56, Oxford-street, Swansea. Day and Even- ing Cla&>&ii. CIRLS; BOARDINC & DAY SCHOOL, DUMBARTON, BRYNYMOR-ROAD, SWANSEA.. The House is well situated in its own grounds. Next Term commences Wednesday, January 14th. Principal—MISS GAS-LICK. A.C.P. MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, &a., FOR SALE. QUADRANT, z, Mane-to, H.B.C.. tyres aull condition good.; no further use; fast machine; £ 15.-30, Gwydr-crescen:, Swansea. 266A1-15 HUMBERETTE for Sale; perfect condition; new June; run 1,600 miles; good reason selling; cheap immediate buyer; offers.- Hitt, Woodlands, Bridgend. 264A1-13 Andrews A Watson's Announcements. IMMEDIATE Delivery of any of the famous Bakvize Care; prices from L=.-Aprly to the Sole Agents: Andrews and Watson, Up- lands Garage. Tel.: Central 576. 264A1-13  & M. 1910 Model and Sidecar for Sale, P. cheap; any trial.—Apply Andrews and -ial.-Apply Andrews and Watoon. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. w ANTED, some kind person to Adopt a » » Baby Boy, 5 weeks old.—Write Box C-2, Leader Office. 266A1-12 COUPIÆ Want a Child to Nurse or Adopt; good home.-Write first to Mrs. L. M., Potrt Office, Pontardawe. 265A1-10 WANTED to Rect, Sm&Il PM'amisea ?or Engineer'a Workshop and ordeo.- Apply Box A-9. Leader Omc?, SW&n$a. 251A1-14 I NOTICES. rr»HURSDAY, JAN. lo.^rB.C?i^Swaneea Auxiliary. Mount Pleasant Schoolroom, Heathfield-st, Swansea (kindly lent).—Annual Tea at 6 p.m. (Ticket 6d. eaoh); Public Meeting at 7.30 (No Collection); President, Mr. G. P. Cook Davies; Musical Programme arranged by Mr. Llewelyn Beven, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M.; Speakers: Rev. W. J. Hopkins, B.A., and Rev. S. M. Butters, B.A. "VSTINNING Solutions ("Bullets," etc.), 2 for 6d.; many successes, including L500 Tit-Bite," premiers in Ideas," etc. Principal late assistant to c-alebrated solu- tionis. Ten p.c. on wins over ti.-APPIY Secretary, Mutual Help Committee, Astwood House, Oaerleon-road, Newport, Mon. PALM-IST.%LY and CWrvoYance.-Llo'ngult Prof. and Madame Virgo on all affairs of life. Daily, 11 to 9, 238, High-street, Swan- sea, bottom end. (Side Entrance M. Davies, Chemists). La.te of the Pier Pavilion, Aber- ystwyth. (Certified Palmists, and Mem- bers of the B.I.M.S. Incorporated). 264A1-14 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. MORRISTON.—Shop to Let in Woodfield- street; suit grocer or baker.—Apply Evans, 18, Springfield-street. 264A1-10 ril<T LET, in centre of Ammanford, Garage, « with room for 4 cars; also Stabling for 2 horses.—Apply B. Shepherd, Ammanford. Tel.: No. 48. C-12 LEFT-OFF CLOTHING, &C. CAST-OFF Clothing a.nd Furniture or every description bought to any amount for ca6h; postcards Deceive prompt attention; best prices E-i-,ron.-Note address: Ruck, 15 and 16. Prince of Wales-road, Swan- eea. To Buyers: A Large Selection of goods to choose from. 265A1-14 MADMIKELRY. Ac., FOR SALIE. LAROE AND YARáED SELECTION OF DRILLING MACHINES FOR SALE, HIRE, Oil PUiiCHASE-HiRE. LOVvEST iJRICES FOii CASH, includin Horizonta-l Sell-aoting Boring Machine. plajMd iron bed. 12ft. long, 17iin. wide, 12in. deep, 2 3-16ui. spindle. Horizontal Bori;:g Machine, bed 13ft. x 3ft. Sin. wide x 10in. deep. Cylinder Boring Machine, will bore cyls. up to iiin., lOin. and 18in. dia. PILUAK DRILLING ltACHINES:- 48in. with spindle 2,in. dia. 36in. iiin. dia. and 2Jin. 30in. „ „ 2ill. dta. (New). 24in. „ „ 2 in. dia. w.n. Hin. dioki. (New). 27iu. „ 1 3-16in. dia. (New). And Others. RADIAL DRILLING MACHINES. 6ft. 6in. Wall radial arm, 2±in. epindle. 6ft. Oin. radial arm, 3 in. spindle. 3ft. 6in. radial arm, 2iin. spindle. 3ft. 6in. radial arm, 2Jin. spihdle (New). ApfL Others. Sensitive Radial ^aohine, for power eoid treadle, for general shop use, table top, 23in. x 23in. x 12in., sensitive movement of spindle 4Jin. (New). 13in. Sensitive Drills with spindle 13/16in. dia. (New). 22in. Sensitive Drill, liin. epindle. Also other Power Drills, and Hand Power Machines. Send particulars of requirements to— Charles D. Philips, EMLYN & CENTRAL ENGINEERING WORKS AND FOUNDRY, Est. 1867. NEWPORT, MON. Local Representative: Mr. ALBERT REES. Woodland House, Carwen-terrace, Port Talbot. BOILERS (50), up to 1601bs. pressure; also Machinery, good second-hand—John Stringer aad Son, Dept. No. 65, Blackburn. T.O. IMPERIAL CAS, OIL AND PETROL ENGINES, Manufactured by KEIGHLET GAS & OIL ENGINES Co Ltd. Many Improvements. Reduced Prioee. Oa21 and inspect, or send for Catalogue* to E,egresentative- FRANK MUNN, Dumballs Rd., Cardiff. WE CAN OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS FROM OUR LARGE STOSK:— Six Direct Coupled Fane, up to 4ft. diam., with engilwo by Bellia and other arM- claeij makei's. One 7in. x 12in. Horz Stetun Winch and 50 others. One 9in. x lOiu, Vert Steam Engine and 40 others. One 80 Volts 100 Amp. Generating Set and 5 others. One 8ft. x 3ft. 9in. Vertical Boiler for 701be. and 7 others. ————— 1'HüS. W. vV ARD. LTD., BRITONFERRY. HOSTOK'S BENEDICT PILLS FFFEE TO LADI E.S. In a few dayis correct all irregularities and remove all obstructions; also cure anaomia. By post is. lid. or 2a 9d„ from HORTON AND CO., Chemists (Chief Dispenser from the late Birmingham Lyicg-iu iiospital)." t89 Dept.). Anion Manor. Birmingham Sold over 4d years. Seldom evtr fail. All Ladiee ehouli send penny stamp to. a (xee sample Of Pills; also improved Sanitary Aowwt aad Ifiterefltixm Baoklt.1t. X [j" YOU CAN SAVE MANY POUNDS by placing your order for a Piano or an Organ in the A"n hands of this well-known Firm, for as they are ?? ? ?.?? I not solely dependent on the sale of Musical :J Instruments, they can serve you far   ?? ? ] Anstruments, below usual Jl?? ??? o?r?* and away b c I o w usual music war eho us e ,1\\ r ?? '"?  ?  pices" ^r.O^ M? (*'?  ?"" S ??s?   'I; O. 1 EV81j' ???????  &. ?? ??"?.?????? ? ? ?r?? ??? t u.? ?? <??? ? ??? wan-anted ten ??r?. ?????9 a M?'???'' ? ?? ftJ<¡;' Illustrated Catalogues Free.  f",tt<'     Terms, Cash or Deferred P&ymomts. j j ???"?.????? ? ?r? ??.?? ??? —— %??? ? <s?  \C?? ?" tl.efb\. (:j\(.0, A Good Piano in handsome W&!nnt Cue for 15 GUS. | I ??? '0(?' .????? "1? Principality" (hundreds sold), 28 On?. j ???   ?? "The Brighton" (a splendid overstrung piano), 35 QnLs? I I| The King (superbly carved case, all recent improvements), -40 Guineas,— —■iiinnmrmiiiii HIM u. —;— UONEY- lvIOEY Advanced Every Day to respect- a.ble Members, f,5 to £ 50.—Apply Daniel Thomas, Brynglas, Cwmdu; Idrie Butler, 19, Tycoch-road, Sketty; J. T. Bennett, 21, Portia-terra-ce, Swansea; Henry King, 44, Shepherd's-road, Plasmarl; or Mr. Reee Jen- kins. Secretary, Oxford Buildings, Swan?a. 266A1-12 A GOOD RESOLUTION FOR THE NEW i EAR: Pay your Debts, your Rent and Rates, Income Tax and Xmas Bills. Under the new scheme of the B.F.C. this is an easy matter, as they are prepared to ad- vance you as much as ycu require— £ 10 to £10.000-to enable you to pay all off (other. Loans included). Thus you will have ONLY ONE CREDITOR, whom you can repay by easy inotalments, to suit your own con- venience—THE BRITISH FINANCE CO.. 20. BPrry;K-STRP.'KT. RRISTOf,. 'Phone: 1675. Llo to -2103000 TO LEND by the Oldest West of England TFirr,u, F. l.AWRHKC?. LTD., on Written Promise to Repay, Life Policies, Furniture, Farm Stock, or othar Security. Principal Remains or can be Repaid by Easy I tiotal- ments. Promptness and Privacy. A Gentle- man will call and hand you cash at your house if desired. Distance no object. Do not expose your requirements locally.- Write Manager, VICTOR J.l'A!lI.TI,TO" DON CHAMBERS. WINE-STREET. BRISTOL THE old-established LONDON 1ND PRO. VINCES DISCOUNT LTD., con- tinues to Lend immense sums daily, from £ 10 ta £ 5,000, on note of hand alone or other security. Moderate terms. Easy in- stalments. No preliminary charges what ever. Largest and most honourably con- ducted busiqfcss in the Kingdom. Thou sands of our customers express their entire satisfaction in their repeated transactions with us. A gentleman will wait upon you at once with cash. Call or write (in confi- dence) to The Manager, BOROUGH CHAM. BERS, WHARTON-STREET, CARDIFF; or at Branch Office. 1. W illows-place, Swansea. LOAK6. JE5 to £ 500 ADVAtiotD promptly and pri- vately on your written promise to pay. Repayments by easy iustaimen?s to out your moome. For a.?reed periods— £ 5 HEPAY L6, £ 50 REPAY £ 55. LID „ £11. Ltigo ;Elio. it2g „ 22. ig2fo „ £ 223. SPECIAL TERMS TO FARMERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. No Charge unless Business Completed. Ini- mediate Attention given to Inquiries by Post. 'Phone, or personally, and Strictesi, Privacy Guaranteed. GEO. FRY & CO., 11, Dynevor Place, Swansea. 'Phone 361 Docks CASH ADVANCED. 92 UPWARDS. No Enquiry Left Caarged. No Finos. Forms Free. ALL APPLICATIONS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Strictest Privacy and Courtesy Assured. UNDER NEW AA.NAULUE-NIII. Call or Write- THE MANAGER. SOUTH WALES LOAN AND FINANCE CO., 3, Melbourne-piacB, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. MONEY TO .END. Cash Advanced from L5 upwards to Re. spectable Householders. Easy Repayments. Apply- DISTRICT LOAN COMPANY QT. CHAMBERS, s T. MARY CHAMBERS. CHURCH STREET, SWANSEA. SAILINGS. CANADA, United States, South Africa.and Australia.—For Loweet Fares and all Information, apply to Roberta' Steamship Passenger Booking Agency, Morriston. T.C. ABSOLUfE!-WR!EE7 BERTIE PERKINS AND CO., Passenger Ste&mship Department, 11, Scmen^et-piaco steamship the Town Ha-U). Swansea, BOOK ?AS?ENCMHS to America, Au<sLra?ia, India. Canada, Africa, ?ew Zbaland, and to all P<J..rts of the World. Handbooks of information and all par- ticulars absolutely free. No Booking or any foes charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival of various Passenger Steamers at Porta Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co. are Official Agents for the Best and Jjargeet Passenger Steam- ship Lines in the World. EMIGRATION. For Cheapest Hates and Earliest Steamers for Canada, An?trali?, South and East Africa, United &&tee of America, Ar?ntine. etc., etc.. apply at once to HOULDER BROTHERS & Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGES BOOKED BY ALL LINES TO ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD, fPeleg r ejus—' Houldera." Televhono-Cntral 1216 (2 lines). WHITE cTAR LINE. ROYAL MAIL TRIPLE-SCREW STEAMER. OLYMPIC (46,539 tons), LARGEST BRITISH STEAMER, SOUTHAMPTON-NEW YORK. Via Cherbourg and Queenstown. ROYAL AND UNITED STATES MAIL SERVICE. Calling at Queenstown Westbound and Plymouth Eastbound. tPhiladelphia.Wed.Jan, 14 JOlympio, Wed.Jen.21 And regularly thereafter. tOlympic will not embark or land passengers at Queenstown. t American Line Steamer, carrying one class Cabin (Second Class) and Third Class passengers only. Liverpool to New York Liverpool to Boston via. Queenstown. via Queenstown. j (Jedlie Th.ux9.Jan. 15 *IIArahi<8:lt.F'èb.14 And regularly tl-.ertx-tier. Arabic" and "Cymric," carry one class Cabin (2nd Clase) and 3rd cla^s passengers only. IlCallfng at Portland, Maine, (a) Calling at Halifax, N.S. CANADA. WHITE STAR DOMINION LINE. LARGEST STEAMERS IN CANADIAN TRADE. LIVERPOOTj—HALIFAX—PORTLAND, Me. I + To Halifax & New York, via Queejaatown. t" Teutonic" carries one cd4m Cabin i (2nd Ciaa-i and 3? OJ:aø P&aM'ne<T? only. f -To &L John. N.B. oniy-?ot calling Half- fax Of Portland. tCff further particulars, apply to the Local Acentfi: or to WHITE STAR LINE. j 30, rfiuiiea-fttreet, Liverpool; Southampton;  C-ock?pur-stroet. S. W.. and 38, Lead<N- LtMLli-Str?et, Loo.do? B.O. I illiU  l? '-JHlil I MEET j ME I AT LOVELL'S CAFE, I CASTLE STREET. _IuL LOVELLS I LOVELL'S. Popular CAFÉ 28, Castle St., Swansea. I MORNING COFFEE and AFTERNOON I TEAS a S peciality. High Class Chocolate and Confectionery. Agent for Hildebrand's and Fuller's [ Chocolates. .I'J "'j r.<.+(.(.(.++.).+:)(M:+:- ? IF PEOPLE ONLY REALISED the value of GOOD *j* STOUT as a BEVERAGE they would drink more of it, 4" ? STOUT as a BEVERAGE they would drink more of tt. t I" OAKfllLL" STIBT. I•> ? THE STOUT THAT REALLY ?vo??rE? ? ? ? 4/- PER DOZ. HHTS—2/9 PER MZ. HALF-HKTS. ? Stmngly recommended by the Medical Profession for ne&rly 150 yeMW. fold in Casks, Bottles and Flagons by Agenta everywhere. n BO-TTLE -n X i is brewed from the finest quality Malt and Hops, with water <♦ t:- drawn from the Natural Sprmga in the famous Mendip Hills. h ? The pure beera of OAKHILL hare sood the tost of time for newly '? 160 yea?M. SOLE AGENT H. STONE, 7 FISHER ST., SWANSEA, AND NEATH. (. XELBPHONKS; Swansea. 308 Central; Neath, 214. t. Smth. ++++o+.».».x-)++.++<"))+ ..° MEDICAL. I SURGICAL & RUBBER APPLIANCES. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Dr. Huxiey Medicine Co., M ill Lane, Cardiff. No connection with late Swansea Firm. "VTURSE O. STANLEY will send privately -J- • how to cure yourself of all irregulari- ties with French Remedy.—114, Bold-street, Liverpool. LAD I ES. The Safest and most Reliable Remedy is Deakin's Special Mixture. It is made from Pure Herbs, and is backed by a reputation of 40 years. Safe and Harmless. Price 2. 9d.; by post. securely packed in plain wrapper, 3s.-Deakin. Herbalist, 14. Alex- andm-road, Swansea. T.O. LADTESI LADIES! Mrs. STAFFORD-BROOKES, the Eminent Lady Specialist of all Female Complaints, has much pleasure in announcing that.her REMEDY for restoring regularity WITH- OUT MEDICINE is the only positive, safe, certain and speedy one known. It acts almo&t immediately, and does not interfere with household duties. 1 guarantee everx I ca?. Send at once G tamped-addressed envelope for full particulars and moot convincing testimonials (Guaranteed Genuine under a penalty of .El.OOO), to MRS. STAFFORD- BROOKES, Z2 Dept., Ardgowan-road, Hither Green, London. SURGICAL AND RUBBER APPLIANCES. Our new illustrated descriptive Catalogue, went peat free; 4 Special San/pl- 18. (Dept. Z) S. SEYMOUR, I 60, Laicsster-square, London, W.C. I L"A: =-D'I-E=-=-==S-h_Sh¿U'd WRITE TO-SAY N H aP* S? oncwi"g ?. stamo for LA iiI E *VALUABLE BOOKLLT, TESTIMONIALS and FREE SAMPLE of BLANGHARDS PILLS they are unrivalled for all I.Miien' Ailments, Ao. ar.d speedily uPEorii relief, and never Uil to alleviate all snfterinK. They snpettede Pcnnvroyal, M) C.?l'i. Bitter Apple, Ac. goldi.by.lill,b%r ail CaemistH.or post frr-e,»»me price, from ,ESLIE MARTYM, LTD. CHZ MISTS. 34, DALSTOI LANZ, LONDON THE NSW FRENCH! REMEDY. Wot Mo3 THERAPSON&^«S Ch..mlst. CUIŒS BL001 POISON, HT-.?'-Y. BLAnr.EK. "RINARY DIEASE! PISCHAROKS. WE'.SM-SS, PILF.S. SKI.n STAMP ADDRESS ENVELOPE FOR FREE BOOKLET TO 1)11. LE CJ.:RC WED. CO, HAVERSTOCK RD, HAMrSTEA'D^LONDON.ENG. LADIES.—St. Dominic e Tureapmic PiU- oids cui-e all irregularities. They act in a. iew hours. Marvellous results. Every case a cure.—St^,mp for particulars, Madame j Macdonald, 210, Wimborne-road, Winlon, Bournemouth. C,&g kQ5 UROICAL RUBBER APPLIANCES, | Knemas, etc.; samp lee. Is.; best quality; securely packed. Price List Free.—J. Kitt, 280, Bute-street, Cardiff. T.C. FREE TO LADIES. Irregularities, etc.. removed by an up-to- date method without Medicine or Pills. It is epeedy—sometimes immediately.. Redie-U science knows no better cure. Letters of testimonials received daily. Send at cnc$ for FREE particulars and testimonials, guaranteed genuinf3 under a penalty ol: 1£:>,090. Mrs. D. STAKMAN MORRIS. ¡I SUkk« Newington Road. London, N. MEDICAL. LADIES! LADIES! Without Druge, Pills, or Medicine, Nurse Roes guarantees to cure irregularities and obstructions, female ailments in married of, single women, from whatever cause arising or how long standing; no disappointments; every case a cure; numerous testimonials; send stamp for free advice.—NURSE ROSS'2 LABORATORY. ALMA VILLA, CHARMIN- STER-ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. rUDJES FREE-, Mtt<r<6etey 6f ■ LADIES shonld write to mo before parting with n N iJ their money for so-called cures, and I will send 1 @ them a FREE SAMPLE of my renowued American ■ H treatment for all irregularities. I guarantee it to | bo quite efl«c,tive, even in the most obstinate atid i S most tinyifilJing caaen. It will not interfere with D the ordinary duties of life. No purging pills. I I No nauseous drugs. No usetacs Injeotlems. R I Act like inagic. falluru Impossible, 110 why worry Y| J end no money, but write to me und I will nd you < a free bainjiltf, snfflcient for a cure, & tesUiQODials. I A Free Ci»j>y of a very valuable book, M "THE WIFE'S HANDBOOK," CoBtaininf pricelasa iuf.»rraaUon, will also he sent. Sondnarnoney. I will send the book and remedy sufficient for a cure, and all direction* quite free so that you may try this remedy hefore bllylll it. Price 4/5 and 11/- MRS. EVETT KINCAIO, Renowned American Specialist (Qept. V.), 3, NEW OXFOR& STREET. LONDON, W.O. A Jf|i A A AAA i il.o. ? KEEP WELL 1 ? by taking care that your digestive tfg?m 4 J are performing their impot??nt duties with J the general efficiency that Nature intend. } » ed and exacts. Good health is greatly te 4 be desired in this stirring, strenuous age. j It is so easy in these days of hurry aM ? btmie for the delicate mechanism of the 4 digestive system to become impaired. l ► This ic a condition everyone m?y ] ? wing 4 ? BY TAKING I 1eacha!I. Without exasferation, 1 it may be said that this famous pr"ration' j ? is the finest corrective and restorative for 4 ? the stomach, liver and bowels, and on the j ? first sign of any irregularity in these im- J ? portant organs it is & wise and pru?eK 4 ► twng to take a dose. Their maendid j propenies are ackmwledged by many i j> thousands of men women &JI ever the ? World. Try them, and you will dneevef ? &ad "knowledge that your hMdth is &U 1 ? lbe Kiter im < I BftCWS   I :PlliS. ¡ J RoM rrerywkere ft bom, 1 # ■ ■■ 4 • [Ili (56 pM) 219 (i?M