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j??l> L??7?T iL??i??J??Ti?k?TL??k?J\?TjEr??L<??-:??jTL:-J rTT? T? ???r? 21 T J?Jk? RADNORSIRE ?L?.?k?J?.?jL.JL-?, ?c.??L<Z..? <??<<?J?k ? IJUT Trr?I?r?? ? BEead ORices: < al KNi&BLTo? hope to have limited quantities of Fattening Food for 6Pigs from now forward. Customers registered &)r ORals who wish to change to Meal for feeding should notify their, Depot so as to get delivery in their turn. — ——————" 'r- nnn!———? __jt———— mr— I ? L e'" I jf" yy? ? ? ???f?nA???/y/?AY/??? ? ??e /?\ \?/?FL j/t j?L? /?A ? ?????????? ? JL ?j??xA ? ?j?  I We hade or Vzne '811o,.ce u q/' Judt tile Inind of Ude! fut Vhznqcl that 7Ren liheo ? u T ? y?? ?? looking for a really acceptable gift for j a man, your place is HERE. For we deal in new = JL things to Wear-and up-to-date things in this line are always welcome to the particular man—especially at Christmas time. ? Suggestions for Presents. Neck Ties, Gloves, Scarves, Caps, Socks, Braces, Scarf Pins, Brecknock Collars, Shirts, u Pyjama Suits, Underwear, and for the hoys an n Overcoat, Suit or Jersey YOURSELF Celebrate the 'ii: the Festive Season by presenting YOURSELF with a nice warm Overcoat, or New Suit. COME See Our Attractive Display. u = ? COME Purchase your gifts HERE. # ))))!< ?'?)! n<)! ?' liUpEK M ????TL 7Ze?\. w??U??nU?LJLL/@\?_? ?? Otht)e t)05itc ?????BRcL(J?? Monument ??*???*?*?*??? l I !'—————————————! ODO 'r" tt tCiL ????????,?????????????????—?——-——?—?.??.? TO FARMERS AND ALL CONCERNED. FEENNGSTnFFSON)ER,i9i8 For Registration Forms for above apply at once to- MARTIN H. HOPE, THE STORES, 4 NEWBRIDGE-ON-WYE. REGISTER AT ONCE. Established nearly 60 years. br57t/126/3110 Messrs. W. PRICE & Co., THE STORES, JSave secured the Beat Assortment of SEASON- f ABLE and USEFUL GOOD9 at a reasonable price. Come and choose from there .t' Ready-made Plum Puddings, and if you give them an Order for a XMAS CAKE (Special Xmaa Mixing) you will be more than pleased with the value. OUR Congratulations to Customers who this t'me will require the Parcel for the Boya AT HOME andNOTOverMM. b778/130/1912 ":п J. H. PROBERT, I !7, MARKET HAJLL, BUILTH, Has Nice Selection of r' eHRISTM PRESENTS I consisting of 11 CIGARS, PIPES. POUCHES, CIGAR AND CIGARETTE HOLDERS. I HAIR & SHAVING BRUSHES, STROPS, RAZERS.etC. GRAMOPHONES and RECORDS. UMBRELLAS REPAtRED. 788/130,1912 Castle Street, Hay ———— ———— H. R. GRANTS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR —————— eL TSJ'0'\V OFEIsT. Ask to see our Showrooms through the Shop. LARGE STOCK OF ChrLstmas Presents, ————— ? ? > TOY5, DOLLS, QAME5, Etc., ALSO GRRA.T DISPLAY OF I Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, and Electro- plated and Silver Goods. Christmas Books, Christmas Cards, and Calendars.. NOW ON VIEW. BIBLES AND PR&YER BOOKS A SPECIALITY. b790/131/1912 .:B. BEV'S, WEST END STUDIO, For a-Ftrst Class Show of I:mas and New Year Cards. Photocraphy and Picture Framing Executed 1458/1;H2 Promptly and Artiiti(ally MDaNi,2r& Son -] Acceptable Yute Tide Presents. The pleasure of receiving should equal the joy of giving. —There- fore give a Serviceable Gift. Gift Suggestions for Ladies. In tile' Ladies' .r-< ? ? ? ?" ?f_? t ? ??????_ ??t ?c?o? OMr ?j_T???? ?J ?????? ?? ?y??- ? Stock of suit- /br presentation is very com- ?' ? ??? ? plete, and comp?-,ises a wide range of seasonable goods, including the followulg sttggestions Handkerch!ofs.—Boxes of these with i-dozen and i-dozen, from 1/6 to 8/6 per box. Btouses.—A very 6ne selection of beautiful Blouses in Crepe-de-chine, Georgette, Ninon Silk in prices to suit all. ?-? ? s ? ? ? ? Cloves. Kid Gloves, 3/11,6/H; Antelope, J?- ?? Suede, 4/6, 5/6. V? Woollen in all prices.? ? '? ? Neckwear.—A good as- ja sortment from 1/? to 3/11. Stockings.—Cashmeres, 3/6 to 5/11, all colours Artificial Silk, 2/3 to 4/11, „ Silk, 6/11 per pair. ? E& Scarves.—P?pm 5/11 to 18/11 ?aBU each, in?striped art silk; tt MU Woollen, 3/11 to 10/6 [JL NH ?? Sets.—A splendid assort- E BH ment in Fox, Wolf, Coney t!B ?B J m Oppossum, up to ?10 10s. Od. per set. Gift Suggesttons for Men. In this Srction you will find a really splenlHd clwice of app 2-ol) 2-iate atticles for Gifts -1ïle in each instance is {reliable and every a1.ticle moderately priced. Tias and Scarves.—An excellent assortment of Ties from 1/- to 3/6, including Chamois Leather Lined at 2/ 2/6. A Choice Selection of Plain, Coloured and Striped Scarves. CoHars—Plain and Striped Soft Collars, 7-id. each. Stiff Collars in newest shapes at 7 ld. each Handkerchiefs.—Plain White Lawn, from 6d. Linen Fancy Borders, 7-1(1. and 9id. each. G!oves.—A good selection in Chamois, Cape, and Doeskin, lined and unlined. Socks.—Excellent value in Cashmere, Plain and Embroidered, and in Woollen for \\i inter. Shirts. — A good ?? assortmen t in Eng- lish and Welsh ) Flannel Shiits, & ? ???? ? ? Union Flannels. Arza and Clydeila Shirts in newest ???? t f )Mj! Pyjama Suits- ? Splendid range from 12/6 to 27/6 per suit. BUY YOUR XMAS ?? ?r 0'? BUY YOUR XMAS CLOTHING AND .X ? X ??? ?<??? ???? AT ..?i?\? ?? ?P???S??5? ???r ? ?? HIGH STREET, ??' *? X. ?? ?RECC?N. ? ? 'X ? ?? BEST AND CHEAPEST, TO POULTRY KEEPERS Give your Hens SPICK GRIT THE NEW SHELL GRIT. Sold by all Corn Dealers. Write for Samples and name and address of nearest Agent. SOLE MANUFACTURERS: LIVERINE Ltd., GRtMSBY. BRECOMSHtRE I COAL & LIME Co. Ltd. J HeadONice: BRECON. COAL STOCKED at all DEPOTS. I SOLE SUPPLIERS OF Bargoed Large Coal in Brecon district I TRUCK LOADS OF COAL sant to any I Station In any County. I PRICES ON APPLICATION. £:J'> J: ). f MWE8I IN FUR COATS. FUR-I.INE'D TWEE5. PLUSH, MOMR, YELOOR, CLOTH AND 01HER WINTER GOXT5 IN GREAT VARIETY. Yi o -h G A & LEW!S. Ta!!or.s, BRECON. Tel.: P.O. 16.