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TI> 7T ???T??Y*? <-? Y-TT T?> T? ???\ N IT ?? r< ???r? IT n??L Head OBice JrTL??:??Jt-J?L?ML?L.J?JL!L??:?JL'JL?JLl?JLl? ?\J???JL?jt <L<J. ?<J?.j, JL?TU?., ?NiGmTON Our purchases of Scotch and other Seed Oats, Cook's Wonder, Red Marvel, &c., Seed Wheats are now being delivered. Order early and ensure good Seed Ask for Samples. We shall be pleased to submit same from Head Onlcs if the lots stocked at your Depot are not jusc what you want. Have YOU ordered your Manures ? Don't leave it too !ate there will probably be a serious shortage. DO IT NOW. THE FIRM THT IS HELPING FOOD PRODUeTloN. -,cog I II II II II I COTTON ON THE BATTLEFIELD. A twelve Inch gun disposes of half a bale of cotton with every shot nred. A machine guri in action will use up a bale in three minutes. In a naval battle like the one off Jutland, f''om five to six thousand Ibs. a minute are consumed by each active War-Ship. u It takes more than twenty thousand bales a u I year to provide absorbent cotton to staunch and bind the wounds of the inj ured. One change of apparel for all the troops now engaged in the War represents more than a million bales. One hundred thousand bales will be required to O equip the proposed aeroplane neet, if cotton, as may 0 be necessary supplants linen for wings. America is now turning nearly a million ? O bales a year into explosives alone. n The above facts contribute very U largely to the present great shortage and high price of cotton yams. Purchase your cotton shirts, overalls, u etc., etc., from our Stock, which was de- u livered to us from the manufacturers long before the present high prices were reached. Please note Watts' Brecknock Collars = are still sixpence, the pre-war price. ? TT7r?'ri? r!T_? j?t" othpe posite ?????BRECQN?? the Monument ?**? ? ???M??" ?" T ———— —— ————" '? P -no ?? ? ? ?? B F a theIr A IS -i _.&0.. ? WiH Go Right Away j ? t ? ?to ? ?j/7?V 7? n ? ?JL rnJL ?<? ? ? ?c .? ??? "and buy my son's suit. hear they ?? ?? "give EXCELLENT VALUE, and I ?? ?y "daresay I sha!t SAVE MONEY over ? ?? "the deai t Yes! Groat preparations have been made so that sons of all ages may be provided with new Smartly Fitting Suits, Com- $ fbrtabte. Serviceable. Economical- /$ producing smiles of satisfaction. COME IN TO-DAY ? ,,ç Tile the Monument ??' ? ????'?"?? m osite- BR-E EARLY SPRING FASHIONS & )tEW BOOM. BEN EVANS&CO's FtRST SPRING SHOW I OF New & Fashionable Goods TO-DAY & DAILY. I BRILLIANT DISPLAY of the LATEST CIREATIO,NinMILLINERY, GOWNS, COATS Ii and SKIRTS, BLOUSES, LINGERIE, &C. A Visit of Inspection Respectfully Invited. II BEN EYANS & Co., Ltd., SWANSEA. Tel.: P.O. 16. TAtLOR-MADE COSTUMES. Srpart Cut. Beautifully Finished.. II 1 tv Moderate Prices. Fit Guaranteed. Only Expert Working Kept. WRITE OR CALL FOR PATTERNS & PRICES. MOM&fT & LEW!S. Tailors, BRECON. F "No More English Coat." Coal Distribution Order, f9t7. BARGOED IS THE BEST WELSH COAL. No Waste in Small-every c-unce burns, M other Coal LASTS like BARCOED. Supptied only (in Brecon) by the BKConsMre Co&! & Lime Co., Ltd. Truck loads (4 tons and over) sent to any Station. I HOTEL GWALIA, Upper Wobum Place, London W.C. 130. Rooms laxurioualy furniebed. Fireproof Buildiug, Electric Light to all Floors, Centrally Ntaated, close to Euston Station, la. 6d. cab fare from Paddington to the Hotel. Taria Bed, Breakfast. Bath, and Attend- ance, 6s. each person. Telegraphic Address—" Gwaliatel," London. Telephone—5010 & 50H, City. JOHN M. JENKIN8, Manager. EDUCATIONAL. MISS MAY CAMPBELL. R.A.M., MedaJist, certificated and trained .in the Royal Academy of Music, London, now receives pupils for Pianoforte, Violin, Counterpoint, Harmony, Theory, Form, Sight Singing and Ear training. Pupils prepM-ed for all examinations connected with the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music. Rathbone. Builth Welts. WOODLANDS, Day and Boarding School for Girls —Preparatory for Little Boys. CAMDEN ROAD, BRECON. C<M! English Subjects; Nature Study; Needievork; French; Drawing; Painting; Health Exercises; DanctDg. MUSIC A SPECIALITY. SHORTHAND AND BOOK.ttMPtNQ. OuttMe Studentt may attend for any of the above Subject*. Hampton Srammap Schoot. GLASBURY-ON.WYE. Principal: Rev. D. C. Lloyd. OlaMica, Mathematics, Civil Servtce, Short- hand, Typewriting, Commercial Tuition, Mnaio. PupUa highly eucceasfuj at London, Oxford Cambridge, and Walea Univemitiee. Alao in all public exama. For prospectna apply- Rev. D. C. LLOYD, GiMbnry-on-Wye MissELSIE BOURNE PRICE, L,R.A.M Licentiate of Royal Academy of MUálc. I Matthay Pupil. Fully certificated and trained teacher, with Mven years' experience, rupila received for Pianoforte, Violin, Harmony, Theory, Form and Counterpoint. Successful Preparation for all Examinations of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music. Recent successes in 1917 include the Intermediate, Higher and Lower Grades of the I Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Muaic. BUJLTH WELLS. MI5-255 Dale, Forty & Co. FAMOUS MODELS IN PIANOS., GURANTEED FOR- High Musical Quality. Perfection of Touch. Artistic Case Designs. Finish and Durability. 1 Good Value for Money. Our Catalogue shows- Lowest Cash Prices, Low Scale of Gradual Payments. Dale, Forty & Co. LIMITED. nigh Street and Castle Arcade, CARIJIFF. Telephone 1103. br858 Hotel ? :(Estahlished over 100 Years), ? ADJOINING TRAFALGAR SQUARE, SuM St., Pall Mall, London Telephone No: 7314 Gerrard. Telegraphic Address: Pleasant, London." BED, BREAKFAST. BATH, and 5/- ?— II: ATTENDANCE from H.R.JONES. JBB M J General = = Appreciation. THE general appreciation of the common-sense principles and methods of London House increases every week. This fact is remarkably emphasized by the ever growing support of an increasing number of satisfied customers. In our windows we are showing some of the most beautiful Garments ever produced, garments that are cut and fashioned and finished in a way that must excite admiration. Ladies fully trimmed Night-dresses in Long cloth, Nainsook and Maddapolans, also Knickers, Camiso!es, in well favoured designs. HATS-New coarse Straw Sailors in all tlie leading Shades, from 111132- to 14/11. Smart Lufa Straws, various tempting Tones and Styles, from 6/11 to 2!/— Special Value-Several New and effective styles in Imitation Panama Hats, from 2/11! to 4/11 Up-to-date Colours in Sailor Georgettes, very Smart Styles, priced at 19/11. Also an exceptional assortment of Trimmed and Semi-trimmed Hats awaiting your choice. A Special unique white window I display, showinga rare selection of Prima Donna Corsets, all of the latest style and suitable for all ngures, 3/11 to 12/11. (Warner's) Corsets, White and Dove Colour, 4/11 to 12/11. Special Show of Children's and Women's "Two Steeple" Com- binations, Beautifully finished goods. 2/11 to 12/11. Vest and Bodices of the same make, fully recommended. Also New goods in great variety in all departments. London House, SUILTH. TO POULTRY KEEPERS Give your Hens SPICK GRIT THE NEW SHELL GR)T. Sold by all Coru Dealers. Write for Samples and came and address of nearest Agent. SOLE MANUFACTURERS LIVERINE Ltd., GRIMSBY. FEATHERS WANTED. WE are buyers of all kinds of FEATHERS for cash. Send for price list or send your goods and rely on receiving top pricee at ail times. WITTON AND COMPANY. Exeter Street, Birmingham. DANIEL WEATHERLEY. Caeau Nurseries, Nr. Builth Wells, and OLD PENDRE FARM-HOUSE, GARTH ROAD. BUILTH. CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH Ornamental Shrubs, .Kruit Trees. Ramblere, AND OTHER Rose Trees. Excellent Varieties. Prompt and Personal Attention to all Orders. EGGa FOR HATCHING from my well-known laying etrama, best procurable, white Leghorn 5, G dozen, carriage paid. Under Board of Agriculture Scheme, to Cottagera and SmaUholderM, 4 car. paid. Limited nnmber of Light Sussex, 7/6 doz., carriage paid. W. H. Ueweiyn-Weatberley, Brya Awel, Bn!!th Ms