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C<>Zj TI> Ilead Office: JtrE-i? L.JT???r ??vI?J\?, JiL??iJr L??L)? ?jWLiT!? L4tC':< ?J?tT:?Jr L ?L T TJb''> Lini? < ??r"<?<rJ*??L AJU, <sLC?< <?0?-? IT rrrr"? Head OBice: ) .j, JUTI>, ? KjsriGmTc?sr Have supplied all their Customers with Artificial Manures this Season, and can deliver immediately from Stock:—Basic Slag, Superphosphate, Phosphatic Mixture, Bone Compound. They are also in a position to book orders for Basic Slag for delivery during the coming Autumn. Enquire at nearest of 21 depots. IHE FIRM THAT DELIVERS THE GOODS, ol ? B T—T-————— H— u—)naot—i!—————h———==Dt'El" L-A l o 0 D 0 0 0 o Boys' and Youths' Sutts. Styles with the Mannish touch that all boys tike, and qualities certain to give satisfaction. You will 6nd here at WATTS' a good Stock of smart strongly made Suits for Boys of all ages. We illustrate three of the popular styles. We have also a big range of the Sporting Shapes for boys and youths. ? All these garments are made from materials that will stand hard wear, and they have been cut by those who bear in mind the essential needs of the boy. = These Suits are sold at prices which give the public the utmost = value, and special facilities in our purchasing arrangements enable you to buy these suits here at WATTS at prices which rule below the present day average. l OPPosite ? ??K???i??? tlie Monument ?"?'* ? ? L ? ? u -n H 10001 n <)—H —— !NEEE_EEEN !t Jones' Hote! j! :(FAitablishecl over 100 Years ) ? ADJOINING TRAFALGAR SQUARE, l Suffolk St., Pall Mall, London Telephone No 73H Gerrard. t Telegraphic Address: "Pleasant, London." ) ? BED BREAKFAST. BATH, and 0? ? "ATTN?DANCEirom L,Proprietor: B. R. JONES. M aLL KINM OF tNSUMNCZB EFFMTtD U CDAIM8 PROMPTLY SETTLED. aøn fOr 8M FtMT CLAM CoMFANtM. W. WtLLIMM, jimognw* IM-MM. M< otnow Age", tZNNYBBID?E. e. BULWABE. BBE?N. blft I HOTEL GWALIA, Upper WobMn PtMe, London W.C. 130 Rooms luxuriously furnished. Fireproof Building, Electric Light to all Floors, Centrally situated, close to Euston Station, Is. 6d cab fare from Paddington to the Hotel. TariR Bed, Breakfast. Bath, and Attend- ance. 6s. each person. Telegraphic Address—" Gwaliatel," London. I Telephone—5010 & 5011, City. I JOHN M. JENKINS, Manager. II TIMBER. FOR SALE, by TENDER, aibout 6 ACRES of LARCH TREES on the LLYDYADYWAY ESTATE, near H'a.y. To view, a.ply to R. J. ECKLEY, Lla.Ba.Ton, Dorstooe, Hereford, to whom Tenders should be sent. ML64/19/23-8 UVtIMIM 0^4 IjrVERINJE is sold by Corn Dealers. 71b. bag 2/ Agents Wanted. LIVERINE Ltd.. 6R)WSBY. PUBLIC NOTICES. JJOIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Breconshire County Council to apply to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries for confirmatiori, of the undermentioned Regulations — HENRY F. W. HARRIES, Clerk of the Breconshire County Council. County SaJI, Brecon, 21st August, 1917. BRECKNOCK. ——— 'S DOGS ACT, 1906. REGULATIONS. Made by the Local Authorft.y of Brecknock on the 21st day of August 1917, by virtue of the Brecknock (Control of Dogs) Order of 1917. Control of Dogs During the Night. 1. Every dog in t,he district of the Local Au- thodty shaJl during the period between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise be kept by the owner thereof under control by being :— (i) Connned in a kennel or other enclosure from which it cannot escape; or (11) Secured to some premises by a collar and chain; or ('iii) Accompanied by the owner or someone de- puted by 4iiin, and under effectual control. Provided th.a'u the .foregoing Regulation shaJl not apply to any pack of hound s, or a.ny dog under the effectual control of a .shepherd or other person whilst driving or tending cattle or s'beep. Seizure of Dogs Where Regulations ContrMCned. 2. Any dog in respect of wiMch an oSeuce is being committed against 'these Regulations mtay, under the above-mentioned Order, be seized and treated as a. stray dog under the powers conferred by Section three of the Dogs Act, 1906. 3. If any Dog is not kept under control in man- ner prescribed by 'rhe&e Regulations the owner of the dog is, under the Diseases of Animate Act, 1894, liable on conviction to &ne or imprisonment. 4. Dogs are under the a.bov€-mentioned Order deda.red to be Miimals for the purposes of the fol- lowing Sections of the Diseases of AnimaJs Act, 1894 (namely) Section forty-'three (Powers of Police): Section forty-four (Powers of Inspectors): a.nd aJso for the purposes of all other Sections of the said Act containing provisions relative to or consequent on the provisions of bhose Sections and that Order, including such Sections as relate to offences a'nd legal proceedings. Commencement. 5. Tlje foregoing Regulations sha.ll come into opeMa-tion upon the connrmation thereof by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. HENRY F. W. HARRIES. Clerk to the Brecon snije County bl83/12/30-8 CounciJ. COUNTY OF RADNOR. DOGS ACT, 1916. Radnorshire (Control of Dogs) Order of 1917. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE.X that the Execu- tive Committee of the County of Radnor in- tend to apply to the Board of Agriculture &.nd Fisheries for connrmation of the Regulations under the above-named order made by the Executive Committee on the 13th day of July last. A copy of '['he RegTiLa lions may be inspected by any ratepayer in the 'County at the omce of the undc; -.gned. HUGH YAUGHAN YAUGHAN, County Onices, CLERK. DIandrindod 'Wells, 8th August, 1917. brl48/13/23-8 Breconshire War Agricultural Executive Committee. Notice to Farmers. Farmers experiencing any dimeulty in obtaining harvest Binders or any other Implements, should communicate at once with the executive Committee, The Elms, Straet, Brecon. Breconshire War Agricultural Executive Committee. Notice to Farmers. The Food Production Department has placed a limited quantity of seed wheat at the disposal uf the Executive Committee. The varieties of seed wheat supplied are "Wilhalmina," "Victor," "Little Joss," and "Browick." It is not intended that this scheme of f-upplying seed wheat should interfere with the interchange of seed wheat in the ordinary way. Fanners requiring seed wheat of the varieties named should communicate immediately with the Executive Committee, The Elms, Struct, Brecon. bl85/13/30-8 Brookfield School. Hay. Boarding and Day School for Girlt. Preparatory for Boys. Principal Miss TERBETT. Pupils prepared for Oxford Local, College of Pre- ceptors. Associated Board and others Examinations. Lesaonsin Shorthand and Book-Keeping. b6-t/l 7/11-10. < RiGHT AS RAIN. RIGHT AS RAIN. We don't know how that expression arose, but we do know that if you want to be right when it rains, you ought to have one of our Rain- proof Coata. They have been made from materials which have been rendered impervious to water. and are perfectly hygienic. They look equally well in dry as in wet weather, for the styles are smart, and the shades becoming. You will find a suitable and economical raincoat for your own wear at London House, BU!LTH. FARM HOUSE FLOUR! Stone-Mined under Ciose Supervision. (ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED. PRtCE—66/ per 280 Ibs. Carriage Paid Quality Second to None! Strictly Cash with Orders. A. Handley & Sons MMIers and Corn Merchants, Builth WeUs, RMyader & Erwood.! Telephone, No. 10. Address.—Head OfBee, Builth WeU*. Branch: Rhayader. Depot: Erwood. Dale, Forty & Co. FAMOUS MODELS IN PIANOS. GURANTEED FOR- High Musical Quality. Perfection of Touch. Artistic Case Designs. Finish and Durability. Good Value for Money. Our Catalogue shows- Lowest Cash Prices, Low Scale of Gradual Payments. Dale, Forty & Co. LIMITED. High Street and Castle Arcade, CARDIFF. Telephone, 1109. br6M WHIPPING NOTICM. ———————— THE EMPIRE'S GREATEST RAILWAY. Palatial Modem Steamers on the Atlantic and Pacific' (Managers and Agents: Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd.) linking Canada with Europe and with Asia. Fast Freight Services from Europe to the rich markets of the New World. Ship your goods via Canadian Paclnc. Through tickets at lowest ratea to all districts in CANADA, UNITED STATES, JAPAN, MANILA, CHINA. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA, AND ROUND THE WORLD. Parcels by DoMiNioN ExpREas to Canada and U.S.A. Apply CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, 18, St. Augustine's Parade, Bristol, or Local Agente everywhere. CANADIAN PACIFIC & i ALLAN LINES. BRISTOL. LIVERPOOL. LONDON & GLASGOW TO CANADA & U.SA. Regular Service from VANCOUVER TO JAPAN & CHINA For'SailiDgs. Freights, or Passage apply :— CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES, Ltd. Managers and Amenta. IS. St. Augustine's Parade. BRISTOL 14. Cock.spuf Street. 8.W.]. and 103, Leadenhall Street. E.C.3, LONDON; or Local Amenta Everywhere. Cambrian Railways. Train Variations. JULY 23rd to AUGUST 31st JDETWEEN the above dates Important Variations ) will be made in this Company's Passenger Train Service. For full particulars ?-c Time Tables. S. WILLIAMSON, Oswestry, General Manager. July, 1917. JOHNSTON FOR VEGETABLE SEEDS. All the Best Varieties. 227. OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. Telephone, .)C7 Centra. bl77/21