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Notes and Notions. 4

Farmers and the War.


Builth Rural Tribunal. I

IMr. Sidney Robinson, W.P.

IRural District Council.I

I National Service

I Builth Wells Funerals. I


I Brecon Officer.i


Interesting Hay Wedding.

IBrecon Rural Tribunal. I

ITalgarth Boy. ___I

I Builth Wells Tribunal.I


'Builth's Council.


Potatoe Growing

|Farmers and Labour. I

I Brecon Tribunal.


I Brecon Tribunal. Sympathy with Military Repre- sentative. WITNESS AND IRRELEVANT QUESTIONS. Brecon Borough Tribunal met at the Guild Hall, orr Tuesday evening, when the Mayor (Conn, inor Wm. Williams) presided. Other members present were Messrs G. T. Jones, Jaine-* Morgan, E,1win Davies, and John Davies, with the elerk (Mr G. Hyatt Williams). The court was crowded, and much interest was evinced in the proceedings. Mr C. W. Best attended as military representative. Vote of Condolence. The Mayor, before proceeding with the business, speaking on behalf of himself and the other members, conveyed to Mr C. W. Be^t their deep sympathy with him in the loss he had sustained hy the deaths of his two sons who had fallen in action. The vote of condolence was passed by the court standing. Mr C. W. Best, speaking with emotion, thanked the tribunal for their expression of sympathy. "My sons," said Mr Best, went out to do their duty, and have died in doing it. It is for us to do ours, so that their sacrifice shall not have been made in vain." A circular letter from the War Office was read by the clerk, Mr Best explained that hitherto Class B2 and C2 men had been exempted by the tribunals, sud had not been called up. Now the demands of the Army were greater, and so none other than B3 and C3 men would be untouched. Regarding men fit for general service, every effort was to be made to bbt.iin them, and his orders were that he should leave no stone unturned to get Claf' A men. Electrical Engineer's Application. Mr Harold Elston, electrical engineer, age 24, ap- pealed for exemption on the grounds that his work was of national important e. Mr Best said the man was in Class C3, and he was not wanted for the army, but he submitted that he should be engaged in work of national importallee instead of the work he was at present doing. Mr Elston was also employing men who could be em- ployed in work of national importance. He men- tioned that Mr Elston would be serving the nation better by his being employed in a munition factory. In reply to question by Mr Best, Mr Elston said he had laid down plant- for the making of certain munitions. A representative of the Ministry of Munitions- had called on him regarding the matter. The value of the plant was about JE120. The contract was not yet settled uj;, as the authorities had sent him a wrong pattern. He repaired doctors' cars and commercial vehicles and also agricultural implements, and he had a large number of agricultural repairs to execute. Mr ItesJt questioned applicant with regard to the ex- tensive garage whkh was in course of erection. Mr Elton said he was not entirely responsible for that. Mr Tom Elston, another son, gave information on the matter to the military representative. ApplUajit said he wa.s also engaged in a timber-hauling contract, which was of high nationaJ importance, and a represen- tative of the. Board of Agriculture would corroborate his tatement. Mr Wm. Llewelyn appeared and said he was a re- pre.-enteative of t.hc Board of Agriculture (home-grewn timber department). He maintained that the man was esential to look after the transport of timber. The Go- ? vernment had bought seven wood"; in the district and the hauling was in the hands of Mr Elston. The Um- ber was used in the eollieries. Previous to engaging Mr Elston, he had travelled all over Swansea Valley and this district, but could not find anyone to carry out tha transport. Mr Elston had to buy the lorry to do the work. and that cost him kooo. The timber to be haul- ed would be used as trench timber and in the construct- ion of aeroplanes, beside- other important uses to which it would be put. In reply to the mititan representative. Mr Llewelyn ,aid they had not tried io badge the man. and they could not find anyone tbe to do the work. Applicant had hauled 400 tons in two months, and part, of that time the lorrv was idle, owing to the bad state c-f the r-^itJs. It would take to the end of the year to do all tiie hauling. Mr nest What is youi age—you ought to be in the Armv vourself Y Mr Llewelvn That j., .a irrelevant cuieM-ion. Mr Rest: I have power toO ask it you as the mi.itary represHitatiw.; ??? ? maintain it is An irre- lr Liewelyn: I am 7. ',ut I mlintain it is an irre- levant que,,4ion. In replv to ?rther qu?ons. Mr Llewelyn 5aid t.e had not been examined, and Mr Best replied that he w? then in Class A. Mr Be-st: Have you been exempted then t Mr Liewelyn still niaint-ained that it was an irrelevant (I ue,? ion. ? Mr Best: Produce your <?'-tinca.te of exemption. Mr Llewelyn: Certainly. Mr Llewelvn here prodm-ed his card and bark" it to the military reprc?nt-ath-e. remarking at the ,ame time that he thought the Proceeding was ? irw*e.v- ant Mr LkwdYD further ,?tLtd that he haA offer?d his services to the count-, before conscription ca.me in- tr, force. The tribunal granted -o exemption, the being rejected. Rather Join the Army. Richard Wm. Evan-. Aberdeen H0u, St. Johns Road. monum?ntat ma?c?n. next appealed. He s-w he had nine. children and hi- age was- 41- Mr Be>t: Suppose grant you exemption, will you join the National Service Scheme? Mr Evai)-: I would prefer joining the Army. (AI)- pIau") Applicant now asked her exemption till the end of .Auril and exemption to the 30th of April was graJK- d. The military representative said he should appeal a¡:ainst the dedsion. "t 1^ 1 or?'. R?h.rd Jcnes. High ??.. ag £ ? and of ?nrrn of Messrs. Turner. Ltd '\n neXt considered. Mr Amo Parr. reprinted the Arm a?.nd „aid Mr Jones wa." a shop manager and a boot re- pairer. The firm had "nt 140 employee.- to the Army. He maintained that if Mr Jones went it would re- sult in the economic conditions of the town heing affec- ",1. as he repaired all the boots and shoes, now tlwir man had joined the Army Mr Best submitted that, tbcre. ,N-,ere plenty of ether shops in the town besidi* this one. Exemption to the 30th -kpril was cranted. Exemption for Brewer. Mr David Powell arr?td on behn f  ?' Tames Hutchinson, New Buck Inn. brewer. etc. Th? tnhunal er?nt? conditional exemption, against which ,??he nun- tarv representative -aM h? would appeal. in court w&it- ?-W M?T-ris. ?t- I,))fat.. vhitp )n court v?- i.? for two ca.-? in ?.. )t h? was the &ppUcant to be heard, was taken ill. and t.t? cases were accordingly ad- journed for a fortnight. The case of Edward Pulling was withdrawn, tt1.. man having joined the Army. ha?.n ?j T. Harpest, St. David Street, u.nf?. rn.?n. I was grant??d exemption till 30th April, and Mr B<"t ?aid h? would appe?!. College "Farmer." Rev. R. H. Chamber, headmaster of ChriSt (-)CA- lege. Brecon, appealed in respect of Thos. Garland, cowman, etc. Mr Chambers said the man v.a» essential to Ico, n, a.i.t. ir_ the milk supplv. A heavy responsibility wa.s on hifJ shoulders, a-s lie had to provide food for a large number of growing boys, and the- milk was very «ssenetiaJ, as it augmented the food allowance. Without the milk, he ,aid he could not provide enough food for the boys. Mr Ib,t maintained that the man was not looking after enough stock, and that the farm was over-staffed. Conditional exemption was granted. Mr t ldwal Williams. Bell Hotel, saddler, age 18, was appealed for by hi- father, who contended that his son was in a certified occupation. Air B-t said the tribunal had no power to grant exemption, as the mm; w.t. under 22 years of age. The Mavor said they had no power to grant exemp- tion, according to thfir instructions, and the appeal wa.s rejected. The case- of Mr Wm. Vaughan, baker, was adjourned for a fortnight for applicant to produce evidence that he had become qualified in a V.T.C., in accordance with conditions stated in the exemption granted by a tribunal el-ewher-c.