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- . --.. .- -r-1  ? State…


 1  ? State Racing. I Government & Hall Walker Stud. II SIDNEY ROBINSON'S CRITICISM ) IN THE HOUSE. 1 Mr kidney Robinson, in the House of Commons last r, ee spoke briefly but effectively respecting Wle ex" Ù. b the extraordinary venture of the Government into ??'?"s of horse-racing. The debate arose on a vote of 00,000 for the ]Board of Agriculture. Mr Aciand said this vote covered only one thl*rlg, the purchase of the Hall Walker property  -"?y. in Eiidare, near the Curragh, and in 'Wiltsi,ii e. The property was offered for £ 75,000 ? '?D independent valuation, and was accom- PaiUed by a. free gift of horses. It would enable .? ?Government to be placed in the position of ??S as gomg concerns a first-class breeding ?bhs.hment in Ireland and a depot in Wiltshire, tera 'miles south-east of Swindon, with a nucleus 'Of stallions and mares suitable for breeding horses f" the Army. The Government in December ac- PW the offer, the purchase price to be fixed by ?"?pendent valuer. The Government were act tlatell by military considerations. The Army 'co44cil thought it was essential for the future effi- ci. elat horsing of our cavalry that the number of b "or8" available in the United Kingdom should be ilicreased The money had not yet bcn spent, ? ?'ou!d not be spent until the transaction was .?.?'oned. I Share Winnings With Lord Lonsdale. I ?11 Xh"? property would be vested in the War Office o.n r> behalf of the Government, but during the war J\^°"ild be administered by the Board of Agri- '?ture. The property had been valued on behalf 'Of the Government at X65,000, and the. horses tak(?' at pre-wa,r value had been valued at 474()Oo Seven two-year-olds would be loaned to *?fd Lonsdale, who would run them on condit- j of giving the Government half the winnings, after pavment of expenses. ("Oh, oh," and ?ghter:) • ?r R McNeill Whose colours will they run 5- The Prime Minister or the Coalition? ?Ughter.) > ?r Acland replied that they would run 'n Lord 4]asdate,' s colours. Considering the small ?unt of racing that was taking place, the aQce of winning valuable prizes was not very peat. The terms were very advantageous, and f'e'w Persons, except a good sportsman like Lord ?sda?. would care to accept them. "h "A Low Form of Sport." I personally, he (Mr Acland) regarded racing as ■father a low form of sport. Sport ought to com- Qt) physical skill with some element of danger .? certainty. In regard to race horses, the phy- ~cal skill and danger were exercised purely ?cariougly? ?? that was not made up for by the f Qcertainty. Persons who followed racing simply ?r betting were not engaged in sport. In con- ?USK)? ? thought the House and the country  a great debt of gratitude to Colonel Hall ?? ?ker t'Q?. his public-spirited conduct. Iri the course of a lively debate, and following IVT,R ?urdett Coutts (C.), who said in order that ?scheme should prove a success the Govern- III e0t must be prepared to engage in it on a large 8cale and spend money in purchasing suitable sires. Mr Sidney Robinson. I Air Sidney Robinson said I think we are all ?*eed that the apeech which we have just lis- t'??ed to is one of great value, and if the Govern-  had consulted the hon. member for West- poster before deciding to take this step they ,t,4,19.bt have adopted la different course. (Hear, "?-) I do not dispute that this is a most j?erous gift, but it r ? not be overlooked that ?r the war began racd !rgely cea.sed, and the flue of that stud decre?,? by at least one-half ?? the very fact that the prizes were not "?e obtained by those horses during the war, .0,,lug to the reduced racing. (Hear, hear.) We a?'e to consider the amount of expenditure we e likely to be drawn into in regard to this pro- '?. 'p?g speech we have just listened to shows ?y C¡ear1y that ?4,000 a year is nothing like the 'Ure that will :be required, and it is a com- batively small amount compared with the sum  We shall be asked to vote in future years. ('fear hear.) It may have to be increased from ?'000 to £15,000, or even X20,000, and, conse- quently, I think that now is the time to make our Protest against this expenditure. I do not think We should launch into an expenditure of this kind at a time like the present. If this scheme were going to help us to end the war, of course we should all say nothing about the expenditure, but ? is not. I sil ppoI se the men employed in this stud will be exempted from service, as was sug- gested in the case of some hunt servants by the "?.r Office? I am no opponent of hunting, and I have enjoyed days spent in the saddle as much as any one in less busy times. Hunting is, as "is been well said, "The sport of kings, the image war without its guilt and with only twenty- five per cent. of the risk"—(laughter and hear, hear)—but instead of adopting this proposal the Government had stopped hunting and racing and he hand-rearing of game in the country for the timea being, they would have been doing a good eal more to foster economy. They save £ 50,000 by closing museums and spend X66,000 in this ven- tre at such a time as this At a time when there 's almost a famine in petrol a good deal of petrol ls being used conveying bookmakers and others to rate meetings. I regret that the Government ^re not using this money for something really Valuable in the direction of true economy, a.nd I arf sorry they have not taken up another li.ne. (fiear, hear.) Mr Acland said he could not claim that this ex- penditure was connected with the war. The stud ""Ould prove of more value later on. If the Go- ,rilinent had not accepted this most generous gift the torses might have been sold and exported from this country. The amendment was negatived without a division.

I Threat to Resign.I i __

I Child's Black Eye.

I Conscientious Objector


Builth Eisteddfod.

Breconshire Agricultural Society.…

lThe Weather. I

Barclay & Company, Limited,…




Divorce Suit.I

Mr Sidney Robinson, M.P.

[No title]

I Hay Town Topics.

: Builth Eisteddfod—Continued.



IBelgian Relief Fund.