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HUNS' LATEST IN- I FAMY. HELPLESS CREW FIRED ON. Heavy Loss of Life. PRESS BUREAU. 6.40 p.m. The Seeretarv of tho Admiralty makes; the following announcement:— The British steamship Aguiia, 2,114 tons, belonging to the Yeoward Line,, when on a passage from Liverpool to Lisbon, was torpedoed off Pembroke at six p.m. ttn March 27. The vessel sank. Twenty-three of the crew and three pas- sengers are missing. The master and nineteen of the crew have been lamted at Fishguard. The British steamship Falaba, 4,805, own-sd by Elder Dempster and Co. (Limited), was torpedoed at 0.25 p.m. on March 28, to the south of St. George's Channel, and sank in about ten minutes. The ship carried a crew of about 90 per- sons, with about 160 passengers. About '140 survivors have boen picked up, eight! of whom, including the captain, died after being picked up. It is feared that many were killed by the explosion of the torpedo. the Dutch steamship Amstol, 853 tons, belonging to P. A. Vanes and Co., of Rotterdam, when on a passage from Rotterdam to Goole, struck a mine at i toar a.. m. on March 29 in the minefield off Fjam bo rough. The crew have been landed in the Humber by the Grimsby trawler Pinewood. SURVIVORS' TERRIBLE Ii STORIES. COUNTRY CRIES FOR VENGEANCE. During Monday several ot the rescued passengers and crew of the Falaba- were in- terviewed either at Mil ford or a t Swansea and Cardiff when on their wa'y home after their terrible experience. in some of the details there are, naturally., little discrepan- cies, but there is complete agreement on the point that the commander of the enemy sub- marine and his meii^b-ahaved more like fiends than human beings. Of all tho German in- human fioutiu^s of the rules of warfare there is no worse record than that to he now charged against these men. Unfortunately, none of the survivors seem to have fixed the identity of the submarine, and tho probabil- i ity is that her initial and number had beeh painted out. Had she been identified and her crew captured lator there would m:- aoubtedly be raised a cry for vengeance as advocated by Lord Charles Bemrtord guilty of the murder of innocent men vnd women are outside the pale of consideration as prisoners of war. Ono of the pc.?ng€rs s?id: "We were about /J miles somh-we? of Milford when abotit 7C) iii les Nvo?.C.-t of -Nflllord wh by the siromarine caine within hailing distance tile su.+)ni-ar" di.tanc-c 'i,fte .,i- a. run 1n "VIC NVerti I)v tv,-e l vc -or tILirteeii kiit-,ts, iiut the ,)tzbmarine with agitated feelings, ??1 "hen ?he was near enough to hail ;5 her commander shout, ed in English that tne Falaba must stop, and that. lIe would sink us if his order were not immediately obeyed. Captain Davies had no alternative, and hove the ship.to. The sub-! marine coinmandcr then shouted, again in English, that-we J Would! be given five minutes 1 .cl t Á 1 ¡ ¡,I Inwhi?it-o?a.veL-hc?htp. Suitt!h)-< ac- tions his oi ds. he swung the submarine 01; to our starboard quarter, about 300 yard?? awav, and turned her bow on the Falaba amidships. While this was going on our crew were lowering the Falaba's boat;, a.s quickly as they coukl, but. several of them did not get down properly and were upset. Thro(, 01 them were swamped, and pa^sens-ers were strngg-ling in the water. AJiothcr 'boat was actually half-way down in the davits, full of pm,se..ngcr. when the submarine fired the ka'podo, without further wanung. I was one of a small party of passengers and offi- cers who had not got into the boats, and I distinctly saw fee torpedo coming-in fact it came straight towards .where we were sfxkiding, and we ran to the fore part of the ship to escape it. The torpedo struck our vessel about amidships, and she irnme- diately gave a list to starboard, and went l,,? Io an.-?i went down about tell minutes after.. There was a. slight explosion when she was Tstruck but it was not a very big noise—more like that of a small gim. The party, of whom I was one, jumped off the steamer into the water about- four minutes before she sank. The main deck was then awash. I had previously grabbed the. lifebelt which was in my cabin --in fact, aid the passengers had been served with, lifbelts-and when I got into the water 1 seized hold of a floating buoy. I was in the water for about an hour, swim- ming and floating, and had to swim through I wreckage aiid a number of dead bodies At last I was plcked up bv one of our own boats, together with four other?!, including the first, officer. I had aU mv clothes on, tho same that you see me wearing now—cap, overcoat-, tennis shoes, and clothing complete—and I should never have survived but for the lifebelt and buoy. The narrator was naturally not illclined to mince word s when he descTibed the atrociousness of the crime. "It was posi- tively murderous." he said, "and almost incredible in its fiendishness. A five minute* warniug was too short, and most calcuilating in its heinous, object. People were swimming around the ship, aDd the boat that was half-way down the davit? was sent flying into the water from the shock of the torpedo, which snapped the davits. If the Germans had given us only another ten minutes I believe aM the passengers and crew would have .(n san'd. ASJt was, if the trawlers had not come up very few of us would have been alive to tell the tale. Not anny did the submarine torpedo us so soon after th° warning, but we Could see her crew laughing at us as the people were struggling in the water I could not see her number, which I believe had been painted out. She waited to see the Falaba sink, and then went off m chase of another steamer which was some distance away—the Dundee, I believe. Many of those who had lifebelts were drowned or died from exhaustion. The boat in which J waa picked up transferred us to a trawler, which was in sight when we were torpedoed. 1 She came round as close as she could to us, and also sent out her dinghy to pick up people who were ?ru?gling m the water. LaW on three or four more trawlers came 'up. The crew of the trawler on which I was taken were very good to us, supply ?in,g us with warm food and dothin? and rubbing down those who were hailf-perished. I cannot speak too highly of what they did for us. The main lot of survivors, numbering about 70, were transferred to a torpedo destroyer which came up after- wards. The informant echoed the feelings of passengers and crew when he spoke sym- pathetically and regretfwlly of the loss of the Gallant master, Captain Davies. "The captain, he sa,id, "jymped off about the same time as I did, so he was one of the ia.st to leave the ship. There was nothing else ]eft tor "him to do. He swam in the sea for a long time, and was picked up by one of the boats, but died immediately after being rescued. The submarine was flying a German ensign- somet-b-in,, like our white ensign." One of the survivors of the steamship Fal-aba (named Blair, an engineer) was, as already stated in the "Post," interviewed in passing through Lai;dore, and fuldy cor- i rob-orated the above story. What Amused the Huns. "But this was not the worst," said an- other survivor. "While this was going or 1 saw seven men upon the deck of the Ger- man submarine iaughing and jeering at the struggle of our people. After our vessel sank, and when these who had been sucked down by her came to the surface they held up their hands, making frantic efforts to grab at anything, This seemed to cause in- t<*ri.s.e amusement amongst, the pirates on the submarine, who laughed at and ridiculed the frantic efforts of our poor fellows, and then, after circling' round the scene and making sure their dastardly work was only too well done, partially submerged their ra-ft, and made off without offering assistance or carmg whether there was anv near at hand." The Fa!aba's Survivors. | Renter's Agency learns that the Falaba carried 92 first class passengers and 55 second class. The passengers included six iadins, sevftTcit doctors of the Nigerian Medical Service, and a. number of officials of the various West African Government services. The owners of tho Falaba at Liverpool suplv the following list SAVED. 1st class passengers 52 2nd dass ditto 54 Crew 42 THE AGUILA'S FATE. SUBMARINE FIRES ON HELpM LESS CREW. LADY PASSENGER KILLED BY SHOT. The Aguila, a Liverpool steanvr of 1.200 tons, was bound for the Canary Islands with a general cargo. Torpedoed and sunk by the German submarine U 28 fifty miles off the Sma.r.6, Pembrokeshire, on Saturday night. Of the four boats litunched three containing twenty members of the crew were picked up by tiie Grimsby trawler GttiRie and landed at Fishguard on Monday morn- ing. The other boat, containing thirteen men, is missing. -A-iii,emb,er of the crew, interviewed, said the submarine was sighted about five o'clock on Saturday. The skipper of the Aguiia. Captain Barnerman, forced the vescel ahead full speed, and the submarine gave chase at 18 knots, firing at the Aguila, which was being rapidly overtaken. When Captain Bannermaif saw that further fl ight was hopeless he stopped and prepa-red to lower the boats. The submarine continued firing as the boats were being launched, and two men were killed and several others wounded. There were Two lady passengers on board. urie was kjJkxi. aiid the other missing boat. The. submarine continued fir- ing for nearly two hours, and then sank the Aguiia by a torpedo. Seaman Crawley, of the Aguiia. Kaid the crew had a terrible experience whilst launch- ing the boats, being under fire the whole of the time. Shrapnel flew m all directions, and several members of the crew were hit l?jt?Wctjn A?derson was killed whikt as sisting to launch a boat, and Seaman Mc- j Kirkan fell overboard after bemg shot, and was lost. The submarine gave the crew no | chaace to leave the vessel, but continned j firing, and in the excitement one boat cap- sized, arid a lady passenger, who had re- eeived a shot wound, was crushed against the socle of the vessel killed. Trying to Kill the Crew.' "There was no clourt they wcy* trying to kill our crew," -ind it is luokv that any of us got off alive. I had to cling to a line and let, myself down into the boat with shrapnel flying around me, and the boatswain, who was by mv side, re- ceived awful wounds and fell back on deck. I could fee it was no use trying to do any- thing for him. The submarine was about 100 yards behind U.E. She failed to gink, our ship" by firing at her, and bad to torpedo her. Our hoata had got some distance- sway, when the sea smed to open up and swallow the Aguiia. We were in the boats for about tw-o-or three hours before we were picked up*' by- -"bRe 'OttiBie. We lost one boat, and don't know what has become of its occupants." Several of the men wore bandages, and Sen,Hl<m Ta-,vso-,i had his clothing ripped and leg wounded by shrapnel. Third-officer King had a, nasty wound on tbe right side, and showed a piece of shrapnel embedded in the rim of his cap. Another seaman had a remarkable escape, a piece of shrapnel strik- inf;, him below the eye, causing a deep wound. The men lost all their possessions, bnt were thankful to escape alive. ABSOLUTELY FIENDISH.9 PASSENGER AND THE HUNS' BRUTALITY. Mr. WiRinni Dobell, of Downend, in a.n interview, said the German submarine, which turned out to be the U36. appeared cloae to them at 12,30 on Sunday noon. j We were about 50 miles south of Mil- ford Haven at the time, having left Liver- pool the previous evening. The submarine gave peremptory orders for our vessel to stop, and Capt. Davis, seeing we had no chance of escape, obeyed. No one came on board, but the sub- marine signalled that we should be allowed two minutes to take to the boats. There were only seven ladies among the passen- gers. In orderly fashion the boats were lowered and the passengers and crew began to fill them. As this was being done the submarine fired her torpedo and the Falaba was struck on her starboard side between hatches No. 3 and 4. There was a terrific explosion and our stricken vessel listed heavily to the star- board. The force of the explosion blew bundles of maHs into the ah'. Numbers of people were still below, and a boat was b{)- ing lowered from the poop when the Falaba wpnt down. The ensuing scenes were ghastly. round people were struggling in the water, and all the timo the brutal Germans stood jeering. They were so close to my boat that J r-ould have thrown a biscuit on board the submarine. They were laughing, and did not move a finger while these poor feUows drowned. They watched them in a cold- blooded manner that was absolutely fiend- ish. I shall always have that scene, in my memorv." USUAL LAMENT IF WE HAD A I GUN." The ship's carpenter lives at Golden Grove, Llandilo, and, seen at Carmarthen Station on his way home, he stated that the submarine only gave thorn fivo min- utes to leave the ship. The boat I was in," bo added, was filled and was cut in two. I went right under, and it is a. wonder I am alive. If we had a gun on the Falaba we would have beaten the submarine easily."







