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FIVE LONG YEARS OF RHEUMATISM. Release from Torture gained by the purifying influence of Dr. WiHiams* Pink Pills. Every spell of chilly or damp weather is liable to excite Rheumatism* in those who are subject to this painful disorder, which originates in the blood, accumulates there, fl.anetimcs for years, before it matees its presence felt. Liniments and emibrocoitions cannot cure Rheumatism because they do not the blood of the poisons that cause Rheumatism, whereas Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure because they purify and erfrjch the blood. To quote one instance among many, Mrs. E. Chillier,, of 13, Field How, Stoke, Coventry, mentions: "For five years I suffered more than words can tell from Rheumatism. D'ay and night my tortures were intense, and every change to bad weather excited worse sufferimn1. Kheu .nua- tism began after I caught a chill, -it first severe p,ains seiized my aims and leg" and I began to feel a soreness in my flesh. Soon I could not mo ve without! causing; sharp pain along my limb". I had medical treatment, and was told jhat my trouble was I Mrs. E. Collier. se vere KineuniaM&m. x applied iomenta- tions and liniments, and took different physics. Sometimes the tortures seemed to be easing, but just when I grew hopeful of a cure the agony grew worse than ever. 'After an active life I could not hroir the thought of being so crippled and kept a pirii'tner. But all the treatments failed, and in time I Wis bedrid den. dependent upon friends for every help. I could not turn in bed, nor raise myself, ixxr take a mouthful of nourishment without eonTeone to help me. After much meckcine my limbs remained useless and all my strength seemed gone. "One day I was persuaded by a friend to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pi^s. The first change was an improved appetite. Before long the Rheumatism was easier, and 1 went on steadily improving till every trace was gone. I gained new blood and grew stronger, and soon could get about quite happily. In time I was completely cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. THE FREE BOOK OF HEALTH con- tains much useful information, bend post- card for a copy to Dr. Williams' Co., 46, Holborn Viaduct, London. Not only in Rheumatism, but in the many disorders that arise from impure blood and weak nerves Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have effected surpris- ifig curcs, including oases of Sciatica, Lumbago, Aiuemia, Indigestion, St. Vitus' Dance, Neuralgia, etc. Of all dealers (in- SlÍst on having Dr. Williams' Pink Pills); or, post free, from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 46, Holborn Viaduct, London, 2te. 9d. l Óil1e box, or 13.s. 6d. for six. INI the attempt a few years ago to stop 20,000 j papers being sold a.b Swansea on tie S.1ib- bath. This attempt to deprive people of wha.t they wanted to read was unreasonable and breathed of the intolerance of the 17th century—one of the worst periods in history, Other people had their libraries and books— some Sunday schools sold their magazines on the it not intolerant to force one's opinion on others? He had not any selfoli interest in Sunday papers, for if those were stopped the people would more largely buy those of the night before. But i ho "spoke froin 4tbe. coint of view ..of free- dom, as one who wa.nted freedom not only for himself, but others. To many thousands of working men Sunday papers were the only things they had to read, and surely it was f.-i,r better than spending the day out of their homes to the detriment often of them selves and their family. Personally, lie be- lieved too many shops were open on the Sabbath, but the fact, of nearly '400 being opened demonstrated clearly one fact, that, there was a large demand foT them, and it argued that by closure they were going to interfere with a large proportion of the neople. Many women, too. could not by force of their husbands' negligence purchase their good on Saturday night. Swansea i a large seaport town vessels arrived at every tide at all times; a large trawling fic-et was attached to the harbour. Let them CLOSE THE OBJECTIONABLE SHOPS by all means. Taking his own ward, thou- sands of neople came to the sands on a Sunday. Were these visitors to be de- prived of a meal or refreshments, and compelling them to frequent the public- house, which they could not close to bona- fides, and which separated husband, wife and child, for the last named could not cuter licensed premises. There were, in c(-nc l zl, i on, said -N l r i conclusion, said Mr. D. Davies. only a few t-owns where the obsolete t-Qr. rather a portion of it—was enf Mr. Laugharne Morgan seconded thd amendment. Mr. )lolynŒx criticised the secti<ms of the recent deputation to the Watch Committee and said that the sum and substance of their arguments wa.s that the Council allowed some tradNS to trade on seven days whilst 1 other traders only opened on six days. He thought that the Council ought not to decide as between traders and traders. His im- pression was that the deputation were more interested in the trade point of view than the Sabbatarian point of view, and he thought they should as a Council stand by the guns and not take up a matter that was really ona for the Government to tackle. It would be much safer to leave things as they were. Mr. Powlesland asked Mr. Davies to go further and move that the Council do not put the Act into force, otherwise he himself would have to submit a.nother amendment. Ald. Davies said he must abide by his amendment, as he wanted more information on the subject. Mr. Clancy said that whilst he sympath- ised with Mr. Tutton's motion, yet he was going to vote for the amendment, as he wanted more information on the subject. If they could cloce the refreshment houses, that were simply dens of gambling, he would support it, but in his ward there were sev- eral traders who if they closed on Sundays would have to come upon the rates. They would therefore see that he was in a very difficult position. Mr. Sinclair said that personally he would close every shop that was not absolutely required to be opened on Sundays, but he could not agree to do so under an Act which wa.s to all intents and purposes obsolete, and which would BRING ABOUT PERSECUTION and would not produce the desired results. Ald. Colwill asked if the Act were put into force whether the Council would have the power to discriminate. The Town Clerk: No. I think the Act gives no such power. Ald. Merrells Gives no power, but you can use your own discretion. Aid. Tutton. speaking to the amendment, appealed to the Council to have the courage of their convictions and deal with their own wants and requirements without calling upon the Government to do it. Mr. David Williams also supported the amendment and said that if they put into force all the powers they possessed it meant under the Act of Charles II. the clos- ing of all things which destroyed the Sab- bath, and it might be that they would see Ald. Ben Jones marched off to St. Thomas or St. Mary's Church once on the Sun- day-- Ald. Jones I would rather go there than nowhere at all. Mr. Williams said that when the Act was put into operation the least harip|ul,jwere j closed and THE MOST PERNICIOUS REMAINED < OPENED all the time as they did to-day, whilst in any event they would still have the refresh- ment houses to contend with. It was from the refreshment houses that they got the rowdy lad and the rowdy girl. He did not buy a newspaper on Sunday, but he read papers and he L wanted to have the right to read the literature that was suitable to his purpose. The danger of the thins: was that if they put tihs Act into force the next thing ? would be no ]j<?tcal mect'm.?s, no Trades, Union meetings on Sundays, with the result that 670,000 raihvavmen in the country would be debarred from meeting to discuss their Union business because they cold not meet on any other day. Ald. Merrells said that Mr. Molyneux had struck the real keynote when he said the agitation was an economic one, and not a sentimental or, a Sabbatarian one. He sug- gested seriously that the Town Clerk should obtain a list of the sha-heholders of the local works to see who were the people who ca.r- ried on Sunday labour. In this connection ne explained that the Labour representative on the recent deputation really represented a movement to suppress Sunday labour, j meaning thereby the employment of no eer- Ùmts on Sundays. He would be prepared to PROSECUTE ANYONE WHO EM- PLOYED AN ASSISTANT on the Sabbath, but it was not fair to put into operation a part of the Act and not the whole of it. Mr. J. Lewis said he Nvas a Sabbatarian from has youngest days, and though it was advisable to take things as they are it was the more admirable to try and improve things. Years ago things were better on the Sabbath than to-day. Apart from the religious side Sunday was of the highest value. What about the inspectors? Were they inspecting the food on Sunday? And if not was there any guarantee people were getting proper food? And with shops open- ing did thcv relish drapers and others fol- lowing suit? If he had his way he would stop golfers and motorists on Sundays, and he would stop doctors—they would per- haps have fewer people dying (laughter)— and some preachers. Aid. Colwill spoke of the time when ships and engineering shops were loaoed and working on Sundays, BUT WHO STOPPED IT- religious influence? No; but public opin- ion. "Thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath Day," applied not only to the small shop- keepers but to manufacturers and everything else. Would capitalists advocate that and be satisfied with decreased dividends? Men were being wiped out by the capitalistic sys- tem, and unless the franchise was extended to women there would eoon be no men to vote. (Laughter.) Reference had been made to the widows. There were many who could only make both ends meet by what they were doing when the Act was enforced. One man who kept five sweet shops and one who kept six tobacco shops were fined, but they only paid one fine-the same as the poor widow. If lie had his way there would be no Sunday labour at all and some of those who kept people working on Sunday occu- pied the seats of the mighty on the Sabbath. Mr. F. Parker said the question was gcod government of the town, and he was pleased with Aid. Dan Jones s attitude. Foreigners—not in an unl;:md sense-4r" largely responsible for Sunday trading, and it was time something was done. He sug- gested every Sunday trader should bo asked to close in the good government of the town, and that the Mayor, chairman of the Watch Committee, and Chief Constable should see the old Sunday traders, and impress upon them the necessity of Sunday closing for good government. Mr. Evan Jones said he should like to1 sa y 62 bonafide grocers did not open on Sunday, but the most were general dealers. VERY FEW WIDOWS OPENED I T 1 -L. I on feunoays in izrcioi-e Miopia WOCle openea bv wives whose husbands worked all the week. Mr. 1. Gwvnne said there was a chance of improving Swansea, on a Sunday, and why shouldn't they ? To hear some of the sounds coming out of Oxford-Street shops at 8 and 8.30 on Sunday nights were not, cr-edit.ahle. In the upper part of the town the widow was far better off under the oid conditions than she was to-dav. The Chief Constable, in reply to the Mayor, said the licensed refreshment houses were the chief offenders The Mayor said he was not in favour of subsidising wealthy men who made capital when the Act was enforced. It was not right to' make flesh of one and fowl of an- other previously the rich men did well, and the poor widow had to close. He agreed to. Ald. D. David's suggestion he approved of as I the best course. Aid. D. Davies's amendment was carried I by 17 votes to 14. The voting was as fol- I j lows :— For (17): The Mayor, Aldermen Colwill, I D. Davies, Merrells, Messrs. Clancy, Hem- mjngs, Holmes, L-ee, Mucdonnell, Molyneux, L. Mor gan, Powlesland, Pretheroe, Rich- ards. Sinclair, D. Williams and Wilson. Against (14) Aldermen Devonald, B. Jones, D. JonM. TuMon, Messrs. D. J. P. -Joiie-,4. TAittijii, ? \lessrq. D. J. I E\an Jones, j. ]?lo-d, Matthews, ard Miller. Mr. F. Parker was neutral A FURTHER AMENDMENT I-A F'URTH-F',R AAIE'D?%IE'T I I Mr. Powlesland moved a further amendment that lfo further action be taken, and said that it was waste of time to defer the matter, as every member knew the position. Very often open shops militated against rowdyism in the streets. The real fact was that they wanted to he compulsorily driven into I the churches and chapels. (Cries of « No, no.") Ald. David Davies opposed, and said j that he thought his amendment offered some means of improvement. With re- gard to some sneering remarks by Mr. Tutton (discrediting a statement that 20,000 newspapers were sold in Swansea on Sundays) Mr. Davies said that he had not spoken without knowing the facts, but Mr. Tutton evolved conclusions with- out the slightest attempt at knowledge. One newsagent alone in Swansea received every Sunday 11,000 papers. Mr. ])(1. Williams said that Mr. Ivor Gwynne had stated that he was shocked when he passed up High-street and Ox- ford-street, but they were the very shops that the Council could not touch. Eventually ?tr. Powlesland withdrew his amendment, and the matter therefore stands deferred.





[No title]


£ 8,000 LOST.


