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COOKS: K!T*HFM.MAiDS. &C. COOK or Cook-General Wanted; help given, for hotel work; good "wages for suit- ablo personv—Apply LleweliynJ Primrose EXPERIENCED Kitcheninaid or Cook-Gen- eral Wanted, oa Assistant Ocok; good to capable person.—Apply Mrs. Sal- mon. Training College, Swansea. J59n2-21 THXPERIENCED Cook-Geneæl Wanted for -? the end of March; must be good cook two in family.—Apply by letter, giving refer- ences and wage required, Mrs. Hedley, High- field Houae Sketty. 980w2-24 "fcTEATH.—Wanted, immediately, a good Cook-General, age 22-25.—Apply, with reo ferencee, Mr. Jong; Cambrian Hotel. 10n2-20 yyANTED, respectable Kitchen Haid. — Apply Matthews, Confectioner, Walter- road, Swansea. 377n2-23 vV ANTED, strong, clean Kitchen Girl, age 20; good wages.—Apply Mrs. Thomas, Throe Lamps, Temple-street' Swansea 847w2-23 UT ANtED, Cook-General, small family, no t ch^Ldretn; ctomljbrtfci.ble home.—Apply Mrs. John Rice, 3, Uplands-crescent, Swan- sea. 582w2-23 WNTED, at once, good Cook-General; no washing; ho use-parlourmaid k-opt. — Apply, with full particulars, 1,m. S. Taylor, Strathmore, Langlarvd. Mumbles. 685-18 Ty ANTED, Cook-Generals, House-Parlour- maids, Generals, Housemaids, Day Girls, etc. Maids' fee 1..3. Disengaged, House-Parlourmaids, Help. Housekeeper, Staid Cook-Gener.a.L-Evane. Rhyddings Reg- istry, 146, Rhyddinge-terraos Swansea. 803w2-21 HOUSE AND PARLOURMAIDS, TTOUSEMAO Wanted, clean, respectable Girl, by March 4th; also Cook-Genera-i. able to milk; cne in family; with reference. —Mrs. E. Rice Daniel, Cwmgelly, Swansea. 863w2-23 yy ANTED Young Housemaid.—Apply 4, Northampton-place, Swansea. 750w2-19 yyANTED, H ouee-Pario-u nr,<; i cl, experi- emoBd; good ref^naes.—Apply MfB. Bradford, "LiHeshall." Uplands, Swansea. 777wZ-20 ————— HOUSEKEEPER S, Ty ANTED, regpectable middle-aged Wo- f f /nan, to ke(:p house; livb in; no amaH children.—Apply Respectable, "Daily Post." Swansea. 907wZ-Z3 GOVERNESSES. yyANTED, experienced Daily Governess, for girl a gad :2.-Apply by letter, to Mrs. Gregor, Westbrook. Swansea. .3w2-f N. URSERY Governess or Mother's Il< p rP. quired, daily, Z till 8, all .tv tur- day. First lessons stat- ing age, salary, and experience, 10 V<"fhcr, "Daily Post," Swansea. iy 2-21 1 GENERALS, good Gen-oral Servant Wanted; references required.—Mrs. Williams, Paris Rouse. Porthea wI. 758w2-2fl /CAPABLE General Wanted; been out be- j fore; three in family; liberal outing, — Write or ooU, evenings. Welters, 20, West- bourne Grove, Skety. 734w2-lS Tj^XPERlENCED General Servant Wanted; two in family; gooj wages.—Apply, 14, Picion-lace, St. Helen's-road, Swanae-a. 975w2-24 /CENERAL Servant Wanted; at once; also a good Day Girl; liberal wages.—40, King Ed ward-roed, Swansea. 860w2-24 GENERAL Required; able to do plain cook- ir.g; good references necessary.—Apply Mrs. Buzzard, "Northwood," Eaton Grove, Swansea. 971 wfl-24 /CENERAL Servant, Wanted, plain cooking; another bent; æal1 family; three evenings out.—Apply between 6.30 and 7.30, Mrs. Stammers Alabaster, CornhilI Villa, Swansea. GOOl) General Servant Wanted; must pro- duce good references. — Apply Mrs. Daviea. Rail wo y Inn, St. Thm'afJ. 362D2-Z1 'V A:. a General Servant.—Apply 1:, W.?-U.ands-t?T-i'?cc. Swansea. 62.2w2-18 W. ANTED, about middle of March, good j General Servant.—Ap?Iy 9, M.irad 0r- I cre-c^nt. Swans-2-a. 930w2-24 TTAXTED. good, strong GM. fond of ebil- dren. Apply ] Grove-place, Swansea. ■ <15112-18 TT7ANTED, a capable General; milct have good reference,.—Apply 7. Walier-rcad. Swansea. • 367rj2-29 Ty ANTED, Ktroiir. Girl, for Housework; sJcp In.—Apply 135, Walter-read, Swan- r; 600w2-13 TyANTED. Young Girl, es Bor:1 (18 1)1.Apply Mrs. Nott, 34. High-street. Swansea. e £ 9w2-18 T??A.KTED.'?.rp.?en?f) Gpner?I: Mfe: ences.'—?'p?p:? 1frs. K?n7y Ca.Yi?a. Ta!y- p'?.m. Puyby-?veMse. Neath. 804v.2.21 Xy ANTED, good, General .—Apply Mr-. Travei3 Walters, 30, N'"<at.h. 75h.2-19 WANTED, Goneral; go-id references re- quired.—Apply rfler 6 p.m.. at 17. Cwrr- rioikjn-terrace. Swansea. 300w2Al vV ANTED. a clean Girl, to help in Ger.- oral H^ueework: elsep hnxne.—Applv 4C Traf^lgar-tei-roce. Swar^ea. 612vr2-13 TyANTED, immediately ?tnrg eral; country girl preferred.—Thomas. r. KH';t"l. Llintrisant. T\TAVr';D. immediately. r?ppectab7e young Girl General Servant.—Apply 1)9- tweon 5 and 7 p.m.. 155. St. Helen'p-road. 977w2-24 WANTED. Good General Servant; no wash- ing. — Apply Mrs. Dcrsrt1 Draper. 215, Eaton-crsscent, or 50. High-str-eet. Pwarw. 974w2-4 Ty ANTED immediately, good General Ser. reference.—Arply Mehston' j ArTn-<, Carmarthen-road, Swansea. 679w2-18 WANTED. General Servant: mut be abia to <?pei,k Wei-h.—Apply Mr. R.eee, 231. ft.o-n-ores<*«!nt. Pw?.r"ea. 7?0w2-20 "lyANTTD. good General, for England: t, Ug. h'v^ groi "'f-ronce—Apply after 6 m., Mis. Gregg. Irorite; Arms, Lardcre; no Ty ANTED, capable Genera! S-eirvnt; tlrfe in f?mi!v- go-(t wagee end Hbera.I out- b3.-Apply Jacobs, 21, Ru.?U-stfPe' P"?nsea.. S3w2-?3 ANTED, good General, able to do plain cooking; wswtee £13 per annum; good rpf^rences c-s^ntia).—Apply J. Auckland. LKi nelly. 802w2-21 Ty AD, at once, good, willing Girl, as Gone-nl; fond of children; good re- fererjoss.—Mr. S. R. Edward?, 20 Winrlcr. :{'.th.. 76!w2-20 Ty AKTED, good, cl?an, "es(tn ble Get?- eral. 18 to 20: mu?. bav g?d r2fr- ence. -Apply Mrs. Rugr-.e. 3, Stock well Vil- las. Mount Pleasant, Swaneei. 825w2-21 "Ty ANTED, a General 8e!\ant. to aesist in Homework, age about 25. Special wages to euitaV-a person.—Applv, with re- ference?, to 13, New Orchard^rtreet, Swansea. 835w2-23 yy ANTED. respectable General • goo > home; r"renews.—Apply Mrs. Harrl- eon, Morawslon, E planedc-avenue, Porth- 704W2-19 WANTED. isp?rienced General Servant. is t" 20: no o^oking: family; refer- ences necessary. —MYs. T/ewis. Clifton House, Queen Victoria-road, Llanellv. VaUNt: ""R!S WANTED. -Aíean refpectabte Gin Wanted, eaey  duties: on child. -Apply Mrg. Paddi- son, 50, Gnoll Park-road, iTealii. 912w2-23 DAY-GIRL required; must be clean and hiave good references.—Apply to Mrs. Bazsard, "Norfhwood," Eaton Grove, Swan- Sea. 971w2-24 GTEL, 15 to 16, Wanted, for Shop end house; sleep in.—Apply 46, James-street, Swan- Eea. 902v-2-23 STRONU, respectable Girl Wanted, to go etc., from 15 to lB. well paid; also Apprentice to the Trousering.—Apply 222. High-street. Swansea. 868w2-19 yy ANTED, Servant Maid. ehout 15, to sleep » in.—Apply 31 BTOoklands-terrace. Swan- CM. 717w2-19 "TyANTED Young IJirl. to look after a t f little girl; sleep out.—Apply 3, Heath- field-read. Mount Pleasant, Swansea-. %9w2-20 TTTANTED, clean Girl. as Mother'e Help. about 15.-A.pply 112, King Edward- road Swansea. 748w2-1S "TyANTED a respectable Girl, 17 or 18, t' f for Housework; fond of dhildren.— Apply 194, Middle-road, Cwmbwrla. 844w2-19 Ty ANTED btrong Girl for ir-orning won,: —Apply betT?r) 10 and 11 a.m., at 83, Ter-ace-roiftd. Swansea. 630w2-18 Ty ANTED, in foiir+.»en n r5HriK!e Girl about 16. f-r Housework: good home.— Write Reliable, "Doily pot," Swansea. 756w2-23 BARMAtOS, HOTEL SERVANTS, Etc. HOTEh-Wanted, C.-airberrcai, £ 13: also Day Girl.—Apply Royal Hotel. Swansea .94w2-18 yy ANTED c Working Barmaid; must pro- t r dnce good reference.—Apply Mrs. D. Rceeberry Ajms, Caer-street, Swan- Ie& 731 ",2-19 MISCELLAMEOUS SITUATIONS. A smart Junior Milliner Wanted, at orce. r —W. Bryn Rem, Draper and Milliner, King Edward-road Swansea. 9clw2-24 TJSICKLAYEES Wanted.—Apply W. and J. I R. Watson, Ltd., Gorseinon G.ird< :i Yil. 1-26-0..3R.;n2-20 DAKLK'S Vanman Wanted, at once. Young Man previous experience preferred— G. R. Hunt, 129, St. Helen's avenue, Swansea. 848w2-25 "DAKERS and Confectioners— First Hand I Want-ed, immediately, pat-ent ovens, machinerj". Union rates; only competent all- round hand need apply. Copies "f refer- ences.—Reef», Clydach Bakery, near Swansea. 937w2-23 COMPETENT Scale Repairer Wanted.— Apply Brya.nt arid Hiscocks, 58. Or- chard-s»rset, Swansea. 34?w2-20 CHxVUFFEUR.—Ycung Ma.n Wanted: live in: do all running repairs.—Apply 69, Herb-r.-vtreet, Pon tarda we. 723vt2-19 CLERKSHIPS £8ê-£450; Admiralty, War, Customs-Exciso Offices, vacanties now; open to all, a-ged 15-21. Experience unnecee- sary. Special explanatory pamphlet free.— Secretary, Civil Service Bureau, Albert Hall, Edinburgh. 859w2-23 GROCERY.—Wanted, a Man, to Deliver, and .assist in Warehouse; used to horses; outdoors.—Timothy Jcnes, Supply Stor,.s ocr. seinon. S62w2-24 HAIRDRESSER-S.—Wanted, gooj Man, to take charge of Hairdressing Saloon; also a.n Improver.—Apply Miss Earl. 207, High-Street. Swansea. 874w2-23 MOTOR Driver-Mechanic required for 3- ton commercial; woTkstop and driving experience tseential; married man preferred; wages £2 week.—Apply Western Motor Cir CJ., Neath. 347n2-19 '?fANTLES.—Want?d? a thoroughly experi- -?'- enced Alteration Hand: must be quick and competent.—Apply Thomas Lewis and Co., Oxfard>=»treet, Swansea. 817w2-2l NAVVIES Wanted, on cockett New Roacl, 6td. per hour.—Hill Bros., Contractors. 694w2-19 STRONG Young Man required. 8f; Porter gcod D. J. Meyler, Ltd.. Drapers, Swoneea. 695w2-19 TAILORESS. for Trousers and Ve8te, Wanted. — Wheeler, 14, VillierE-etrset Bdtcu Ferry. 757w2-20 TAIIJORS.—Wanted, for Ladies' and Trade, Coa-t, Vest, and Trouser I7.?:>dc., immediately; permanency—Full P-ariroularg to T. Aubrey Jenkins, Tailor, Morriston b'^n2-20 yy ANTED, smart Girl, at once, for Fruit Trade.—Townsend. Cross Stores, Morrif.- ton. 626w2-18 1VANTED. nsefnl Man, as Billiard MarkeT, and Under Boots—Hotel Monico, Swan- sea. 875w2-23 WANTED, good Wa-llir.g Mason, and Lab- ourer.— Apply H. Rogers and Co.. BUll- ders. Manselton. j67n2-20 W ANTED, two Iron Moulders; also good Fitter.—Apply David Brce., Pencoed j Foundry, Pencoed near Bridg?nd. 862w2-n '?y ANTED, exp?rienpad Young' Ladies, in Fancy D'epajtm-en?; hv? out.—Cecil a.nd .0. Swansea. 698w2-19 t'/? ANTED, e:rpcMenced Milliner, as First Hand; cl?o ?w? Apprentice?.—Apply J. jI R.c3 Z18 High-strset. Swansea. 820w2-21 TTyANTED, at once, gcod, All-round Man. » well up in Small-—A?ply by l?tter? to Rircher, Stea,r!1 Eakery, Skewen. 920w2-23 TT7"ANTED, a Motor Dri,er, fOr a Milnes- Daimler LarTY; must be an a.b?tain?r. —Apply, wilh references, Bowen, Mineral Manufacturers, Morriston. 369n2-23 Ty ANTED, smart Youth, to act as Store- » keeper at the DocSs; quick at figures and ood handwriting essential.—Write to Dk. "Daily Swansea. 376n2-23 TTYANTED strong Youth, as Striker or Im- prover.—Anrvly G. H. Horn. Shoeing, and General Smith. Beach-street, Swansea. 843^2-23 "r^"rANTED a Billiard Marker, to manage and conduct a Modern Billiard Hall; mu?t b",trict1y a?ber.—Writ-a Mo?rk?r, "Daily Po,t," Swansea. 798n2-?l ?'?7'ANTED. two ?od Bricklayers, us&d to » » Sewer work.—Apply after 6 p.ill.. F Hsy?ard. 13, Ys?ol-straet. Pert T.ennant, Swansea. 910w2-23 A NT ED. a Young Peraon. to a- slst in Baker's and Confectioner's Shop: re- forences required.—Apply to D..Tones, T>a.ker Gowerton. 610w2-13 reliable and her Man, as Motor Driver, able tn fit tyre and afist ir* Garage.—Jackett Bros., Motor En- gineers, Swansea. 671 wZ-18 TTyANTED. a respectable Youth, t-o collect ?,rr:0;.1..nd Deliver P«rcels; good wagos: reference—Apply Wide Awake. "Dailv Post." Swansea. 601w2-Ifc yy ANTED, respectable Man, for Grocery r Van- must be obliging, and used to horses; good wasrea and permanency for suitable man.—Apply Box 17. "Daily Post." 895w2-23 TTT ANTED Farm Labourer, able'to milk. tend Gows (if single, live in, if mar- ried. cottage found aged ma.n not objected to must h" Trustworthy.—Apply, stating wages, Prtobard. Yorat'o Ystradgynlaie. 861w2-23 yy ANTED, a Ytlng Man, for Weekly Pay- Vt Bu?ir.e€3, Collect Money, and De- liver: Ws. a w'?ek and co-jimission; reference reciuired.—Write Sma-rt "Daily Poet," Swan- sen. 769w2-20 TyiREMEN.—Wanted, smart Wir''Tnd. II O. Williams, Ele?tric?l Kn?htf.? Cly- dach. ¡" LZ-ZO yy ANTED, for a Small Tiap'ate Works, a Roll TumeT: must be th'-rou?hly ex- psrienaed, and accu>tomeù to all cl.as.se,g of mi1l wo-rV 0nly first-class mn reed write. Wr'te Alcan. "Daily Poe>t," Swansea. 353n2-20 WANTED, trustworthy Young Lady, to take charge of Turner amd Wain- w:rght'« Toffee Stell in Swansea Market on* Saturdaye. Wagoes 4a. and commission. — Apply at the stall on Saturday. February 14'h bstween 3.20 a.nd 4.30; two references. 323n4-14 "OUNG MEn Wonted, to look after Pony, and mako himeolf generally useful — Apply by letter to 38, St. Alban's-road. Swan- f ea. 6ó4w2-18 \?ORK guaranteed ir. Canada 'men and ';vomen). Splendid opportunities. Now organising weekly conducted parties. First soiling 21st February. Early application necessary. Salvation Army has unequalled organisation, and has settled 80,000 Britishers. Up-to-date disinterested advice and full par- ticulars free.—Write or call. Commissioner Lamb, 5, Denmark-street, Bristol (HUd Office, London). I, MANAGERS, CLERKS, Etc. lJiT ANTED, Youth, for Solicitor's Office; Shorthand and Typewriting.—Edwards anJ Bull, Fisher-street, Swansea. 881w2-23 Ty ANTED, temporary Clerk, med to Clerk- ing at Auction Sales.—Astley Samuel, Auctioneer, Swansea. 371n2.17 TTT ANTED, for an old-established Ineur- r f anc5 Company, a Junior Clerk, "with knowledge of Shorthand and Typewriting. — Writo Quick, Daily pit," Swansea. 386n2-24 Ty.ANTED. Junior ledger Clerk, for Whole- sale Gwear's Office.—Apply by letter only, giving full particulars, and wages wanted, to David Jones and Co.. Ltd., Strand, Swansea. 880w2-23 WANTED, in a (Oddslze) Tinplate Works outside Swansea, a competent Typist and Shorthand Writer one with previous knowledge cf Tinplate Works preferred, but not absolutely necessary.—Apply, stating age, experience, and salary, to Tinplate, "Daily Pest," Swansea. 340n2-18 YOUNG Lady Wanted, able to do Short- hand and Typing.-8tat-e age and sal- arv, to Rhort, "Daily Poet," Swansea. 892":1{2.19 i AGENTS AND TRAVELLERS. A good Agent Wanted.—A man with spare time may secure a good a.nd independ- ent position. No rick 05 outlay.—Address Spare Time, "Daily Post," Swansea. 606w2-18 A leading London Publishing Firm, with branches in the provinces, requires Resident and Travelling Representatives in all parte of Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, aTJd Cardigia-nahirew Higftest tel1.ÐJ.9 to b arranged at personal interview.—Write Pro- vince. "Daily Post," Swansea. 360n2-21 A LARGE FIRM is desirous of augmenting '-1 its Staff by an additional Outdoor Re- presentative. Preference given to a disen- gaged gentleman residing in Port Talbot or Neath. Permanency and Eood remuneration assured Inexperienced traveller considered -Write giving fullest particulars to Bex 459, "Daily Post." Swansea. 96ow2-20 CANVASSER for Flagon Trade, four days per week, remainder delivering; gcod wages to suitable man. State experience, and salary required.—T. C. Young, Bottler. NTf-nth. 607w2-18 (1REDIT DRAPERY—Wanted, smart, ener- J getic Ycung Man; muet be keen can- Ts-isoi', and able to measure correctly for Suits and Costumes Only thofio -capable, of harJ canvassing, and prepared for that work only, need apply. Permanency, and every encouragement to the right man.— Stato age. reference*, and salary expected, to Consistent, "Daily Post," Swansea. 903w2-2ê.. AGENTS AND TRAVELLERS. I IOCAL Gentleman required, immediately. j to represent w-ell-known Publishing Firm in Swansea, and District, of 20 miles.— Address l-etters, giving age, etc., to B0x 560 "Daily Po-st," Swansea. 969w2-20 TRAVELLER. — Wanted, reliable Man, chiefly private house trade.—State age. experience, refeI"CnC6 salary required, to T. C. Young, Bottler, Neath. 607w2-13 TyANTED, experienced Lady Canvasser, for Swansea and district; good wages and commission paid; references necessary, —Apply X., "Daily Poet," Llanelly. 619w2-12 WANTED, experienced Collector Canvas- ser; wages and commit;6Ïon: ood re- ferences required.—Apply .A. Paton, The Elms, Swansea. 623w2-18 j APPRENTICES AND ASSISTANTS. A RTICIjED Pupil Wanted; must be intel- ligent boy.—Apply David R. Thomas, Architect, Morriston. 364n2-21 DRAPERY. — Young Lady Apprentice -? Wanted; wa?s to start.—Apply Lace and Curtain Depot, Waterloo-street, Swan- 6sa. 835w2-23 DRAPERY.—Thomas Lswia and Co., x!ord- stroet, Swansea, hac vaoa\nci«3s for three smart Girls as Apprentices for Show- room and Fancy Department. 682w2-18 DRAPERY.—Smart Young Lady Improver L Wanted.—Appty Price, Draper and Gents' Outfitter, Tho Grove, Uplands, Swan- set. 613w2-18 Apprtentlioe.— Apply W. J. Berry, Hairdresser. 139, Pentre K^tyll, Swansea. 904W2-Z3! SMART Boy Wanted as Apprentice to Me- cl:snioa.1 Dentistry; no premium re-, quired—Apply, Dentisfry, "Daily Post," Swansea. 965w2-24 OFFICE BOYS, ERRAND BOYS, Etc. f sharp Lai Wanted, for Delivering ,¡J.. Bread, at once.—Apply A. Lethbridge, Darmartheu-rcad Post Office, Swansea. 724w2-19 OFFICE Boy Wanted, le&ving eohool pre- ferred.—Apply in own handwriting, to Apex, "Daily Post," Swansea. 742w2-19 STRONG Errand Boy Wanted, at once. — Harris 11, Walter-road Swansea. 700w2-19 TO Parents and Guardians.-Taylor end Co., Ltd., Swansea, have a vacancy in iheir Manager's Oflloe for gentlemanly, vtell- eduoated lad, who desires a. & JOfi Ivit- 'if-s training; a knowledge of Shorthand vsiii be an advantage to him. 3!mu-2G WiANTED for Bar, and Washing Butties, Ijad, age 14 tJo 15.—Write Box 500, "Daily Post," Swansea. 926w2-23 WANTED, strong Errand Boy.—Apply J. A. MorriG, Grocer, Dillwyi?-stre?t. Swan- &ea. 894w2-U TTT ANTED, smart Lad, for OBic? BDY.-W. '? J. R-ogeM. Ltd., Humphrey street. Swan- 1 eea. 805wZ-21 WANTED, a respectable Lad, as Errand Boy; good wages.—Apply D. C. Jones and Son, 7. Oastle-square, Swansea. 890w2-19 yy A-NTED, a respectable Boy, just. left 8hooI.-AplJly Myrudin Davies, Chem- ist, 238, High-street,, Swansea. 77 Ow 2-20 TTT ANTED, strong Errand Boy, at once. — Apply H. A. Leak, The Sc-ademap, 211, Oxford-street, Swansea. 70719 WANTED, suitable Lad, as Porter; wages 10=. to 12s.—Apply Purser's, Jewellers, Oxford-street, Swansea. 733w2-19 TT7"ANTED, a smart Errand Boy. for Fruit erer^s.—Apply Da.vid Walters, 248. Ox- ford-street, Swansea. 349n2-19 WANTED Office Boy, who can write well, and uaeTypewriter; knowledge Welsh not essential—Apply Alpha, "Dily Post." Swa n5' 834w2-1 TTfANTED, immediately, intelligent tad, oaico Bov. for Solicitor's Office. — Apply, in own handwriting, to Box 5, "Daily Pest," Swansea. 942w2-24 WANTED, Boy to assist in Billiard Room.  Friday cvanin?. Qnn Saturday all day. i —Apply ne?d Marker, Mackworth Hotd.! 8wa.nea. 385n2-24 rrWO respectable Boys Wanted; gcod cpsn- A ing to lads winhirg to get on.—Apply Wyman's Bookstall, High-street Station. Swansea.. 811w2-21 WANTED ,a respectable Lad, able to drive and ride a bicvele: good wagea given.— Apply G. Thomas. Fishmonger. Oxford-street Swanse-a. 355rs2-23 Ty ANTED, smart Boy, for OfHce. one jU8 lyiJlg school suinble.—Apply, stating age. and wages required, to Box 12, "Dailv Post." Swansea. 745w2-19 TTTANTED. smart Errand Boys, for our St. Helen's-road sand High-street shops; good wages; splendid opportunity to learn the busins.-AuckkmdJI3. Ltd., Boot chants. High-street, Swansea. 833w2-2l SITUATIONS WAHTED. A Man, accustomed to the Credit Dra-pery, A Boots, Shoes, and Clothing for seven years ee-eks situation; highest references.— Address G. D., 11, Page-street, Swansea. 755w2-19 BARMAN seeks l-e-engagement; good refer- ence.—Apply llafod House, Oeterley- street, St. Thomas, Swansea. 872w2-23 DRESSMAKER desire"* post as Sewing Maid, or Children's Maid, in or Lear, Swansea.—Address? Help, "Daily Post," Swan- sea, EXPERIENCED Young Ijady seeks Post as Barmaid; good refNence3.-Writo Bar- maid, "Daily Post," Swansea. EXPERIENCED Governcsa (21) desiree post as Governess to Young Children, in superior family: Elementary Music. Reply p. "Sunnyba-nk," Penyrheol, Sketty. 867w2-23 EXPERIENCED Young Lady requires post as Assistant in Boot Trade—Write M;ss Jackson, 3, Victoria Grove, Bideford, North Devon. 684w2-18 QITUATJON Wanted M^ctenio. for Gen- j eml Repairs in Ironmonger's Workfiliop, Gas Ranges, Locks, and Electric Bells, etc.— Apply A. B. "Daily Swansea. 838w2-23 STATIONERY, Fancy. Neweagency—Young Lady, 12 months' experience, wishes t) go as Improver; highest references; disen- gaged 1st March.—Address Box 12, "Daily Post." Swansea. 855w2-23 yy ANTED, • situ?tKTi QG ^wse-Peflour- maid; g?cd reflnGe6.-æ, J ersey- str'et, Velindre Aberavon, Glam. 615w2-18 TV TT"ANTED, by a respectable Young Per- f f eon, situation as Working "louse- keeper to a working man gcod Plain Cook and careful manager—Reply to Hilda, "Dailv Post," Swansea. 096w2-24 YOUNG Lady seeks re-engagement as Gov- JL erness, in Gentleman's family or pri- \-a.te Schcol; kindergarten: good ieference.— Apply Box 320, "Daily Poot," Swansea. 730w2-19 I HOUSES WANTED. TRAVELLER Wants House, in or near Swansea, about 9s. inclusive.—Particu- lars. Wright, c.o. 24, TrafaLgar-place, Bl-yn- mill. Swansea. 785w2-20 T7yANTED House or Cottage in or near » » Newton.—Write particulars to "G.L. "Daily Post," Office. 976w2-24 WANTED, four to six roomed House, to Purchase, West End district preferred. —State prioe and particulars to House. "Daily Pest," Swansea. 797w2-21 V\ANTED Small Furnished House, or Part » of House, West Cross or Mumbles dis- triot,Sw,te terms to Box 48, "Daily Post," Swansea, 710w2-19 WANTED, by March 25th, Dhd 11 (.1;,5(', 8 or 10 Rooma, around Moms;o7i or Skevven—Write full particulars to Box 1814, "Daily Post," Swansea. yy ANTED, Rmall Unfurnished Cottage, in f 1 Mumbles or Weat Cross, for Jun< July, and August.—Write, stating terms, to Box 666. "Daily Post," Swanesa. 100n2-23 TTT" ANTED, Small House, six or seven f f poems with bathroom preferred; 20 minutes from High-street; early poesessiOTi; good tenant.—Write H., "Daily Post." Swan- sea. 906w2-25 \TrANTED, within two miles of Neath dis- » trict, Small House, with Plot of Land, for poultry rearing: willing to rant on five years' le>ase; rent Westbourne- road. Penrhiewtyn, Neath. 705wS-19 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. DRESSMAKING and Plain Sewing Wanted, -L/ by experienced Young Lady.—134, St. H-den't-read, near Victoria Park, Swanesa. 870w2-23 LADIES' Hair Combings Wanted.—Value by peturn. Any quantity —Hor- rs.cka, 32a Portland-stre?t. Brighton. 713w2-19 MORRISTON.—Wanted, in Woodneld-?treet. i L House and Shop, or Shop only—State rent, etc. to Tree, "Daily Pest," Swansea. 916w2-19 "13 EQUIRED, Loan of £ 100, plus interest, re- t .\¡ payable monthly instalments.—Apply Cash, "Daily Post," Swansea. 812w2-21 W ANTED, good, sound, quiet Pony, 12J h.h. » -D.aTie3, 45, Fabian-street, St. Thomas, Swansea. 836w2-M MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Ty ANTED, a Canary. Goldfinch "r Mde; good singers; mitft be cheap.- -y ppiy Bargain, "Daily Post," Swansea. \y,ANTED. Fish and Chip Saloon, in or rear Swansea, or Shop mutable for EHine; reliable tenant,.—Write A. M., "Daily Post," Swar.ssa. 632\v2-18 \yANTED, large, well-lighted Roomfi, for Tailors' Workshop; must be central; at moderate rent; lease preferred.—Write Box 234. "Daily Post," Swansea, 941 wZ-24 Ty,ANTED, a. Small. Light Spring Cart, to suit a, pony about 12 hands.—Write, stating lowest price, to John Huxtable, Lodge, Birchgrove, T.lansamlet. 749w2-19 yy ANTED. Workshop and Office, suitable for Engineering Works, within half a mile of Swansea; light and power pre- ferred.—Write Box 18. "Daily Post," Swaneea. 940w2-24 "WANTED, in or near Swansea, a OoaDh. after Easter, to prepare a Young Man for Matric. Exam.—Apply, with terms and qualifications to A.B., "Daily Post," Swaneea, 3401"12-18 Ty ANTED, respectable Person, to take « f small washing; ids re- quired; would prefer the.work to go where there are no young children. State full particulars to Sketty-road, "Daily P-'?ct." Swansea. Z''Lnl-'iA > MISCELLANEOUS. FREE to Rent Payers.—The current nnm- ber of an illustrated Magazine will be sent post free on application to those who would like to knew how to use their rent to buy their house.s.-Write mentioning this paper, to the Editor, "Home," 3, Brualifield- street. London. E.C. 606w2-18 TV/I ADAME DRUSILLA. Palmist, Clairvoy- 1 ant, American Myetio Readings. Ad- vice daily. Hours 11 to 9.—Address 49 St. Helen's-road, Swansea, late of the Royal Spa-. Harr^gvate. 816w2-21 "EATH.—Will some kind person in Neath -1-' Nurse Baby Girl, a year old. — Write Mother, "Daily Post," Neath. SERVANTS' RECfSTRY OFFICES. AGENCTY, Castleton, Mumbles.—Wanted, Cooks. £ 26- £ 28; Ccok-Generals, £18-£22; Parlourmaid. £?6; Housemaids. eralci, Mumbles, Swaneea and dis- trict. 703w2-l9 yyANTED, at once, experienced and Plain Cooks, Parlour a.nd Houee-Parlour- mdds, Kitchen Maids, and Generals; also Waitress Chambermaids, Pantry Maids, and Kitchen Maids, for Season Houses. — Appl Y Mieg Lewis, High-class Registry. 18, Castle-street, Swansea. 301b.i.c. MATRIMONY. YOUNG Man (30), in gcod position, desires I to make acquaintance of refined Young Lady, from 23 to 30; view matrimony.—Write, stating particulars, with photo (which will be returned in striot confidence), to C'>mr:ule "Daily Post," Swansea. S! ?w2-24 ——— PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET. Messrs. J. Bicwftt Jenkins and Sons' Announcements. KESHPw8. J. BLEfITT and ..1 SONS, Estate Agents Surveyors, Auc- t.i^n;eri,, Valuers, eic., 4, Coilege-s:reet, Swan, t'e.'i, have the following properties for Sale and to Let, viz.:— 339n2-18 E ATON-OSESCENT.—For Sale, Leatenold — House, containing two reception rooms, kitoaen, scullery, etc., six bedrooms, box- room, bathrcom; lease about 7Z years; ground lent £5; reasonable price. 339n2-13 TJiRrNMIILL-GRESCENT.—Excellent Lease- ill hdd Dwelling-house for Sale, with early pesaes^ion. Contains dining, drawing, a.nd breakfast rooms kitchen, scullery, store- room, etc., five bedrooms, bathroom, etc. Ad- ditional heating by hot. water radiators. LeasJ about 11 years. Ground rent JB5 Is. pe" annum. 339n2-18 rPO LET, excellent House, in Gwydr Gar- dens, with March 25th. Ac- oorrunodation: 3 reception rooms, library, kitchens, scullery, pantry, ooal-bcuse, etc., 7 bedrooms, bathroom. Rent £60 per an- num. 339n2-18 TJISHOPSTON—To Let, Modern Villa, stand- ing in its own grounds of about an acre, with possession March 25th; two re- ception rooms, kitchen, scullery, etc., four J bedrooms, boxroom, bathroom. Rent on ap- plication. 339n2-18 "OICHMOND-ROAD.—For Sale, with vacant possession. Leasehold House, in con- venient position, with fine view, south as- pect. Contains two reception rooms, kit- chen, ccullery, etc., five bedrooms, bathroom. Lease about 34 years to run; ground rent 5s. Moderate prico. 339n2-18 ARAGES to Let, at rear of Gwydr Gar- dens, Uplands, good approach; clean- ing pit?. Rent, etc. on application. 339n2-18 LOCK-UP Shops, with store or show- room over, in Gwydr-square, Uplands, to let at moderate terms: good opening- for boot etore, dairy, or other business. 339n2-18 TTPLANDS.—Houses in best position? for Sale or to Let, foT conversion into buai- ness premises. 339n2-18 GLANBRYDAN-AVENUE, adjoining Bryn- mill Park.—Attractive newly-built cor- ner House for Sale, at very reasonable figure. Contains two reception rooms, kitchen, scul- lery, etc.. three bedrooms, bathroom, good ga-den. Frontage of plot 38ft. 339n2-18 Ty ANTED to Bent or Purchase, good Housa in St. Helen'e-r"iad or Northampton- place.—Send full particulars to Messrs. J. Blewitt Jenkin3 and Sons. 339n2-18 FDR. further particulars, wihh keys or or- ders to view, apply to Messrs. J. Bl-ew- itt Jenkins and Sons, Estate Agents, Survey- ors. Auctioneers, Valners. 4, CoUestre?t. SwánB. Tel. Docks 390. 339n2-18 — -jrm N. Nevison Crleve's Announcements. FOR SALE, Block of seven Leasehold Houses, in good letting locality in Swaneea -???f) ?' ? Advanced on mortgage on V good security, in Swansea or dis- trict; also other amounts in hand, to suit borrowers. 348n2-13 FOR 8.A.LE, threa Dwelling Houses, in Up- district; a large portion of pur- chase money can remain on mortgage; will show a return of 10-12 per cent. on balance. 34n2-18 FOR SALE, several well-built Dwelling  Houses, situated in Brynmill-avenue, Brynmi1l-trrac, and Osborn?plaoe. Mort- gaged can be arranged on all the above to suit purchasers. 348n2-19 FREEHOLD Property, in good industrial — suburb, for Sale, en bloc or separately twoDwelling Houses and Shop. 348n2-19 TiHYDDINGS.—An exceptionally nice Dwel- I ling House, in good position, a.nd in first-class condition, for immediate disposal. 548n2-19 GROVESEND.—Two six-tfoomed Dwelling Houses on main for Sale to close an estate. 348n2-19 NNEVISON GRIEVE, Auctioneer, etc., 284, Oxford-street, Swansea,, will be pleased to supply further particulars of any of the above. 348n2-19 ) I^OR SALE oT to Let, at the Ffore?tfach J: Garden Village, four well-built Cot- tages, all modern conveniences, pleasantly situated, off main road.—Further particular apply to David Jenkins, Gendros, Fforestfach. 344n2-18 FOR SALE, Freehold Building Sites, close to Terraoe-road ana proposed new tram route. 18ft. frontage and large depth, com- manding excellent views, and eminently suit- able for eraction of small houses. Prices from £20 each.— For further particulars apply Edward Harris, Solicitor, 3, Fisher-street, Swansea. 2354 SEVERAL Tasehold and Fr&eho!d Houses ? for Sale and to Let,, at Langland and Mumbles.—Apply Trevor E. Williams, Auc- tioneer and Valuer. 17, St. Mary-street Swan- sea, and at Mumbles. 670w2-18 rpO be Let, from 25th March next, Cilfrew Farm, Cilfrew, three miles from Neath (Neath and Brecon R-a4lway).—For particu- lars, apply to Edward Daniel and Co., Mining Engineers and Estate Agents, Swansea. 765w2-20 TO LET, on building le-sse a. valuable Cor- ner PieC; cf Ground, in & good position I at Brynhvfryd. Splendid situation for Cin- ema or business premises—For particulars apply to Mr. C. H. Newoombe, Solicitor. 3. Mount-otreot, Swansea 692w2.18 BRI:n. Drn:Sn, 71 DRISTOL. —Restaurant, Dining Rooms, 7 -? Rooms, Furnished, takings .E?2; trial; valuable Fixturee. etc.: sacrifice £ 70 every- thing.—Lindsay, 100 Victoria?et?et. Bn°to!. 851w2-23 "OUSINESS for Dispcsal.—Grocery and Gen- eral Business, large premises low rent, good house, hot and cold water, splendid future prospects, growing part of Cwm- bwrla.—Address Grocer, "Daily Post," Swan- sea. 794w2-20 /"GROCERY and General Business for Die- pcsal; good opportunity, in floudshing and developing mining district.—Apply, first instance, to Grocery "Daily Post," Swan e-a. 739w2-19 TO LET—BUSINESS PREMISES. r^LYDACH-ON-TAV/E.—To Let, Butcher'? ? Business, as going concern; good open- ing for right man.—Apply 9, Gapel Buildings. CO lw 2-21 T'O LET, Large Shop in Wossail-equare, with splendid 1ivitng accommodation. — Apply W. Thoma>8 and Co.. Ltd., Gloster Buildings Church-strest, Swansea. 718w2-19 TO LET House and Shop, on llafod Bridge; also large Yard and Warehouses; can b0 divided to suit tenants.—Apply Charles Gustavus, Poplars, Slcetty. 830w2-21 FOR SALE-HOUSES. A BERAVON.—For immediate Sale, six- -? roomed House, with Scullery; acrifice; owner going abroad.—Apply Sacrifice, 64, Beauchamp-street, Riverside, Cardiff. 759w2-20 A LEXANDRA-TERRACE, BrynmHl.-HGuse -? for Sale (bathroom), with possession ? if required.—For further particulars write G. T., "Daily Post," Swansea, 680w2-18 BOND-STREET Swaneea. — Six-iV>cmed House for Sale.—Apply L. J. Popkin Morgan, Solicitor, 10, Oross-streat, Swansea. 724w2-19 CORNER of Oakwood-road and Rhyddinga- t.irrace-—House for Sale, admirable position for business premises.Apply 182. Rhyddinga-terrace, Swansea, 772w2-20 FOR SALE, several well-built Hous-te, at St. Thomas etone fronts, with baths, and every modern convenience. — Apply, A.B.C. "Daily Post," Swansea. 774w2-20 TT^GR SALE, 15. Oaklands-terrace; ground rent £5; long Lwe; early possession — Apply Trevor E. Williams, Auctioneer, 17, St. Mary-street, Swaneea, Tel. 124 Docks. 670w2-18 FOR S.VI.E. two Villas, at Uplands, over- looking Cwmctonlrin Park, beautiful position; every mcdern "convenience.—C. Wil- liams, Builder, Cambrian-place, Swansea, ø 773w-20 EIOR Sale, 177, Foxhole-road, St Thomas, Semi-detached, Seven Rooms, and Batih- room.—Apply F. Beddoes Na.sh, Solicitor. 20, Wind-street, Swansea, or on the premises. 984w2-24 HOUSE for Sale. six Rooms; bath (hot and cold), in Brynmill-terrace (ever- looking Singleto.i): 99 year s' lease, six years gonfe.—Write Box 40. "Daily Post," Swansea, 865w2-23 HOUSES TO LET. HOUSE to Let, in Ernald-place; possession rarch 25th or before, by arrangement, Rent je34 exclusive.—Apply Bevan, 1, Gwydr- square. Uplands, Swansea. 356n2-20 MORRISTON.-To Lt Detached Villa. Pentrelweth, two Reception, three Bed- rooms and Domestic Offices; rent 10s. per week plus rates and taxes.- Apply Bowen and Evans, Auctioneers, Salubrious Chambers, Swansea (and at Mansel House, Morriston). :561n2-2.1 1^0 LET, Semi-detaohed Villa, 10 rooms, every convenience, front and back lawn..—Apply 1, Church Park, Mumbles. 357 n 3-20 TO LET, Gellideg, Haaelmere-road, off Sketty-avenue, three bedrooms; all conveniences.—Apply Rees, 33, Long Oaks- avenue, 752w2-19 TO LET, *45. Hawthorn-avenue, small eix- loomed House-; rent 8s. per week and rates.—Applv 55, Gwydr-croscent, Swansea. 34^n2-18 TO LET, from March 25th. Semi-detached HouOe, two Reception, four Bedrooms, electric light—Apply Aynhoe, Eversley.road. i Sketty. 935w2-19 TO LET, 1.). Eversley-road, Sketty, four Bedrooms H-9t,h. w.c. l'pstairs; back entrance; rent £ 30 per annum.-Appiy at ah?ve address. 616w2-18 TO LET, King Edward-road, F.ix-roomed Ho us": rent £30 exclusive; immediate possession.—-Write Box 134, "Daily Post," Swa-nse-a. 847w2-19 ?0 LET. at St. Thomas, a. 8ix-Töomed Houee. J- wH.h bath (hot and cdd); near tha? Cemetery.—Apply by letter only, E. Hux- table, 50, Beechwood-road, Uplands, Swan- j eei. 925w2-23 rpO LET, No. 17, Hawthorne-avenue, contain- ing eight rooms, with bath, w.c., etc. viw' cf Bays, and within two minntM of tr?nM. and cloSe to two parks —Apply Stev- em. 1, Terrace-road, or on the premises. 924w2-Z3 NO. 1, Tichbome-terrace to Let. immedi- ately, four rooms and scullery; five minutes from Dunns Station: 5s. 6d.weekly.—• Apply J. Hoppe 24, Chapel-street. Mumbles. 791w2-20 ■" ) OFFICES TO LET. j L.ANELTiY.—-Oftice.51 t'GLe-6i.- Stepney- J street, very central light, lofty rooms electric light, newly decorated lew rentals. •—BIpv, S^eprey-strect, Ll-anelly. 586w2-24 ONE Office to Let. on ground floor; one on first floor. ;)1, Alexandra-road— Apply within, cr 2, Trinity-place, Swansea. 888w2-23 1 '"I LOST AND FOUND. lOST, Sunday night, between Mount Plea- sant and Promenade. Gold Medal. Fin- der rewarded on returning same to 66, West- bury-street, Swansea, 870w2-19 LOST, on the 11th inst.. Fox Terrier Bitch, name on collar. Detainer prosecuted. —John John, 5, Laburnham-terrace, Dunvant. 37On 2-20 J OST, Friday, a long tailed White, r?uph j Haired Terrier Puppy aged 7 months. Finder rewarded.—Apply 18, Penbry-i-'pTrace. Brynmill. Swansea. REWARD.-Lost, between tho Palace and L Castle Buildings, Gold Screw Pendant Earring, bird design on faoe. Finder please communicate Box 477, "Daily pest, Swansea. 913w2-19 WILL'the Person who took Umbrella, from St. David's R.C. Churcih on Stinday-j morning, kindly return it at once to J. G. Hall, 19, Ffynone-street, Swansea? 100n2-18 FOUND, Scotch Terrier Puppy. If not -L claimed in three days will be sold.— Davies, Railway Inn, St. Thomas, Swansea. 792w2-20 I EDUCATION. ~T Gentleman is prepared to give Assisf- V ance to Young Students reading for public examinations—For terms apply Box "Daily Post," Swansea, C-;2w2-24 B.Se. (London) is prepared to Coach Stud- ents in any science subjects for Matri- culation, etc.—Write B,8c., "Daily Pest," Swansea. 873w2-2j I^RENCIL—(Pari? Sorbonne University D?P- L' loma) and German Lessons, private or class, long residence abroad: direct method. Pianoforte lessons, L.R.A.M.—Apply C. Jones. Wimmerfield, Dillwyn-road. Sketty. 850w3-16 GERMAN, French, Italian Spanish, Latin, ? Book-keeping, Shorthand. Typewriting, Arithmetic, etc. Thorough tuition. Candi- dates prepared for examination and husi- negS — Oswald Ko-rth, Professor of Langu- ages 1. Kensington-terrace, Swansea. 2914d.f>t.c. MINERS desirous of improving their pros- ?- p.cts should Pecure their Fireman's Certificate. A descriptive leaflet explaining how this may be done will be sent post free on request by the Secretary (Dept. M.), The Provincial Engineering College, Imperial Buildings Newcastle-on-Tyne. 312n2-23 SPECIALISTS in all branches of Engineer- ing are in great demand at homo and abroad. Complete handbook and guide to (1,11 the best posts on application—The Provin- cial Engineering College, Imperial Build- ings, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 3122n2-23 WANTED. Young PeoT)?. of both scr? t' f to train for nrstclass appoin? ments in business. Qualified students placed in excellent positions. Ask for prospectus, oi* call on the Principal. Swansea Commer- cial School, Castle Buildings, corner of College-street, Swansea. YOUNG Ladies who just left school jL should qualify for Secretarial T 0t hv a short course of training in Shorthand. Typewriting. Business Methods. l?r-ok-lvee.p- hw and English. Prospectus free from Principal, The De Bear Schools. Ltd., Castle Buildings, corner of College street Swansea.. MOTOR CARS. CY"£.S,&o. r EVERY Cyclist should send for my list of ■'Captain" Cycles and Accessories. My prices save you pounds. Roadster or Rac- ing Models from 77s. 6d. Special Tyresi, s. 4d. guarantee for 13 months, 5s. wired, 63. 4d. beaded. Best value in the trade. Workman- ship fully guaranteed, and every order des- patched promptly. Send postcard to-day to H. Fitzpatrick (Dept. 54), Burnley. 2730d.b.-t.c. FOR SALE, Lady's Bicycle, almost new, half price; also Gentleman's Royal En- field, three-speed; sell cheap.—Apply 18, Nor- folk-street, Swansea. 968w2-24 FOR SALE. Lady's New Humber Cycle, worth 10 guineas, latest model, tliTe- speed. 24in, frame; bargam.-14, v lctona- street, Uplands. Swansea. 946w2-24 FOR SALE, Matchless Motor .Cycle and Canoelet Sidecar, in absolutely new condition, with full Spares, Lamps, etc. sacrifice £ 65. — Apply Ribby, 21, Neath-ad. Swansea, 944w2-24 HUMBER, 3§ h.p., 2-Speed, and Coach Built Montgomery Sidecar; the outfit in prac- tioally new condition; only ridden about 800 miles.—May be seen at Ivor Roberta, Oxford- street,, Swansea. 972w2-24 ONE Ton Motor Lorry for Sale, solids be- hind; trial run.—Beynon, 175, Jrtgh- tret. Swansea. 70lw2-19 3 H.P. Motor Cycle. Humber, for Sale, £8, given away.—Write Perfect, "Daily Post," Swansea. 909w2-23 8 H.P. Williamson Motor Cycle and double- 0 seated Sidecar, 1913 mcdel. for Sale, complete, large Lucas head light, electric rear light, large Lucas horn all in grand condition; only done 2,000 miles; cost or £100 July last; will accept 70 guineas spot cash; any trial given.—Apply Janes, Castle- square, or Bailey, Cross-street Garage, Swan- sea.. 372n2-23 ———————————— APARTMENTS TO LET. A superior Front Sitting-room and Bed- —' room to Let, near Victoria. Park, with bath (hot and cold); terms moderate—Apply Havelin House, 101, St. HelenVavenue, Swan- eea. 845w2-23 "DOARD-RESIDENCE, suit, Young Genfle- ? men; every convenience.—Apply 51, Mansel-street, Swansea. 929w2-24 COMFOItTABLF; Lodgings to Let; suit one or two respectable Young Men; terms moderate.—Apply 4, Bond-street, Swansea. 939w2-24 /COMFORTABLE Lodgings, to suit one or -? two Young Men, with or without board terms moderate.—Apply Mr. Hopkins, News- agent, 24, Plymouth-street. Swaneea. 884w2-19 /CONVENIENT for an Tramway Routes. Well-furnished Apartments to Let; bath, good cooking, and attendance; beard optiona1.-1S, Bryn-y-Mor-crescent, Swansea. 829w2-21 /COMFORTABLE Lodgings or ???rtmctts. Front Ro?ms; suit two or t?re&ger.Ue- men or ladies in business; moderate terms — 46, Brur. wick-street., Swansea, s;f.w2-24 "COMFORTABLE lodgings, for two Young Men or Ladies in business; Sitting- room and Bedroom; terms moderate.—Apply 7. Windsor-street, Uplnnds. Swansea, 534w2-18 COMFORTABLE Front Apartments; suit one or two gentlemen; bath; every con- venience; terms 6s, per week; aleo Com- bined Room.—Apply 103, St. Helen's-avenue, Swansea. 741 w2 19 (OMFORTABLE Front Sitting and Bedroom .J to let on eeafront; close to Cars, Parks, etc.; also large combined Room overlooking Bay.—Apply, 1, Priorton-terrace, Swaneea. 973w-24 "TIURNISHFjD Apartments to Let. suit a OOUplC in business, near tram ter- minus Cwmbwrla: terms moderate.—ipplv Post Office. Cwmbwrla. 934w2-23 FURNISHED Apartments or Lodgings for two Young Men or Ladies, with or without board, near Cwmbwrla Church and irams.—Write Church, "Daily Post," Swan- sea. 938w2-24 HOMELY Lodgings for one or two respect- able Men, with or without board. — Apply lOb, Gaswell-strcet, Swaneea, after 6 p.m. 687 w2-l8 T ODGINGS for two respectable Young Men, share bed.—Apply 43, Prince of W-ole- ron/1. Swansea. 962w2-20 T ODGINGS for two respectable Men sleep together; u-se of Sitting-room, bath (hot and cold); Victoria Pork district.-Apply Charlie Evans, The Well-known Newsagent, otV* Bryn-y-Mor-road. Swansea. 870w2-23 ¡,rORRISTON.-T.Á)(lgin. 2 Rooms, for one .l Or two Gentlemen, or two Working Men, to eharo Bedroom.—Apply Room-, "Daily Post." Swansea. 842w2-23 TWO Unfurnished Rooms To Let at 34. Rodney-street, Swansea, 963w2-24 Uifurnished Rooms tc Let; elderly couple; use of gas stove—Apply 144. Rhyddings-terrace, Swansea, 375n2..19 110 LET, two nicely furnished Rooms. 44. Westbury-street. Swansea. 769w2-20 rPO LET comfortable Sitting-room-Bedrcom also Bathroom; best part of Sketty; suit gentleman or two friends —Write De-ia- Beche, "Daily Post," Swansea. 728wM9 TWO or three Unfurnished Rooms to Let.— 11, Windsor-street, Uplands, Swansea. 815w2-21 fpO LET, two Furnished Rooms, with use of gas stove and i'"UnBry; teims very mod- erate.—Apply 89, Mansel-street, Swansea. 625w2-13 Let, Board-Residence for two young men; homely and comfortable; near the Hospital; terms 14s. inclusive.—Write, "Vera," Daily Post," Swansea, 978w2-24 ?0 LET, Furnished Sitting-room and Bed- -*• room: hath (hot and cold); suit busi- ness gentleman: no children.—Apply 92. King Edward-road. Swansea. 854w2-23 TO LET, comfortable Furnished Be-drocm; suit two business frjends: central; terms moiiera-te.—Writ0 OT apply, 22, Union- street- Swaneea. 893w2-19 TO LET, comfortable Lodgings, for few re- epe"t,"ible Men. facing Victoria Park. — Mrs.. Johnson, Confectioner, corner of FrmI- cis-street. Swaneea, 790w2-20 rpO LET. in Brynmill. two Furnished Rooms, with use of scullery and g3.f; stove; no children.—Write Rooms, "Daily Post," Swan- sea, 696w2-19 rpO LET two Unfurnished Rooms, to re- epectable Married Couple; use of bath (hot and cold), gas stove, and scullery.—80, Rhondda-etreet. Swansea. 684w2-18 TO LET. in St. Thomas, two Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms, oven grate; suit couple without children.—Address 34, Sebas- topol-stro-et, St. Thomas, Swansea. 630w2-18 TV) LET, near Terrace-read School, comfort. able and homely Lodgings; bath (hot and cold); suit friends: terms very moder- ate.—Apply Mount" "Daily Post," Swansea. 897w2-19 rpO LET, Front Sitting-room -and two Bcd- rooms; good coking and »itenr-j,Tlr-e; bpard optional; bath (hot and cod); no Eaton-crescent, Uplands, Swan- Bsa, 9":w2-24 TO LET, two Furnished Bedrooms and one Sitting-room: good cooking and attend- j ance: terms moderate.—Apply 140, Bruns- j wick-place, St, Helen's-road, Swansea. 883w2"-23 TWO well-furnished Rooms to Let.—Apply 85, Mansel-street, Swansea. 840w2-23 TWO Unfurnished Rooms to Let,—Apnly 48. St, Helen's-avenue, Swansea. Without children preferred. 833w2-21 TWO comfortable Furnished Rcoms to Let: suit two .business friends: Mount Plea aant district.—Write Mount, "Daily Post," Swansea. 923w2-23 TWO Large Unfurnished Rooms to Let, in best part of ArgyTe-street. to respect- able people.—Write Homely. "Daily Post," P-ansM. 719w2-19 T7|7"ELL-FURNISHED Front Sitting-rcom and ■ FroT't Bedroom to bath; good caoldn end attendance; no children.—Apply 4. St. Helen's-crescent,, facing Victoria. Park, Swansea. 915\v2-23 Finsbury-terrace,.—To Let, comfortable Sittinsr-room and Bedroom, or Double Bedroom with or without board; every con- venience. 82hv2-21 APARTMENTS WANTED. A respectable Young Lady requires Fur- nished Bedroom, in a quiet, hcraelv place, within town; central preferred; away all day.—Write, stating terms, etc., to per- manent "Daily Post," Swansea. 665w2 18 GENTLEMAN and Wife require, immedi- ately, largo, clean, and nicely fur- nish d Bed and Sitting-rooms with attend- ance; use of kitchen and gas stove.—Write Box 422. "Daily poet," Swansea,. 889w2-19 NEWTON-—Wanted from May till October Two Unfurnished Booms.—Write par- ticulars to "L.J. "Daily Post," Office. 976w2-24 REQUIRED, Bed-Sitting-roora, with beard, near St. Helen's-road Swansea.—Write Box 222, "Daily Po«st." Swansea 795w2-20 rpWO Furnished Rooms Wanted, with or J. without attendance, by Lady and Gentleman, with one child.—Write D, "Daily Post," Swans-a. 709w2-l9 rpWO Furnished Rooms required, by Lady -1- and Gentleman, one child with or without attendance; terms moderate neigh- bourhood of Mount Pleasant preferred. — Write .0., "Daily Post," Swar 879w2-19 APARTMENTS WANTED. T? ANTED, comfortable Lodgings. by yonng T y man, willing to share r.;om? with an other—Apply, giving particul3.rs to "Lex," "Daily Post," Swan-ea. 982w2-20 Ty ANTED, one Unfurnished Room, for an elderly Lady, near St. Helen's-road pre. ferred.—Write Gordon, "Daily Post," Swan. sea. 918w2-19 yyANTED Bedroom and Sitting-room, with attendance, for two Young Gentlemen; board selves; away during the day.- Write Convenience, "Daily Pest," Swansea. 943w2-2 y" yANTED, immediately, two or three rn. furnished Rooms; West Cross or New- ton preferred for year's tenancy no attend, ance—Address A. P., "Daily Post," Swansea. Ty<ANTED. south side of Gow. three Bedrooms and Sitting-room, for first fortnight or three weeks in July.—Apply, with terms, to Spencer, "Daily Post," Swan- sea- 927wZ23 YOUNG Man requires clean, comfortable — Lodgings in cicee proximity of Lan- dore Tube Works.—Reply, stating terms.etc.. to Box 250, "Daily Post," Swaneea. 917w2-23 ?OUNG Student desires Lodgings, gcod ? locality; hot and cold bath.-State terms—Write Student, "Daily Post," Swan- B:1. 796wZ-ZO MISCELLANEOUS SALES. A CETYLENE Gas Table Lamp 40 c.p. newj ?"? light coet3 less than ?d. per hour, 14s.— Merrett, Vcrgam-ierraee, Fishguard. 853w2-23 BILLIARD and Dining Table, combined, for Sale, £15; three-quarter size, gocd con- dition; cost- £35; suit men's club.—Apply Vicar, Clydach. 708w2-19 EARLY Cabbage Plants for Sale, Wheel- er's of Spring Infield Market, 2s. 6d. per thousand, and Red Pickle, 4s. per thousand for cash; rail Martock Station — Dodge, Sockety Farm, Merriott, Somerset. 865w2-23 FOR SALE, Pram.; moderate price.—Apply *• 154, St. Helen's-avenue, Swansea. 933v?2-23 "OR SALE Tobacconist's Stock, Window Fittings, Mirrors, Cases, Scales, etc.— Apply Rosser, Newsagent, Neath. 799w2-21 SALE, Show Cages. Breeding Cages, Call Cages, also Catching Outfit, com- plete.—Apply after 6 o'clock, to C. Doyle 89, Orchard-street, Swansea. 891w2-23 T'IIRE GRATES (three) for Sale, all in good L condition. Inspection by appointment; Uplands district.—Write Box 10, "Daily Post," Swansea. 746w2-19 SALE, six Goldfinch Mules, 1913 bred.— Apply 24 Kinley-straet. St. Thomas. Swansea. 781w2-20 SALE, Chip Range, Tables, Benches; suit young beginner, Springs and Axlee. Chocolate Glass Gaze; room wanted.—T. Lynn Loughor. 605w2-18 FOR ALE, Counter, Carved Oak Hall Stand, and Old Gold Plush Parlour Suite, in good condition; sell cheap to immediate pur- chaser.—For particulars, write 75, Mansel- terrace, Swansea, 832«-2-18 FOR SALE, brand new Singer's Treadle Sewing Machine, latest style, with cover; c'"6t .£9; sell very cheap—Apply at- once, 9, Clarence-place, by Clarence-terrace, Swansea- 618w2-18 FOR SALE Large Hutch. 12ft. t 4ft. x 2ft.. and four Rabbits; also Pair of pure-bred Belgian Hares, to immediate t urchaser, 25a. tho lot,—Apply T. Merrifield Caemawr. Mor- riston. 849w2-23 FOR SALE. cheap, Chip Cart nearly new. Zinc-lined, and Potato Cleaner, three Sets of Harness, 20s. per Set. New Flat Cart, also Small Chipper, Axle Cart, etc.—Apply Mclin. 892, Neath-road. Morriston. 772w2-20 HANDSOME Pen of White Wyandottes. four n Pullets, laying. April, 1913 hatched, prize bred; also fine, vigorous Cockerel; 25s. the lot.-W. Davies, 22, Brunswick-street. Swansea, 764w2-20 FOR SALE. 4-ton Cart Weighbridge, and 3- ton Tram Weighbridge, by Bartlett, both equal to new; Steam Pipes, lin., 2in., 3in. 3in.. and Sin. bore; Horizontal Steam Engine, 5in. cylinder, box bed. with Picketing Governor: four strong welded St pel Tanks, Government made, capacity 90-190 gallons; good Second-hand 181hol. Br-dge Rails, and twelve ctrong Iron Colliery Trams, 2ft. 6in. gauge; Anvil. Vice, Bellows Bench Drilling Machine, and Grindstone in frame.—Full par- ticulars and lowest prices on application. — Joneo, Smale, and Co. Swansea. 35Sn2-20 OÊ New 30ft. by 8fr. Boiler, for 16Cihs. pressure, now ready to load; a),> two Second-hand Verticals (.insured at OOlbs.); cne 15ft. by 5ft., the other 12ft. by 4ft. 6in.— George V. Perry, Gloucester-place, Swansea. 818w2-21 RHODE rand Red Eggs, from prolific win- ter layers, fine brown eggs, 3s. 6d. net" dozen, Solomon and Banner strain; unfer- tile replaced. —George Beynon, 55, MiJton-ter- racs Swansea. 340y2-13 TO Shopkeepers.—For Sale, owing to altera- tions Surplus Fixtures and Framed Mirrors, also Massive Counter, 12ft. x 2ft. 8in.; cheap for quick sale.—Weatacott, 49 Hirrh- strept. SW8. nse.a. 814w2-21 TT^EDDING GIFT.—Lady offers magnificent it 7-guinea Service A1 quality Plate (stamped), comprising six each Table, Des- sert Spoons, Forks. Tea and Eggspoons Mus- tard. Salt Spoons, Sugar Tonga '40 pieces), uo- soiled; ac<»ept 258., approval willingly,—Write Gift., "Daily Post," Swansea. 300w2-18 CHINA and Earthenware.—Cheap, Well- assorted Crates of Everyday Selling Lines for Shops. Markets, end Hawking. — Write for free lists.—Sheaf Pottery Manufac. turers. Longton. Staffv 610t.ot ^AFES (Fireproof! all eiz?e. for Sale, r?r- ? am: also LUl'ka,ting Oil for Motora, Dynamo5, Gas, Steam and Oil Engines- Birt, 47a. Strand Swansea. 666w2-18 3B.H.P. Electric Motor and Starter for Sale. jE8 10s.. in perfect condition.—Bey- non, 175, High-street. Swansea. L J J L J HORSES, CARRIAGES, TRAPS, Etc. BAY Mare Pony for Sale, six years old, about 14 hands, quiet to ride and drive; also Wire-haired Terrier Puppy, 3 months old.—Apply 7, Walter-road Swansea.. 366n2-19 CHESTNUT Cob for Sale, 14 2 hands, 5 years, Ralli Trap and Harness, together or separate: good Trolley, carry one ton, and Flat Cart— Kneath, 10, Gerald-street, Hafod. Swansea. 921w2-23 FOR SALE, a thick-set CartMare,15 h.h., suit farmer.—Apply Rose's Gardens. Blacknill. 784w2-20 FOR SALE. Pony and Governess Car.— Apply Gage. 196, High-street, Swansea. 792w2-20 "J70R SALE. Tip-up Cart and Earner in -J. good condition, will t?k? £6, or any near offer.-Apply Mr. W. Roeeer, News. agent, Neath. 912w2-23 iT^OR SALE, Chestnut Pony, very quiet, eight JL years old, 12 hands high; also Light Spring Tipcart, suitable for about 14 hands. Thomas. Butcher, Sketty. 483w2-18 SALE, a smart Cob, 14.3 hands high, age 9 with Set of Harness to suit same: good reason for selling.—Apply Larry Warner, 1. Bethefda-etreet (back of Palacel, Swaneea. 842w2-23 FOR SAIÆ, Blue Roan Cob, 14.3 h.h., 5 old. perfectly sound, and good oer; price £ 28.—Apply between 2 and 3, or after 5 o'clock, to Mr. Evans, Coachman, 8, Bur- man-street Swansea. 839w2-2S FOR SALE. Gelding Pony, New Set of Har. ness and pretty round-cornered Gover- ness Car: lot £ 18.—Apply after 4, to Mr. Evans Coachman, 8. Burman-street, Swan. sea. 789w2-20 "lOR SALE, useful Cob. 13 h.b.. five quiet ip all harness; reason for selling, •proved in foal; or would exchange for one not fool: price £10 10s.—Apply 1398, Neath- road. llafod 932w2-23 IOR SALE, pedigree Welsh Pony, 12.3 h.h.. L 5 years, sire "Llew. Llwyd," dam by "Welsh Flyer." good all-round action, hav. ing wnn only timee hown, and is sound.- Apply after 5 p.m., to Phillips, Bron Feulog, Lla-nsamlet. 954w2-24 FOR SALE, the choice of two useful Mares, one Bay Cart Mare. 16.2 h.b., aged seven years, Shire bred, warranted in foal, warranted sound, a good worker in all gears, price £28; alsa. Dark Bey Cart Mare 16 h.h., age 6 years, warranted sound, liriet. and good worker, suitable for lorry work or cart, price £25; reason for selling, owner has no further us.-4.:17, Trewyddfa- road. near Landore. Swansea. 925w2-23 HARNESS Oils Jet Black Oil, in i-gallon tins: gallon tins, 3s. 6d. Sole agents for South Wales, Swansea Saddlery Co., High-street Arcade, Swansea. Tel. 103y. Central. 669w2 -18 PRETTY Turnout for Sale, Bay Pony, 11.2 L 6 years, rubber tyred Trap, and Brown Itamioss. together on* separate. -0 Kneath, 10, Gerald-street, Hafod, Swansea. SUNBURST." fast ga]OI)ng Pf?ny. for ?3 Sale—Apply to Wilkes, ?3 Hou, Kilvey, Swansea or to New Mill Farm, Kil- lay, where the pony can be seen. 663w2-18 fpAR-PAULTNS Waterproof CHt and Wag- l en Loin Cloths Leggings. Hb'?') Clippers, Horse Night Bugs, Carriage. Cart, and Van Lamps—Swansea Saddlery Co., Jli^h-street Arc? Swansea. 669",2-19