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F&TMFR a?BNESmSa ?&RaBSaaFEttS?TSF&BMt TRAIN MURDER SENSATION. TRAVELLER'S DRAMATtC IDENTIFICATION, VERDICT OF '< WILFUL MURDER." We are unanimous tn regarding the evince of the witnesses called by Mr. Starchheld as unreUabf.9 and entirely tackmg In oorrobM'aHon. We are unanimously of optnton that Mr. Starchnod and his pr!no<pa< wttnass, THtay, have faUIJd to account saHsfaotorHy fo!- the)? whorMbouts on the afternoon of January 8, 1914. Wo are unanimous in bollevlng that the man and the child seen by Mrs. Wood and Mr. White on the afternoon tn question WM-e Mr. Starched and h!s son, W))!io." There was a dramatic ending to the re- sumed Inquest at the Shoreditch Ooroner's. ?,ume d it,. q uest at the I?, Ccurt on Thursd&y on little WiUie Stajch- neld, who was found murdered on Jannaxy S m a North Lender trMn. The juTy, .-whc brought in the above verdict, were unani- mously of the opinion that the boy's lather, John Starchneld, should be changed with the wilful murder of his son. and there- upon Chief Inspector Gough, who has been directing the police efforts to elucidate the ]nyat-ery. at once a-rrestpd him. During the inquhy a-nother atai'tUng piece of evidence had been adduoed. There was, indped, a repetition of the scene the previous week; when a woman mMned Mi'B. Wood MmM forward and identiSed Staa-chneld && the m&n whom she had sMn with a small bc.y in KenMsh Town-oa,d on the day of the .-rmrdei-. Mr. R. J. White, <L c:ommerci.a.l LiaveIleT, oi New Sont.hgate, who explajn-Nl [hat. he had gone to Camden Town Station () deposit a omall case, yesterday related the. following story :— "Turning round, he saw a ma.n comtBg down the Kentish Town-roa<d entrance to the Ft.<'1.tion. The man was about 40 years age, 5ft. 4in. or 5in. hi height, a;;d of dark ocmplpxion. He h&d a heavy mo'i"- tn/che p.nd broad shculderE. He was drpMcd in a dark overcoat, and was wear ing a dark Trilby hat. He had' what witness called an Italian appearance. He -vas hoMing a little hoy by the band. The boy was about 3ft. 6in. high, and was slightly built.. He was an at u'activc boy, but 'witness did not notice hi.? haJ! T}M boy ha.d rather tight-ntting clot. The man jcft the boy st.anding- in the booking-ha.n, and the man ceme to the booking-omce window. The boy went, towards the barrier, and the man called out, Come you hpre." He later re- cognised the boy when he ha-d got ticket. A DRAMATIC DIALOGUE. The witneM mentioned that he saw the pictures in papers, and he 'M under tha impression thot the photo- graphs of thp father of the boy resembled the man he had s,-P-n. -He had dibous"d the case with Mrs. Powell, at the same ad- dress. who at first told him not to get mixed up with the afhr, and he decided to wait for a few daya. Then followed this dramatic diaJoguo between the foreman of the jury and the witness — The Foreman Are you quite stire the ma.n you saw was wearing a Trilby hat? The Witness Yes, s ir. The Foreman D'd you recognise the man you saw ? The Witness Yes, sir. The Foreman Where? The Witness J recognised him outffid e Shoreditch Church. The Foreman Conid you identify him now ? Tha Witness Yes, sir. The witness was told to look round the court and point him out. Ca-refuUy he scanned the faoM of those around him, and then, pointing to Starchfield, exclaimed. THAT IS THE GENTLEMAN instantly 8tarchfield was on his feet. It's a lie, a d- lie," he shouted. A man named Barry, one of Starchfield's feilow-lodgers, who was sitting by his side, repea-ted, So it is a lie," and added, It must be his double." Then the foreman turned once more to the witnoofl. Do yon recognise thq voice?"—The wit- n&s8 said he did. Was the boy going willingly with him?— Most affably. They were both going affably together. You foel quite positive !ha.t that was the ma.n?—Yes. RECOGNISED BOY'S! PHOTOGRAPH. A pnotograpn. of Willie St&TcbneId, taken at the Shorcditch Infirmary after death, was handed to the witness, who, after gazing at it for a few seconds, said, "That is the kind of boy I saw Mr. Starchfield with. Previous to thL; other evidence had been taken. It will .be recaUed that at the previous hearing Mrs. Wood produced a cake as simitar to one which, she eaid, she eaw the boy eating In Kentish Town-roa J. Dr. B. H. Spilabury now stated that thf iood which he found in the boy's stomach ntlght have consisted of such a cake a.s th: purchased by Mrs. Wood. The man Barry, who was recalled, std.t"d that he did not go out of the lodging-house until three o'clock on the afternoon of t.ti° fatal day, and StarchHeid had not come downstairs then. Thereupon Mrs. Starch- S&Jd re-entered th& witness-box, and said that she saw Barry in Rupert-street on the day in question, between 12.50 and one. In his summing up, the Coroner said there was no eyinelK against any. one person, nnleaa it was the father. The ques- tion for the jury's ''onmdern.tion wa.ft, Was th€e suOicicnt evidence that he could have k'Ued the boy? The jury deliberated for ilfty-six minutes, und then brought in their VERDICT OF WIT..FTL -NtrRDER I against the father. When she heard their I deci&ion MM. St.archfield buried her face in I her hands, ebbing piteoush-. A big crowd had assembled outside the court, a,nd a. large body of police wa& re- quired to door the streets. There was some as Sta.rchHe!d was driven awa.y in a taxicab to OM-atreet Police Station. Hp wiU be bronght before t.he magistrates at OM-st-reet Po]ice-co'urt this morning.






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