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Baby WiM Thrive on ? ? ? Mettle s N?N WL? ?Bt?? ?? "B? ? ?N ?? ?tt? ?? ? S tfjfL ?? ?jy j)?t? ?? Adm!fab!yadaptedt.thewttntsof:nf<nts F4uud -SlrChas. A.Cameron, C.B., M.D. r t I Contains all the essentials for bone and nesh-forming in an exceptional dearer assists teethtng, relieves infantile constipation, and ensures restful nights. A MOTHERS TESTIMONY. Mrs. J. Kan*. 0 Rockingham Road.Doncasttf. writes:- Dr——advised me to give my twin boys of six woetts old your Nerve's Food. t have reason to be sratefut to my Doctor for his advice, because I have never ioata n.ght's rest with any of my children, and they have cut their teeth without any troMb!<. Your food also <toes away with all n«d of medicine and castor oil.Augstst Z2, 1912. Has for many yearz been uzed in the RuMian tmperiat Nuraertea. KEARLY M TEAM' REPUTATION. GOLD MEDALS. LOHDOM 1900 Md t9es. allO PAR!S SOLD EVERYWHERE IN TINS AND 4d. PACKETS. Useful BooMet. Hints about Baby." by a Trained Nurse, sent free. Sample for 2d. po, ai;, mention this pubhcation.-JQSIAH R. NEAVB & CO.. Fordingbridge. HAVE YOU TRIED THE GREAT ENGUSH GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT & P!LL8? -1 HAVE YOU A CARBUNCLE ? NAVE YOU AN ABSCESS? HAVE YOU PtLES? HAVE YOU A GLANDULAR SWELLING? HAVE YOU A POISONED HAND ? !tAVE YOU A. BAD LEG? with Wounds that discharge or ether- wiM. perhaps surrounded with inHaBOBM- tion tLBft swollen that when you press yo<ir aneer on the inOtuned part it leaves the hapresaion ? If M under the tkim you tmve poiaon, which deae* all the remedies you have tried. Perhaps yonr are ewollen, the joints boln,- ulcerated, the sam* with the mnkiea, ??- your case is roundwhichthe e ?onr case is round which the Opeless, ot skiD may be dls- a d v I sed 11 I) coloared, or submit to am. there may be I putation, but wonnds. Th e do not, for I diMBM, if allow- ? t can care you. ed to continue, t I don't say per- wiU deprive yon t </ htpa, bat I wUt. of the power to SiFsL?4 D ME A v&lk You may MM POSTAL ORDER have attended MM for 2a. 6d. and I various hOBJI!- will s end you 11 So Is and this great remedy, been told which is a sure uure. N. W. ALBERT, 73, Farringdon-street. London. MOOOOMXKXXXXXKXXXXXX MMKXKXKXKXXXMXKKXKXKK STEI:B,L:J:1V'G- "4Xr4C)IX;LrMX-X S ?. x < tett< in the end. Not only is this true of Individuals but aiso as K < regards things of use. Triat and expertenoe are the touch-stones of mertt. ? < Protn time to time all sorts of me<ttctnee have bean put before the pubHo, ? < and the nantes of mMt of these are long forgotten, but Beechatn's K < PiHs, wh!oh have been In eve<tncreaa!ng use among ai) otasses of aoo!&t'/ N t for three generations, have a greater popularity to-day th&ji ever. Over ? « 6,000,000 boxes are so!d annuatty. Th:nk what these figures signify! !S, < Cou!d th!s remedy have sa extraordinary a sale <f It did net supply a ? < r&at need,-If It wa< not of genu!ne worth, If It d!d not tiarfornf! what ? j§ t< protntaod? A reliable preparation of the most eRtcaoious and carefutiy x S seteoted tngredtents of vegetable oDStn, these piHs are of un?quaHad lC g value for the reitef and cure of those dis?sttwe !rragu!ar!ttes whtch § appear as biHousnese, consttpattO", flatulence, faiHng appet!te, S S dyspepsta, headache, and the depressed condtttotts of mind and body C S that accompany auch dteorders. Whenewe.r you need a oMreotfwe XS e med!otne, as everyone does at ttmes, you shoutd take â ij BEECHAM'S PILLS. ? Prepared on!y by Thomas Beecham, St. Hetens. Lancashire. S§ L :Selold everywhere in boxes, price f 1? (56 pHts) & 2'9 f)68 piHs). ? <MOOOOOOM!0<MOOOMMMMMXK?M3M?XMM?MM? i







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