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Pwy sydd yn gorfod Dioddef…


) Nodion o Abertawe. j - I

Cymanfa Annibynwyr Dwyrain…

! Gwahanuod Llyfroniaeth y…

Cymrodorion Dyffryn Afan.




GWAED! GWAED! GWAED! MAE IECHYD A BYWYD YN DIBYNU AR WAED PUR CRYF. IACH A MAETHLON. Hughes's Blood Pills Mae "Hughes's Blood Pills" yn hynotf effeithiol at Creu Cwaed Newydd, Pur a Chryf, felly yn dylanwadu ar tail Oreanau v Corff. drwy hvnv vn laohau Dolur Pen, Oiffyg Traul, Biliousness, Afu Ddrwg, Tatddlantau a,, y Cnawd, Cornwydon, Scurvy, Plies Fits, Nerv- ousness, C w y n t Cwynegon (neu Cymal- wst), Poen Cefn, Lum- bago, Corff- rwymedd, Neuralgia, Anhwylder- au yr Aren- au, Iselder Y s p r y d, S u r n I y Cylla. ) (P, am 7 BENYWOD! At Anhwylderau tueddol i bob Gwraig, Mam a Merch o bob oodrin mae Hughes's Blood Pills" yn nodedig o effeithiol. Rhodder prawf arnynt. RHYBUDD PWYSIG. Wrth brynu y Pills hyn gofaler rhag gael eich twyllo. Mynwch weled y Trade Mark, sef llun Calon fel hyn- pr ar bob blwch. Heb hwn, twyll ydyw. Gwrthodwch bob peth arall. Ar werth gan bob Chemist a Storei am 1/U, 2/9, 4/6. Neu danfonwoh ei Gwerth mewn Stamps neu P.O. at y Perchenog- JACOB HUGHES. MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, M.P.S., L D.S Penarth, Cardiff. Nilliams& Co., Supply Stores, Aberdare, Hold a Large Stock of tarley Ityeal, Maize, White Oats, Bran. Sharps, Indian Meal, &c., &c. Which we are clearing at Ireatly Reduced Prices Supply Stores, 2 Card iff St., Aberdare. ithrofa Aberystwyth JN O'R COLEGAU YM MHRIFYSGOL CYMRtJ). rîfatkraw-T. F. ROBERTS; M.A., LL.D. Parotoir yr efrydwyr ar gyfer Arliolisdau ilyagol Cymru. 3ynhygir amryw o ysgoloriagthau (rhai o nynt yn gyfyngedig i Gymry) y flivyddyn n. Am fitnylion pellach, ymQfyuer a— J. H. DAVIES, M.A.Cofi-e8ti-ydd. Pregeth II WII Bryan." Yn gyntaf, y gwrtbddrych a nodir-I 'Davies's Cough Mixture." Yn ail, y ddyledswydd a gymmhellir Ei gymmeryd a'i reoom- mendio." Yn drydydd, y wobr a addewir— 14 Rhyddhad oddi wrth Beswch ao Anwyd." DAVIES'SICOUGH MIXTURE, at Beswch, Anwyd. DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, at Asthma, Crygni. DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, at P&a, Brononitis. DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, at Influenza. Nid rhaid i DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE wrth ganmoliaeth-y mae wedi bod o flaen y cyhoedd er's blynyddoedd; so y mae y per- chenog, drwy draul a llafur di-ildio, wedi ei berffeitbio yn y fath fodd fel y mae yn cael ei gydnabod fel darganfyddiad gwerthfawr at yr anhwylderau, Nid ydyw DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE yo mhlith y darpariaethan hyny sydd yn cael eu hareymmhell at bob Aflechyd, ond yn unig at anhwylderau y Frest, megys Anwyd, Peswoh, Asthma, Pas, Crygni, Bronohitis, Caethdra, a Diffyg Anadl. Mewn Poteli /14 a 2/9 gan bob Druggist. HUGH DAVIES Chemist, iMaohynlleth. Do you want M 0 N E Y ? M 0 N E Y ( for extending your business, entering Into a new business, or for any good purpose what- soever ? Apply THE SOUTH WALES EQUITABIIB MONEY SOCIETY Registered under Friendly Societies Act) ALBERT CHAMBERS, HIGH:STREET, CARDIFF Branohes SWANSEA—10 High Street Arcade. NEWPORT-J. R. Rowlands, 11, Skinner 81. P ENTRE-E. T. Davies, Victoria Chambers. F ERNDALE- W. J. Jones, Tudor Chambers. TRE DEGATemperance Hall. PONTYPOOL-J. R. Rowlands, 20 Crone St. MERTHYR-A. T. Smith, 4, Castle St AGENTS WANTED where unrepresented. Re los for is 2d per week, 11.1 for 29 3d per week, and so on up to £ 3210s for 5s 2d per week. Assets nearly £50,000. Ask for Balance Sheet and prospectus. THE Aberaman & NJountain Ash Billposting and Advertisin, eg., Proprietors of the most prominent station, n Aberaman, Cwmaman, C w mbach. Abercwmboi, Aberdare and District. ADVERTISE BY BILLPOSTING. EVERYONE SEES POSTERS. AU communications and parcels should h. addressed to the MANAGERtI Public Hall & Institute, Aberaman Aberdarc Tel. P.O. 12, Aberaman. LAtI;FS BLANCHARD'S PILLS Are unrivalled for al irr?g.larities, &0., tbel$edily afford relief and never fad to alleviate all stØlerlng.   Pil Cochia. Bitter Apple, &0. ?btMn.OMre'?are'w Best of all PUle for Women." c u imbv ?Qo?g. BMnches. Md In Chemtst's] ol post f-e e p.cc. from ?ESLIE MARTYN Ltd????e .?? LONDON 3 DALSTON LANB, LONDON Free 5ample ?nd v?b!e Booklet, post free !d. -tamp EVERY WOMAN Should send two stamps {«'r Book, containing V?ab!e info' ti?.iiion how aU L.r?u]aritie. and Obstruct.? m?- he edirel, avoided or removed by r?hp). n.?. L?.. Deuded by eminent phYi'¡'311, as <? owly ?fe Sure and Genuine Nc,?,,r Fails. rhousan.? of '1't!'tim(¡I1¡l\lt;. ,???.?'- ?.'? MR. PAUL 8LA_NCHAR_?D, -IsrAMO]at House- Pa,h,or, i.nndou. Send your Orders for PI^I NTIJIC TO THE Leader ATarian Office Cardiff Street, Aberdare. Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Tickea, Programmes, Balance Sheets, Church Reports, and all kinds of Printing done in up-to-date Style, combined with first-class Workmanship, [ SATISFACTION prompt GUARANTEED. DBSPATCfl. 1 64 PAGE Book about H?b. ;¡ bow »o n« ihem Post Free. Send for "f;Trlf  Herbalist. 144 Richmond-rome l ..1; Rlli,.bHrh.. 1879, PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRBSS  ? prevent fraud ?ee that you ?.??'? ? 1819 on every label and -Pper of my prepar. &ions without which none are g< TdJ"YII,n, Th Herbalist, 144, Ricbmond-road, U?<M? TBIMNELL'q PILLS AND PCWDKF..S h"vt) CDre Thousands Why not } pi Established 1 1&b(>1.-T1-jlLC.b¡ rII. i, Herbalist, 144. Richmond toaa, OardHt Ar" Booms »anted. '.?.. J "—— '?' &12, Best aod 1"e3pflt. (,I't O' appU..titi.. Tn'.M!). ?<!?0??'? ?" ———— BOON TO THE LAME. ——— J. J. STUBBS, Maker of ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, with RUBBER FEET. Are the most Natural, most Efficient, most Comfortable. Absolutely noiseless. Fitted with Ball Bearing Joints. All bolts, springs, catguts abolished. Over 2000 limbs in use. Hundreds of Testimonials. Every limb guaranteed. Trusses, Belts, and all kinds of Surgical Goods kept in stock. RUBBER SPECIALITIES. Write for Catalogue. ——— 51 CITY ROAD, CARDIFF. ————