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"THB BLIND MAID OF BETHANY." SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCES AT RHYMNEY. There are few towns in this or the adjoining county where so many of the popular cantatas, operettas, and oratorios have been performed during the last twenty years as at Rhymney, due to the musical instincts of the local public. It is therefore not sur- prising to find that these productions are so much appreciated. On Thurs- day and Friday evenings, two highly successful performances were given (in full character) at the Victoria Hall of the interesting cantata entitled, The Blind Maid of Bethany (Carey Bonner), by the Goshen United Choir, which had been efficiently trained by Mr James Lewis, A.C. Thanks to the activities of the band of workera connected with the chureh, ably super- vised by the Rev. Rhys Jenkins (the reapeoted pastor) a large number of tickets were disposed of, and the crowded and appreciative audiences that oame together were given a most enjoyable treat. On the first evening Mr Joseph Price, (The Terrace) ably discharged the duties of chairman, whilst on Friday, Dr. Morgan Jones, (Pontlottyn) presided. The charaeters were admirably re- presented by the following :Adinah the Blind Maid of Bethany Madame Maggie Evans, Abertysswg; Mary of Bethany, Miss Mary Richards U.C.W.; Nathan, (father of Adinah) Mr Luther Williams; Zillah, (youngest sister of Adinah) Miss Beatrice Griffiths Bartimsms, Mr David Riohards, each of whom were heard to fine advantage in their respective renderings. The ehornses, semi-choruses, chorales, etc., were beautifully sung. whilat in the reoitatioas and quartettes the prinoi- ?ils achieved a noteworthy success. ;he whole prodnotion was a most meritorious one, and reflected much credit upon Mr Jamea Lewis, A.C., who mnst have laboured hard and in the work of preparation. It should be stated that the choristers were ably supported by an efficient Orchestral Band, ander the direction of Mr Morgan Lewis. The aocompanists were: Piano, Miss Annio Thomas and Mr William Evans organ, Mr Abel B. Jonea, A.C., who likewise dis- oharged their datios with maoh effici- ency. The setting of the pieoe was admirable, and the stage arrangement* were in the capable hands of Mr Ben Morris »»4 Mr Htnry Griffiths. The secretarial duties were efficiently carried out by Mr Abel Isaac Jones. The committee take the opportunity of extending their warmest thanks to the kind friends from other churches for tbeir valuable assistance, and the publio for their generous support.


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