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{*& ITSUN WEDDINGS WEDDING ????'???\ » should be crou nc i by the tii'>yght that rhe symool of your wedding jov is"RINGS.  ''?'   1M-A i' /i/ f l °\; V 1 the most perfect rt; v. money can buy. H. Samuel's Lucky" Wedding-" Latest fashionable ?'?S?. ? ???  ?J '11 g: 1 "i sh'JtJd he' cr')\1'i1 b' th tL"'Jght hat !h ,cj'm¡,p uÍ your wdiagj()y is RINGS. m .'):K< .j' mo<¡t [1er ct tL 1 mnney c:n buy" II. S,:mul s "Lucky 'J,.W ed(hng Latest f!hionable 0-'l ')'0' "I" '(f,'ta 'f 1" 'I S I markea SolId Gold ? ?.????LU WEDD!MG R!NG ? 5/- M???J /'? ') >/j: ) ¡:f\ A WHITSUN WEDDING GIFT FREE. X» 10/6 ? "? i k*M3rs"'PV ™ Ancnomc•.u« s lWytrftiinuliftHfi A PREdEkTS »    Mt ?  L ?-??      RBEfCJlte atmonty-saving next • •!>► » tontom. J I (KM "jf n %'iil i*4* f.k» "a   3 ) r W  172, Comn?rciat Street, 22. 23 & foo?. ?-' U ???\ r'?? ?? ?1?TW/?! vI l /■H ■ SANIUE 172, Commercial Street, 22, 23 & room. k' If 26a. High St., NEWPORT. SPECIAL OFFER. V J \l Jf f V: ??.1T? j SAMm:i.. SfinRgnr%aed x$^r 'J ,I, Keeper, 12/6 c'1'tJ 1 the two ? ? ?  ? '? -? ? :'tf1; <T'i:tU f*rli i! i.lf !? r- IF YOU WANT TO Furnish or re-Furnish Wisely and Well, you cannot do better than pay me a visit. Most of my Qoods are made in my own Workshops I have been Ns- tablished in tbia Valley over Half-a-Centurv. I R-upbo13tering. r?e-?oltshmg and Rerairs done ouly by Ex- I oul  by Fx- perienced Workmen. No Shoddy Work done. t- ESTIMATES FREE FOR ALL \VéRK Special Show of Kitchen Dressers, Bedroom Suites, Bodroom & Ware of every description. Motor Cycles, Cycles, and all Accessories. Venetian Blinds a Speciality. Buy with a Firm with a Half-a-Oentury's Reputation. ISRAEL FINE, Lawn Terrace, Rhymney, and,. Commercial Street, Now Tredegar. I !II!I\II ¡! lJ t. (I, 'I t' I.. ft. \)":7 t- t,r. -¿?"'r' 1  rt:; ;1i1:. The Food 'II ?/Q?'.?'? .L'?'J Sick bounded Mi 5:1:' ,¡ d d I. ,,j ItA & "oun e 'ft;;r) V.A.D. Hospitals are now ¡ it:- estabUahed in almost every !'?.?.? district. Ladies are nobly !i.??.,? assisting as nurses, providers j??J and viators. FortlieWourdcd j ?.? ?  '1 r¡ aBdConvaleRcent?u'a'?'.cn?ur?h- < ?- ? ment is of supreme importunes. f?!? Those who are accustomed to make gifts should b(??r in mimi how 8uitable and accepL¡)18 the ?.? 'Allenburys'Diet is. I j?,4??  This milk and wb'-aten food furnish a complete di?sry. and j Nj < allowed when ct;c- !'?)ds arc J ,M,permitted. It i-, x,? pttttabtetadt?hi?hty l!ouri5I':g I! properties esuretheutrnosl benefit. j B<c*M<ofttt easy prep.)f-?t -y- I;  ?' is a boon in the busy hospiisi and } 1 d<«rv«iJy popular with the nurse. j !?'?? Th* Food that R"tores. i i¥: j  | For Adults I t?'*A? Ci"l or Cow's Miii J r,qøind. Mxde with i 1 jøi/i1 IIahr cn/?. I Tn tins at 1^9ardS/6 each of Chemists. | 1 Allen & Hanburys Ltd.. London. i _!) -?"' |nlC| AEIICQQ^ K5 tttMr?rm??Fermanentty c?-ed ?F??t t??W hundTtd" of tu?rprt ^m' gladly explained fREE. /flit. OJILENE" Co., Wailing Street, Dartford. Kent. )0 YOU WANT POSTERS tsadvertiacyoor business T 1. If to. write for sa^nr1^ and prKes.—Stsfford and Ltd., N-the,field, N'ott". ROLLER SKATES.—Wanted. tq buy quantity for cash.— Jacobs, 80,Haekn- y Road, f.jridon. E. 2. kl' ASTE PAPER-Old Books, Magazines, Newa- I t papers purchased in any quantity, 10s. 6d. per ewt. ^ost of carriage refunded Prompt cash by return post. 3end by Woods Train to Messrs. QRIFFITIIS, 34, Maiden Lane. STRAND. LONDON. SKIN SUFFERERS! DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE OF A CURB UNTIL you have tried the hundred-year old remedy, BANKX LOTION, a certain Cure for Br-z'im. Ringworm, Itch, Bad IA'gII..te. Successes alter all el.«e have failed. Testi- monials upon application. Will not soil linen nnd lias no disagreeable odour. Price 2 6 per bottle, post free, from BANEX LOTION COMPANY, OLE-NSIIDB, POLBILUl, PAIGNTON, 8. DEVON NATIONAL SERVICE.—Health Preserva- tion is essential for all workers. The gorma of disease are carried by insects—^Beetles, Bugs, Fleaa, Fliee, Body Vermin, ALL are disease carriers. Therefore KILL theirl- with Keating's Powder. Sold everywhere, ad.) 6d't U. British ILade. ■; ISYELISTS a per year p???t?/n c:w:s ? D<3/n?? ? C?c? ?/ a?/W?F?DF?r?. :c small ?tim of Is. covers you and ,ur cycle against accidents, and the benefits include tOr. per week if injured, Zso if killed and Repairs to Cycle; al.-o identification labol and Hiany other advantages, including railway and vehicle i tiMtraiice. ALFRED HOLMES, CONVOY, CO. DONEGAL. -=-=-=_=. -=:=-=:=;.==========:. SFECIAl OFFER COUPON.' Please cover me for 12 months against all hika mentioned in advertisement appearing in the of May issue, for which I enclose Postal Order for Is. Name (Mr., Mrs. or Miss). Addres. .0> (Kindly fill in name of paper and date.) ALFRED UOLilKS, CONVOY, Co. DONEGAL. S^MBMWMBBaBMlBSMSSMaa "\yASTK TAPEli, Book:- 'ap« r<, Lfdgvrs, be. V An) quantity bOI!l,t. ¡ .,il on dwl' vy. onrriaj^ | 'forTd.-101, Gr:tv'" Tnl! ]? ad. London. W.< 1. 0 WANTED, Blue, Ruby. (ir,- e,i anti Amber Va-v" See. I aho White and Colon (d g)8 Cornucopias on laarble baus.-Taylor, 26, Newman Street, Loudon. \?' TIT-BITS Tkt cheeriest and Net paper to sen4i te your boy at the Front. Keep him W Merry and BL M*M and SmiabL i A A PERSONAL LETTER OF THANKS I A PERSONAL L;RJER OF THANKS M" LLOYD GEORGE WILL IX 6KIT TOU IF YOU GET TIN P).«r-OE3 fflGBED TN TTIS CHRISTIAN HERALfi FSOEOLO F CAMPAICNI For particulars sea THIS WEEK'S "CHRfSTIAN HERALD" j ^fTSIiops se 109 ?OOTWEAR Travellers being called to the Army and circulation of Price Lists officially prohibited, we invite all Boot Retailers to send 118 a Ime saying class required for coming season's trade, when particulars or samples of 'in stock' A lines will at oncd be submitt td/ee d.? E. C. -MIDGLEY & SONi?S £ 0 LEEDS j?? MOX tlO UTM SHIRK CO II X T Y C(UX€Il MAIN ROADS. PERSONS desirous of C'.nhantm? nr the SUPPLY OF MATERIALS or bif Hauling broken and un?foken STONE forthcR?pa)rof thp MAI? ROADS within ttie County for the y?art-ndin? March ?lat, 1918, may obtain particulars and Schedules 'I on application at the County Council Offi ces, Newport. Sealed Tenders to be seit to me on or before Monday, June 4th. endorsed "Tenierm for Hauling nnd Supplying Materials lor Main Roads." ) S. A. BENMETT, A.M.I.G.E., County Surveyor. County Council Offices, i Newport Mori., I May 17th, 1917. 16510 ATTE VDAX'L' N [JRSES Respectable A, Single Women rquired, offair?lu- cntiun and g .od height previous ex- per ience unnecessary. Salary commences at j625, rising, after satisfactary service, by annual increments of L2 to < £ 35, ;;nd on I promotion to JfioG per aniium, with board, lodging, washing and uniform.—Apply to the Superintendent, County Asylum, Prest- %v ich, )fancb, st(-r. 1(1516 I HEARSE, Libt, Glass Sides; equal JH. New Low Price, Cash or Terms.— Marston, 24, Bra.dford S., Birmingham. TUNEHÅL COACH, with Child's Coffin Box; c-qti-ii Now Casb or Teryn. Marston, 24, Bradford St., Birmingham. WOMAN'S UNFAILING FRIEND. TOWLE'S PILLS Imniediateiy you notice any irregularity of thr system, tttke Towle's Pills. They will quickly remove all suffering. Bi xt s 1 3 and 3, of all Chemists, or sent anywhere on receipt of P.O., by E. T. TOWLE & Co., Ltd., it, Long Row, NOTTINGHAM. H'/i't: fur Booklet cuntaining most invaluable information for married women. Post free.


[No title]

-;8;-In Place of Potatoes.…





. * I -.. OUTSIDERS WIN. ...…
