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SLIGHTLY USED & SECOND HAND BARGAINS IN PIANOS WWARDS OF 20 HANDSOME PIANOS, m BEAUTIFUL CASES, SUCH AS »OLID WALNUT, ROSEWOOD AND FINE ART EBONISED CASES, HAVING BBEN IN MANY CASES ONLY VERY SLIGHTLY USED, NOW OFFERED AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRIOES- MUOH REDUOED-TO CLEAR. WE HOLD ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCK Aim INVITE YOUR INSPECTION WITHOUT IMPORTUNITY TO PUR- CHASE. TUNED AND DELIVERED FREE EXCHANGES INVITED. BaTies s, 30 Low Hill. TELEPHONE 716 ANFIELD 4LOSE ON WED. AT I. OPEN SAT :,e Price Worth ?10/17 VAN GRUISEN Case, 7 < £ 10/17 octaves, ivory keys, sweet tone, panel front, brilliant- ly polished, suit beginner. jE20 £ 1 O/1i7R0SEW00D, 7 octaves, panel front, sweet tone, modem appearance; reliable piano. £ 25 BLERIOT MODEL, dark walnut, full compass, check action, iron frame, panel front, and art sconces, sweet tone and soft touch. £27 JBREWER MODEL (Royal .119/10 appointment), solid walnut, modem up-to-date iron frame, tape check action, 7 octaves, ivory keys, powerful tone and responsive touch. £ 30 £14/ 14 WALNUT, full size, panel and sconcm-, 7 octaves, -powerful tone, by Addison, grand instru ment. f30 j? O1 /1QBDACK MODEL, handsome high-class, Ebonised, iron frame, full compass, full tri- chord, check action, brilliant tone and silvery touch, highly recommended £ 32 KIRKMAN, high class piano by this noted maker, iron frame, full trichord, check action, 7 octaves, ivory keys, powerful tone, elastic touch perfection in all detail; good investment; rare bargain. JE35 k 116/10 COLLARD & COLLARD, handsome solid walnut, sweet toned piano, full compass, powerful tone and responsive touch, panel front, sound in- strument £25 116/16 CONCERT SEMI-GRAND by Erard; Walnut Case, ivory keys, splendid tone and res- ponsive touch in perfect condition and well preserved £ 40 4? OO' /I nCOLLARD & COLLARD, Black piano, trichord, full compass, check action, up-to- date, beautifully polished rosewood case, very powerful and brilliant tone and elastic touch "8 £24/1 o ART MODEL, beautiful black iron frame piano, check action, full trichord, under damper, tape action, brilliant tone and touch high-class drawing-room piano 138 £ 14' /14/ /6PIANO PLAYER, beautiful mahogany case, piano-player, in perfect order, condition as new, 65 notes, with 18 rolls of music, with mahogany ,stool. £ 45 DAVIES'S, 30 LOW HILL. THE ABOVE ARE ALL OFFERED FOR CASH, WHICH OFFERS THE PUR. CHASER THE GREATEST BENEFITS POSSIBLE. TEL. 716 ANFIELD. Telephone HayaJ 11<7 Mrtahllshrt 1864 ROBERT ROBERTS BSTATl AQBNTi 33 Netherfleld Road South Has Property to W In tmSoui parts of own. Mortgages arranged. Valuation* mad 305 Established 1884. 'Phona 1140 BootU I .541 WOOSNAM ROBERTS. F.A.I., Estate Agent, Bootle Estate Office, Personal, Practical, Prompt, and Reliable Management of all Classes of Real Estate, 52 STANLEY ROAD, BOOTLfc. (% doors from Bedford Road) Telegrams WOOSNAM. BooTLx. Telephone No. 7909. J. LEWIS JONES, 1STATI AGBNT A VALUSR, 60 Victoria St., feftyerpooL Psopersieis imrafulSy managed. Rentr poi'! aonttily ooilected. Purchases and Satee m. foliated. Mortgagm arranged aad lasurewift effected." THOMAS d JONES, 1STATB AGBNTB VALURRS. IEVROTMUNT SWILainse. 67 Lord Street, Liverpool Telephone No. -3868 Bank. Properties Bought and Sold. Mortgages arranged. Valuations made. Rente oolleetel Tmxu II 7 AxitHGD. BoiwAimzaoZMD 1873, Stephen Roberts & Son ESTATE AGENTS « VALUMBM, 137 Everton Road, Liverpool Propattax carefully managed. Ranis per- sonally Collected. Psrohaaes and ftle,, negotiated. Mortgaged arranged aad Its suranoea affected. Henry Jones, ESTATE AGENT, VALUER & PROPERTY AUCTIONEER, 3 Lord Street, Liverpool Tml BAIKVZ 4084, 0. JONES WILLIAMS, F.A.I., SSTATOffi AGENT & VALUER, 17 Boundary Place, Moss St. Liverpool. Eel. lass. b Telephone i*§67 Royat Telephone 8586 Bank JONES iFllUGHES* EST A3* OFFICE, 13 WbltechapeI. Liverpool FREEHOLD LAND FOR SALB, Advances Made. R. E. flUGUESo Notate Agent.Surveyor Valuer, Charing Cross, Birkenhead. Telephone No.—M B'head. Has Houses to Let and for Sale in various parts of the Town and out districts. Also Land to W SoM io: Building pnrpeaea. Advances made 4< Sold for Buil=g ,t out. Bent?OoUeoted,M? Property carefully managed. JLADIJES BLANCIIARD PillS Am trarfralted fo» all Ino?iM-tttM, N:? they spowl IT Arm unrivaim for mvm Ml to ?KtVlttt *H (ra«Miag»t EMS™ rnrM Oo*hi& BtttM-AMKt <H ???CMM'N a? tybe best of all Pil'lBfor W.mW sold in boxu, im, by BOOIW Bransho*. Cinoi'E BrmehM. and tH Obemitto. or pout trM. name prist, frow LESLIE HAtTYN, Lta. Chem.ist8.34 Daistan Laae. Leadet Bootle Auction Rooms, 76 & 78 STANLEY RD., BOOTLE, W. H. Butterfield {JJ Co. holds Weekly Sale at their Rooms every Friday Evening, 7 p.m. Furniture and Stocks of every kind bought for prompt eash. Telephone 1299 Bootle. ANWrD, PESWCH, INFLUENZA-Mae y rhain gyda ni bob amser. Pair hinsawdd gyfnewidiol fod llawer o ddioddef oddiwrth Beswch, Bronchitis, Pat, Dolur, Gwddf, Crygni, Caethdra, Diffyg Anadl. Y mae'r hen feddyginiaeth "DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE eto ar y blaen, ac yn cael ei gwerth- fawregi yn fwy nag erioed, bob amser wrth law, yn felys, yn cynhesu y frest, ac yn rhyddhau'r phlegm. Bydd dose mewn pryd yn ddigon. it. I jd. a 21. 9. (postage, 3<<.)-HUGH DAVIES, Chemist, Machynlleth SARZINE BLOOD MIXTURE. CROEN IACH A GWAED PUR.-Dynayrhyn y mae Sarzine Blood Mixture yn ei sicrhau, a dim arall. Nid yw yn honni gwella popeth fel Yankee Patent Medicines, ond os blinir chwi gan groen afiach, ysfa, pimples, toriad allan, scurvy, doluriau pendduynod, etc., yn tarddu o waed drwg ac amhur, mynnwch botelaid o Sarzine Blood Mixture gan y druggist nesaf atoch, zs. 9d. y botel, neu gyda 3d. at y cludiad yn ychwanegol oddiwrth y perchennog- HUGH DAVIES, Chemist, Machynlleth.

Chwarelwyr Dyffryn Nantlle

I Sasiwn Godre -Pianlumoi.
