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TRYFAN HOUSE, CYHOEDDI HEDDWCH! MAE Richard Willijis Y DILLEDYDD YN SICRHAU POB CWSMER Y CEIR BODDLONRWYDD PERFFAITH, NI EAID FELLY WRTH RYFEL Gartref Nac Oddicartref. J Stryd y Llyn, CAERNA FON, AMRYWIOL. LEFT-OFF CLOTHING. Wanted .J Ladies, Gents, and Children's. Best prices given Send parcels. MIs Hart, 83, Lower Hillgate, Stockport. S TAMMERERS.Can Stammer bs Cured by Correspondence ?" Inter- fating booklet and expert advice free. Wareing Netherville, Wballey, near biackburn. MOLESKINS Wanted, any quantity. Increased, prices being paid.—JOHN LEE and SON, Furriers, Grantham. TO FARMERS, TRADESMEN, AND OTHERS, I Lend £5 to LI,000 on simple note of hand. No security required. No unpleasant enquires. Write the actual lender, A. DAVIES, Westgate, Penbury Street, Worcester. CELLULOID MARKING RINGS.- Is 3d 25; 2a 4d 50; 4a 100. All colours. Bestmake only. Samples free. —Lunesdale Poultry Farm, Slyne, Lan- caster. PULLETS, fine large winter layers, 858 dozen. Six hens and cock, 20s. List free.—Stratford, Essex. i ADVICE FREE for stamp. Mrs D. Stewart's Famous Female Remedy never fails.—Address, 9, Guinea Street, Bristol. 120 LOVELY CROCHET PATTERNS, Is; Id postage. Shepherd, 18, Addison Road, Preston. ARMY and NAVY "SANTOL' PRE- A PARATION for all Urinary Troubles. One box enough remedy, with instruction and useful booklet. Boxes in 9d and 4s 6d post frœHULME', Chemist, Nottingham. Established 1802. TO MOTHERS.-Nits are a curse. Try jL "Scholars' Ointment." In tins 6d snd Is poet free. Agents wanted.— I Douglas, 5, Barlow St., Acomb, York. 1 THE WIFE'S DOMAIN, Simple and harmless preparation for Female Ji-sceeeitiee. Always effective and never I fAiling. Nottingham's Most Popular Remedy, with instructive booklet for 1 family use. Is ld, 2e 9d, and 4a 6d, post free. HULME'S, Chemist, Not-, -irtg' am. Established 1892, | I ASTROLOGY. — Life events, changea, -?- fortunate days, bnamesa success, I matrimony two years' future added; send birth date, Is P.O. Prof. Gould, The Nook, Heathfielo ivoad, Oaxdif. SEVEN BEAUTIFUL 1914 PULLETS, 18s carriage paid. Approval.—Ro- bert Bennett, Butts, Frome. LARGE PARCEL Baby Longclothes and requisites cheap; good.-20, Salis- bury Avenue, Southend. As SUPPLIED TO THE RED CROSS HOSPITALS. Elad's Rheumatic Lotion stimulates circulation, vitaliser, restorative. Elad's Constipation Pow- ders, absolute curt. Children's Cooling Powders, "Speciality" (mention paper). Lotion, Is 2d; Powders, 7d per packet. Post free.—ELAD'S, 27, Treeadale Road, HARROGATE. RABBIT NETTING.-Long Field Nets, RLines, complete, in green, tan, or natural colour, also Special Netting Twines, super flax. Samples and list free from E. Panxall and Co., Netting Works, Bedminster, Bristol. ILL THAT FLYI-IT ia the greatest Kbreeder of disease known to science. Professor Payne's "Panzene" kills flies, moths and all other insects. It is a pre- paration of Pancy petals dried and drugged, and is a safeguard against all infectious diseases. Beautifully scented to carry on person. Large sample packet 2d.—Prof. Payne, 2, Melville Street, Ryde, I.O.W.

