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$ WHEN SCHOOL COMMENCES § ? ? ? 3. ——————— You will likely require a ——————— ? 8 New R)g Out for your Youngsters. LEVENSON'S j .? Have a Nice Selection of ? i Boys' Suits, Odd Knickers, Shirts, and Strong- Wearing Stockings for Boys.. j? Hard-Wearing Serges, Pop!ins, and Tweeds, also Ready-Made School Dresses ? .]? ? and Jumpers for Girls. ? ? NEW AUTUMN GOODS ? ? ?? ? M:LLINERY, VELOURS AND FELTS. ? 4 ? TWEED COATS AND MACKINTOSHES. ? —- -3 I LEVENSON'S, w.? ??r. AMMAKFORO. I ? ? .————————————————— ? ? X?.S Gents' Autumn Suits at Reduced Prices. ? < ? ??????????????????????????????????????? OEAKIN'S, NFLAMMATIONHEALTH DLLS mrU!Dnc L, b cTt onnUMNb R HEALTHY ROt LUnUnU n Free from those terrible saJen- Erysipelas Chms, Pains Ulcers, BRIGHT CAO C?!M Burning, Fevers, InHammations, BDOn!!CuUnT Pb! LMn 0!t, Pneumonia Dropsy, Pleurisy !UrB PU!t Q ? Torturing Eczema, Rheumatism, rmntCt E' CmMUM M UVM bn!LLO, Gout PimplesBoils Blotches Jaundice, Dropsy, tndigestion. Headache, Backache, And all Unhealthy tnftamed Ulcerous Conditions. 11- I DEAMNS Ensare immediate benefits toraUSnfterers, and effect quick aad most wonderfMi Mcoveries. BEAD'S In Stamped Boxes only, t/3;byPo<t,1/6; Six Boxes for 7/6. Sole Proprietors and hventort: G. Deakin & Hughes, The Inflammation RemedSes Co., BRtSIOL & BLAEMAVOM, Men. :IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111 /IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/II g New Ford Car Prices E (At the Works, Manchester). I = =1 ""J¡J'&iir%šljt  Touring Car <S220. Chassis 9-170. § ? Van £210. Town Car- <S300. ? EE Ton-Truck Chassis &200. EE AGENTS- EE DAV!D JONES & SONS, ? The Garage, AMMANFORD. E Teleg..ah'ls: The Garage, Ammanfofd. ê =: Telephone: 32 Ammanford. ê 5111111111111111111 J J II J 11II1I111111111 rlllllll 111111 ¡ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 M "T? H DW 1? Pastrycook, Confectioner, A ti.. ?..N. JL?J?? and Caterer, Tennis View Restaurant9 16 & 18, CoMege Street, Ammantord. Wedding & Birthday Cakes a Specialty. Past ri* es of the, Best Quality. N Don't Neglect a Trhll Order. N I Schotasttc. Old College School, Carmarthen. (Facing Beautiful V&Ie of Towy ) Ideal 7M«ia«on /or Direct Preparation and Great Production. BOARDERS KEPT. GIRLS ADMITTED TERMS MODERATE. SUCCESSES OF ONE SESSION. 1918-19. C.M. Traming College Certiftcate—(t). College of Pfeceptor&— (24). Sho<rthand—(6); (4) PteUnHMty; (!) Theory ()) Speed CertiRcate; Book- eeping- ( 1 ) Theological Preliminary— (4) Catvitustic Methodiat—( I). Clerkship—Typewriting inclusive—(4). TOTAL. 37. DUTIES RESUMED SEPTEMBER 2nd. After September 2nd, New Pupils Registered at any time, and charged pro ra.ta. Prospectuses may be had on application to the HEAD MASTER. Liver Trouble Is the cause of much suffering. Headache. Biliousns, Constipation. Sour Stomach, Indigestion. Platuiency, Wind. Despondency, and much Ner- vous Excitement fo!!ow? derangemc'Q' of the Liver. HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Have a most benencia! and tmmedtttt eftcct upon the Ltver, though acting upon and eradicating every vitiating etements from the Biood which c:r' cutates through it. NOTE.—Bad Blood disturbs the adioo of every Organ in the Body. have <uf- fe.,cd arm." from Lum6ne of Rheumahun tnmyB.M.k uJ LttpJbt, t <o PH<'<. Hughe* B;ood PiL!t. cured me in short time. A!<o my wife from Headache and Liver Trouble." t The People from all parn testify to the wonderful power of these Pi! in restoring sufferer from Skin Disea", Rheumatism, Backache, Constipatioo. Pjle., Skin, Líver. Stomach and Kidney Troubles. TRY THEM. They wiH soon prove their great value. Sold by Chemists and Stofe* at !/3. 3/ 5/- (including War Tax). Ask for HUGHES' BLOOD P!LLS with the tra<? mar!: ? ? ?-s?;. -? hApe of a he?rt, ? ??'? rhu&— ?*?'? ??? Take no other, or ? 3? send value in stamps of P.O. to— ? V JACOB HUGHES, M.P.S., L D.S. MANUFACTURtNG CHEMIST. PENARTH, Cardiff. WHEN YOC BUY A PtANO BAVE THE BEST. Thompson 'II ShacM, Ltd., Invite iBtpectlon of their Splendid Stock of BMT!SH MABE PIANOS OF WORLD WIDE FAME, Induce iattnHB'-nt* by the following Celebrated Maker*:— JOHM BRtNSMEAO & SONS. CHALLEN & SONS J. & J. HOPmNSON, J. H. CROWLEY, AJELLO & ??? BROADWOOD PtANO-P?AYERS M?O5O? RE & f MOORE, JUSTtNE BROWME CRAMBR & COMPANY. COLLARD & COLLrtRD, And otheK too numerout to mention. UNSURPASSED FOR TONE. TOUCH. AND ELEGANCE OF DESIGN. AJ! PuutM WMTMted, and ExehMged if not tpproved. FULL VALUE ALLOWED FOR OLD PIANOS IN EXCHANGE. 25, QUEEN STREET, CA.I>IFF. ikDDRESS:609 Stepney Street. LLANELLY. Tradesmen's Announcements. GLOBE ? Boot, Shoe, and Clog Stores, College St., Ammantord. ALF. WILLIAMS. The Noted House for ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR. Boot Repairing Neatly Executed. Beautify the Home Dainty Mats, Comfortable Rugs, Choice Patterns In Linoleums, Carpets, Hand some Mirrors, Bedsteads, Bedding, Wire Mattresses, Overlays. FURNITURE of every description manufactured on the Premises. Pianos, Organs, and other Musical Instruments. H. TARR, 71, Wind St., AMMANFORD. The Jtmatan Mey fMnMsha<B S!WM. <<For the Blood Is the LJfe." If it is any such Disease Eczema, Scrofula, Bad Legs, ?i)? ?.????, ?7???'?, 6'<?m<y?/M7' ??? fStUeH?M?, ?C!?, jP?m??M, <SC7'C< an.d F,-ruptions, Piles, Bheumatisni., Gaut, c., don't waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want and what you must have is a medicine that v.'ili thoroughly free the btocd of the poison- ous matter which "alone is the true cause of all your suBEering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicine. It is pciuposed of ingredients which quickly attack, overcome and expel the im- purities from the blood, that is why so many truly wonderftd cures stand to its credit. 50 years' ? ?H /?T?" ? to take.  /aarke's ? —? Biood j) ?\ Mixture ? Sotd by a.U ?F Chemists ? AND BE CURED. ?? amd Stores, ?? ? ? ? H? 219 per ett'll. ftefue. AM EVERYBODVa aMb-titute*. BLOOD fURtFtER." Watch ?- "?? Your ??? Spending ?L?/ ————————— — ? ?? Two families of the same size and with the same income, living side t*y ? side, paying the same rent, faced with the same necessary expenses. One {amity it prosperous and comfortable the other living always in debt, of on the border of it. Why is this ? The nrst family has mastered the secret of WISE SPENDING— the second has not. The first thing the wise spender finds is that contentment is Impossible without a margin-nothing is more miserable than to live right up to one's income. Something must be set Mid s each week to meet the needs of next week, next month, or the more distant future. The man who spends all his income is poor. The man with a margin Is rich. and the bigger tus weekly, montbty or yearly margin, the richer he is. WATCH YOUR SPENDING-Save something every week. Yon cannot do better with your Savings than invest them in ??7C? <L?C?P77y7C4ZEy Obtainaù. through your local SA VINGS ASSOCIA TION, or yww any Official Agent, iJfoney Order Post Office or Bllni. FproL T. W. PRICE, D.M. T., M.H., F.B.I. M.S., M.A.C.S., l l Certified and Registered MttMur, etc., Doctor Mechaao therapy (Swedish 3 Sehoo! of Manage), Practical Osteopathy and Chiropractic, Certified Medical Botanitt, Fellow of British Institute Mental Science, Member of American Cotiesre of Science*, Member of the Schoo! of Sn?Mtive ? Therapeutics. l LUCANIA BUILDINGS. STEPNEY STREET. t Dear Sir or Madam, < I have much pleasure m informing you that I have been } demobilised from the Army after serving for Two Years in H.M. Military Hospitals, gaming much valuable experience in I different modes of treatment of thousands of cases. I From now on i shall personatiy be in attendance daity in my business, and, by strict and careful attention to a!! cases, I ? hope to have a share of your patronage in the future as in .the f past. I Yours faithfully, I I T. W. PRICE. P. S.—Consult Prof. PRICE if suffering(from any Complaint or Disease which ftesh is heir to. .j.J.4 ?)?3????)??????????EpC?3???Cp????????? ? High-Class ARTIFICIAL TEETH. ? Mr. & Mrs. J. Henry Lister, § 4D, Dental Surgery, 7, Greenfield Vi!!a<, LLANELL Y, Ð Attend at the following Branches: *S .8. A M M A N FO R D at Mr. Eriffiths, 40, College Street (opposite Ca.eperativa Stores). S MONDAYS:-11 a.m. to 7 p.m, WfDNESOAfS-9 a.m. to 12 noon. SA7UMAYS-«a.m.to7p.m. § Ð GARNANT at Miss M. Jones, Mountain View. <3> & TUESDAYS -12 to 6 p.m. g ? CWMGORSE at Mrs. Price, Gate Street, g Ð WECNESOAYS-12 to 6 p.m..e f} — ———————————————— ? f} Best Quality Teeth and Best Materials onty used. <3> ? Speedy Repairs and Re-modelling. ? p ALESS EXTRACTtONS. a r j IHEM'S A GOOD TIME COMING j ? ttt T* Although <<< proseat you are suffering from <!iMrd<f<d di.tioa M M M< *tttM distressing titmeBtt )tmd, Mt e«<Kquence, tr< imeUatd to take < ? ? sonewiat g!eemy vi*w ef thiat*. it Mod Mt b< 1. before you rweoTer ? M y«)' hMMt <nd your <m«dly heptful <md chewHa! disposition. All that it M) ? NIl-red to tfing tbeat thi< dewifed eh<mf i' the b..efbial tof!ueaee of ? .a.a. PHI*. ThM fetitbte mtdi<nm< ttitmutttw* the Uver, strengthen* Q S <t* gtompash, etMtne< the bowet* <md pnnfiM the blood ;—henee it M e<ty ? M <w «dentt*< why he*!th may tte nmiattined by taking M BEECHAM'S PtLLS! g Sold everywhere In boxea, labelled ts'3d and 3s-0d. t ?! )!)<! !h!)))!! PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION t DONE AT THE Amman Valley Chronicle" Office. :A.l\I:l\!I::A.N" FO:R..

I Shot Firing Fatality at…