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?HNNHNNHn!Hn<HnHnHHnNnNNHHN<NnHnNNH!HHH!!Hnn!NHHnHnnHnHHUnNHnnNH:NHnHHnnNN!n!H!HfNHNHHUHH!)? LEV SON'S f ? GRKAT Q A V W-i | C L E A "K" A NLf' 1"1?ik L I PURTHEIS KEiDUCTiONS. | I FURS. F"CJ3a^ I S A Large Selection of FURS and MUFFS in Squirrel, Fox, Coney, &c., = S at SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES. I 1 REMNANTS. KEMINTANTSB. 1 SPECIAL. THIS ISFEiEiJEC.. = H Remnants of Black Cloths; Remnants of Black Materials; Remnants of Velveteens; =: EE Remnants of Flannels, Flannelettes, &c. 1 G&XVtzS9 DO.—Men's, Youths', and Boys' 1 = OVERCOATS Further Reduced. §§ I WARM VESTS and PANTS, GLOVES, SCARVES, and MUFFLERS. ê] LEVEN S 0 N' 16 & 18 AitlMAWFORD. I !? L!! EF?wFi&MM????MB? ? ?? H I G" 11 S& TRE E' T AiAlliviANFOl'lD !■§»•—Train Fare paid within 7 Miles, on all purchases of 20/ upwards, = DURING THE SALE. | I HfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiuinHniiiiiiinuiiiiiiisiiiiiinniniiiiniimmiiiiiiiiiniEiininiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiMiiiiimmiiiiiiii^ I DANGER from infection can be successfully averted in every home where is regularly used. FIRST AID is the scientific disinfectant soap of guaranteed power. It is made in a unique way, and its value in combating microbe-borne disease can hardly be over-estimated. In triple tablets, 7id. Made only by Christr. Thomas & Bros. Ltd., Bristol *The First Aid Book, 40 pp. of illustrated first II aid hints, free on request if usual dealer's name mentioned. ii  PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE AT THE Amman Valley Chronicle" Office, AMJMLA.iNSS'OSatiD. WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO HAVE THE BEST. Thompson & Shackeli, Ltd., I Invite Inspecti on of their Spkndid Stock of ¡ BHlTISH-M;te 'd the:pk;IDE FAME, Including Instruments by the following Celebrated Mal-ers:- JOHN BRINSMEAD & SONS, CHALLEN Si SONS, J. & J. HOPKINSON, d. H. CROWLEY, AtNELLO & SONS, BROADWOOC PIANO-PLAYERS MOORE & MOORE, JUSTINE BROWME, CRAMER & COMPANY, COLLARD & COLLARD, And others too numerous to mention. UNSURPASSED FOR TONE, TOUCH, AND ELEGANCE OF DESIGN. All ianoe Warranted, and Exchanged if not approved. FULL VALUE ALLOWED FOR OLD PIANOS IN EXCHANGE. 25, QUEEN STREET, CARIJIPP. AMWESS: 60, Stepney Street, LLANELLY. GLOBE Bout, Shoe, and Clog Stores, CoHege St., Ammanford. ALF. WILLIAMS. The Noted House for ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR. Boot Repairing Neatly Executed. Beautify the Home Dainty Mats, Comfortable Rugs, Choice Patterns in Lino!cums, Carpets, Hand- some Mirrors, Bedsteads, Bedding, Wire Mattresses, Overlays. FURNITURE of every description manufactured on the Premises. Pianos, Organs, and other Musical Instruments. W t  & y? ir? H. T ARR, 71, Wind St., AMMANFORD. The Amman Valley Furnishing Stores. Sweep! Sweep! Sweep! Save worry and Coal by having Chimneys, Ovens, Flues, &c., cleaned. All work arranged to suit Customers* convenience. Suits of Clothes, Coats, &c., cleaned and pressed. Proprietor KESCSrGrS, 3, COLLEGE STREET (Late Royal Stores), AMMANFORD. I "For the Blood Is the Life." | If it is any such Disease ■ ??77M, <Sc?M?, ?? -??S, ?t? ?l?&M?, ?77c<'?, 6'???w?a7' as ?M'cMM??, Boils, .F?M?M, Sores ■ and Eruptions, Piles, Rheumatism, 9 Gout, don't waste your time and ■ money on lotions and, ointments 9 II which cannot get below the surface of n jg the skin. What you want and what B 9 you must have is a medicine that will K 9 thoroughly free the blood of the poison- 9 ous matter which alone is the true cause 9 of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood ■ Mixture is just such a medicine. It is j| composed of ingredients which quickly 9 attack, overcome and expel the im- 9 purities from the blood, that is why so B many truly wonderful cures stand to 9 its credit. Over 50 years'  /"??? Pleasant I /ciari:e's\l -—? Blood ) I ixture i Sold bv all   9 ChemvsU \^ND BE CURED 9 and Stores,  ?  2/9 per ettle. 9 Refuse AM EVERYBODY'S 9 ■ Substitutes. BLOOD PURIFIER." ■ MATHIASTaintess Dentistry. Sound Reliable TEETH supplied at Lowest Charges. ONLY BEST MATERIALS USED. REPAIRS and NEW PLATES Fitted to Badly-fitting Sets of Teeth same day, no matter by whom originally made. j Trade with a Britisher and save money. JW Open Jaily from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. NOTE ADDRESS- MATHIAS, Dental Surgery, The Square, Ammanford. nE'??SM?P WONDERFUL UJT& TM OH t C DEAHN'8 JBB, HEALTH PILLS FEVER and rtLLO PURE, STRONG HEALTHY BLOOD BRIGHT CLEAR SKIN, FREE FROM LIVER CHILLS, Free from those terrible slayers- Erysipelas, Chills, Pains, Ulcers, Burning, Fevers, Inflammations, Pneumonia, Dropsy, Pleurisy, Torturing Eczema, Rheumatism, Gout, Pimples, Boils, Blotches. Jaundice, Dropsy, Indigestion, Headache, And all Unhealthy Inflamed Ulcerous Conditions. DEAKIN'S I Ensure immediate benefits I for all Sufferers, I and effect quick and most I wonderful recoveries. I DEAKIN'S In Stamped Boxes only, 1/3; by Post, 1/6; Six Boxes for 7/6. Sole Proprietors and Inventors G. Deakin & Hughes, The Inflammation Remedies Co., BRISTOL & BLAENAVON, Mon. -;f¡'\ 1 IKKE'S A GOOD TIME COMING I a) for you. Although Sf, present you are suffering from a disordered digestion j at 8IUII other distressing ailment* and, in consequence, are inclined to take a 9 Mniwhst gloomy view of things, it need not be long before you recover 1 your hiaith and your usually hopeful and cheerful disposition. All that is H required to bring about this desired change is the beneficial influence of n Doosham's Pills. This reliable modisime stimulates the liver, strengthens g the stomeoh, oleanses the bowels and purifies the blood ;—hence it is easy 9 to aaderstand why health may be maintained by taking CHA14'S ILLS j s M?JhViiMi? ? PiT i!LU &?&??S H Sold everywhere In boxes, labelled ls-3d and 3s-0d. |j !mi"¿;m:m-m:{L7fm

Brynamman Lieutenant's Experiences.


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