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THE LABOUR PROGRAM. A MILLION NEW HOUSES AND LEVY ON CAPITAL. The Labour Party has left the Coalition, and is appealing to the men and women of the country with a program that is a challenge to reaction. A PEACE OF RECONCILIATION. I Victory has been achieved, and Labour claims no mean share in its achievement. Not only have the workers supplied the vast majority of our soldiers and sailors, and sus- tained the burden of war at home: the demo- cratic diplomacy which found expression in the War A ims of Labour has been one of the most powerful factors in winning the war, and must be the most powerful factor in the rebuilding of the world. The Peace which Labour demands is' a Peace of International Co- operation. It declares absolutely against secret diplomacy and any form of economic war, and demands, as an essential part of the Peace Treaty, an International Labour Charter in- corporated in the very structure of a League of Free Peoples. HANDS OFF DEMOCRACY! I Labour welcomes the extension of liberty I and democracy in Europe. It has warned the Coalition that opposition towards the young democracies of the Continent, and especially that intervention on the side of European re- action will be disastrous. Labour demands the immediate withdrawal of the Allied forces from Russia. In the interest qf world- democracy it stands for the immediate restora- tion of the Workers' International. FREEDOM FOR IRELAND. I The Principles which Labour acclaims as Allied War Aims it will apply to our own subject peoples. Freedom for Ireland and India it claims as democrat-ic rights, and it will extend to all subject peoples the right of self- determination within the British Commonwealth of Free Nations. Labour s appeal to the people is not a sectional appeal, unless an appeal which ex- cludes only militarists, profiteers, and place- hunters, be regarded as sectonal. It includes an who are determined that the fruits of vic- tory shall not be wasted in the interests of riches or reaction. Especially does Labour appeal to two sections of the community-to the soldiers and sailors who have fought the j' nation's battles abroad, and to the men and women workers at home. NO CONSCRIPTION! I The returning soldier or sailor will find himself once mqre a worker. His cause is one with that of the workers at home. Civil and industrial liberties have been largely sus- pended during the war; and soldier and worker want their liberties back now. The Labour Party stands for the destruction of all War- time measures in restraint of civil or industrial liberty, the repeal of the Defence of the Realm Act, the complete abolition of Conscription, and the release of all political prisoners. It stands for free citizenship, a Free Parliament, for Free Speech, and against the domination of the Press by sinister political influences. THE LAND FOR THE WORKERS. I The Labour Party means to introduce large schemes of land reorganisation, and it is fully aware that this can only be done in the teeth of the most powerful vested interests. Land nationalisation is a vital necessity: the land is the People's, and must be developed so as to afford a high standard of life to a growing rural population not by subsidies or tariffs, but by scientific methods, and the I freeing of the soil from landlordism and re- action. A MILLION GOOD HOUSES. I LabouT demands a substantia] and per-I manent improvement in the housing of the I whole people. Al least a million new houses fnm? be built at once at the Stale expense, n—a—aM—— Election Addresses. and let at fair rents, and these houses must be fit for men and women to live in. Labour will press for a really comprehensive Public Health Act co-ordinating all health authori- ties, based o.n prevention rather than cure, and free from servile or inquisitorial features. It will also press for real Public Education, free and open to all, with maintenance scholarships without distinction of class, and for justice to the teachers upon whom education finally depends. I A LEVY ON CAPITAL. I Labour will resist every attempt to place burdens upon the poor by indirect taxation. Labour S. firm against Tariffs and for Free T.Pade. The way to deal with unfair com- petition of imports made under sweated con- ditions is not by Tariffs, but by international labour legislation which will make sweating impossible. In paying the War Debt, Labour will place the burden on the broadest backs by a special Tax on capital. T hose who have made fortunes out of the War must pay for the War; and Labour will insist upon heavily graduated direct taxation with a raising of the exemption limit. This is what Labour means by Conscription of Wealth. I INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY. I In industry Labour demands the imme- diate nationalisation and democratic control of vital public services, such as mines, railways, shipping, armaments, and electric power; the fullest recogition and utmost extension of Trade Unionism, both in private employment and in the public services. It works for an altogether higher status for Labour, which will mean also better pay and conditions. The national minimum is a first step, and with this must go the abolition of the menace of un- employment, the recognition of the universal right to work or maintenance, the legal limitation of hours of labour, and the drastic amendment of the Acts dealing with factory conditions, safety, and workmen's compen- sation. THE REAL WOMEN'S PARTY. Labour has always stood for equal rights for both sexes, when other parties were ignoring or persecuting women. In politics, the Labour Party stands for complete adult suffrage, in industry for equal pay and the organisation of men and women workers in one Trade Union and Movement. To the woman worker and to the wife of the work- ing man or the soldier, Labour can make a confident appeal. Better pay and pensions for th?- mor?man or soldier mean better conditions for his wife and family. There must be no se* party: the Labour Party is the Women's Party. Woman is the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer of the home. Labour stands with the Co-operative Movement in its insistence on reasonable food prices and fair distribution, and in its resistance to unfair taxation. The Labour Party will do all it can to aid co- operators in their struggle for a democratic food organisation and against unfair dis- crimination. Labour and Co-operation are a single Movement, and in the coming battle with reaction they must fight side by side. Labour' s program is comprehensive and constructive. It is designed to build a New World, and to build it by constitutional means. It is a program of national and international lustice, founded on permanent democratic principles. Even in an election as sinister as this, in which a large part of the nation's youth is arbitrarily disfranchised by the Government, Labour confidently appeals to the country to support its program of social justice and economic freedom." The manifesto is signed on behalf of the National Executive as folJows;- J. McGurk (Chairman), W. H. Hutchinson (Vice- Chairman), J. Ramsay Macdonald (T rea- surer), A. G. Cameron, J. R. Clynes, C. T. Cramp, F. W. Jowett. W. F. Purdy, T. Richards, W. C. Robinson, Ben Turner, Sidney Webb, James Wignall, Robert Will lams, W. Harris, J. W. Kneeshaw, James Maxton, George R. Warne, W. T. Wilson, George R. Warne, Florence Harrison Bell, Ethel Bentham, A. Susan Lawrence, Ethel Snowden, Arthur Henderson (Secretary)

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