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BARMOUTH COUNCIL. SPECIAL MEETING. A upepia! mpeting of the abovp Conncit was bp!d on Thursday afternoon. Present Messrs. Wi)!inm Owpn, J P. (fhidrmMtt). Hpnry Ffpfman, Rpea JonpR. J P'yce Jnnpp, RhyR Jones, J. L!ewptyn Davies, and Fmnc!a Morris; with Mestars. R Llewelyn Owpn, dppn<y clerk, and Evan WiHimnR, sarvpyor. STORAGE OF PETROL I A representative of the Angtn. A'neric'<n Oil Company sppefired lipfore 'he Ccuncii with rpga'd to an AppHou. ti n which had bppn sent on I.he stil)ject of the stort4g,- of mntnr fspirit in p-trk R 'ad. Thfy prnpnt-pd to fix « tan!! with ? p'tsaio'e cti.p%(-itzy of j2000gnt)on8 of Mftnr 8p)H< Mtong-tde t I!eir oit tanks nn pt,#-mi,;Ps rpntod by thfm ftnm Mf D. E D'vifa npttrthpstftttnn Rt, B<'m"a'h Thpy atpo dpsirfd to dn4wfoipidt trnm th'<t. tHt'b for thf 6'Hnt: of 2 catis &nf! ntpp) hHrtPIR on Mr D E Divipa's prf,inisps adj 'in'n! the ptorngf tanba, and to enable Them to carry oat this prnpn¡: oeC'i{j,'d npon, t hpy HppHpd for thf qn 'nttty of thf"' ttnrngp !irpnap to hf incrpa<fd f<om SOOO gtHona to 15000. Thf Dcpw'y Cl'pt k rppor'ed tha.t stocp tht* !Hst 1)1(-eling inqui,ies bad hppn tin.!f f'rm n!he' p)Mcm t'< !o 'hp qiisin- tt'y of pHrol storpd $4tid thf ('nndllJc.n of bt(it-ligp, (,'to. Thf onty town atong thf et)4st, which hod pptroi tsiijks was C iritt, von, aud t!t0be wprebhnaitd ot) tbp Q113Y. The AbpryHtwyth T"wn Coanp!t W«'p. st.'ttng ttmt H x iinilkr application bud hfpn bftore thp Coanctt httply, bat) the mutter hnd tiot yet been t-e:t!ed,Hnd foott)ersinted thut nonf of fite s'orfx in thf twn rH!)wny ya'ds, at wh'ph It tutgf quantity of pptro! werp kppt, were nt-ae- to any buildings, exeppt those which Wf'e the property of the two companies, who let the ptpmisep. The targpfit quantity of petrol allowed to be eto'fd in one ptace at Aberystwyth was 4,OM gn!tOD8. In reply to a question, the rppreseota. tive oaid that) simHar tanks were aHowfd in different parts of thecoantry an(] evei-y precaution was taken to safe. gmtrd tbo pob!ic. He admitted that Done ot the petrol tanks were near a g-iti wot ks. The representative gave evpt-y information as to the proposed erection of the tanhs, and added that the Connci! bad ah'eady granted a licence to store 3,000 gaOons, and they apptied for permission to increase the etorHge licence to 15.000 gaHons. The C"mp)tr'y woatd have to abide with the restrictions of the Board of Trade, and the Raitway Company. The representa- tive at this point withdrew from the tnpetiog. A free discussion over the matter then foUowed. Mr Henry Freeman said be wished to Btiihe it clear that be bad no iU.feeIing at aU in tbip matter. Ho was in fu!t pympatby with those who bad property in that neighbourhood, and be felt that he could not raise his band in favour of giving permission to increase the petrol storage. Mr Rees Jones said he woutd not like to reside close to where such a quantity of petrol was stored, and that so near to the gas works. Mr RhyR Jones said he thought they had permission to store quite enough a!rpady. Was it not posnib!e for the Company to have a site higher up so as to be ctpar of Gas Works and Dwelling Houses P Mr J. Pryce Jones said be did not look at t-bis quest inn as a personal one at all, and he did not CHle who the ftppliCflOt was, either. Was it right for the Councii to grant this request. The C!loficil hhou!d consider the property ownpta in the neighbourhood. He felt hp cnutd not. b(.)nemtly 'aiae his hand in fvour of this Rppt'ca<ion. His con. science was dead Hgainst grantiug this ri-que8t. The Chairman said bp thought it was not a thing to be played with, especiaily as it was so near the gas works. II Mr Henry F'eeman pf'Opof>d that the Counpit should not Httow nny additinna! s'orage of pftrni bpyond the 3,000 g'<n<!n6 air pady in fnrfp, hut that the Cnnncit wuu!d be open to et)nsidpr an apptication if another site was pro- eOI pd. MrRhys Jones seconded, which wns cart ied. Mr J. L!pwe!yn Duvies did not vote. Thf DputyOp'kpointpd t.uti that thp Comp-tny had nnw a i-ight, of apppn) tn thp 1,4,(,retary of StHtp, and thpConnf'H haf) hpttfr «pt, thfir rptt.44itig nn rcfn' d. In CH p of an H ppPBI i Ii WA R dpC'idf"d to give tilp ff'ttowtftg i't-ast)r)s —(1) Thf ctoRf prnx'm'ty of gllR wotk«. "Rilwfty anf! dwp!ht<g hOIteR (2) Thf prt jndtcal Pff.-oet which it would have on the sa!e of bui)d'ng plots. ABERAMFRA STREAM. I The Deputy C!e'k repnrtpd that a !p<ter ht<d been sent. <hp soHchnrs who ctaimpd pnympnt uf .£6011ndf" t<n Hgrpp mpnt hptween thp LocHI B(ifti-d a-nd Miss Rtckftta repudiating HHbttity on the Coanci!'a pl1.ft, a,a the agrefment. had bpen tprminated c!osa upon twenty years ago. The fottnwing corrMpon- dence had sttbspqaeotiy passpd Hanover Sqaarp, London. 28rd Februaty, 1917. Dear Sir, We are in receipt of yonr !etter of the 21st inst, and have taken notice of its contents. We thonght the matter mnst be at ao end because of the fact that nothing had been paid for so many years, bat we could not find anything to indicate that the arrangement bad been determined. We fear we have given yon some trouble, for which we must apo!og!se, but it is a satisfaction at !east to have got to the root of the matter. Yours faitbfuHy, FREEMAN & SON. Council Omces, Barmoutb, March 1st, 1917. Dear Sirs, I am in receipt Of y&or Mtter of the 23rd ulto, and observe what yoa say. Your client's c!aim did certainly cause the Connci! and myself a good deal of trouble which, as it turned out, was entirely unnecessary, but ne great barm was done, aod ail's WqJl that endaweH." Yours faitbfu!!y, WM. GEORGE. The Chairman said be was very g!ad I to hear that it was clear that the Coun. cit was not !iab!o. Mr J. Pryce Jones propoepd, and Mr Rbys Jones secondpd, that a hearty vote of thanks be acco'ded the Deputy Clerk for the trouble be had tat;pn, and that an appreciation of the manner in which he had actfd rotating to the mutter be placed oa the minuses.—Cdttipd unani. mousty. I I FOOD PRODUCTION. Mr Quil SchoHer, a B.Igisto,r(-ftig,-e Rtayit'g in the town (fo'met)y teacher at the Mdnicipat T'chnicat Schoo! of Leicester, atso Pi-iticipii of the Poly. R)utta. Internationa! of Genoa, lLaty) appeared before the Council with féfer. ence to having garden plots for BplgiHn tefugees. At the outset,, Mr St'holte'' said tha.t at the !ast iiiept-ing the Chair. man and eomp O}PIOt)f>t.S nf t,hp Cunnci! smd anmo rather nnktnd wo' da with regii, d to thp Bftg'aHs who were staying in Ba' mout b. Those wntda ouglit never to hthe bepn ea'd. Thp p'papnfe of pvp'y Bplgl'tn herp was jn'<ttiQpd. N') Bpigitin of mihtttry ng '? and fif' for thf Ftont was hotp. Those who duuht Ciii-set.wn points contd RPt info tna.t ion at thf offiee of thp H"n Sr-ctpt,;iry of thp Belgian Wlfr RdngPP8 Committpp. Hf tJJPn snbmittpd a aehprne which hp h"d made out vvi,,h it viuw of Riving emptuympnt to H number of the flolgian rpfti gpk-s, by which hb 'nt 25 bpada of f"m'tips, Rtnong whom were spvptHi fxpptifnced m't'kpt g,iedeti,er's, wtintpd to undertake nKri(u!:u'a) work in flu mouth. A'4 rfgnrds thptand to hfcutti. vat.)d, the Cam''nan R d)w<y8 C :ntp <ny hHd willingly (,ffei-ed four fmatt ptots of tHMd He appKatfd on behatf of the Bp!gh<ns for thp Couftci! to givf tbptn thp n'.)f! of thf R-ei-eal,ioii G'ound for glio 4-n p!ott<. At' p'pspnt) it wna nnty uspd hy two donkpya. He bop'd that the Coancit coutd 8fe its way ctear to wccpdetotherfqnfHt. Thf Chairman aaid h<? wiahpd to make it quite clear that the town of Bf mouth had done its beat for the Belgittns and that there was no i!! feeiing agninat them. The towo of H. mouth bad kept 23 Bt-igian Refugees for nparty two years and had coHpctfd JE500 towards thttt nbj-ct. It was teportpd that app!ications for garden p!ot8 on the Recreation Ground bad atready been mude by joca! peopte, I and it was decided that part of the Recreation Gfouod should be reserved for them. After some further discussion it was decided that the footbat! pitch should be given to the Betgians as garden p!ots, but that the Gouncit shoutd interview the perpon who rt'nted the ground for grazing purposes in the nrst instance. It was farther decided An Hppttcatioa shoutd he made to the London War Refugees Committee for Rnanciat assis. tanoe to help the Belgians to carry the project through. Before Jeaviog the meeting, Mr QaU t Scho!!er, in the name of the Belgian Refugees, thanked the Coaocit most heartUy for their kindess in offering the land free. I NATIONAL SERVICE. The Deputy Clerk reported that Mr 0. T. WnHnms, the Merionethahite organiser nf the NAtiontil Servife Scheme, had called at the Counci! OtNca ),¡.Bt week and was very anxious that the Council ahouid appoint canvassers to cait nn all tna!e persons between the agea nf 18 and 61, and urg¡:¡d that the worh shontd he cotnpteted by the second week in March. It was decided to divide the town into four districtiz, and eight gentlemen were named as canvassers. It waa decided that members of the Councii shou d form as a committee of maoag ment.

