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BARMOUTH COUNCIL. Monthly Meeting. The Billetting of Troops. The Llanaber Road Improvement. Appointment of Surveyor. The Cellfechan Farm Loan. Two Hours Sitting. I The monthly meeting of the above Council was held on Tuesday afternoon. Present:—Mr Rbys Jones, J.P. (chair- man) Mr J. Pryce Jones (vice-chairman), Messrs John Morgan, R. G. Moore, D. O. Hughes, Henry Freeman, Edward Wil- liams, and Dr. J. Pugh Jones; with Messrs R. Llewelyn Owen(deputy clerk), T. R. Parry (surveyor), John Roberts (rate collector), Watkin Owen (boating inspector, etc.), and Dr. J. O. Williams (medical officer of health). A TIMELY HINT. The Chairman, before proceeding with the business of the Council, said he wished to throw out a hint to the members that they should henceforth adhere2to the Standing Orders of the Council (No. 18) which read that no member should be allowed to speak more than once on any subject, only the proposer and seconder. If the Standing Orders were adhered too, the proceed- ings of the Council would finish sooner and the business of the Council would be carried on more thoroughly. Mr Henry Freeman—Hear, hear. AN EXPLANATION. Mr John Morgan said that since the last ordinary meeting be. bad been accused that be was entirely against the reduction made by the Council with re- gard to the water charges for the Caersalem Organ. He should like to make it clear that be was not against the reduction, but what he had advo- cated at the meeting was that the charges should remain the same for this year, and that the reduction should come into force for the next financial year. GENERAL PURPOSES COM- MITTEE. It was reported that Mr T.W. Piggott, J.P., of Fronaig, has kindly undertaken the Secretaryship for Merionethshire of the Soldiers' Help Association. Messrs Collier and Davies, architects, had applied for the plans submitted to be finally approved in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Council, and the request was complied with. It was reported that the County Health and Housing Committee urges District C6uncils to supply every medi- cal man with a free supply of antitoxin for use in case of diptheria. The Com- mittee recommended that it be made known that in case of any poor person in need of antitoxin the Council will be prepared to refund the cost of any anti- toxin provided in such a case by any medical man. The Works Committee reported that whilst agreeing to the payment of a nominal rent of Is. per annum to the Railway Committee for the right of placing a seat on the Company's proper- ty near Porkington Hill, suggested that the Company should be invited to allow the Council to place a few seats on the land above Porkington Hill Tunnel. The Works Committee reported that a charge of 10/6 be made for water sup- plied for laying out a garden in connec- tion with a new bouse for Mr George Evans near Llanaber. It was repoited that permission was given to Mr D. E. Davies to connect a 3inch pipe with the water main, so as to faciliate the supplying of water for bouses to be built near Llanaber. The connection would be made by the Coun- cil's workmen at Mr Davies' expenses, RECRUITS. The Works Committee lecomraeded thfffc application be made by the Council for a supply of the posters and leaflets issued by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee to stimulate recruiting, and j that the Surveyor should arrange for j their distribution. The selection of the posters and leaflets has been left to the Chairman, Assistant Clerk and Mr I Morris G. Roberts, Advertiser Office. r BELGIAN REFUGEES. I The memorandums issued relating to the provision of accommodation of refu- gees and their registration reported to have been received from the Clerk of the County Council was ordered to be handed over to the Local Committee formed to make arrangements for the reception of refugees. A letter was read from the Baptist Church expressing theii readiness to co-operate in any steps the Council might take in this matter. The Clerk of the County Council wrote to say that he knew of no fund from which it is possible to obtain any grant towards maintaining Refugees. SURVEYOR'S REPORT. The Surveyor reported that the refuse tip has been covered over with soil, and several loads of stones have been carted along the road leading thereto.—The motor holes on the Llanaber Road have I been repaired with tarred ebippings. Two men have commenced clearing the undergrowth along the Council's boun- daries at Panorama Pleasure Grounds. COURT OF GOVERNORS. I On the proposition of Mr R. G. Moore, seconded by Mr John Morgan, the Clerk (Mr William George) was re- appointed as the Council's representa- tive on the Court of Governors of the Bangor University College. ACCOMMODATION OF TROOPS. It was reported that the Clerk bad suggested to the War Office that trbops should be billeted in the town, and the War Office Authorities have imformed the Brigadier General in charge of Ad- ministration, Western Command, Ches- ter, of this. The Committee recommen- ded that two or three members of the Council be appointed to wait upon the Brigadier General with a view to the advantages of the town being brought before him. The Chancellor of the Ex- chequer and Member of the Connty will be asked to support the town's applica- tion in the matter. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and the Assistant Clerk were appointed as a deputation to wait upon the Military Authorities at Chester. ABERAMFFRA HILL IMPROVE- MENT. The Clerk reported that it bad been arranged that the County Surveyor should remit monthly what amount was required to pay wages and accounts due in respect of work done and materials supplied for the Aberamffra improve- ment. A separate account to be opened in the Council's books to deal with the receipts and expenditure. Mr D. 0. Hughes said he did not agree with the above system, and he believed iihat the money should come direct from the County Council. He proposed that the matter should be left entirely to the County Council. Mr Henry Freeman said since the Works Committee he bad changed his views on the matter, and he seconded Mr Hughes proposition. Mr John Morgan enquired if it would cause any inconvenience. The Surveyor-No, not at all. The proposition was carried unani- mously. I PLANTING OF TREES. It was reported that the Clerk had been asked to write the Curator at Kew Gardens with a view of procuring a number of palm trees to be place on land belonging to the Orielton Hall Co. in the curve at Aberamffra. Mr R. G. Moore asked why the Coun- cil interested themselves in private property. The Chairman explained that he had brought forward at the Works Com- mittee inasmuch as the matter was mentioned to him by Mr Pritchard Morgan who thought that it would be a I very good advertisement for Barmouth 1 if palm trees would grow in the town. I Mr John Morgan said be should have thought that the Council would take steps to improve their own property first instead of private property. Could they not be placed on Cellfechan Farm ? The Chairman said it was only an experiment and would not cost the Council hardly anything. The recommendation of the Works Committee was adopted. I FINANCE COMMITTEE. I The Rate Collector reported that he bad collected the sum of C223 13s Ilid during the month, as compared with £ 167 Is 6d the same time last year. A balance of -01,320 lis lid was Ie- pot ted in favour of the Council at the bank, as compared with £1,113 2s 5d this time last year, The Council's Solicitor's bills of costs against the Council amounting to £88 6s lid was delivered, The Assistant Clerk reported that the following assessments bad been made by the Surveyor of Taxes, viz., on Water- works, £ 150; on Tolls, £150. An appeal bad been made against the assessments with the result that the Waterworks assessment had been reduced from £ 150 to zC87, and the assessment on Tolls from £ 150 to £881 The Committee desire to lodge a com- plaint against the delay in the payment of the amounts due from the Main Road Committee. TENDERS FOR PAINTING, ETC. The Surveyor reported that three tenders had been received for renovat- ing Graigfach Cottage. The Chairman asked how were they going to deal with the tenders. Dr. J. Pugh Jones proposed that the tenders should be opened and deal with them afterwards. Mr John Morgan seconded. As an amendment, Mr R. G. Moore proposed that the lowest tender should be accepted. Mr Edward Williams seconded, which was declared carried. The Chairman thereupon opened the tenders, which were as follows :—Messrs Morris and Williams, C7 Mr Owen A. Roberts, C4 7s. 6d. Mr David Charles Jones, C3. On the proposition of Mr R. G. Moore, seconded by Mr J. Pryce Jones, the lowest tender was accepted. NEGOTIATING THE CELLFECHAN LOAN OF £ 2,300. •The Deputy Clerk reported that the leading Corporations bad at present no Sinking Funds available for investment. The advance did not come within the class of loans advanced by the Public Works Loan Board. Tl/e London City and Midland Bank would not advance the money to be spread over the long period contemplated by the sanctions, but would be prepared to advance the necessary amount to the Council for a period of six months at four per cent. in the hope that the money market I' would in the meantime have improved. Two offers had been received to ad- vance the money at 4J per cent. plus negotiating fees of about nineteen guineas. An Assurance Company would give the money at 5 per cent. He had seen Mrs Williams, Belgrave, owner of the farm, and she bad very generously agreed to allow the whole of the pur- chase money to remain on mortgage for ten years and accept annual re-pay- ments of principal and interest at 3t per cent. At the end of the ten years the balances unpaid, would be trans- ferred by the Council to other lenders., The transfer would entail expense but that would be infiuit in compari- son to the saving of R230 in interest which' would result if Mrs Williams present offer was accepted. I On the proposition of Dr. Pugh Jones, seconded by Mr R. G. Moore, the offer of Mrs Williams was unanimously accepted. On the proposition of Mr Edward Williams, seconded by Mr J. Pryce Jones, a hearty .vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs Williams. I THE BARMOUTH BOWLING CLUB. I Me Gwilym Davies, Waverley Cafe on behalf of the Barmouth Bowling Club, appeared before the Council, and thanked them for receiving a deputation. As all of them were well aware, some short time ago a bowling club was formed in the town, and last summer it had been very successful. The Club bad a membership of fifty who paid an an- ual subscription of 5s. each. The Coun. cil bad very kindly given the Club a portion of the Recreation Ground for the laying out of a proper bowling green, but owing to the war, which happened to break out, that work had greatly been hampered, and the Club bad not moved any further in the matter. The Bowling Club Committee would like to know whether the Council would be prepared to lay out a bowling green, thereby given work to many who were out of employ- ment. The Committee felt that under the present circumstances they could not proceed with the matter, but they thought, perhaps, the Council would take the matter in hand. He knew as a matter of fact that visitors greatly ap- preciated the bowling club, and the Committee did not like to see this fav- ourite game being dropped altogether in Barmoutb. The Committee would be very thankful if the Council could help them in any way. The Chairman said that Council were in full sympathy with the Bowling Club, and would, no doubt, give them every support. Mr John Morgan said he thought it would be better if the matter was de- ferred pending the result of the deputa- tion which had been appointed to visit Chester as regards getting soldiers here to camp. He was sure the Council would only be too pleased to help the Bowling Club in every possible way. The Chairman agreed, and added that just at present the Council were placed in an awkward position until the result of the Chester deputation.. Dr. J. Pugh Jones said that if the Council had the means to carry out this pr.oject the Council ought to give it every assistance. No doubt the estab- lishing of a bowling club in the town was an attraction to visitors. He thought that if grants were given to- wards relief work, that such money would be well spent in laying out bowl- ing greens quite as much as widening the roads. The Chairman said it was the duty of the Council to do all in their power to entertain visitors when they came here, and they were quite alive to this matter. Mr Edward Williams said he was al- ways in sympathy with such projects as would encourage visitors to come and stay in the town. He firmly believed that a bowling green was an acquisition to the town just at present. The Coun- cil were fixed in rather an awkward posi- tion, but later on things would come better. He was in full sympathy with the Bowling Club. Mr D. 0. Hughes agreed, and said that a bowling club would be an asset to the town in many ways, and they should do all in their power to support games which would be an attraction to visitors when they came here. On the proposition of Mr John Mor- gan, seconded by Mr Edward Williams, it was decided that the master should be deferred for the present. NUISANCE ABATED. It was reported that the complaint as regards an alleged nuisance at Mr W. Lloyd Jones' stables had being satisfac- tory settled to both parties. On the proposition of Dr. J. Pugh Jones, seconded by Mr J. Pryce Jones, it was decided that a letter should be sent to the solicitors acting on behalf of the owners of the bouse that the Coun- cil had moved in the matter. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT AT KING'S CRESCENT. The Surveyor reported that a deputa- tion of the Council had interviewed the owners of the land in front of King's Crescent. All the owners concerned agreed to give up the land necessary for the proposed road widening, provided a plan was submitted shewing the pro- s posed improvements. I A