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0 <1I'-1o-+.q-,i).4-o-$-+++-+-+" 0 t When He b G A 4!" {'{'i'" < II S to go ¡ tells a Sto7 ? One long strng'g'Ie against that worn-out ? miserable feelmg% those drag'g'ing' back- aches, headaches, and rheumatic pains, which make the daily round so hard.! ? Nothing undermines the health so < seriously as kidney disorder. For when the kidneys are weak or diseased they poison the btood instead of pufifying it, just as a poisoned filter poisons the water that passes through it. ? For the kidneys are the biood-niters— from birth to death the blood is continualIv streaming through them to be futercd. When it reaches the kidneys it is taden i withf poisonous impurities: when it Iecives ? the kidneys it is the purest blood !H the ¡'ody: its waste water, excess uric acid and urea have been filtered out by the ? kicineys, and are afterwards passed from the s'ystem through the bladder as urine. In this way the kidneys remove about r.)o grains of uric acid and urea, and j pints of water from the biood, ez,e;,y day. But when the kidneys are weak or dis- ? eased, they begin to lose their power of ? separating the urine from the blood. Then the urinous waste left in the b'lood begms ? ?. to spread disease to a![ parts of the body. The patient feels unnaturaHy drowsy and heavv, and grows irritable and miserabie. '? The uric acid and urea begin to.settle in ? the muscles and joints, causing irritation, and the stiffness and pain of rheumatism, t or may form into gravei-stones, cringing. ? on theintoterable pain of renal colic as the < stones pass from the kidneys to the bladder. ? The urinary system !s disordered; gr;:¡velly sediment is noticed in the water, which may be cloudy or discoloured, the ? patient may have tó get up every haif- ?. hour or so during the night to reiieve the biadder, or relief mav be attended vnth ? dimcutty and pain. The urinary ? channels may become c!og' .gc d with urinous waste, causing par- ? tial or complete stoppage. t The excess water left in the btood gets into the !oose tissues about the ankles, under the C)cs, and,!n the face, on the backs of the hands, or in the limbs, and ? the patient rapid!y becomes drop- ,.+. 0 0.. 0 s:ca!. The heart seems affected, the hands and feet are always cold, and the patient may be subject to bad attacks of giddiness. Kidney disease is hard to cure because it so often reaches a serious stage before it is found out. But \f you take your troub!e in time, before the kidneys get too ? seriously involved, the disease may be per- manently cured. At the first appearance of any of the above symptoms, the patient should commence with a thorough course of Doan's Backache Kidney Pi))s, which ac*, upon the kidneys and bladder like laxative medicines act upon the bowels; they promote a free now from the kidneys, so that deposits of uric acid poison are flushed out, leaving the system clean and healthy. The medicine should be'per- severed with until every sign of kidney weakness has disappeared, for as long as the least trace remains a relapse is always to be feared. During treatment the patient should drink freely of ordinary water, and must avoid taking anything that may excite the kidneys or bladder. Diet is of great importance; this is dealt with in the handbook entitled Diseases of. the, Kidneys and Bladder, a copy of which will be sent free on application. Doan's Kidney Pi1!s are sold in onc size only, 2: 9 a box, boxes for 13/9. sold loose. Of all chemists and stan's, or clirect, from Fc)ster.McCle11an Co., 8, Wens.st., Oxford-st., London, W. Dca'ta-sk' for backache or kidney pills—a,sk distinctly for Durm's Backache Kidney Pills, otherwise you eannot blame the dealer if there is any mistake. TX r- I Doan S. ?? f' ?'.??,? ?'? ? ??'???'???? ?'?? ? ?4 j)(::lv7Qjr¡f::J \W???' '? '4??l??????? \'??? ? I y y 'í(Ç\, L-, 1I1!1I1I!l11 lllIlIIlIII! lillHlli n: iliiiilili!iIIHIII!1 iili j iK p, 0'V"1 I Whatever you need at a Chemist's, 'I Go to t ,'= = D E. JA ES I ? The Pharmacy, BARMOUTH ? E one of the famous == a "REXALL" PHARMACIES ? = q/' WA/C/! ???6 a? M?a? §00 ? ?? ?/'??/: /?/M. ? ? YTERE you wiil find the best of' everything' in ? E JTi. drugs and toilet preparations and new kinds of ? S chocolates, too—better than you ever tasted before. = F' H .A R M A C Y ? t P H A R M A C Y = yoMf woK?y fg/MM?e? g???y t/ Ilk Mo< ?o<-a ??M s?Ms?e?. ? ?)?i?!? II I ¡ III111 ¡ ¡ 111I ¡ fI I III ¡ III i r! I If iii 11 III 11111 III II Yotir tnoizev ref uitded gladly it 5,ou a-ye not ttioi-c than satis)ied. PREPAID ADYETMMENTS. I Scale of ituations Waited or Vacant Servants Waited, Apaptments. Private Sales Houses to Let of Sold. MisceUaneous Wants. Articles Lost and Found. One Three Six Nine 13 No, Inse. Inser- Inser- Inser Inser- WordSi tiO- tions. tion. lions. tions. s d s d s d 21 1020364656 28 163046 5676 35 2 0 4 0 5 6 6 6 8 6 42 2 6 5 0 70 80 96 49 3 06 0 7 68 6 10 6 N.B.—If Box Number given 3d. extra charged for postage of repiies. Special QMota.tSoE'as given fot* longer series of Insertion Remittance in Prepayment must aceompan order, and addressed to THE EDITOR, Advertiser and Weekly News, WATER STREET BARMO WANTED Y' ADY WANTED by we!i.lmo\va i J London Firm to interview in Bar- moutb nnd districts for high ctass Toilet Preparations. Able to travel. Box S.' Advertiser OFSce, Barmoutb. ?'?7"ANTED—in a good position at W Burmouth, permanentiy, 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms by a single lady. Appty—'Advertiser' Office, Barmouth TO BE LET. To BE LET.—No 7, 'Bronaber Ter- i race, Barmoutb. Immediate pos- session. Apply—G. E. Owen, Wern, Barmoutb. To BE LET from 12th May next, M GIaowiUiam House and Shop. Appt? — Mr John Roberts, Macs Hafod, Barmoutb. r?O BE SOLD—A Spring Cart JL (nearly new) to suit cob about 15 bands. Apply-M. Advertiser, Bar- moutb. rpO BE LET FURNISHED from i ? August 14tb, Heatber Bank. Ap- ply, Evan Grinitb, Cambrian House. NtTM?W?PV fI?QQ??! ART ?MuLD?uM ?MbbDb. THE First Series of Art Needlework A Lessons wiil be given, by the Misses Bicknei!, at Barmoutb, com- mencing in October, Also lessons in Pea Painting." A!! intending mem- bers to send in their names to The Art Needlework Stores, Do)geliey not later than October 18tb. .u. G. E. EN, WAT CHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN. WHILE taking this opportunity W of thanking the numerous friends and custumers for the support given him in the past at the old address, begs to announce that be will continue the above trades at his new address !WRTHF!ELB ROAD, BARMOUTH, where he is ready to undertake all classes of repairs. W&tches and Optical Work a speciality. Note Address: NORTHFIELD ROM. Orders by post promptly at- tended to. THE PAVILION PROMENADE, BARMOUTH. PirrooppMrieettooirs s The Art Animated Pic. Propnetol's t ('por 1 ) Ltd tures (Wales), Ltd. Managing Director Mr John Walters. THE FINEST AND MOST UP-TO. DATE PICTURE"HOUSE ON THE WELSH COAST. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY of PICTURES NIGHTLY AT 8. Matinees: Wednesday & Saturday at 3. TO-N!OHT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, BID T" BSBSaMtWha Woman s Wit. And many others. Tuesday & Wednesday, JANE E E. m-EN-Lm Supported by n star programme. ADMISSION: 1s., ScSa & 3d. The Pav!!EoM Billiard Saloon Two Tables) open DaSty, from 10 a.m. to 11 p.)m. MOBLEY & Co ? ? lOi!ft, ctr. ? ? GRAND SELECTION OF I NEW SEASON S GOODS- JUST ARRIVED. I I JAFFA ORANGES. GRAPES, LEMONS, DESSERT APPLE, I BANANAS, COOKING APPLE, WALNUTS, BRAZIL NUTS, I' MONKEY NUTS, COB NUTS, CHESTNUTS, COKERNUTS, I FIGS, DATES, ETC. ALL KINDS OF TINNED FRUITS, PICKLES, ETC. TRY OUR MILITARY PICKLES. THE FRUIT STORES, HIGH STREET, BARMOUTH For the Best Series of Wiew Post Cards Go to the Original Stationers and Publishers— J. EVANS & MEPHEW, High Street, Who have an unlimited Stock of Framed Views, Purses, Dorothy Bags, Guide Books, Maps, &c., &e.; atso Agents for 00 CHOCOLATES AND SWEETS- 1tI;I6'IIifI_ Advertise in the Bar- mouth Advertiser." It wiU pay you.