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LUNCHEON AND FETE AT REDMARLEY. Looal Branoh of the Gloucester Conservative Benefit Soolety. Splendid weather, though cloudy, charac- terised the annual luncheon and fete of the Redmarlev Branch of the Gloucester Con- servative Benefit Society, which took place on Monday last at the Rose and Crown Inn, Redmarley. The members assembled at the Rose and Crown at 12.30 on Monday morn- ing and paraded the village, returning to the rendezvous for luncheoii, which was served by Mr R James. The Rector of Redmarley (Rev H M Niblett) presided over an attendance of about 40 and was supported by Messrs W Brewer (in the vice chair). W Akerman (Newent), W Mew (Ross), T Kirby, A Wiggington, W Fowler, J Dobbins and F Rouse (sec) A good spread was provided by Host R James in the large room, and to this the assemblage did ample justice. At the termination of the luncheon a toast list was submitted and the loyal toast was proposed by the Chairman and accorded musical honours. Mr T Kirby proposed the toast of the Bishop and Clergy and Ministers of all denominations. He said they did not see much of the Bishop, but they knew he was a really good man and he hoped they would see more of him. The clergy were doing their best and they in that parish were favoured with one who took a great interest in an organisation like that. (Applause.) Everything for the welfare of the workman the Rector had b)th hands in it. (Hear, hear.) He had great pleasure in coupling with the toast the name of their Chairman (Applause.) In response the Chairman said he was grateful to Mr Kirby and for the way they had drank the toast. On Sunday last the Church was well attended both by the mem- bers and their families and he hoped that they would still keep up their attendance on Sundays other than their Church parade. The collection at Church was £1 6s 31d and the outside collection was 163. The Chairman then proposed the toast of tlffe Redmarley Branch of the Gloucester Conservative Benefit Society," in the course of which he said that he had seen many ups and downs of societies, but their society ha 1 got a splendid foundation to stand on. .(Hear, hear). They were so voluntary. A good many of the big clubs were doiog worse than they were doing; man were drawing out so much. It was a pity the good clubs should be so inj ured. But their branch of the club was going on well and they were prospering. He coupled with the toast the name of the secretary, Mr Fred Rouse. (Applause). Mr Rouse, who is a most. popular sec- retary, was greeted with applause as be responded to the toast. He said he begged to return thanks on behalf of the Society. He thought they could congratulate them- selves on the successful year they had gone through. l It was perhaps not so good as last year, because they had a considerable amount of sickness. They had paid a dividend of 263 per share. The funds in the Society were quite safe, but if they had sickness like they had had they must expect a less dividend, but there was no need to get scared, and they were not as bad as some people. (Hear, hear). Mr W Akennan, in proposing the tcast of the Vice-Chairman, said he was sure they had given him one of the pleasantest. of tasks in proposing that toast. He had known Mr Brewer for a number of years. Whatever they had got on he was al ways willing to help-(appLause)-not only for the benefit of himself, but he put himself out of the way to help them. (Applause). Mr Brewer, in responding, thanked them for the kind wav they had received the toast of his health. It bad always been a pleasure to him to help as far as he could. (Applause.) He was always willing to help a society like theirs that helped themselves. (Sear, hear.) They had heard about someone giving 9d for 4d be would like to see that man. It would be better if that gentleman would give it to a society that tried to help them- selves. (Hear, hear, and applause.) The health of the host and his family was toasted, on the proposition of Mr Priday, who expressed bis regret at the logs of the assistance of the hostess at their annual spread. Mr W James replied, thanking them for their kind proposition. Mr Kirby proposed the health of the visitors, with which he coupled the name of Mr Akerman, who briefly replied. Sports were held in a field adjoining the Rose and Crown, in which some capital events were witnessed. Scott's provided all the fun of the fair," and the Corse Lawn Brass Band was in attendance throughout.





