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MARKETS. LONDON CORN. MONDAY.—Exnnsn WHEAT. —There was a qui^t trade at about late ratom, but prices rather favoured buyers: White mii- linjr lots ranged up to 35s., and reds up to 34s. per qr. FOREIGV WHEATS.—Trnde ruled dull and without bri.4cnos«. and prices for some samples were 3d. Jow^r on the wcok No. 1 Northerns, 37s. No. 2 ditto. 33s. 6d. Plates, 36*. 6d. Aus- tralian, 38s. 6d ex ship: Russian, 33s. 6d. up- wards: Indian. 37s. 9d. landed. MAIZE. —The market, held steady, though the (ien;:>nd was not brisk. Supplies were limited: PI a f<\ 255. 3d. a'-kef) landed old Odessa. 24e. to 24s. 3d. OATS.—The inquiry remained sluggi-h, but. quotations, as a rule, held their ground on the week Plates, 15s. 3d. to 15s. 6d. heavy Rus- j 14«. 9d. Canadinns, 18s. 3d.; Chilians, 18s. 9d. landed. BARLEY.—The market for feeding and grind- ing lots wa, but steady, without chnngp: South Russian. 20s. 6d. to 20s. 9d. landed. Malt- ing and brpwing barleys were quiet, bur, most descriptions were held for fully recent rates: English, 27s. to 34s. Ouchak and Anatolian, 29s. to 34s. Kama. 27s. 6d.; Dant/ic. 27s. to 312, i)-r 448'b. BEAKS ALVII PF.AS.—There was a light demand at unchanged prices. LONDON FLOUR. MONDAY.—The market was dull in sympathy with wheat, but there was no quotable fall on the week: English Town-made Patents. 27s. 6d. to 29s. 6d.: ditto Country-made. 25s. to 27s.; American Patents, 27s. 6d. to 30s. 6d.: ditto Bakers' 24s. 6d. to 26s. 6d. per sack. LONDON CATTLE. MONDAT.-Beast entries on to-day's market numbered 630, a decrease of 150 compared with last Monday. Trad ruled slow, despite the reduced supplies, and the tone was not so firm. Bullocks, however, were hardly altered to quote: Scotch, 5s. to 5s. 2d.; excep- tionally, 5s. 4d.; Devons, 5s. to 5s. 2d.: Nor- folks, 5s. to 5s. 2d. Shorthorns, 4s. 8d. to 5s. Fat cows and bulls cleared quietly, but steadily. the former were quoted at 3s. 8d. to 4s.: excep- tionally, 4s. 2d. and the latter at 3s. 6d. to 4s. Twenty milch cows offered, and the best were quoted up to X22 10s. each. Five thousand one hundred and twenty sheep were penned in the market, an increase of 370. LONDON MEAT, MONDAY.—Trade quiet; supplies good: Beef, English, 3s. lOd. to 4s. 2d.; American. 3s. lOd. to (s. j Scotch, 4s. to 4s. 8d.: Argentine hindquarters, 3s. 2d. to 3s. 6d. Mutton, English wethers, 4e. 8d. to 5s.; ewes, 3^. 8d. to 4s.; Scotch ewes, 4s. 8d. to 5s.; tegs, 5s. o t6s. 4d. New Zealand, 3s. to 3s. 4d. Lamb, English, 6s. lOd. to 8s.; New Zealand, 4s. to 4s. 6d. Veal, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 6d. Pork, 3s. lOd. to 4s. 8d. per stone. LONDON PROVISIONS, MOSDAT.-Butter steady: Danish, 120s. to 124s.; Normandy, 116s. to 126s. Australian, 100s. to 112s. New Zea- land, 104s. to 112e. Argentine, 104s. to 1]2s. Russian, 104s. to 112s. per cwt. Cheese quiet: Canadian, 68s. to 70s.; Dutch, 60s. to 74s. per ewt. Bacon dull Irish. 68s. to 80s.; Con- tinental, 56s. to 70s. per cwt. Hams firm: American, 68s. to 80s. per cwt. Eggs quiet. LONDON POTATO, MONDAT.-Trade ruled steady for moderate supplies. Quotations: Lin- colns, 75s. to 80s. King Edwards. 70s. to 806.; Kent", and Essex, 65s. to 15; Blacklands, 46s. to 55#. per ton; new Teneriffes, 15s. upward per cwt. BRADFORD WOOL, MONDAY.—This market is merely marking time. Spinners' requirement* seem to be small for the time being, 6C) that business in the tops is limited. Pri ces are steady, however, in both mfcrinoes and croas- breds at last week's quotations. There is oome trade in raw wool, chiefly English for America, and prices are firm. Alpaca is stiffer. Spinners axe Ruling rather mate inquiry for tooreted yaroe.



