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NiAYS IN BRIEF. I MRS. PANKlnmSND THE KI-NG. I It was announced at the weekly meerri!? of .tbQ n.ilitants ;n Knightsbridgc Hal) on Monday that Mrs. Pankhurst would sjhortly lead a depu- tation of women to see the King. ROYAL VISIT TO LAMBETH PALACE. I The King and Queen honoured A'the Arch- bishop of Canterbury and Mrs. Randall David- son with their company at dinner orj Monday at Lambeth Palace. APPEAL FOR F.T. PAFT/S CATtIEURAL. I The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathe- dral have issued an appeal fjr .£70.(;00 for maintaining the upkeep and ■^ec-unty of the I building. THE ARRIVAL OF THE UMGENJ. The Umgeni, bringing the nine deponed labour leaders from South Africa, reached Dunjcene-ss late on Monday evening and arrived at Grave.end on Tuesday morning. LETTERS THAT WERE NOT OPENED. I ? I Mr. IIobhou.e, fne now Fostma&ter-uenerai. stated in the House of Commons on Iollrla\ that it was not true letters to well-known per- sons in Ulster had been opened in the post. !>n]LDi\'G WAR TO CONTINUE. I A'f<>r three huUi6' ui-cussion on Monday the N r tlI .i,ee 11' o u I on I <)ii l ay t coiu.-ivwc between representatives of London Liasrej- builders and builders' workmen broke ut), t,.I(.  l ly unc h ange d UP. icuvin.? the pot ion practically unchangpd. LIBERAL TO RETIRE. Ar, the end <t the present Parliament Mr. G. Hay Morgan. Liberal M.P. for Duro, Helstoa Division, announces that he will hot aeek re- election. SIR S. SAMUEL S APPEAL. I Messrs. Gilbert, Samuel, and Co., solicitors to Sir Stuart Samuel, M.P., state ihat they have entered an appeal against the L13)000 verd;(-t against their client. THE QUEEN OF ROUMAXIA. I Queen Elizabeth of Rouman:a underwent a successful operation on Monday morning for a cataract on the left eye. Her condition Is ztatfd to be normal. DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH FELS. I I Mr. Joseph Fels, the soap manufacturer and I land agitator, died on Sunday at Philadelphia. I THE ROLL OF BARONETS. The Official Roll of Baronets has been PUb-I lished in a supplement, to the London Gazette. I INVESTIGATION OF TROPICAL DISEASES. I An expedition, led by Dr. R. T. Leiper, has been despatched to th, l,ar East by the London School of Tropical Medicine to investigate cer- tain diseases. I A SEA ROUTE TO SIBERIA. Papers by Alr. Joiii Lied and Dr. Nansen dealing" with the. pmsibility of a regular a. route to Siberia were read on, imonday evening to the Royal Geographical Society. I SCOTTISH FISHERY ADMINISTRATION. The report of the Scottish Departmental Committee into the development of the Scottish Sea Fishing Indusrry recommends the organisa- tion of a statistical and intelligence department of the Fishery Board. I MR. BALFOUR ON THE RIVIERA. Free from the cares and worries of politics lh. Balfour ia enjoying his annual holiday at Cannes, where he devotes a considerable amount of time to tennis, of which he is a very good exponent. I RiOYAL FLYING CORPS CAMP. A combined camp for squadrons of the Royal Flying Corps is to be held at Netheravcn dur- ing June, which will be attended by no fewer than five squadrons, the largest assembly of military aviators which has yet taken place in the country. I ARE MONKEY-NUTS DANGEROUS ? An open verdict was returned at an inquest regardin, o the death of Joseph Collier, aged thirteen, of Peckham, who died after eating monkey-nuts. I "BRUTALITY OF FOOTBALL." Coroner Graham, at an inquest on a boy who was accidentally killed while playing football in a street at Blaydon, near Newcastle, condemned the brutality" that attended some football matches, with its system of charging and in- dulging in scrimmages, ail to get the dirty bit of leather away so as to score a goal." I GERMAN TRAITOR OF SEVENTEEN. The Imperial Court at Leipsic has sentenced to five years' imprisonment a youth of seventeen named Schnitzler. who. whilst employed at a dynamite factory, communicated to France secret documents relative to the factory's output of explosives in case of war. I MOTOR DRIVER SENT TO PRISON. "It is a very, very serious offence, and you not only placed your own life in jeopardy, but that of everyone else in the road," said the magistrate at Bromley (Kent) Police-court, in sentencing Alfred West, of South Norwood, to fourteen days' imprisonment for being drunk in charge of a motor-car at West Wickhain. I KILLED IN HUNTING-FIELD. A verdict of accidental death was returned at an inquest at Bridlington on William James Elyyard, thirty-four, who had several falls on Saturday while hunting. His mare fell and he was thrown over her head against a kerbstone, fracturing his skull. I WARSHIP MYSTERY. An open verdict was returned at Chatham at the adjourned inquest on Nicholas John Hen- derson, a ship's steward's assistant in the Cressy, who was found mysteriously shot on board the ship on February 12th, his thirtieth birthday, and the day when his Navy service was completed. No revolver has been found. I PRINCE OF WALES AND GREECE. It is officially stated that there is not truth in the report of the King's intention to send the Prince of Wales to Athens to represent him at the -coronation of the King of Greece. I AN AGRARIAN HUMORIST. A large grazing farm -in the occupation of Mr. T. Wilson Walsh, J.P., on the Ruttledge estate. Hollymount, County Mayo, was cleared of its stock on Sunday night, and the animals, which were found by the police on Monday morning along the public road, had suspended from their horns cards bearing the words, "The land for the people and the road for me." I GOLF CLUB-HOUSE BURNT. The pavilion of the Surbiton Golf Club at Waffron's Farm, Upper Long Ditton, was found to be on fire late on Sunday night, and wa.s practically destroyed in spite of the efforts of fire brigades. Only the caretaker's premisei were saved. NEW AIR BASE AT SCARBOROUGH. L I I Land on tne old racecourse at Bcaroorougn, which is 600ft. above sea-level, is to be acquired, savs a Scarborough correspondent, as a military thing station. The land, of which Lord Londes- bqrough is the owner, is on the direct route be- tween Farnborough and Montrose. FOOTBALLER'S DEATH AFTER FALL. I In attempting to stop a ball during a tootdan match at Manor Park, Edward John Woolley, of the Muswell Hill Club, fell and complained of injury to his ankle. Three days later he was found dead in bed, and at the inquest on Mon- day a doctor ascribed death to asphyxia, follow- ing partial dislocation of the neck. SLANDER DAMAGES AGAINST M.P. An auction for slander brought by Emanuel Shinwell, of Glasgow, against Mr. Havelock Wilson. RI,000 damages being claimed, ended in the Court of Session, Edinburgh, on Mon- day. with a majority verdict of 9 to 3 in favout of the cla.intifI..£50 being awarded.

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