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Ii "T J, 1- '-1, 1 n -¡ -r-,¡ i' I NEWS IN ".1. I TT J K CROWN ( !,b.\N! I 1, J!' .j.. I Tt i ..0'11, ,I ;:1 '? I. ;I I ?i,, I T>i:ieo ?i u> ?: s Zi(", ? ,? > I'? Ciown of Albania. I THE f'¡ r T ¡;: jj r K t- t I The A,- p cf Can re'"bury il!: (:id v! thjr rh" Ml '? f I "yrjicda and M :nb-j a no*, be t i' i. ■ i for he !• •• > <1:1<1 ,n. tie \1:1 refer ih" ee-y. i'i clispate to t>.<» Onuu. Ci U eriw (. I s I Iz I SIR. E. XIlAf: K'lO.f> V.y PI'iniTJON. I 1\ l¡, 1\ I.{, 1' },(" I. » !•- :•>!• ;1 f fLlf:" Royal -d ..en j. :u Lund ') on Monday niuht. rb;- nn. :e i f h> x- peuuron was to c"<s t:»•> P:i Conuermt from .e.i O sen. in crt.■<•>! dust (v.a, in> >;i do, would b:? solving tine of the biggest :-c: nriik problems in the world. I I) p l' T r-) 1 'f V t. ) I r r I I t. d J .1.\ 1\.L.J"} 'j;11.j ) \fr. T. M. li e'v, speaking at the Cnirt-d EI1I pi re t'iu'o ill 1,11 J.», en Monday ni,(1¡t. a:d th price "f p-iee w.» Ireland was the smallest price Pin gland had ever been a deed to pay. if" was not co'np l a i ii i rnr. All 1>» was saying v.a — ?')st!t(r')'!u.it: t:v.'as.?'ti?Y. 'a-- I CAI>f\KT CHANCE; YET. I r I. J. 1 I- .\o chancres in tin- p'-rsonnc! of the Covern- it staled, iike'y to be made t prp- ?": T:v .o -d rearrangement ,f :c' 'J., Iving "2t,P:17t'r:¡¡:J1; i '? l mati r j ( b:»i«: ra;:k. v. ill probablv re deterred b:r .nor.lis. I J. MvOUR. i,:TY'S CHAIRMAN. I 1.1 1. 110.' u' J. \.L_ 'T, Slanisnv .? ,:j!i Lns b'(" e'ectrd Chairman cf .c ea-eetnary Lab mr Parry atam:'<.?!?(? »:ir ii.at: L''?;. ¡ki:. I DCCTOI'S BODY f'Oc'ND IN RIVER. Vound by an angler in 1 i:c 'Riv r c,¡." Bed- i'\)undb'. an an.?'?')n'f:' Riv/C'i-r'tn' ,(r(L:n .J;irn(;¡ .Y 3"¡ i':l¡;I\i!})r' o disappeared from a Bedford* ,-1 on D('emh,r ht. It i L,b,d tnin be bad snXeved from loss of memory I ARCHDEACON ON A FPIRE. J.. 1 Arehdeac n r* li-;c■tier, of (. hoi.cy, toi ieendy of I I Tarleton. climbed to th" top of the new spire. I ]30ft. high, at tiie village ciuirch of T:u!ptcn un Monday TO I a V the C.nal tone. I UNITED STATES ARMY AIRMAN KILLED. I l.. ..j 1, l.J .1. j_.Io. Lieutenant If. P. P-of the Army Aero Corps was instantly killed «r San Diego (Ca'i- forrra), on Monday, by [¡¡]ling 50C£t. from an aeroplane while flying over the bay. It is stated bv spectators that the engines exploded, throw lUg the aviator oat of lhe machine. I 1'()1") ') 1}', Jr'\1"I r I FORMER M P 's HEATH. I Tire death occurred at S. Albans on I da?'. tr f 1"1 f Horace Kendall M.;?!)'<i. )? Lib- ral .Member tv S?s.Iditig fr-.m iGOO to 1010. I I r. L J j \¡ a Mr. Thomas Dyke: a n,sn of seventy, had a seizure in his pew in the Congregationa i Ch'ireh. Swindon, on Sunday, v.i:l!e the con- arc'.rat ion w.- re singing a hymn, and died "o: tile i :V. iij,' l I MALE HIS OWN ( Or FIN. I I! I; < L Antonio T:.v andier. an eccentric inhabitant of Sr. Amandin, i''r.tu:t who ior s no ■ years has slept v-:r'i bis colon hich he ma- J o hi nrse l f— suspended ever his as i.  J in it 0.1 Momlas. II ATP! N OR US A1 E. I ..I. "1 1 i." ..) Cardiff City Conn-! has adept, d. by 20 voies it v,- "it v a hatpin in any or public .meeting-place, to eiiu-e the point r:> b" properly protected, by a bhmr?w:'id of meia irc or usher material." I",). ('I,'q "j"VT 1'IIIED I INDIAN CIVIL SERVANT KILLED. I Mr. J. G. J,ii*'ji, Pi,!itiuuJ i,-Sident .!r )t'?.'?. l):)??!;?) ficu?a))?shapwithagun. FAMOUS SURGEON SHOT. A Nairobi i!irs;:w -rate. that Dr. Mayo Rob- son. the eminent >urr:eon, has been accidentally sie.o through the thigh by a gun-bearer, but for- tunately neither the bone nor any vessel wai broken. 11. wu:, brought forty miles into Fort llal!, and i.s now progressing favourably. r r(-' \T TTP ()V QT.'I" f"(' \l" [" LEGALITY OF SEIZING ARMS. Ir !s -t.-cr-cl rhor Me.-M-.s. Hunter and Sons, gunmairor- <:f bielfast. have begun an action a>ra;nsr >;<,< ('nsioms authoritie.-j to test the legahiy of a recent cr,ip,e of arms following the pioelamat'on prehihiring the importation of ■ frrcarm.- into Ireland.  WiXTKu SPORT ACCfDENTS. I ) J. 1 At St. Morit/. (Swir/.i-iTand) on Monday after- noon }I¡', l(ul(); (;f .1';iiJ¡¡d(>iI¡a, broke her arm wiiile irib.-deighina'. and Mns. K A. W;jran, uf hniiike;. broke her eg' v.'h.Ie tobogganing. RAILWAY MANAGER TO RETIRE. I 4' ..1- .0. \J i. 'J. OK :ng- to poor heaiiil, Mr. V.. ll, Jlydn is l retirimr from the position of general manager of the ( I c g, I -I"i !I Railway, which he has I held nee January, Ei!OM CAP,! X-ROY TO CARTA IN. t ). 'J Captai". W. T. I'LI n R.N.R.. who s'artcd as a eabindKiy and WHO ha. be(-:i in command of the Cunard liner has been anr'ointed to tho eemrnand of the -N () 111 tania. lbrt.Mn's largest liner (47,000 ton.-). O? NEW GREAT CENTRAL DIRECTOR. The director-' ol i ,I,. t r Central Railway Company ha\ e electe-' Mr. Gerald Plnn. F)! hur.-r. of Manche.-ter, to a em. on the board t > fill the vacancy canned by the death td their late colleague, Vi.-count Cro-s. LIVES SAVED BY POLICE DOGS, The CoreF ( on rabie oi Swansea. III ins annual 'tvidirt. rcc; noot nib"- trie purciiase i-i dojs ro ast in the detection of crimc and in lhe arre--t of criminals. Many men in other forces, he says, owe their lives to such dogs. CURIOUS HOSPITAL COINCIDENCE. I The dear tt occurred on Monday at the Gene rat (??n'j.:j?\<'f Thomas Hamilton, ra l o-p oa l Ramsgaie, a carter. Hamilton'; iway, passing over tiie driver's body. Hamilton died in the bed reccnily vacated by his son, nfwr rc- covery from a seriou- aecatcn'c. Pi J;t-;T PAYMASTER'S DOWNFALL. Fleer-Paymaster J. M. Lowry was sentenced I h ? «):t-n'ntif?'«n Monday to three yc?r?.' penal .-ervi fU(L' for de-crrion and embezzlement. I I PRICE OF MARRIAGE. Should .-he marry, Emma Rales, servant to I the late Mrs. Sarah Oampbe'l, of Goldhavvk- road. Shepherd's Bush-, w; forfeit the whole of I a substantial income from her mistress's will. DEATH OF A K EQUERRY. Maior-Oeneral Sir Stuart Bratson died on Monday at alli Common, near IIay wards Heath. General Real.-on, v.h.o was born in 1854, was an extra e(|rierrv to- the King, and acfeci as prirate s^crr i a rv ro the during their Majesties" Indian tour in 1:111.1: YANDERBILT YACHT ABANDONED. I A telegram f om Panama states that citorts to refloat the Vanderbilt tleain yacht Warrior, aground on January 2?th, have proved futile, ami the vcn-.el iias been aban- doned as a total loss. MAN WITH A -DREADFUL TEMPER." I Edward Che: rill has been sentenced to three for ihroW- ina a flower-pal through i iiii)(1c)w at tri hotri. The police-superintendent paid Chcrrid had been convicted of fot ty oiiencps during the past twenty years-he had a dreadful temper. I r AUSTRALIAN CRUISER'S FINE SHOOTING. I News has reached England of remarkamo scoring made by the Australian Navy cruiser Australia. With'a parr of 12-in. guns s hema.de eifrht successive hits in than three rninutes. liet- general average for main armaments was v'erv hip;h. The firing was done by expert gun- ners lent- from the Imperial Navy to the Aus- tralian. ULSTER. LADIES GIVE UP GOLF. I The i-kienibei-F- of tllP Royal County Down Ladies' Golf Club have decided to follow the example of tii(I Royal Belfast Ladies1 Club and devote their leisure time to work of the Ulster Volunteer Force and ambulance and signalling classes. All their league golf matches ltavo I been cancelled.

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