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CHIPS OF NEWS. I The Queen has honoured Mr. R. Richardson, of Sandown, Isle of Wight, by ac- centing three of his water-colours. A telegram from Cape IJaitien states that a. general revolt has broken out in the c;ty of Gonaives, sixtv-tive miles from Port au Prince, headed by Oreste Zamor. ex-Governor of the Department- and formerly Minister <of W^ ar. SJr. John Guthrie Percival, son of the Bishop of Hereford, died in London on Saturday morti- Jug: of pneumonia. A message from El Paso (Texas) states rhat smallpox has broken out among the Mexican refugees, and the American Government has ordered rhe vaccination of several thousand sol- diers. women, and children who crossed the bor- der after the fall of Ojinaga. Mr. Richard Martin Quittenden, known as I Roland Quj; the author of "Tim Pippin," who died at lknflcd, was buried at Southend 011 Saturday. Early on Saturday morlling- a Guildfofll woman named Fanny trampton. forty-three, was found frozen to death on the exposed heights of Hog's Back at, Guildford. Four inquests were held at St. Pandas on Saturday on persons who had died Iron: pneu- monia owing to the cold. Mr. Robert Applegarth, the veteran pioneer of trades unioniMn and president of the move- ment for a London Trades Hall, who attained his eightieth birthday on Monday. was entc-r- tained to a complimentary birthday dinner at Croydon on Saturday night. Mr. William Pol den. a Crimean and Indian Mutiny veteran, died at Camberley on Saturday. Four thousand pounds' damage was done by a fire at Messrs. Orr, Comrie's mineral water works at Glasgow. An elderly man, James Molloy. a sewmg- niachino agent, who had been hurrying to cat a Sheffield tramcar on Saturday, threw up hi3 arllls as soon as he sat down and expired. A well-dressed young woman was- seen to iutnp ov?r M;.f)<fri.)rs Br??'' into the River Thames at midnight on Saturday, efforts to n'CU0 her proving of no avail. Thppohcc carried on a search for the body for some time, without re>ult. Facilities have been given to soldiers of the I Jewish denomination to attend their forthcom- ing religious festivals, and a Jewish society has offered to pay the fures of men serving as far distant as Scotland and IreJaud. A trolley and two waggons loaded with granite were proceeding from the Dhoon Qllarry j towards Laxey, on the Manx Electric Railway, ) when the waggons jumped the line and fell over the embankment into the fields. The driver and conductor escaped injury. A \iolent earthquake shock was felt on Satur- day at San Francisco. Buildings locked and the populace were panic-stricken. Madume Beauman (a niece of Boss Croker), who is well known in local amateur operatic circles, has died in Dublin. An alarming cage accident occurred at the Westloigh Colliery, Leigh, on Saturday, and eight men were injured, one of them seriously. A well-known French physician says during a period of considerable cold the number of eases of madness increased. It was al,o a fact that madmen seemed not to suffer at all from cold. Arrangements have been made for the pay- ment of voluntary contributions to the Ancient Order of Foresters weekly, instead of monthly or quarterly, and by means of penny postage stamps. The Hospital Saturday Fund has awarded £ '28.400 to the hospitals and dispensaries of London. A large crowd of Dublin strikers assembled outside Liberty Hall on Saturday, but no strike- pav vvas forthcoming. Mr. S. E. Swann has been re-elected Presi- dent of the Cambridge University Boa.t. Club and Mr. George E. Carr secretary. Mr. Justic-- Buck n ill is making favourable progress, but medical opinion is stated to be that i)e must not again attempt the work of a Judge. The trustees of the Home Rule Fund, of which Mr. John Redmond is chairman, state that the response to last year's appeal was the largest since the Home Rule movement wa" inaugurated. A verdict of manslaughter was returned at an Ashford inquest on a Willesborough dealer named Chubb. Deceased fought outside a public-house w-th a man named Edward Rossi- ter, and died later from concussion of the brain. At North Kelsey, near Grimsby, John Sea- jrravc. a farm labourer, was found dead on Saturday hanging from a beam in the kitchen of his cottage. An elderly carter, James Green. was harnessing his horse at some stables in Grimsby when he suddenly 0xpired.. A wire from Johannesburg says that the mem- bers of the Executive of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, who were arrested last week, have been acquitted. They were charged with unlawful assembly, but the magistrate held that the term "enclosed spae-p" did not apply to rooms. llarlesden enjoys the distinction of possessing the tallest Metropolitan policeman, Police-con- stable Frank Stroud. who stands 6ft. Tin. For permitting the removal of a pig out of an area infected with swine fever without a licence a pig-dealer of Miltbrook, Hampshire, has been fined J65 and costs. London horses are suffering from an epidemic of glanders, state. a report of the London Countv Council, and during the last five weeks 106 animals have been slaughtered. It is announced that the Greek Government has decided to grant an amnesty to all the Bul- garians who arc at present in Greece. M. Leon Barbe, of the Kchiirevr dr Sice, has bc-en accidentally hot. in the garden of his own house bv his gardener, who was shooting birds. M. Barbe died shortly afterwards. Mrs. Savro. the daughter of President Wil- son. arrived in New York on Saturday on the Muiestic. She had slightly sprained her wrist through being thrown against a stateroom door bv the vessel's motion during gale. Eighty waggons and some hundred tons of coal were burnt in a great fire on Sunday night which practically destroyed some 2.000ft. Icrig coa l shipping jetties at South Shields. Two mammoth cranes and a powerful electric coal- ing belt for loading ships were seriously damaged. Meeting in secret, the Municipal Council of Paris on Saturday voted Y,16,,000 towards the provision by the military authorities of a per- manent stock of about 10,000 tons of flour rop use in the city in time of war. By turning on the -,as a master s later at Breslau (Silesia), a widower, has killed hiiiiself, his two sons, his daughter, and his sister and her niece. lutense cold still continues in France. A petition has been made to the Supreme Court of South Africa for the immediate release of Mr. Creswell, M.P., who has been sentenced (lrirtar marfiit






