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SHOOTING BOOTS. FOOTBALL BOOTS. and LEGGINGS. SEE OUR NOTED 'REVILO' MEN'S BOOTS, 10/6 to 12/9 Note a few of the lines we are showing y/ in bang up-to-date goods. s' Watch our Window Display Jill the Catest Designs /m*Sy in can Patent CeatDer f Boots and SDoes, We put before — /j± you the largest I variety of Choice Productions ever seen in Abergavenny, at prices which cannot be thought possible. JJUY yoitr Boots for fbe-present Season -^sk for Peach ^loom .300t Polish Id., 2d., and 4Vd. per tin. NOTE THE ADDRESS:- 65. Frogmore St., ABERGAVENNY. AND 150 BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS The Tewkesbury Cart & Wagon Co. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF SPRING TRAPS, CARTS, DRAYS & WAGGONS. REPAIRS Promptly Attended to. S. HANDLEY, Proprietor. Halifax Works, St. Mary's Lane, TEWKESBURY. Experienced Workmen in all Branches. PERSONAL APPEARANCE! IS ONE OF THE GREATEST FACTORS CF SUCCESS IN LIFE. IF YOU WANT TO PRESENT A SMART APPEARANCE! GIVE THE ORDER FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT TO-  WA?-][ -Rcm e G. WATTS, Ladies' and Gents' High-class Tailor BRECON ROAD, ABERGAVENNY. You can SAVE MONEY by buying at TM'IU'TEA WAIT The Great Tea Experts and Provision Importers. u- -_u All Goods at lowest possible prices. j Extraordinary Value in Piesents, given to Purchasers of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Soap and Margarine. A New Stock of Presents just Arrived. Come and Inspect our New Stock. The I and C Co. Have shops wherever you go; Their Cocoa ahd Teas, Butter and Cheese are sure to please, And their prices are exceedingly low. NOTE THE ADDRESS Beaufort Street, BRYNMA WR. LANE BROS. & B ASTOW BREWERS AND MALTS ERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS LEDBURY. Agent for Newent and District- Miss R. WINT».E, A N C HO R INN, NEW E N T. Guaranteed Pure Ales. ———-— It Better VALUE than ever! IN Stylish Well-made Men's Suits, 12/6, 15/6, 18/6, 21/ 25/- up. MEN'S TROUSERS, 3/6, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7,6 up. MEN S CORD TROUSERS, 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11 up. SPECIAL LINE IN BELL BOTTOMS, 4/11 Grand Value in Brown and other shades in CORD BREECHES, 4/11 5/11, 7/11 up. TWEED BREECHES VA IIOUS. BOYS' SUITS in Durable Ma erials. CLOTHING TO MEASURE. i. Children's Black or Tan Canvas Shoes, stout leather soles, from 1/Of. Women's Black Ditto, 1/6J, 1/11 J, 2/9. Women's Tan Glace Lace Shoes, 2/11 J. Button Ditto, 3/3. Women's Black Shoes, Lace, Button and Bar, 2/llJ, 3/6, L 4/11, 5/11 i p Men's Light Boots, Various, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6 7/6, 8/6, 12/6. Heavy Nailed Ditto at popular T rices. White and Fancy CYCLING and TENNIS -H R^Mrom 1/111 Men's Useful Well-made Shirts, 1/6, 1/111 l'j 1, 3/6, 3/11. White Shirts, Long Cloth, Linen Cuffs, or in t iicct 4ancy White i. Linen Collars and Fronts, v,trio-, < Cuffs, 6d. and 1/- pair Gent's Ties, ready tied or to tie, in great variety, coloured and black. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, and Underwear. Smart Tweed Caps, 6d, 9d, 1/ 1/6. Men's Straw Hats, soft and hard. Felt Hats, new shapes. ,L'a t s, new sha p es. Men's Braces, 6d., i -Ld., 9d., 171-, til 1/6. w NEWENT. T. !"J??t?!!j!E? HousE,  Millinery. Millinery. New, Stylish, and Inexpensive. Hats &c., trimmed free. Latest Shapes in Chiffon and Crinoline Hals and Toques. White and New Shades in Coloured Straws. Ladies' Belts, Umbrellas & Corsets. Shirt Bloiues & Underclothing. Flowers, Feathers, Laces, and Piec.eN ets. JACKETS COSTUMES. DRESS SKIRTS. Cretonnes, Linoleums, and Lace Curtains. MADRAS and ART SLINS. SANITARY BLINDS, all widths 36in. to Jf2in^ plain, trimmed lace, or fringe, 2ld to 1/6 the Blind complete, ,ad,Y made to fit to roller. COCOA MATTING, 10? d. to 2/ per yd. CARPETS. MATS. CUSHIO, IN COVERS. Note the Address- ZT I WI'Afimnillsi was VATBKLOII HOUSH, Mil. Coals Coals Coals J. MEATES & SONS, Ltd., NEWENT. If the above are not your Coal Merchants- 1 I.-They hope they will be. 2.—They ask you to allow them to be. 3.-They ougli to be. For the following reasons [ 1.—Their PRICES are always the same, viz., LOW. 2.- Their COALS are always the same, viz., GOOD. 3.—Their TERMS are always the same, viz., LIBERAL. And many other reasons, which may not matter to you, but always matter to them. THEY or YOU-if you are not a customer—a hearty invitation to be one. ) THEY ASK YOU-if you are a customer-to continue being one, and to recommend each one of your friends to be one. I J. M. & S., Ltd., will justify both invitations to their last penny. Always ready for increase of., business. DEPOTS-COLWALL, LEDBURY, ASHPERTON, BROMYARD, and NEWENT. HARMSTON I MMMNn —— GREAT —— ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING SALE! ?? ??B? BB?B?a?? ??B?S8 EsEsaB OF AV% no& &V% -M PIANOS & ORGANS. Owing to Slack Winter's Trade, we have accumulated very heavy stocks of Pianofortes and Organs, by the leading English and Foreign Makers, and we have determined to make our ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE this year a gSr SPECIAL and UNIQUE EVENT oy clearing the Whole of the Accumulated Stock at Absolutely U lprececiented Bargain Prices, in order to make rool for New Stock, required for the Imminent Revival of Trade. PIAMOS. Sale Price. Broad wood Grand, suit 10s Sterling Piano, Walnut Cottage £ 10 Orient" Piano, Wal- jj v ut, all Improvements quite new £18 7S 6d u Diamond Piano Walnut, Very Hand- some, Carved Panels, Sweet Musical Tone, £22 10s Neumeyer 48-Gn. Overstrung model, in Rosewood Case, Ivory Keys,&c.,as new &31 10s "Collard & Conard" Upright Grand, in Neat Rosewood Case, Handsome Marque- terie Panel, Scarcely Soiled £ 33 10S p » A SHORT ABRIDGED LIST of soma of the bargains Is appended, the Prices quoted being strictly for Cash, and as many of the Bargains are offered BELOW COST, it will be impossible to replace them at the same prices. Favourable Terms will be (Inoted on application on our 1, 2, or 3 years deferred payment system, and every accommoda- tion afforded to customers desiring to pay. part only of Full Purchase amount. I ORGANS. | Sale Price j Fairy Organ with knee swell, Oak Case £2 125 6d Eclipse Organ, Octave Couplers and Knee Swell, Solid Walnut Case £ 6 7S 6d Smith Organ, 11 stops, Powerful Tone, Good Condition £ 9 10S j Bell, 30-gn. Organ, 11 Stops, Mirror Top J £ 11 10s j I" Karn Organ, 5 sets of Reeds, Handsome Case. A Charming Instrument £15 "Karn" Organ, 19 stops (two ranks), Perfect Tone, Gothic Top. A Plaver's Organ. £ 22 155 Every Instrument is Warranted as described, and will be delivered free, and Full Catalogues will be ient gratis anywhere on application. Numerous Bargains in Gramophones, Phonographs, Stringed Instruments of all sorts, Melodeons, Concertinas, &c., &c. HARMSTON & Co., Piano and Organ Merchants, CHURCH STREET, ABERTILLERY, And at PONTYPOCL* MB ?- ? ? -r? s  H E 4 D 4. C mom E H"d=:lon gener?Hy  go together, for the simple reasoa And COMSTS?ATtOM that the one is the natural outcome of | the other. Constipation 611s your blood with impurities b7whhi..ch h ob3tract MOTHER SEIGEL'S SYRUP the circulation, poison your system, CURES INDIGESTION, BILIOUS. and that is why you have headache. H NESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, MOTHER SEIGBL'S SYRUP removes ta wiNQj PALPITATION. LOSS OP the cause and so restores health. M APPETITE, DIZZINESS. MOTHER is now also prepared ARE an tffm B 0^^ I Mother Setset's Syrup *A<R'*E ?.?m? MMM ? ?? <)f' Bj ??? N M__ ot. her S,ei, ge„ l s S. yrup ARE [' S ? !n Tabtet Form CURED ?? t" t WT! f L ?? OT 1.1.1er PSriecie ge2l,1'9 s Snyariunpe Ct)FtEDs EIGEUS ? Tabl? Pr??b??' BY ???r ????K?tBS? ?ss'?sgNE?gMssaamBBB?_ THE CASTLE COMMERCIAL HOTEL! T E C A=4,LF m COMMERCIAL CHTJRCH STREET, KINGTON. (Five Minutes' Walk from the Church and the famous Crooked Well). A. J. HUGHES, Proprietor. CHOPS AND STEAKS A L1 SHORT NOTICE. MOTOR GARAGE AND CYCLE ACCOMMODATION. GOOD STABLING. HEADQUARTERS OF THE LOCAL LODGE OF ODDFELLOWS. Try our HOME-BREWED ALE from Pure Malt & Herefordshire Hops Wines, Spirits, and Cigars of the best, Mr. A. J. HUGHES having taken down he B liiarcfl Table, the Ocfd-felftows. ,I Hall ow available, for Sales, certs or Dancing- ESTABLISHED 1824. The Yorkshire Insurance Compang LIMITED. Reserve Funds exceed Two Millions. Claims Paid exceed Six Millions. CHAIRMAN: THE RIGHT HON. LORD WENLOCK, K.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. LIVE STOCK INSURANCE. Insure with the wealthiest Company transact- inp: this class of Insurance. For latest features indudins FOALING and other SPECIAL. RISKS, see the Company's uew prospectus, which may be had post free. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, Including DOMESTIC SERVANTS. ABSOl. UTE PROTECTION against ALL LIABILITY without limit as to amount, IN T??I?THE COSTS OF DEFENDING DOLEFUL OR WRONGFUL CLAIMS, M provided by this Company's policies. FIRE INSURANCE. Surveys nirde and minimum rates quoted free of charge. LIFE DEPARTMENT. New Table of "Life Insurance at Minimum Cost." The lowest premiums charred by any British Life Oiiice. Write for particulars. BRISTOL OFFICE:-2. Clare Street. Application for Agencies in unrepresented districts invited. £25 WILL PURCHASE A GOOD HOIIE OF FX] RNITURE AT S  °' ?? ax < Ec lEaa Harriss, THE Popnlar flonse Firaislisr 3,4,5, & 6, Market Buildings, DOCK STREET, NEWPORT. SESSIONS AND SON- LIMITED, Tiiiiber &-Slate Merchants GLOUOESTEE u V.bb ..t:4.LII AND CARDIFF DEPOTS AND FACTORIES FOR Timber, Joinery, Moulding Slates, Tiles, Laths. Brick Goods and Pipes. White's Cement and Whiting. Grates, Ranges, 8tovi Chimney-Pieces, Fenders, Hearths. Baths, Sanitary Ware. Stone, Marble, Slate, and Every Requisite for Building. A. All RICKAHD, CLARENCE PLACE, IW NEWPORT. So!e Agent for 11 Raleigh" Cycles. Any kind of Cycle built to Customer's Specification, £ 6 Gs. to L15 153. Two and Three-speed gear hubs fitted to any marines Try me for Tyres, Brakes, Free U heels, &e. rite for Catalogue. Best House in the district for RE FAIRS, &c. Rupturei Write me to-day for my Free Illustrated Eooklet on the Cure of Rupture. It tells the wonderful story of-the BROOKS' RUPTURE APPLIANCE ) which for thirty years, has been coring cases of ruptureiii man,wonian and child,when everything else has failed. The booklet is free. I have put the price of my Applianceso lowthatanybody can buy it and if they are not satisfied I return the money C.E.BROOKS, 275 Bank BIdgs.,Kingsway,London e' n Ø'f-{ ,t'Ili t-:1  HAVE YOTJ TRIED SHEAnfj.ft mTMENT FOR Burns, Scalds, Bad legs, CUtSt Sores, & Chapped tands. No home should be without this Healing Salve. In Boxes 41d. and 7id. Postage Id., Mrs. E. SHEARPVS, 5 Commerctal Street, Cwmbran, MOX.