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I Trade Union Notes.


I Trade Union Notes. < By Trade Unionist. 48 ? anticipated i& my notes of last week, the! 4greer'4011t arrive d at between the M.F.G.B. fx'B'Olltiv-e and the Coal Controller is being ac-! "Pt?d by the miners of the country as a very lkt?factory ozbe We are assured that the Oon- ?04'5r told the men's representatives that they | o?ing to the power of their organisation, P4 a Po6ition to demand the full 25 per cent. on  earn,ngs originaJly contended, but, he \¡ dad, that it would nQt be ia the national in- « for them to accept it. This frankness eObably w of great service to him. If he had hi6d the Executive, and had refused them Ult-blank, it is certain that the challenge v ld have been t&ken up and a struggle would Ve ensued, for Is. 8d. per day at }eat. His ,?? ?aion of the men'* power, however, im- N%ed them favourably, and they thought it ? to give way iA some measure. ^■^rieing out of the new terms, however, ()ubl8 has already arisen in South Wales. For 0Qg time now, many collieries in South Wales "a been working short time, owing to shortage vvagons The new terms provide that Is. 6d. t day increase shall be p&id for every recognised orkday, irrespective of whether there would be 8Qork or not. It ia only when the workman ab- io nts himself from work that the increase is not; be paid. Some of the largest colliery com- whose collieries have not been working Ioil time, immediately ineisted, that, on any It Y upon which there would be no work, the should present themselves at the colliery 471d sign a 'book, otherwise they would forfeit th e'-r claim to the Is. 6d. for that day. At the I)- Collieries at Bargoed the men refused to %ritplY Wi.th the new coaditions. Some men ,,ve t6 come from a considerable* distance to aeir work, in many cases long train journeys ke ecœsary, and the hardship of such an im- ?sition is apparent. However, the men refused -? submit to it, and they are to be complimented Pon the prompt manner in which they dealt '?h it. It in an impractical and intolerable con- pon. The colliers of South Wales will never ?"?t to it. Tens of thousands of them have W conveyed by workmen's trains to their ?k, and to compel them to get up in the early '?rs of winter mornings and go a long journey Ot nothing more than to have their signature* o:ded is imreasonable. Of course, it must be emitted that the employers have a grievance, ^emueh ae only those prepared to work are ^titled to the bonus, but they must devise &ome ?Ore practical and reasonable method of 8Bcer- ning who are prepared to work than the one Copied last week by the P.D.'$.? a: .The M.F.G.B. have for a long time contended that all men (and women) engaged in the kllnmg industry should be members of their 'ranisatíon and that there is no room for any othr organisation whatever. The justice of "sir contention has been made more plain than \'er bv the recent agitation for an increased e. The Enginemen's and Stokers' and other 6aniAations catering for colliery craftsmen, ■aVe always been accustomed to work thingl on 116 cheap. The miners' organisatio-n would carry on an agitation for a certain reform, would "Pend thousands of pounds in connection with it. "?Id open up negotiations, would order a strike ?fhap6, and ultimately, after mueh trouble and *xpense, would attain their object. Whereupon, ? tO;vvard' their o bject. Whereupon, •or ward would come the small craftsmen's ?Mons who had done nothing to demand the ex- ?Rsion of the new reform for their members. The big body having secured it, it followed as Inattw. of course, that there would be no trftble in securing it for the very small body. 'That is what has happended in this case again. ?y have let the M.F.G.B. do the work and *?Bd the money, and when the battle had been lVon, they have been prompt to "mop up the ^eam." Now this is inexpressibly mean and "tern Ptible, and I cannot imagine what oon- option of lioaour the leaders of these unions 4tlld the comparatively few men who form their Membership can have. They must realise that tfeey are parasite?, preying upon their fellow "len. Well, it has come to this: the M.F.G.B. *r*nnot allow such a state of things to continue; am assured that the Executive of that body r determined to wage war upon the parasites, *»d compel them to fall into line with their fel- *ows in the mines, and shoulder their share of the burden and responsibility of fighting the *&en'B battles. < The miners' agitation is now disposed of but ":al\y other classes of workmen are quite as in- sistent for an increase of wages as the miners >ere. The textile and woollen factory employees Lancashire and Yorkshire, the railwaymen, re amongst them. Whether they will be able 5° bring the same pressure to bear upon those lrl authority as the miners remains to be seen. f more than ordinary interest to us here in kouth Wales is the effort made by the Tinplate 1VOl'kers for increased wages. The various unions made an application some time ago for all increase in war bonus to 100 per cent. (in- 'ding those now paid) for all grades. This ap- lcation came before the Tinplate Conciliation oard on Friday last. At present a graduated system of percentages obtains, which results in J,0 many anomalies that the workmen are en- eavouring to establish a flat rate of 100 per nt. The employers, at the Board meeting re- fused to agree to the flat rate principle, and offered 50 per cent. on earnings up to 20s. a "eek; 60 per cent. on earnings from 21s. to "•j* and 25s. a week bonus on earnings from upwards. The 25s. a week was afterwards raified to 30s. per week for earnings over 50s. The men, after a long discussion, decided that they could not accept, and the matter will be referred, by mutual agreement, to the Committee on Production for settlement. We have not been told a great deal about the ?dustrial troubles of Australia, by our news- P'Pert'and it is comparatively few workmen in @hIS country who know that Australia has lately. ?perieneed the greatest strike in her history. ^volved in this strike were the transport Wrjrlk-or?s, r?ilwaymen, tramwaymen, seamen, car- -'?? and miners. The immediate cause of the ?"s'-tion of work was the intention of Mr. "?Ughes' Government to introduce into industry <:iai'd system for the purpose of investigation rp^,° production and with a view to speeding up. The workers of Australia rightly looked upon tV Sy8tem as a Srave danger to the principles of Irades Unionism, and would conduce to J^eating. The enemies of progress, of 6ourse, said that the workmen objected to the card /stem because it interfered with the ca- ^^v' policy adopted by them. The truth is that the employers and the Government took ad- V*altago of the war to interfere with the privil- ges and benefits enjoyed by the workmen. We ? accustomed to such methods in this country. The workers in Australia had to fight against tra wend,ous odds. There was a strong public .J:Dl0n sympathetic to the views of Labour on e "ard system, but that it was not desirable at the present time to impede the conduct of the war. Volunteer strike breakers came forward and money was freely contributed towards their support. The workers went back to work under the card system with the distinct understandillg that its operation should be enquired into by a Commission after a three months' trial. The "Manchester Guardian" in a leading article upon this question suggests that the rights and wrongs of the card system was an un- important factor in bringing about the strike. The real cause was much deeper. It was born of distrust of -the Hughes' Ministry. Mr. Hughes has fallen into discredit with the workers of Australia since ho identified himself with the rabid Imperialism and trade war projects advo- cated by enemies of freedom while on his visit to this country. His exceedingly doubtful devices! to induce the workers of Australia to accept Conscription was another cause of the distrust, of him engendered in their minds. They de- feated his policy in the referendum; but he was returned to power as Premier of a National Government at a general election. "The recent strike," according to the litancheister Guardian," "has been largely an attempt to undo the verdict of that poll."

Tonyrefail Notes.-

Rhondda Notes. I


1 Technical and Social Science



I Maesteg Notes.I

Guardians and Hospital ProtestI
