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j THBSPIRIT OF THE PRESS 1 With A Little Socialist Seasoning, Robert Blateilford's Socialism. V ■■ O-t>«rt Biatchford's Socialism, j ??. B?tchford, fr whom there is a warm a "??*?'?y Socialist's heart, has had a letter, °°" letter bo calls it, but Polish or °Qt It i S presented him with the text for his ?"o?n? t ?a8e article in the current num ber of the Marion," Tlnie writer say, I have been for over thirty y he ?'iter say." I have been for OV0r thirty )ea Poaching; Socialism ? in and out of sea- ton l' But he ?s wrong. I have never preached ?Sn? ii. sni 'out of sM.son.' The Russian Social- '4ts, ?<? aome of our British Socialists have, on ise contrary, been doing ju?t that very foolish in dr{jp'¡:hem;]ble thing: they have been preach- ing SOCH\lism, ort; of sason: they have been tfy-  ¡ to establish Socialism during a war. "t?"L?? I be(me a Socialist I did Rot Mase tL '? human being. I am one or two things  & Socialist. For instance, 1 put Demo- ,titabove and before Socialism. We c&n be t 61' g9t nor k&ep Socialism until we have IMW 01^ My idea as a Socialist is Britain 'rr1he ???sh, not Britain fo? the I.L.P, Qr the f ?-t Union Congrees. th: ":Vh. idal of Democracy and Socialism and th ?ueal of the German people are OpposItes. tl,14" ??cces< of Germany in the world struggle i? "?. Make Democracy or Socialism impossible ijj 7?ritain and France and Russia. That being th().Io who value democracy or wish for S&f ?h?ni will be wise to concentrate thair efforts ?poll tIla defeat of the powers which would ren- ble." tb And that Li what be who taught most of us ttievalue of evidence, is now calling evidence. ?oll one i?c?a-d,, H. B. Suthers' saying in the sar"?ssua that (( enm if the (German) ,auto- ?y be compelled to yield to the demands for ? '?ocratic and Parliamentary Government it In I.not follow that the German people will im- 41?iate]N,- )e(,oiiie Ruch ? reasonable men that tiy ?ul be willing to accept the only terms of Dt,%Ce ?ceptablo to the Allies," and remembers ^ai f those terms are entirely alien to the spirit ? em°CTaoy,with their ?economic resolutions," 6Xatl0?ls and unjustifiable attempts to in- t»rfe*e the home politics of other people, °H# 19 inclined to cut the words he applies to tig ^respondent-. The Socialism of this par- ti 8h1l ? iot is a mere formula, something to 0out and wrangle over, an excuse for all ? all of spites and small avarices." T h  that the Gov- ?. J. H. Thomas, M.P., statea that the Gov- ilratilt has decided to relieve approved societies 5^ ?Payment of sickness and disablement bene- ? di?cliarged sailors and soldiers so far as it ? "mated to be attributable to war service. LW41 branches of the Railwaymen's Union  a»ked the St, Pancras Council to provide ?h?' ? kitchens to supply hot food at a nominal  the matter has now been referred to the lot '?ood Committee. The better way is to «1, instead @f »(,,• a proper Council call in hand. t}¡4.¿regs telegram from Melbourne states that Qle  o?se of Representatives is considering the *<ldV0°lUlasVe tax 011 mienlisted men. Sir John For- 1I1 ?8t Q)CPIiiiied that police and pnSOJl omclals, ?}"??e' imployee, clergymen, men all of ??S'ble brothers are on active service, and ? ?M ? ??ve been medically rejected, will not ? „ ??".? 'ed to pay the extra tax. The Govern- 41 Gilt believes that the proposal will stimulate 11 ThO old ?ame! Beate'n on'" the Conscription ?????' ?? money-bRgs will .till find govern- rA 4'atal means of ceercion that serve their pur- t?%* Onlv '1S! 6^ec^Telv thaa the .emplete 4et ??S?ss of the Bavarian Peasants' League, ??Ir" ) ? Munich, has protested against the recent ?'*Mlution of the Reichstag as indicating and the weakening of tha war spirit q the ,Qrmau nation. The congress adopted a infr Intl.on in favour of annexatioHs and demand- ?' N ? Jndemnity.  G-ei?iiinn Bavar i a ? PPa.i'entIy ?? peasants of German BaYaria ? ? susceptible to the soothing influence of working men orgamaatlons as our (};. ? so much easier to have a good club {?o? ''l ? along with your rady-made political C". ??t it i. not surprising to fin. theee to2te l iet,s At Boiei,- l.king at a conf?rene* of teachers at Bever- ft M. P aid that in 15 ?°?. James Yoxall, M.P., «a)d that in 15 ,0rS, tillie thertJ would be a famine in te&cheM. !f0 ^laintain the Humeri.al stRndani 30,000 be- enter the profession vaarly? bat Qli*"Gd there were not 12,000.

I The Electric Theatre.

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! Technical versus Social…

I Rhymney Valley Notes.I

Theatre RoyaLI


Death of Comrade William NObS.
