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Bargoed Notes, -f


Bargoed Notes, f John Scurr's Visit. s,4 We had our long-expected visit of J' OP on the 20th, in the evening at our 0e (lit as yet by candle-light), in the afte 00 I the Institute, with Syd. Jones, of r goed, the chair. The latter began by quotii? ?) diction (Block's, if I remem ber right), 11 wjid* fulfilled, that the next war would N :Be not by fighting, but by universal faK?'p,? lutions were needed, elsewhere than lJ1, 1 John Seurr began by remarking t.ll,%t we b joiced with the Russian revolutionar.t)) their victory was not gained at one strol?e??l had been ag-ita?ing and suffering nialr?yr JCI' ever since 1825 (when, on the death of der I., the Decembrists made the R? atte to set up a. Russian republic),' in tile fqltD Brishkousky (the ?grandmother of thesrie?o,I .?ep tion," now returned in triumph from gi'0$ we heard of soldiers treasuring the -ro'5 e,lea? she had touched). We may die in P risoi0 exile; our chiidren and our grandchild ? c? die in prison and exile,; but something of it at last." .?t  If we read the press, we should find tllot' t) I.L.P. is the biggest enemy of the C,' ,O?ir Northcliife, the real ruler of the. Coll ,try,D' nothing but praise for Liebnecht, in j  saYIng that this is a capitalists' war, 2 0,1j nounciug his own government as i-espollsi blc;b for Snowden, in England, saying the SqW' Of  Lono'uet in r 4 rap co own Government, or Longuet, in  grandson of Karl Marx) saying the sa0? of?j? or the Russian workers ayfng the o{ late government, which they had overtb? owoll had notbing but contumely and spite-  that all agreed that this is a capitalist 5 in denouncing their respective govero? api?? it not time for all this foolmg to f"isb? e j#; it is really kept on for was to destroy t be P ofoi of the workers, who were always enslave i a great war. It was so, specially, af telt t?e h oJ, t <I poleonic wars, after the Crimean, aft? ibe?o k?V,ai- (during which the Taff Vale JudgD?)!' pronounced), even after the FraB?' ?t'? national debta were piled up to crush t'iP- Vol in paying them. They told us that, if   15s. 6d. to the Government, we wonI 9 but they did not tell us that we woul M pay ?S4 or ?5 for it in the shape of t,a,sel10I, is, there is a debt of five thousand 111111et the workers to pay. He would say? -M? financiers collect it if they caIL The ftgp" revolutioa would only be a success if fOlloa similar ones elsewhere. And now a l?0wid warning: the governing classes, feelin  ger of this, would be up to the-II' old, to some of them coming out and pretending as advanced as ourselves; all as a i,e ?ell And this time their red-herring would be, ?efl hcamsni; urging that we shotild follo'v" t?0. ample of France. Russia, and the Unitd SlA He was a republican himself, but SocI:;thsV'jbil come first; it woul d make a republic without Socialism France and the United IJ were no better off than we, and we ? l? better off under George V. than undel" •Je" George, Northcliffe, or Bottomley as ¡?,feS


Family Notices

Political Notes.

IThe Theatre Royal.

Rhymney Valley Notes.I

Briton -Ferry Notes.I

Labour's May Festival u

. The Electric Theat^'i